
class spacepy.pybats.bats.ShellSlice(filename, format='binary', *args, **kwargs)[source]

Shell slices are special MHD outputs where the domain is interpolated onto a spherical slice in 1, 2, or 3 dimensions. Some examples include radial or azimuthal lines, spherical shells, or 3D wedges.

The Shell class reads and handles these output types.

__init__(filename, format='binary', *args, **kwargs)[source]

Base class for “Data Model” representation data

Abstract method, reimplement


dictionary of the attributes of the SpaceData object


add_cont_shell(value[, irad, target, loc, ...])

For slices that cover a full hemisphere or more, create a polar plot of variable value.


For variable var, calculate the radial fluence, or the spatially integrated radial flux through 2D surfaces of constant radius.

calc_radflux(var[, conv])

For variable var, calculate the radial flux of var through each grid point in the slice as self[var]*self['ur'].


Calculate radial velocity.


add_cont_shell(value, irad=0, target=None, loc=111, zlim=None, dolabel=True, add_cbar=False, dofill=True, nlev=51, colat_max=90, rotate=1.5707963267948966, dolog=False, clabel=None, latticks=15.0, yticksize=14, extend='both', **kwargs)[source]

For slices that cover a full hemisphere or more, create a polar plot of variable value.

Extra keywords are sent to the matplotlib contour command.


For variable var, calculate the radial fluence, or the spatially integrated radial flux through 2D surfaces of constant radius.

Resulting variable stored as “var_rflu”. Result will be an array with one value for each radial distance within the object.

calc_radflux(var, conv=1000000000.0)[source]

For variable var, calculate the radial flux of var through each grid point in the slice as self[var]*self[‘ur’]. Resulting value stored as “var_rflx”.


Calculate radial velocity.
