- class spacepy.pybats.bats.ShellSlice(filename, format='binary', *args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Shell slices are special MHD outputs where the domain is interpolated onto a spherical slice in 1, 2, or 3 dimensions. Some examples include radial or azimuthal lines, spherical shells, or 3D wedges.
The Shell class reads and handles these output types.
- __init__(filename, format='binary', *args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Base class for “Data Model” representation data
Abstract method, reimplement
- Attributes:
- attrsdict
dictionary of the attributes of the SpaceData object
(value[, irad, target, loc, ...])For slices that cover a full hemisphere or more, create a polar plot of variable value.
(var)For variable var, calculate the radial fluence, or the spatially integrated radial flux through 2D surfaces of constant radius.
(var[, conv])For variable var, calculate the radial flux of var through each grid point in the slice as self[var]*self['ur'].
Calculate radial velocity.
- add_cont_shell(value, irad=0, target=None, loc=111, zlim=None, dolabel=True, add_cbar=False, dofill=True, nlev=51, colat_max=90, rotate=1.5707963267948966, dolog=False, clabel=None, latticks=15.0, yticksize=14, extend='both', **kwargs)[source]¶
For slices that cover a full hemisphere or more, create a polar plot of variable value.
Extra keywords are sent to the matplotlib contour command.
- calc_radflu(var)[source]¶
For variable var, calculate the radial fluence, or the spatially integrated radial flux through 2D surfaces of constant radius.
Resulting variable stored as “var_rflu”. Result will be an array with one value for each radial distance within the object.
- calc_radflux(var, conv=1000000000.0)[source]¶
For variable var, calculate the radial flux of var through each grid point in the slice as self[var]*self[‘ur’]. Resulting value stored as “var_rflx”.
- attrs:¶