Github integration

There are several files in the repository that serve to manage the interaction between GitHub and the repository, and other settings in GitHub that are relevant. Generally administrators manage thes settings, but anybody can submit a pull request that changes the files managing this interaction.


Several documentation files are also rendered by Github. See Magic github documentation.

Issue and Pull Request Templates

These files are in the .github directory of the repository, and documented at GitHub.


See repository roles.


This is stored on a separate branch; this page describes how it is rendered.


Continuous integration is managed through CircleCI.

Some project settings:

“Only build pull requests” is on; we will not build all branches.

CircleCI refers to a PR that is relative to a fork as a “forked PR”. Because this the preferred means of submitting a PR, “Build forked pull requests” is on. (The PR itself must actually be submitted to the dbprocessing repository).

We require status checks to pass before merging to master; in the GitHub branch settings, this takes the form of a branch protection rule that requires the CircleCI main workflow to succeed on the PR. This document appears to state the top-level circleci check should not be selected, but it may predate pipelines. The main workflow appears to work; if it fails, the checks can be expanded to identify the failed job (rather than requiring all individual jobs to succeed, which increases the chance that a status may not be communicated back to GitHub.)

The GitHub checks are set up as described in the CircleCI docs. This involves enabling GitHub checks on the dbprocessing repository (which ultimately redirects to a GitHub setting) and then enabling “GitHub Status Updates” in the CircleCI advanced project settings.

The “webhooks” repository setting on GitHub controls the triggering of CircleCI; this is set to “Let me select individual events” and we have just “Pull requests” selected. Otherwise CircleCI will build when a PR is opened (the “Pull requests” selection) and when it’s merged (since this manifests as a push to the repository.) This is also where a hook can be re-delivered to CircleCI (triggering processing again) if the build never happened on CircleCI (the build can also be restarted on CircleCI if it has already run.)

For ssh access to the CircleCI build environment, click “Project Settings” in the dbprocessing project on CircleCI, then “SSH Keys” and add a key there. (This needs to be the private key, so use one just for this purpose.)

Users with a CircleCI account should not follow their fork on CircleCI, as this will cause the checks to fail. (In general, triggering a CircleCI build on a branch before submitting the PR may cause problems.)

We use Docker authentication to avoid rate-limiting on the pull of the image from DockerHub. This requires a DockerHub account (which has been created); the username and password are set up as environment variables in CircleCI (Project Settings, Environment Variables in CircleCI). The variables are referenced in the CircleCI config.yaml. These credentials should not be reused.

Release: 0.1.0 Doc generation date: Feb 10, 2022