
Sphinx documentation sources are stored in the docs directory; the build system and output are in the sphinx directory.

Makefile is used to build the documentation.

Run make html in the sphinx directory to build the html documentation, output is in build/html.

sphinx/build contains the built documentation (and intermediate files); it can safely be deleted.

docs contains the ReStructuredText source files; note that a large quantity of the documentation is not built from here but from the Python source files. docs/developer/autosummary contains the docs extracted from those source files; it can safely be deleted. If anything’s weird about the docs generated from the Python source, try deleting autosummary first and then rebuilding. The autosummary docs are extracted from the version of the module in top-level build, i.e., run python build before generating the documentation.

Docstring standards

Functions, methods, classes, and (sometimes) data members should be documented with Sphinx docstrings. They must follow PEP 257 and numpydoc standards (the documentation is built with the numpydoc extension).

Docstrings must describe what a function does and why, including a full description of the inputs and outputs, including typing. The docstring must start with a single line brief description, then a blank line, then any further details (including any pitfalls, restrictions, or circumstances in which the function is applicable), ending with the appropriate numpydoc markup for inputs and outputs. Cross-referencing of documentation should be generous.

If a directive spans multiple lines, proper indentation is essential for readability and Sphinx parsing. Subsequent lines must align with the start of the description of the parameter.

Documentation must build in Sphinx without warnings and the output be checked for proper formatting.

Docstrings should be sufficient for most commenting; if there is reasonable potential for confusion about how a function or a particular line works, a comment is appropriate. URLs of relevant bug reports, stackoverflow questions, etc. are particularly useful. TODO comments are also useful, for extending functionality that may be needed in the future or checking on corner cases; capitalize them so they can be found later. Consider opening an issue instead. Raising a NotImplementedError may be appropriate in the meantime. Avoid commenting-out code rather than deleting it, except for short-term testing; it can always be retrieved from version control later.

Sphinx rst standards

For static Sphinx documentation (i.e. .rst files), keep in mind the principles of the docstrings. The Python documentation style guide is also a worthy reference. In particular, note the three-space indentation standard for documentation (except Python sample code).

All documentation must be in rST (reStructuredText) format except where another format is explicitly required.

Section headings should follow the recommended convention from Sphinx with the clarification that most files should be considered chapters. Parts are very rare and may involve a separate directory, e.g. “User guide”, “Developer Guide.”

Most files should have a table of contents for the file near the top.

Wrap lines at the first opportunity past 72 characters, but never exceed 80 characters to a line (which may require an earlier line break.)

Cross-referencing should be generous: to other rST documentation, to API documentation in docstrings, and to documentation of other projects (where relevant.) Use intersphinx to link to other projects that use Sphinx for documentation. make linkcheck in the sphinx directory will verify links (both intersphinx and HTTP).

The documentation is not, at this time, completely up to these standards (or completely consistent.)

Magic github documentation

Several files in the repository are both built into the Sphinx documentation and used directly by github. For this reason, all documentation source is in the “docs” directory, which github treats specially. Files that are parsed by github must still end with the .rst extension (and github should render them correctly as rST), but must also be parseable as Markdown. dbprocessing may eventually enable Sphinx parsing of Markdown if necessary to support these files.

See also Github integration.

These documentation files are “magic” to github:

The github documentation on community profiles can help determine whether these files are being parsed properly by github.

More information on possible locations for these files is in the github documentation on community health files.

Release Notes

See Building a release.

Release: 0.1.0 Doc generation date: Feb 10, 2022