
Classes, functions, and methods for reading, writing, and plotting output from the Ridley Ionosphere Model (RIM) and the similar legacy code, Ridley Serial.

Copyright 2010 Los Alamos National Security, LLC.



Several custom colorbars used by RIM and AMIE have become standard when visualizing data from these models.


Many variable names used in the Ridley Ionosphere Model look much better in LaTeX format with their proper Greek letters.


Iono(infile, *args, **kwargs)

A class for handling 2D output from the Ridley Ionosphere Model.

OvalDebugFile(infile, *args, **kwargs)

The auroral oval calculations in RIM may spit out special debug files that are extremely useful.


Several custom colorbars used by RIM and AMIE have become standard when visualizing data from these models. These are ‘blue_white_red’ and ‘white_red’, used for data that have positive and negative values and for data that have only positive values, respectively. This function builds and returns these colorbars when called with the initials of the color table name as the only argument.

Other Parameters:

Select the color table. Can be ‘bwr’ for blue-white-red or ‘wr’ for white-red. Defaults to ‘bwr’.


>>> bwr_map = get_iono_cb('bwr')
>>> wr_map  = get_iono_cb('wr')

Many variable names used in the Ridley Ionosphere Model look much better in LaTeX format with their proper Greek letters. This function takes a variable name, and if it is recognized, returns a properly formatted string that uses MatPlotLib’s MathText functionality to display the proper characters. If it is not recognized, the varname is returned.


The variable to convert to a LaTeX label.


>>>tex_label(‘n_phi’) ‘Phi_{Ionosphere}’ >>>tex_label(‘Not Recognized’) ‘Not Recognized’