Data model conceptually similar to HDF5 and CDF.
For more documentation Datamodel
Authors: Steve Morley and Brian Larsen
Additional Contributors: Charles Kiyanda and Miles Engel
Institution: Los Alamos National Laboratory
Copyright 2010-2016 Los Alamos National Security, LLC.
Return set of unpopulated attributes for ISTP compliant variable |
Generic copy utility to return a copy of a (datamodel) object |
Return a new dmarray of given shape and type, filled with a specified value (default=0). |
Collapse datamodel to one level deep |
Create a SpacePy datamodel representation of a NASA CDF file |
Create a SpacePy datamodel representation of an HDF5 file or netCDF4 file which is HDF5 compliant |
Takes a numpy recarray and returns each field as a dmarray in a SpaceData container |
Read JSON metadata from an ASCII data file |
read JSON-headed ASCII data files into a SpacePy datamodel |
resample a SpaceData to a new time interval |
Create a CDF file from a SpacePy datamodel representation |
Create an HDF5 file from a SpacePy datamodel representation |
Create an HTML dump of the structure of a spacedata |
Write JSON-headed ASCII file of data with metadata from SpaceData object |
Takes a SpaceData and creates a numpy recarray |
Collapse datamodel to one level deep |
Scrape metadata from SpaceData object and make a JSON header |
Mixin class for array using ISTP metadata. |
Mixin class for containers using ISTP metadata. |
Mixin class that adds a 'meta' attribute that acts like 'attrs' |
Datamodel class extending dict by adding attributes. |
Container for data within a SpaceData object |
Warnings class for datamodel, subclassed so it can be set to always |
- spacepy.datamodel.createISTPattrs(datatype, ndims=1, vartype=None, units=' ', NRV=False)[source]¶
Return set of unpopulated attributes for ISTP compliant variable
- Parameters:
- datatype{‘data’, ‘support_data’, ‘metadata’}
datatype of variable to create metadata for.
- ndimsint
number of dimensions, default=1
- vartype{‘float’, ‘char’, ‘int’, ‘epoch’, ‘tt2000’}
The type of the variable, default=float
- unitsstr
The units of the variable, default=’ ‘
- NRVbool
Is the variable NRV (non-record varying), default=False
- Returns:
- attrsdict
dictionary of attributes for the variable
>>> import spacepy.datamodel as dm >>> dm.createISTPattrs('data', ndims=2, vartype='float', units='MeV') {'CATDESC': '', 'DISPLAY_TYPE': 'spectrogram', 'FIELDNAM': '', 'FILLVAL': -1e+31, 'FORMAT': 'F18.6', 'LABLAXIS': '', 'SI_CONVERSION': ' > ', 'UNITS': 'MeV', 'VALIDMIN': '', 'VALIDMAX': '', 'VAR_TYPE': 'data', 'DEPEND_0': 'Epoch', 'DEPEND_1': ''}
- spacepy.datamodel.dmcopy(dobj)[source]¶
Generic copy utility to return a copy of a (datamodel) object
- Parameters:
- dobjobject
object to return a copy of
- Returns:
- copy_obj: object (same type as input)
copy of input oibject
>>> import spacepy.datamodel as dm >>> dat = dm.dmarray([2,3], attrs={'units': 'T'}) >>> dat1 = dm.dmcopy(dat) >>> dat1.attrs['copy': True] >>> dat is dat1 False >>> dat1.attrs {'copy': True, 'units': 'T'} >>> dat.attrs {'units': 'T'}
- spacepy.datamodel.dmfilled(shape, fillval=0, dtype=None, order='C', attrs=None)[source]¶
Return a new dmarray of given shape and type, filled with a specified value (default=0).
See also
>>> import spacepy.datamodel as dm >>> dm.dmfilled(5, attrs={'units': 'nT'}) dmarray([ 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.])
>>> dm.dmfilled((5,), fillval=1, dmarray([1, 1, 1, 1, 1])
>>> dm.dmfilled((2, 1), fillval=np.nan) dmarray([[ nan], [ nan]])
>>> a = dm.dmfilled((2, 1), np.nan, attrs={'units': 'nT'}) >>> a dmarray([[ nan], [ nan]]) >>> a.attrs {'units': 'nT'}
- spacepy.datamodel.flatten(dobj)[source]¶
Collapse datamodel to one level deep
See also
>>> import spacepy.datamodel as dm >>> import spacepy.toolbox as tb >>> a = dm.SpaceData() >>> a['1'] = dm.SpaceData(dog = 5, pig = dm.SpaceData(fish=dm.SpaceData(a='carp', b='perch'))) >>> a['4'] = dm.SpaceData(cat = 'kitty') >>> a['5'] = 4 >>> a.tree() + |____1 |____dog |____pig |____fish |____a |____b |____4 |____cat |____5
>>> b = dm.flatten(a) >>> b.tree() + |____1<--dog |____1<--pig<--fish<--a |____1<--pig<--fish<--b |____4<--cat |____5
>>> a.flatten() >>> a.tree() + |____1<--dog |____1<--pig<--fish<--a |____1<--pig<--fish<--b |____4<--cat |____5
- spacepy.datamodel.fromCDF(fname)[source]¶
Create a SpacePy datamodel representation of a NASA CDF file
- Parameters:
- filestring
the name of the cdf file to be loaded into a datamodel
- Returns:
- outspacepy.datamodel.SpaceData
SpaceData with associated attributes and variables in dmarrays
See also
>>> import spacepy.datamodel as dm >>> data = dm.fromCDF('test.cdf')
- spacepy.datamodel.fromHDF5(fname, **kwargs)[source]¶
Create a SpacePy datamodel representation of an HDF5 file or netCDF4 file which is HDF5 compliant
- Parameters:
- filestring
the name of the HDF5/netCDF4 file to be loaded into a datamodel
- Returns:
- outspacepy.datamodel.SpaceData
SpaceData with associated attributes and variables in dmarrays
Zero-sized datasets will break in h5py. This is kluged by returning a dmarray containing a None.
This function is expected to work with any HDF5-compliant files, including netCDF4 (not netCDF3) and MatLab save files from v7.3 or later, but some datatypes are not supported, e.g., non-string vlen datatypes, and will raise a warning.
>>> import spacepy.datamodel as dm >>> data = dm.fromHDF5('test.hdf')
- spacepy.datamodel.fromRecArray(recarr)[source]¶
Takes a numpy recarray and returns each field as a dmarray in a SpaceData container
- Parameters:
- recarrnumpy record array
object to parse into SpaceData container
- Returns:
- sd: spacepy.datamodel.SpaceData
dict-like containing arrays of named records in recarr
>>> import numpy as np >>> import spacepy.datamodel as dm >>> x = np.array([(1.0, 2), (3.0, 4)], dtype=[('x', float), ('y', int)]) >>> print(x, x.dtype) array([(1.0, 2), (3.0, 4)], dtype=[('x', '<f8'), ('y', '<i4')]) >>> sd = dm.fromRecArray(x) >>> sd.tree(verbose=1) + |____x (spacepy.datamodel.dmarray (2,)) |____y (spacepy.datamodel.dmarray (2,))
- spacepy.datamodel.readJSONMetadata(fname, **kwargs)[source]¶
Read JSON metadata from an ASCII data file
- Parameters:
- fnamestr
Filename to read metadata from
Changed in version 0.5.0: Filename can now be a .gz to indicate the file is gzipped
- Returns:
- mdata: spacepy.datamodel.SpaceData
SpaceData with the metadata from the file
- Other Parameters:
- verbosebool (optional)
set verbose output so metadata tree prints on read (default False)
- spacepy.datamodel.readJSONheadedASCII(fname, mdata=None, comment='#', convert=False, restrict=None)[source]¶
read JSON-headed ASCII data files into a SpacePy datamodel
- Parameters:
- fnamestr or list
Filename(s) to read data from
Changed in version 0.5.0: Filename can now be a .gz to indicate the file is gzipped
- Returns:
- mdata: spacepy.datamodel.SpaceData
SpaceData with the data and metadata from the file
- Other Parameters:
- mdataspacepy.datamodel.SpaceData (optional)
supply metadata object, otherwise is read from fname (default None)
- comment: str (optional)
comment string in file to be read; lines starting with comment are ignored (default ‘#’)
- convert: bool or dict-like (optional)
If True, uses common names to try conversion from string. If a dict- like then uses the functions specified as the dict values to convert each element of ‘key’ to a non-string
- restrict: list of strings (optional)
If present, restrict the variables stored to only those on this list
- spacepy.datamodel.resample(data, time=None, winsize=0, overlap=0, st_time=None, outtimename='Epoch')[source]¶
resample a SpaceData to a new time interval
- Parameters:
- dataSpaceData or dmarray
SpaceData with data to resample or dmarray with data to resample, variables can only be 1d or 2d, if time is specified only variables the same length as time are resampled, otherwise only variables with length equal to the longest length are resampled
- timearray-like
dmarray of times the correspond to the data
- winsizedatetime.timedelta
Time frame to average the data over
- overlapdatetime.timedelta
Overlap in the moving average
- st_timedatetime.datetime
Starting time for the resample, if not specified the time of the first data point is used (see spacepy.toolbox.windowMean)
- Returns:
- ansSpaceData
Resampled data, included keys are in the input keys (with the data caveats above) and Epoch which contains the output time
>>> import datetime >>> import spacepy.datamodel as dm >>> a = dm.SpaceData() >>> a.attrs['foo'] = 'bar' >>> a['a'] = dm.dmarray(range(10*2)).reshape(10,2) >>> a['b'] = dm.dmarray(range(10)) + 4 >>> a['c'] = dm.dmarray(range(3)) + 10 >>> times = [datetime.datetime(2010, 1, 1) + datetime.timedelta(hours=i) for i in range(10)] >>> out = dm.resample(a, times, winsize=datetime.timedelta(hours=2), overlap=datetime.timedelta(hours=0)) >>> out.tree(verbose=1, attrs=1) # + # :|____foo (str [3]) # |____Epoch (spacepy.datamodel.dmarray (4,)) # |____a (spacepy.datamodel.dmarray (4, 2)) # :|____DEPEND_0 (str [5]) # # Things to note: # - attributes are preserved # - the output variables have their DEPEND_0 changed to Epoch (or outtimename) # - each dimension of a 2d array is resampled individually
- spacepy.datamodel.toCDF(fname, SDobject, skeleton='', flatten=False, overwrite=False, autoNRV=False, backward=None, TT2000=None, verbose=False)[source]¶
Create a CDF file from a SpacePy datamodel representation
- Parameters:
- fnamestr
Filename to write to
- SDobjectspacepy.datamodel.SpaceData
SpaceData with associated attributes and variables in dmarrays
- Returns:
- None
- Other Parameters:
- skeletonstr (optional)
create new CDF from a skeleton file (default ‘’)
- flattenbool (optional)
flatten incoming datamodel - if SpaceData objects are nested (default False)
- overwritebool (optional)
allow overwrite of an existing target file (default False)
- autoNRVbool (optional)
attempt automatic identification of non-record varying entries in CDF
- backwardbool (optional)
to create CDF in backward-compatible format;True
to force v3+ compatibility only. (Default: do not change current state, see
).Changed in version 0.5.0: Now supports specifying backward compatible or no change; previous versions always wrote v3+ CDFs (even if
- TT2000bool (optional)
Specify type for variables with names beginning ‘Epoch’. Default CDF_EPOCH for backward-compatible CDF (
True) and CDF_TT20000 otherwise (backward
False or unspecified).Changed in version 0.5.0: Current handling introduced.
Changed in version 0.3.0: Always write TT2000 variables (due to change in
).- verbosebool (optional)
verbosity flag
Changed in version 0.5.0: Invalid keyword arguments now raise
rather than being ignored.
- spacepy.datamodel.toHDF5(fname, SDobject, **kwargs)[source]¶
Create an HDF5 file from a SpacePy datamodel representation
- Parameters:
- fnamestr
Filename to write to
- SDobjectspacepy.datamodel.SpaceData
SpaceData with associated attributes and variables in dmarrays
- Returns:
- None
- Other Parameters:
- overwritebool (optional)
allow overwrite of an existing target file (default True)
- modestr (optional)
HDF5 file open mode (a, w, r) (default ‘a’)
- compressionstr (optional)
compress all non-scalar variables using this method (default None) (gzip, shuffle, fletcher32, szip, lzf)
Changed in version 0.4.0: No longer compresses scalars (which usually fails).
- compression_optsstr (optional)
options to the compression, see h5py documentation for more details
>>> import spacepy.datamodel as dm >>> a = dm.SpaceData() >>> a['data'] = dm.dmarray(range(100000), dtype=float) >>> dm.toHDF5('test_gzip.h5', a, overwrite=True, compression='gzip') >>> dm.toHDF5('test.h5', a, overwrite=True) >>> # test_gzip.h5 was 118k, test.h5 was 785k
- spacepy.datamodel.toHTML(fname, SDobject, attrs=(), varLinks=False, echo=False, tableTag='<table border="1">')[source]¶
Create an HTML dump of the structure of a spacedata
- Parameters:
- fnamestr
Filename to write to
- SDobjectspacepy.datamodel.SpaceData
SpaceData with associated attributes and variables in dmarrays
- Other Parameters:
- overwritebool (optional)
allow overwrite of an existing target file (default True)
- modestr (optional)
HDF5 file open mode (a, w, r) (default ‘a’)
- echobool
echo the html to the screen
- varLinksbool
make the variable name a link to a stub page
- spacepy.datamodel.toJSONheadedASCII(fname, insd, metadata=None, depend0=None, order=None, **kwargs)[source]¶
Write JSON-headed ASCII file of data with metadata from SpaceData object
- Parameters:
- fnamestr
Filename to write to (can also use a file-like object) None can be given in conjunction with the returnString keyword to skip writing output
- insdspacepy.datamodel.SpaceData
SpaceData with associated attributes and variables in dmarrays
- Returns:
- None
- Other Parameters:
- depend0str (optional)
variable name to use to indicate parameter on which other data depend (e.g. Time)
- orderlist (optional)
list of key names in order of start column in output JSON file
- metadata: str or file-like (optional)
filename with JSON header to use (or file-like with JSON metadata)
- delimiter: str
delimiter to use in ASCII output (default is whitespace), for tab, use ‘ ‘
>>> import spacepy.datamodel as dm >>> data = dm.SpaceData() >>> data.attrs['Global'] = 'A global attribute' >>> data['Var1'] = dm.dmarray([1,2,3,4,5], attrs={'Local1': 'A local attribute'}) >>> data['Var2'] = dm.dmarray([[8,9],[9,1],[3,4],[8,9],[7,8]]) >>> data['MVar'] = dm.dmarray([7.8], attrs={'Note': 'Metadata'}) >>> dm.toJSONheadedASCII('outFile.txt', data, depend0='Var1', order=['Var1']) #Note that not all field names are required, those not given will be listed #alphabetically after those that are specified
- spacepy.datamodel.toRecArray(sdo)[source]¶
Takes a SpaceData and creates a numpy recarray
- Parameters:
- sdoSpaceData
SpaceData to change to a numpy recarray
- Returns:
- recarr: numpy record array
numpy.recarray object with the same values (attributes are lost)
>>> import numpy as np >>> import spacepy.datamodel as dm >>> sd = dm.SpaceData() >>> sd['x'] = dm.dmarray([1.0, 2.0]) >>> sd['y'] = dm.dmarray([2,4]) >>> sd.tree(verbose=1) + |____x (spacepy.datamodel.dmarray (2,)) |____y (spacepy.datamodel.dmarray (2,)) >>> ra = dm.toRecArray(sd) >>> print(ra, ra.dtype) [(2, 1.0) (4, 2.0)] (numpy.record, [('y', '<i8'), ('x', '<f8')])
- spacepy.datamodel.unflatten(dobj, marker='<--')[source]¶
Collapse datamodel to one level deep
>>> import spacepy.datamodel as dm >>> import spacepy.toolbox as tb >>> a = dm.SpaceData() >>> a['1'] = dm.SpaceData(dog = 5, pig = dm.SpaceData(fish=dm.SpaceData(a='carp', b='perch'))) >>> a['4'] = dm.SpaceData(cat = 'kitty') >>> a['5'] = 4 >>> a.tree() + |____1 |____dog |____pig |____fish |____a |____b |____4 |____cat |____5
>>> b = dm.flatten(a) >>> b.tree() + |____1<--dog |____1<--pig<--fish<--a |____1<--pig<--fish<--b |____4<--cat |____5
>>> c = dm.unflatten(b) >>> c.tree() + |____1 |____dog |____pig |____fish |____a |____b |____4 |____cat |____5
- spacepy.datamodel.writeJSONMetadata(fname, insd, depend0=None, order=None, verbose=False, returnString=False)[source]¶
Scrape metadata from SpaceData object and make a JSON header
- Parameters:
- fnamestr
Filename to write to (can also use a file-like object) None can be given in conjunction with the returnString keyword to skip writing output
- insdspacepy.datamodel.SpaceData
SpaceData with associated attributes and variables in dmarrays
- Returns:
- None (unless returnString keyword is True)
- Other Parameters:
- depend0str (optional)
variable name to use to indicate parameter on which other data depend (e.g. Time)
- orderlist (optional)
list of key names in order of start column in output JSON file
- verbose: bool (optional)
verbose output
- returnString: bool (optional)
return JSON header as string instead of returning None