Source code for spacepy.datamodel

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
The datamodel classes constitute a data model implementation
meant to mirror the functionality of the data model output from pycdf, though
implemented slightly differently.

This contains the following classes:
 * :py:class:`dmarray` - numpy arrays that support .attrs for information about the data
 * :py:class:`SpaceData` - base class that extends dict, to be extended by others

Authors: Steve Morley and Brian Larsen

Additional Contributors: Charles Kiyanda and Miles Engel

Institution: Los Alamos National Laboratory


Copyright 2010-2016 Los Alamos National Security, LLC.

About datamodel

The SpacePy datamodel module implements classes that are designed to make implementing a standard
data model easy. The concepts are very similar to those used in standards like HDF5, netCDF and

The basic container type is analogous to a folder (on a filesystem; HDF5 calls this a
group): Here we implement this as a dictionary-like object, a datamodel.SpaceData object, which
also carries attributes. These attributes can be considered to be global, i.e. relevant for the
entire folder. The next container type is for storing data and is based on a numpy array, this
class is datamodel.dmarray and also carries attributes. The dmarray class is analogous to an
HDF5 dataset.

In fact, HDF5 can be loaded directly into a SpacePy datamodel, carrying across all attributes,
using the function fromHDF5:

>>> import spacepy.datamodel as dm
>>> data = dm.fromHDF5('test.h5')

Functions are also available to directly load data and metadata into a
SpacePy datamodel from NASA CDF as well as JSON-headed ASCII. Writers also
exist to output a SpacePy datamodel directly to HDF5 or JSON-headed ASCII.
See `datamodel.fromCDF`, `datamodel.readJSONheadedASCII`,
`datamodel.toHDF5`, and `datamodel.toJSONheadedASCII` for more details.


Imagine representing some satellite data within the global attributes might be
the mission name and the instrument PI, the variables might be the
instrument counts [n-dimensional array], timestamps[1-dimensional array and an orbit number [scalar].
Each variable will have one attribute (for this example).

>>> import spacepy.datamodel as dm
>>> mydata = dm.SpaceData(attrs={'MissionName': 'BigSat1'})
>>> mydata['Counts'] = dm.dmarray([[42, 69, 77], [100, 200, 250]], attrs={'Units': 'cnts/s'})
>>> mydata['Epoch'] = dm.dmarray([1, 2, 3], attrs={'units': 'minutes'})
>>> mydata['OrbitNumber'] = dm.dmarray(16, attrs={'StartsFrom': 1})
>>> mydata.attrs['PI'] 'Prof. Big Shot'

This has now populated a structure that can map directly to a NASA CDF, HDF5 or JSON-headed ASCII file.
To visualize our datamodel, we can use tree method (which can be applied to any dictionary-like object
using :func:`~spacepy.toolbox.dictree`).

>>> mydata.tree(attrs=True)



Guide for NASA CDF users
By definition, a NASA CDF only has a single 'layer'. That is, a CDF contains a series of records
(stored variables of various types) and a set of attributes that are either global or local in
scope. Thus to use SpacePy's datamodel to capture the functionality of CDF the two basic data types
are all that is required, and the main constraint is that datamodel.SpaceData objects cannot be
nested (more on this later, if conversion from a nested datamodel to a flat datamodel is required).

Opening a CDF and working directly with the contents can be easily done using the PyCDF module, however,
if you wish to load the entire contents of a CDF directly into a datamodel (complete with attributes)
the following will make life easier:

>>> import spacepy.datamodel as dm
>>> data = dm.fromCDF('inFile.cdf')

A quick guide to JSON-headed ASCII
In many cases it is preferred to have a human-readable ASCII file, rather than a binary file like CDF
or HDF5. To make it easier to carry all the same metadata that is available in HDF5 or CDF we have
developed an ASCII data storage format that encodes the metadata using JSON (JavaScript Object Notation).
This notation supports two basic datatypes: key/value collections (like a SpaceData) and ordered lists
(which can represent arrays). JSON is human-readable, but if large arrays are stored in metadata is quickly
becomes difficult to read. For this reason we use JSON to encode the metadata (usually smaller datasets)
and store the data in a standard flat-ASCII format. The metadata is provided as a header that describes
the contents of the file.

To use JSON for storing only metadata associated with the data to be written to an ASCII file a minimal
metadata standard must be implemented. We use the following attribute names: DIMENSION and START_COLUMN.
We also recommend using the NASA ISTP metadata standard to assign attribute names. The biggest limitation
of flat ASCII is that sensibly formatting datasets of more than 2-dimensions (i.e. ranks greater than 2)
is not possible. For this reason if you have datasets of rank 3 or greater then we recommend using HDF5.
If text is absolutely required then it is possible to encode multi-dimensional arrays in the JSON metadata,
but this is not recommended.

This format is best understood by illustration. The following example builds a toy SpacePy datamodel and
writes it to a JSON-headed ASCII file. The contents of the file are then shown.

>>> import spacepy.datamodel as dm
>>> data = dm.SpaceData()
>>> data.attrs['Global'] = 'A global attribute'
>>> data['Var1'] = dm.dmarray([1,2,3,4,5], attrs={'Local1': 'A local attribute'})
>>> data['Var2'] = dm.dmarray([[8,9],[9,1],[3,4],[8,9],[7,8]])
>>> data['MVar'] = dm.dmarray([7.8], attrs={'Note': 'Metadata'})
>>> dm.toJSONheadedASCII('outFile.txt', data, depend0='Var1', order=['Var1'])
#Note that not all field names are required, those not given will be listed
#alphabetically after those that are specified

The file looks like:

.. code-block:: none

    #    "MVar": {
    #        "Note": "Metadata",
    #        "VALUES": [7.8]
    #    },
    #    "Global": "A global attribute",
    #    "Var1": {
    #        "Local1": "A local attribute",
    #        "DIMENSION": [1],
    #        "START_COLUMN": 0
    #    },
    #    "Var2": {
    #        "DIMENSION": [2],
    #        "START_COLUMN": 2
    #    }
    1 8 9
    2 9 1
    3 3 4
    4 8 9
    5 7 8


import copy
import datetime
import gzip
import io
import itertools
import json
from functools import partial
import os
import re
import warnings

import numpy
# from . import toolbox # handled in functions that use it

__contact__ = 'Steve Morley,'

str_classes = (str, bytes)

[docs]class DMWarning(Warning): """ Warnings class for datamodel, subclassed so it can be set to always """ pass
warnings.simplefilter('always', DMWarning) class MetaMixin(object): """Mixin class that adds a 'meta' attribute that acts like 'attrs' Recommendation from the Python Heliophysics community is to allow access to metadata via either an ``attrs`` attribute or ``meta``. This mixin class supports that recommendation. """ @property def meta(self): """Equivalent to ``attrs`` Some APIs use ``attrs`` for metadata; some use ``meta``. This is a convenience property to make it easier for those familiar with the ``meta`` convention. """ return self.attrs @meta.setter def meta(self, v): """Set meta as with attrs""" self.attrs = v @meta.deleter def meta(self): """Remove meta (and thus attrs) This isn't a good idea but you can do it with attrs, so might as well support it in meta. This still leaves the meta property hanging around, but cannot delete a property from an instance (have to delete from the class). """ del self.attrs
[docs]class ISTPArray: """Mixin class for array using ISTP metadata. Array types like `dmarray` provide all these methods; they assume attributes of the array use the `ISTP metadata standard <>`_ and are unlikely to give good results if that is not the case. Note that some operations that may seem to relate to an array (e.g. uncertainties) may require the use of other arrays in a container; these are in `ISTPContainer`. .. versionadded:: 0.5.0 .. autosummary:: ~ISTPArray.plot_as_line ~ISTPArray.replace_invalid .. automethod:: plot_as_line .. automethod:: replace_invalid """ attrs:
[docs] def replace_invalid(self): """Return data from array with invalid values replaced by `~numpy.nan`. Makes a copy of the data and, for any values equal to the ``FILLLVAL`` attribute, greater than ``VALIDMAX``, or less than ``VALIDMIN``, replace with NaN. Returns ------- `~numpy.ndarray` Transformed data See Also -------- .pycdf.istp.nanfill : an in-place variant Notes ----- .. versionadded:: 0.5.0 Comparisons with ``FILLVAL`` are done using `~numpy.isclose` and so may replace values that are near, but not identical, to fill. """ data = numpy.array(self) idx = numpy.zeros_like(data, dtype=bool) if self.attrs.get('FILLVAL') is not None: idx |= numpy.isclose(data, self.attrs['FILLVAL']) if self.attrs.get('VALIDMIN') is not None: idx |= data < self.attrs['VALIDMIN'] if self.attrs.get('VALIDMAX') is not None: idx |= data > self.attrs['VALIDMAX'] data[idx] = numpy.nan return data
[docs] def plot_as_line(self): """Determines if this array is better plotted as a lineplot or spectrogram. Uses array shape and the ``DISPLAY_TYPE`` attribute to determine if should be plotted as a lineplot (potentially stacked) or spectrogram. Returns ------- `bool` ``True`` if should be a lineplot, ``False`` if should be a spectrogram Notes ----- .. versionadded:: 0.5.0 """ if 'DISPLAY_TYPE' in self.attrs: return self.attrs['DISPLAY_TYPE'] == 'time_series' dims = len(self.shape) if dims == 1: return True if dims > 2: return True # Reasonable dividing line is probably 4 stacked line plots return self.shape[-1] < 5
[docs]class ISTPContainer( """Mixin class for containers using ISTP metadata. Container types like `SpaceData` provide all these methods; they assume attributes of the container and the arrays it contains use the `ISTP metadata standard <>`_ and are unlikely to give good results if that is not the case. .. versionadded:: 0.5.0 .. autosummary:: ~ISTPContainer.lineplot ~ISTPContainer.main_vars ~ISTPContainer.plot ~ISTPContainer.spectrogram .. automethod:: lineplot .. automethod:: main_vars .. automethod:: plot .. automethod:: spectrogram """ attrs:
[docs] def lineplot(self, vname, target=None): """Line plot of a value (array) from this container Parameters ---------- vname : `str` The key into this container of the value to plot (i.e., the name of the variable). target : `matplotlib.axes.Axes` or `matplotlib.figure.Figure`, optional Where to draw the plot. Default is to create a new figure with a single subplot. If ``Axes``, will draw into that subplot (and will not draw a legend or figure title); if ``Figure``, will make a single subplot (and not set figure title). Handled by `~.plot.utils.set_target`. Returns ------- ax : `matplotlib.axes.Axes` The subplot on which the variable was plotted Notes ----- .. versionadded:: 0.5.0 """ import spacepy.plot.utils v = self[vname] fig, ax = spacepy.plot.utils.set_target(target) x = self[v.attrs['DEPEND_0']] data = v.replace_invalid() labels = None if v.attrs.get('LABL_PTR_1'): labels = self[v.attrs['LABL_PTR_1']] deltas = self.get_deltas(vname) plot_kwargs = {} if len(data.shape) == 1: data = data[..., None] if deltas and len(deltas[0].shape) == 1: deltas = tuple([d[..., None] for d in deltas]) for dim in range(data.shape[-1]): if labels is not None: plot_kwargs['label'] = labels[dim] if deltas: if len(deltas) == 1: yerr = deltas[0][:, dim] else: yerr = numpy.stack((deltas[0][:, dim], deltas[1][:, dim])) ax.errorbar(numpy.array(x), data[:, dim], yerr=yerr, **plot_kwargs) else: ax.plot(numpy.array(x), data[:, dim], **plot_kwargs) ylabel = v.attrs.get('LABLAXIS', '') if v.attrs.get('UNITS'): ylabel = '{}{}({})'.format( ylabel, ' ' if ylabel else '', v.attrs['UNITS']) if ylabel: ax.set_ylabel(ylabel) if x.attrs.get('LABLAXIS'): ax.set_xlabel(x.attrs['LABLAXIS']) if labels is not None and target is not ax: ax.legend(loc='best') if target is None and v.attrs.get('CATDESC'): fig.suptitle(v.attrs['CATDESC']) spacepy.plot.utils.applySmartTimeTicks(ax, x) return ax
[docs] def main_vars(self): """Return names of the 'main' variables in this container. These are variables that are likely to be of direct interest, rather than dependencies and support data. They are chosen primarily by not being dependencies of other variables, but if the ``VAR_TYPE`` attribute is present it must be ``data``. Returns ------- `list` of `str` Notes ----- .. versionadded:: 0.5.0 """ referenced = set() for k, v in self.items(): referenced.update([v.attrs[a] for a in v.attrs if a.startswith(('DEPEND_', 'LABL_PTR_', 'DELTA_'))]) main = sorted(set(self).difference(referenced)) if any(('VAR_TYPE' in v.attrs for v in self.values())): main = [m for m in main if self[m].attrs.get('VAR_TYPE', '') == 'data'] return main
[docs] def plot(self, vnames=None, fig=None): """Plot one or more values (arrays) from this container Parameters ---------- vnames : `list` of `str`, optional. The key into this container of the value(s) to plot (i.e., the name of the variable). If not specified, plots all 'main' variables which are not dependencies of others; see `main_vars`. fig : `matplotlib.figure.Figure`, optional Where to draw the plot. Default is to create a new figure. If given, subplots will be added to this figure (it should start empty). Returns ------- fig : `matplotlib.figure.Figure` The figure on which the variables were plotted See Also -------- lineplot : to line plot a single variable spectrogram : to make a spectrogram of a single variable Notes ----- .. versionadded:: 0.5.0 Examples -------- >>> import spacepy.datamodel # >>> data = spacepy.datamodel.fromCDF( ... 'rbspa_ect-elec-L2_20140115_v2.1.0.cdf') >>> fig = data.plot(['FESA', 'Position']) >>> # if needed >>> import spacepy.pycdf # >>> with spacepy.pycdf.CDF('rbspa_rel04_ect-hope-sci-L2SA_20140108_v6.1.0.cdf') as f: ... data = f.copy() >>> fig = data.plot(['FESA', 'FPSA']) >>> # if needed >>> import spacepy.pycdf # >>> with spacepy.pycdf.CDF('psp_isois_l2-summary_20201130_v13.cdf') as f: ... data = f.copy() >>> fig = data.plot(['A_H_Rate_TS', 'H_CountRate_ChanP_SP']) >>> # if needed """ if fig is None: import matplotlib.pyplot fig = matplotlib.pyplot.figure() if isinstance(vnames, and vnames in self: vnames = [vnames] if vnames is None: vnames = self.main_vars() n_plots = len(vnames) for i, k in enumerate(vnames): ax = fig.add_subplot(n_plots, 1, i + 1) if self[k].plot_as_line(): self.lineplot(k, target=ax) h, l = ax.get_legend_handles_labels() if l: ax.legend(h, l, loc='best') else: self.spectrogram(k, target=ax) return fig
[docs] def spectrogram(self, vname, target=None): """Spectrogram plot of a value (array) from this container Parameters ---------- vname : `str` The key into this container of the value to plot (i.e., the name of the variable). target : `matplotlib.axes.Axes` or `matplotlib.figure.Figure`, optional Where to draw the plot. Default is to create a new figure with a single subplot. If ``Axes``, will draw into that subplot (and will not set figure title); if ``Figure``, will make a single subplot (and not set figure title). Handled by `~.plot.utils.set_target`. Returns ------- ax : `matplotlib.axes.Axes` The subplot on which the variable was plotted Notes ----- .. versionadded:: 0.5.0 """ import import spacepy.plot.utils v = self[vname] fig, ax = spacepy.plot.utils.set_target(target) x = self[v.attrs['DEPEND_0']] data = v.replace_invalid() x = self[v.attrs['DEPEND_0']] y = self[v.attrs['DEPEND_1']] zlabel = v.attrs.get('LABLAXIS', '') if v.attrs.get('UNITS'): zlabel = '{}{}({})'.format( zlabel, ' ' if zlabel else '', v.attrs['UNITS']) zlabel = zlabel if zlabel else None try: # mpl >=3.7 cmap = matplotlib.colormaps.get_cmap(None) except AttributeError: cmap = cmap = copy.copy(cmap) if cmap(-1.)[:3] == cmap(0.)[:3]: # Underflow to black if not specified cmap.set_under('k') # Fill to grey or white if cmap(numpy.nan)[:3] == cmap(0.)[:3] and cmap(numpy.nan)[-1] > 0.: cmap.set_bad((.5, .5, .5, 0.) if cmap(1.)[:3] == (1., 1., 1.) else (1., 1., 1., 0.)) ax = spacepy.plot.simpleSpectrogram(numpy.array(x), numpy.array(y), data, cbtitle=zlabel, ax=ax, zero_valid=True, cmap=cmap) ylabel = y.attrs.get('LABLAXIS', '') if y.attrs.get('UNITS'): ylabel = '{}{}({})'.format( ylabel, ' ' if ylabel else '', y.attrs['UNITS']) if ylabel: ax.set_ylabel(ylabel) if x.attrs.get('LABLAXIS'): ax.set_xlabel(x.attrs['LABLAXIS']) if target is None and v.attrs.get('CATDESC'): fig.suptitle(v.attrs['CATDESC']) spacepy.plot.utils.applySmartTimeTicks(ax, x) return ax
def get_deltas(self, vname): """Return deltas for an array Returns ISTP delta values. These may be uncertainties or may be e.g. bin widths; interpretation is undefined. Invalid values are replaced with `~numpy.nan`. Parameters ---------- vname : `str` The key into this container of the value to get delta (i.e., the name of the variable). Returns ------- deltas : `tuple` of `~numpy.ndarray` Deltas for ``vname``. Empty if no deltas available; one-element if symmetric; two-element if not symmetric. Notes ----- .. versionadded:: 0.5.0 """ v = self[vname] asymmetric_msg = 'Only one of DELTA_(MINUS|PLUS)_VAR specified.' if 'DELTA_PLUS_VAR' not in v.attrs: if 'DELTA_MINUS_VAR' in v.attrs: raise ValueError(asymmetric_msg) return () elif 'DELTA_MINUS_VAR' not in v.attrs: raise ValueError(asymmetric_msg) dp = self[v.attrs['DELTA_PLUS_VAR']].replace_invalid() if v.attrs['DELTA_PLUS_VAR'] == v.attrs['DELTA_MINUS_VAR']: return(dp,) return(self[v.attrs['DELTA_MINUS_VAR']].replace_invalid(), dp)
[docs]class dmarray(numpy.ndarray, MetaMixin, ISTPArray): """ Container for data within a SpaceData object Although the format of attributes is not enforced, using ISTP metadata enables the use of methods from `ISTPArray`. Raises ------ NameError raised is the request name was not added to the allowed attributes list Examples -------- >>> import spacepy.datamodel as datamodel >>> position = datamodel.dmarray([1,2,3], attrs={'coord_system':'GSM'}) >>> position dmarray([1, 2, 3]) >>> position.attrs {'coord_system': 'GSM'}a The dmarray, like a numpy ndarray, is versatile and can store any datatype; dmarrays are not just for arrays. >>> name = datamodel.dmarray('TestName') dmarray('TestName') To extract the string (or scalar quantity), use the tolist method >>> name.tolist() 'TestName' See methods of `ISTPArray` if attributes are ISTP-compliant. .. currentmodule:: spacepy.datamodel .. autosummary:: ~dmarray.addAttribute .. automethod:: addAttribute """ Allowed_Attributes = ['attrs'] def __new__(cls, input_array, attrs=None, dtype=None): # Input array is an already formed ndarray instance # We first cast to be our class type if not dtype: obj = numpy.asarray(input_array).view(cls) else: obj = numpy.asarray(input_array).view(cls).astype(dtype) # add the new attribute to the created instance if attrs != None: obj.attrs = attrs else: obj.attrs = {} # Finally, return the newly created object: return obj def __array_finalize__(self, obj): # see InfoArray.__array_finalize__ for comments if obj is None: return for val in self.Allowed_Attributes: self.__setattr__(val, copy.deepcopy(getattr(obj, val, {}))) def __array_wrap__(self, out_arr, context=None): #check for zero-dims (numpy bug means subclass behaviour isn't consistent with ndarray #this traps most of the bad behaviour ( std() and var() still problems) if out_arr.ndim > 0: return numpy.ndarray.__array_wrap__(self, out_arr, context) return numpy.ndarray.__array_wrap__(self, out_arr, context).tolist() def __reduce__(self): """This is called when pickling, see: for this particular example. Only the attributes in Allowed_Attributes can exist """ object_state = list(numpy.ndarray.__reduce__(self)) subclass_state = tuple([tuple([val, self.__getattribute__(val)]) for val in self.Allowed_Attributes]) object_state[2] = (object_state[2], subclass_state) return tuple(object_state) def __setstate__(self, state): """Used for unpickling after __reduce__ the self.attrs is recovered from the way it was saved and reset. """ nd_state, own_state = state numpy.ndarray.__setstate__(self, nd_state) for i, val in enumerate(own_state): if not val[0] in self.Allowed_Attributes: # this is attrs self.Allowed_Attributes.append(own_state[i][0]) self.__setattr__(own_state[i][0], own_state[i][1]) def __setattr__(self, name, value): """Make sure that .attrs is the only attribute that we are allowing dmarray_ne took 15.324803 s dmarray_eq took 15.665865 s dmarray_assert took 16.025478 s It looks like != is the fastest, but not by much over 10000000 __setattr__ """ #meta is special-handled because it should NOT be pickled if name in ('Allowed_Attributes', 'meta'): pass elif not name in self.Allowed_Attributes: raise TypeError("Only attribute listed in Allowed_Attributes can be set") super(dmarray, self).__setattr__(name, value)
[docs] def addAttribute(self, name, value=None): """Method to add an attribute to a dmarray equivalent to a = datamodel.dmarray([1,2,3]) a.Allowed_Attributes = a.Allowed_Attributes + ['blabla'] """ if name in self.Allowed_Attributes: raise NameError('{0} is already an attribute cannot add again'.format(name)) self.Allowed_Attributes.append(name) self.__setattr__(name, value)
def count(self, srchval): """ Equivalent to count method on list """ mask = self == srchval return int(mask.sum()) def _saveAttrs(self): Allowed_Attributes = self.Allowed_Attributes backup = [] for atr in Allowed_Attributes: backup.append((atr, dmcopy(self.__getattribute__(atr)))) return backup @classmethod def _replaceAttrs(cls, arr, backup): for key, val in backup: if key != 'attrs': try: arr.addAttribute(key) except NameError: pass arr.__setattr__(key, val) return arr @classmethod def append(cls, one, other): """ append data to an existing dmarray """ backup = one._saveAttrs() outarr = dmarray(numpy.append(one, other)) return cls._replaceAttrs(outarr, backup) @classmethod def vstack(cls, one, other): """ vstack data to an existing dmarray """ backup = one._saveAttrs() outarr = dmarray(numpy.vstack((one, other))) return cls._replaceAttrs(outarr, backup) @classmethod def hstack(cls, one, other): """ hstack data to an existing dmarray """ backup = one._saveAttrs() outarr = dmarray(numpy.hstack((one, other))) return cls._replaceAttrs(outarr, backup) @classmethod def dstack(cls, one, other): """ dstack data to an existing dmarray """ backup = one._saveAttrs() outarr = dmarray(numpy.dstack((one, other))) return cls._replaceAttrs(outarr, backup) @classmethod def concatenate(cls, one, other, axis=0): """ concatenate data to an existing dmarray """ backup = one._saveAttrs() outarr = dmarray(numpy.concatenate((one, other), axis=axis)) return cls._replaceAttrs(outarr, backup)
[docs]def dmfilled(shape, fillval=0, dtype=None, order='C', attrs=None): """ Return a new dmarray of given shape and type, filled with a specified value (default=0). See Also -------- numpy.ones Examples -------- >>> import spacepy.datamodel as dm >>> dm.dmfilled(5, attrs={'units': 'nT'}) dmarray([ 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.]) >>> dm.dmfilled((5,), fillval=1, dmarray([1, 1, 1, 1, 1]) >>> dm.dmfilled((2, 1), fillval=np.nan) dmarray([[ nan], [ nan]]) >>> a = dm.dmfilled((2, 1), np.nan, attrs={'units': 'nT'}) >>> a dmarray([[ nan], [ nan]]) >>> a.attrs {'units': 'nT'} """ a = dmarray(numpy.empty(shape, dtype, order), attrs=attrs) a.fill(fillval) return a
[docs]class SpaceData(dict, MetaMixin, ISTPContainer): """ Datamodel class extending dict by adding attributes. Although the format of attributes is not enforced, using ISTP metadata enables the use of methods from `ISTPContainer`. .. currentmodule:: spacepy.datamodel .. autosummary:: ~SpaceData.flatten ~SpaceData.tree ~SpaceData.toCDF ~SpaceData.toHDF5 ~SpaceData.toJSONheadedASCII .. automethod:: flatten .. automethod:: tree .. automethod:: toCDF .. automethod:: toHDF5 .. automethod:: toJSONheadedASCII """ def __getitem__(self, key): """ This allows one to make a SpaceData indexed with an iterable of keys to return a new spacedata made of the subset of keys """ try: return super(SpaceData, self).__getitem__(key) except (KeyError, TypeError): if isinstance(key, (tuple, list)): # make a new SpaceData from these keys out = SpaceData() out.attrs = self.attrs for k in key: out[k] = self[k] return out else: raise KeyError('{0}'.format(key)) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Base class for "Data Model" representation data Abstract method, reimplement Attributes ---------- attrs : dict dictionary of the attributes of the SpaceData object """ #raise(ValueError("Abstract method called, reimplement __init__")) self.attrs = {} if 'attrs' in kwargs: if hasattr(kwargs['attrs'], '__getitem__'): self.attrs = kwargs['attrs'] del kwargs['attrs'] super(SpaceData, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.toCDF = partial(toCDF, SDobject=self) self.toCDF.__doc__ = toCDF.__doc__ self.toHDF5 = partial(toHDF5, SDobject=self) self.toHDF5.__doc__ = toHDF5.__doc__ self.toJSONheadedASCII = partial(toJSONheadedASCII, insd=self) self.toJSONheadedASCII.__doc__ = toJSONheadedASCII.__doc__ ## To enable string output of repr, instead of just printing, uncomment his block # def __repr__(self): # #redirect stdout to StringIO # import io, sys # dum = io.StringIO() # sys_stdout_save = sys.stdout # sys.stdout = dum # self.tree(verbose=True) # sys.stdout = sys_stdout_save # # return ''.join(dum.readlines())
[docs] def tree(self, **kwargs): '''Print the contents of the SpaceData object in a visual tree Other Parameters ---------------- verbose : bool, default False print more info spaces : str (optional) string will added for every line levels : int (optional) number of levels to recurse through (True, the default, means all) attrs : bool, default False display information for attributes print_out : bool, default True .. versionadded:: 0.5.0 Print output (original behavior); if ``False``, return the output. Examples -------- >>> import spacepy.datamodel as dm >>> import spacepy.toolbox as tb >>> a = dm.SpaceData() >>> a['1'] = dm.SpaceData(dog = 5) >>> a['4'] = dm.SpaceData(cat = 'kitty') >>> a['5'] = 4 >>> a.tree() + |____1 |____dog |____4 |____cat |____5 See Also -------- toolbox.dictree ''' from . import toolbox return toolbox.dictree(self, **kwargs)
[docs] def flatten(self): ''' Method to collapse datamodel to one level deep Examples -------- >>> import spacepy.datamodel as dm >>> import spacepy.toolbox as tb >>> a = dm.SpaceData() >>> a['1'] = dm.SpaceData(dog = 5, pig = dm.SpaceData(fish=dm.SpaceData(a='carp', b='perch'))) >>> a['4'] = dm.SpaceData(cat = 'kitty') >>> a['5'] = 4 >>> a.tree() + |____1 |____dog |____pig |____fish |____a |____b |____4 |____cat |____5 >>> b = dm.flatten(a) >>> b.tree() + |____1<--dog |____1<--pig<--fish<--a |____1<--pig<--fish<--b |____4<--cat |____5 >>> a.flatten() >>> a.tree() + |____1<--dog |____1<--pig<--fish<--a |____1<--pig<--fish<--b |____4<--cat |____5 ''' flatobj = flatten(self) remkeys = [key for key in self] for key in remkeys: del self[key] for key in flatobj: self[key] = copy.copy(flatobj[key])
# Stubs of partialed-in functions for docs; actual versions populated # when class instantiated
[docs] def toCDF(fname, **kwargs): """Create CDF file from this SpaceData. See `toCDF`; this object is provided for ``SDobject``."""
[docs] def toHDF5(fname, **kwargs): """Create HDF5 file from this SpaceData. See `toHDF5`; this object is provided for ``SDObject``. """
[docs] def toJSONheadedASCII(fname, **kwargs): """Create JSON-headed ASCII file from this SpaceData. See `toJSONheadedASCII`; this object is provided for ``insd``."""
[docs]def convertKeysToStr(SDobject): if isinstance(SDobject, SpaceData): newSDobject = SpaceData() newSDobject.attrs = SDobject.attrs else: newSDobject = {} for key in SDobject: if not isinstance(key, str_classes): if isinstance(SDobject[key], dict): newSDobject[str(key)] = convertKeysToStr(SDobject[key]) else: newSDobject[str(key)] = SDobject[key] else: if isinstance(SDobject[key], dict): newSDobject[key] = convertKeysToStr(SDobject[key]) else: newSDobject[key] = SDobject[key] return newSDobject
[docs]def flatten(dobj): '''Collapse datamodel to one level deep Examples -------- >>> import spacepy.datamodel as dm >>> import spacepy.toolbox as tb >>> a = dm.SpaceData() >>> a['1'] = dm.SpaceData(dog = 5, pig = dm.SpaceData(fish=dm.SpaceData(a='carp', b='perch'))) >>> a['4'] = dm.SpaceData(cat = 'kitty') >>> a['5'] = 4 >>> a.tree() + |____1 |____dog |____pig |____fish |____a |____b |____4 |____cat |____5 >>> b = dm.flatten(a) >>> b.tree() + |____1<--dog |____1<--pig<--fish<--a |____1<--pig<--fish<--b |____4<--cat |____5 >>> a.flatten() >>> a.tree() + |____1<--dog |____1<--pig<--fish<--a |____1<--pig<--fish<--b |____4<--cat |____5 See Also -------- unflatten SpaceData.flatten ''' try: addme = dobj.__class__() except TypeError: addme = SpaceData() remlist = [] for key in dobj: #iterate over keys in SpaceData if isinstance(dobj[key], dict): remlist.append(key) newname = str(key) + '<--' for levkey in dobj[key]: if hasattr(dobj[key][levkey], 'keys'): retdict = flatten(dobj[key][levkey]) for key2 in retdict: addme[newname+levkey+'<--'+key2] = retdict[key2] else: addme[newname+levkey] = copy.copy(dobj[key][levkey]) else: addme[key] = copy.copy(dobj[key]) return addme
[docs]def unflatten(dobj, marker='<--'): '''Collapse datamodel to one level deep Examples -------- >>> import spacepy.datamodel as dm >>> import spacepy.toolbox as tb >>> a = dm.SpaceData() >>> a['1'] = dm.SpaceData(dog = 5, pig = dm.SpaceData(fish=dm.SpaceData(a='carp', b='perch'))) >>> a['4'] = dm.SpaceData(cat = 'kitty') >>> a['5'] = 4 >>> a.tree() + |____1 |____dog |____pig |____fish |____a |____b |____4 |____cat |____5 >>> b = dm.flatten(a) >>> b.tree() + |____1<--dog |____1<--pig<--fish<--a |____1<--pig<--fish<--b |____4<--cat |____5 >>> c = dm.unflatten(b) >>> c.tree() + |____1 |____dog |____pig |____fish |____a |____b |____4 |____cat |____5 ''' #set up a new object for return try: addme = dobj.__class__() except TypeError: addme = SpaceData() #the input is assumed to be single level (i.e. it is flat) #find all keys that have at least one marker, #then unpack. Recurse over these until no more markers are found. keydict = {} for key in dobj: if isinstance(dobj[key], dict): raise TypeError('Flat datamodel should not contain dict-likes') try: if marker in key: #get 'group' group = key.split(marker)[0] if not group in keydict: keydict[group] = {key: ''} else: keydict[group][key] = '' else: #not nested, just copy key addme[key] = dmcopy(dobj[key]) except: addme[key] = dmcopy(dobj[key]) #now we have all the groups at this level #move members of groups into new SpaceDatas for grp in keydict: addme[grp] = SpaceData() for key in keydict[grp]: newkey = marker.join(key.split(marker)[1:]) addme[grp][newkey] = dmcopy(dobj[key]) # recurse to make sure everything inside is unpacked addme[grp] = unflatten(addme[grp], marker=marker) return addme
[docs]def fromCDF(fname): ''' Create a SpacePy datamodel representation of a NASA CDF file Parameters ---------- file : string the name of the cdf file to be loaded into a datamodel Returns ------- out : spacepy.datamodel.SpaceData SpaceData with associated attributes and variables in dmarrays Examples -------- >>> import spacepy.datamodel as dm >>> data = dm.fromCDF('test.cdf') See Also -------- .pycdf.CDF.copy .pycdf.istp.VarBundle ''' #TODO: add unflatten keyword and restore flattened variables try: from spacepy import pycdf except ImportError: raise ImportError("CDF converter requires NASA CDF library and SpacePy's pyCDF") with pycdf.CDF(fname) as cdfdata: return cdfdata.copy()
[docs]def toCDF(fname, SDobject, skeleton='', flatten=False, overwrite=False, autoNRV=False, backward=None, TT2000=None, verbose=False): ''' Create a CDF file from a SpacePy datamodel representation Parameters ---------- fname : str Filename to write to SDobject : spacepy.datamodel.SpaceData SpaceData with associated attributes and variables in dmarrays Other Parameters ---------------- skeleton : str (optional) create new CDF from a skeleton file (default '') flatten : bool (optional) flatten incoming datamodel - if SpaceData objects are nested (default False) overwrite : bool (optional) allow overwrite of an existing target file (default False) autoNRV : bool (optional) attempt automatic identification of non-record varying entries in CDF backward : bool (optional) ``False`` to create CDF in backward-compatible format; ``True`` to force v3+ compatibility only. (Default: do not change current state, see :meth:`~.pycdf.Library.set_backward`). .. versionchanged:: 0.5.0 Now supports specifying backward compatible or no change; previous versions always wrote v3+ CDFs (even if ``False``). TT2000 : bool (optional) Specify type for variables with names beginning 'Epoch'. Default CDF_EPOCH for backward-compatible CDF (``backward`` True) and CDF_TT20000 otherwise (``backward`` False or unspecified). .. versionchanged:: 0.5.0 Current handling introduced. .. versionchanged:: 0.3.0 Always write TT2000 variables (due to change in :mod:`~.pycdf`). verbose : bool (optional) verbosity flag Returns ------- None Notes ----- .. versionchanged:: 0.5.0 Invalid keyword arguments now raise :exc:`TypeError` rather than being ignored. ''' if flatten: SDobject = SDobject.flatten() if overwrite: raise NotImplementedError('Overwriting CDFs is not currently enabled ' '- please remove the file manually') if TT2000 and backward: raise ValueError('Cannot use TT2000 in backward-compatible CDF.') try: from spacepy import pycdf except ImportError: raise ImportError("CDF converter requires NASA CDF library and" " SpacePy's pyCDF") if backward is None: former_backward = None else: former_backward = pycdf.lib.set_backward(backward) force_epoch = not backward and TT2000 is False # backward defaults falsey with pycdf.CDF(fname, skeleton) as outdata: if hasattr(SDobject, 'attrs'): for akey in SDobject.attrs: outdata.attrs[akey] = dmcopy(SDobject.attrs[akey]) varLengths = [len(SDobject[var]) for var in SDobject] modeLength = next(itertools.groupby((reversed(sorted(varLengths)))))[0] for key, val in SDobject.items(): if isinstance(val, dict): raise TypeError('This data structure appears to be nested,' ' please try spacepy.datamodel.flatten') if not skeleton: if not val.shape: shape_tup = -1 else: shape_tup = val.shape if 'Epoch' not in SDobject: NRVtest = modeLength else: NRVtest = len(SDobject['Epoch']) if shape_tup[0] != NRVtest: #naive check for 'should-be' NRV try: v =, val[...], recVary=False) if verbose: print('{0} is being made NRV'.format(key)) v.attrs = dmcopy(val.attrs) except ValueError: v =, val.tolist, recVary=False) v.attrs = dmcopy(val.attrs) if force_epoch and 'Epoch' in key:, val[...], type=pycdf.const.CDF_EPOCH) else: try: outdata[key] = val except ValueError: try: outdata[key] = dmarray( [val.tolist()], attrs=dmcopy(val.attrs)).squeeze() except UnicodeEncodeError: tmpAttrs = dmcopy(val.attrs) for akey in tmpAttrs: try: #strings if hasattr(tmpAttrs[akey], 'encode'): tmpAttrs[akey] = tmpAttrs[akey].encode('utf-8') else: tmpAttrs[akey] = tmpAttrs[akey] except AttributeError: #probably a list of strings for id, el in enumerate(tmpAttrs[akey]): tmpAttrs[akey][id] = el.encode('utf-8') else: outdata[key][...] = val[...] for akey in outdata[key].attrs: try: outdata[key].attrs[akey] = dmcopy(val.attrs[akey]) except ValueError: outdata[key][...] = dmarray([val.tolist()], attrs=dmcopy(val.attrs)) except KeyError: pass if former_backward is not None: pycdf.lib.set_backward(former_backward)
[docs]def fromHDF5(fname, **kwargs): ''' Create a SpacePy datamodel representation of an HDF5 file or netCDF4 file which is HDF5 compliant Parameters ---------- file : string the name of the HDF5/netCDF4 file to be loaded into a datamodel Returns ------- out : spacepy.datamodel.SpaceData SpaceData with associated attributes and variables in dmarrays Examples -------- >>> import spacepy.datamodel as dm >>> data = dm.fromHDF5('test.hdf') Notes ----- Zero-sized datasets will break in h5py. This is kluged by returning a dmarray containing a None. This function is expected to work with any HDF5-compliant files, including netCDF4 (not netCDF3) and MatLab save files from v7.3 or later, but some datatypes are not supported, e.g., non-string vlen datatypes, and will raise a warning. ''' def hdfcarryattrs(SDobject, hfile, path): if hasattr(hfile[path], 'attrs'): #for key, value in hfile[path].attrs.iteritems(): for key in hfile[path].attrs: try: value = hfile[path].attrs[key] except TypeError: warnings.warn('Unsupported datatype in dataset {}.attrs[{}]'.format(path, key)) continue try: SDobject.attrs[key] = value except: warnings.warn('The following key:value pair is not permitted\n' + 'key = {0} ({1})\n'.format(key, type(key)) + 'value = {0} ({1})'.format(value, type(value)), DMWarning) try: import h5py except ImportError: raise ImportError('HDF5 converter requires h5py') if isinstance(fname, str_classes): hfile = h5py.File(fname, mode='r') else: hfile = fname #should test here for HDF file object path = kwargs.get('path', '/') SDobject = SpaceData() allowed_elems = [h5py.Group, h5py.Dataset] ##carry over the attributes hdfcarryattrs(SDobject, hfile, path) ##carry over the groups and datasets for key, value in hfile[path].items(): if isinstance(value, allowed_elems[0]): # if a group SDobject[key] = fromHDF5(hfile, path=path+'/'+key) elif isinstance(value, allowed_elems[1]): # if a dataset isuni = h5py.check_vlen_dtype(value.dtype) is str try: if isuni: if hasattr(value, 'asstr'): # h5py 3+ value = value.asstr() value = numpy.require(value[...], dtype=str) SDobject[key] = dmarray(value) except (TypeError, ZeroDivisionError): #ZeroDivisionError catches zero-sized DataSets SDobject[key] = dmarray(None) hdfcarryattrs(SDobject[key], hfile, path+'/'+key) if path == '/': hfile.close() return SDobject
[docs]def toHDF5(fname, SDobject, **kwargs): ''' Create an HDF5 file from a SpacePy datamodel representation Parameters ---------- fname : str Filename to write to SDobject : spacepy.datamodel.SpaceData SpaceData with associated attributes and variables in dmarrays Other Parameters ---------------- overwrite : bool (optional) allow overwrite of an existing target file (default True) mode : str (optional) HDF5 file open mode (a, w, r) (default 'a') compression : str (optional) compress all non-scalar variables using this method (default None) (gzip, shuffle, fletcher32, szip, lzf) .. versionchanged:: 0.4.0 No longer compresses scalars (which usually fails). compression_opts : str (optional) options to the compression, see h5py documentation for more details Returns ------- None Examples -------- >>> import spacepy.datamodel as dm >>> a = dm.SpaceData() >>> a['data'] = dm.dmarray(range(100000), dtype=float) >>> dm.toHDF5('test_gzip.h5', a, overwrite=True, compression='gzip') >>> dm.toHDF5('test.h5', a, overwrite=True) >>> # test_gzip.h5 was 118k, test.h5 was 785k ''' def SDcarryattrs(SDobject, hfile, path, allowed_attrs): if hasattr(SDobject, 'attrs'): for key, value in SDobject.attrs.items(): dumval, dumkey = copy.copy(value), copy.copy(key) if isinstance(value, allowed_attrs): #test for datetimes in iterables if hasattr(value, '__iter__') and not isinstance(value, str_classes): dumval = [b.isoformat() if isinstance(b, datetime.datetime) else b for b in value] truth = False try: if value.nbytes: truth = True #empty arrays of any dimension are nbytes=0 except AttributeError: #not an array if value or value == 0: truth = True if truth: uni = False #No special unicode handling dumval = numpy.asanyarray(dumval) if dumval.size and dumval.dtype.kind == 'U': uni = True #Unicode list, special handling try: if uni: #Tell hdf5 this is unicode. Numpy is UCS-4, HDF5 is UTF-8 hfile[path].attrs.create( dumkey, dumval, dtype=h5py.string_dtype(encoding='utf-8')) else: hfile[path].attrs[dumkey] = dumval except TypeError: hfile[path].attrs[dumkey] = str(dumval) warnings.warn( 'The following value is not permitted\n' + 'key, value, type = {0}, {1}, {2})\n'.format( key, value, type(value)) + 'value has been converted to a string for output', DMWarning) else: hfile[path].attrs[dumkey] = '' elif isinstance(value, datetime.datetime): dumval = value.isoformat() hfile[path].attrs[dumkey] = dumval else: #TODO: add support for arrays(?) in attrs (convert to isoformat) warnings.warn('The following key:value pair is not permitted\n' + 'key = {0} ({1})\n'.format(key, type(key)) + 'value type {0} is not in the allowed attribute list'.format(type(value)), DMWarning) try: import h5py except ImportError: raise ImportError('h5py is required to use HDF5 files') if not isinstance(SDobject, SpaceData): raise ValueError("Input data is not of type SpaceData, check usage:" " toHDF5(fname, datamodel)") #mash these into a defaults dict... wr_mo = kwargs.get('mode', 'a') h5_compr_type = kwargs.get('compression', None) if h5_compr_type not in ['gzip', 'szip', 'lzf', 'shuffle', 'fletcher32', None]: raise NotImplementedError('Specified compression type not supported') h5_compr_opts = None if h5_compr_type == 'lzf'\ else kwargs.get('compression_opts', None) if 'overwrite' not in kwargs: kwargs['overwrite'] = True if isinstance(fname, str_classes): if os.path.isfile(fname): if kwargs['overwrite']: os.remove(fname) else: raise IOError('Cannot write HDF5, file exists (see overwrite) "{!s}"'.format(fname)) hfile = h5py.File(fname, mode=wr_mo) must_close = True else: hfile = fname #should test here for HDF file object must_close = False path = kwargs.get('path', '/') allowed_attrs = [int, float, bytes, str, numpy.ndarray, list, tuple, numpy.string_] for v in numpy.typecodes['AllInteger']: allowed_attrs.append(numpy.sctypeDict[v]) for v in numpy.typecodes['AllFloat']: allowed_attrs.append(numpy.sctypeDict[v]) allowed_attrs = tuple(allowed_attrs) allowed_elems = (SpaceData, dmarray) #first convert non-string keys to str SDobject = convertKeysToStr(SDobject) SDcarryattrs(SDobject, hfile, path, allowed_attrs) try: for key, value in SDobject.items(): if isinstance(value, allowed_elems[0]): hfile[path].create_group(key) toHDF5( hfile, value, path=path + '/' + key, compression=h5_compr_type, compression_opts=h5_compr_opts) elif isinstance(value, allowed_elems[1]): comptype, compopts = (None, None) if value.shape == ()\ else (h5_compr_type, h5_compr_opts) try: hfile[path].create_dataset(key, data=value, compression=comptype, compression_opts=compopts) except: dumval = numpy.asanyarray(value.copy()) dtype = None if dumval.dtype.kind == 'U': dumval = numpy.char.encode(dumval, 'utf-8') dtype = h5py.string_dtype(encoding='utf-8') elif isinstance(value[0], datetime.datetime): for i, val in enumerate(value): dumval[i] = val.isoformat() dumval = dumval.astype('|S35') else: dumval = dumval.atsype('|S35') hfile[path].create_dataset(key, data=dumval, compression=comptype, compression_opts=compopts, dtype=dtype) #else: # hfile[path].create_dataset(key, data=value.astype(float)) SDcarryattrs(SDobject[key], hfile, path+'/'+key, allowed_attrs) else: warnings.warn('The following data is not being written as is not of an allowed type\n' + 'key = {0} ({1})\n'.format(key, type(key)) + 'value type {} is not in the allowed data type list'.format( type(value)), DMWarning) finally: if must_close: hfile.close()
def fromNC3(fname): try: from import netcdf as nc except ImportError: raise ImportError('SciPy is required to import netcdf3') ncfile = nc.netcdf_file(fname, mode='r', mmap=False) SDobject = SpaceData(attrs=dmcopy(ncfile._attributes)) ##carry over the groups and datasets for key, value in ncfile.variables.items(): #try: SDobject[key] = dmarray(dmcopy(, attrs=dmcopy(value._attributes)) #except (TypeError, ZeroDivisionError): #ZeroDivisionError catches zero-sized DataSets # SDobject[key] = dmarray(None) ncfile.close() return SDobject
[docs]def toHTML(fname, SDobject, attrs=(), varLinks=False, echo=False, tableTag='<table border="1">'): """ Create an HTML dump of the structure of a spacedata Parameters ---------- fname : str Filename to write to SDobject : spacepy.datamodel.SpaceData SpaceData with associated attributes and variables in dmarrays Other Parameters ---------------- overwrite : bool (optional) allow overwrite of an existing target file (default True) mode : str (optional) HDF5 file open mode (a, w, r) (default 'a') echo : bool echo the html to the screen varLinks : bool make the variable name a link to a stub page """ output = io.StringIO() # put the output into a StringIO keys = sorted(SDobject.keys()) output.write(tableTag) output.write('\n') output.write('<tr><th>{0}</th>'.format('Variable')) for attr in attrs: output.write('<th>{0}</th>'.format(attr)) output.write('</tr>') for ii, key in enumerate(keys): if ii % 2 == 0: output.write('<tr>') else: output.write('<tr class="alt">') output.write('<td>') if varLinks: output.write('<a href="{0}.html">'.format(key)) output.write('{0}'.format(key)) if varLinks: output.write('</a>') output.write('</td>') for attr in attrs: try: if not isinstance(SDobject[key].attrs[attr], str): tmp = str(SDobject[key].attrs[attr]) output.write('<td>{0}</td>'.format(_idl2html(tmp))) else: output.write('<td>{0}</td>'.format(_idl2html(SDobject[key].attrs[attr]))) except KeyError: output.write('<td></td>') output.write('</tr>\n') output.write('</table>\n') with open(fname, 'w') as fp: fp.write(output.getvalue()) if echo: print(output.getvalue()) output.close()
def _idl2html(idl): """ given an idl format string for text change it to html Parameters ========== idl : str idl formated string Returns ======= out : str html formatted string """ html = idl conv = {'!!': '!', '!E': '<sup>', '!I': '<sub>'} while True: # hate it but for now ind = html.find('!') if ind == -1: break code = html[ind:ind+2] html = html.replace(code, conv[code]) if code == '!I': if '!N' in html: html = html.replace('!N', '</sub>', 1) # just replace 1 else: html = html + '</sub>' elif code == '!E': if '!N' in html: html = html.replace('!N', '</sup>', 1) # just replace 1 else: html = html + '</sup>' return html
[docs]def readJSONMetadata(fname, **kwargs): '''Read JSON metadata from an ASCII data file Parameters ---------- fname : str Filename to read metadata from .. versionchanged:: 0.5.0 Filename can now be a .gz to indicate the file is gzipped Other Parameters ---------------- verbose : bool (optional) set verbose output so metadata tree prints on read (default False) Returns ------- mdata: spacepy.datamodel.SpaceData SpaceData with the metadata from the file ''' if hasattr(fname, 'read'): lines = else: if fname.endswith('.gz'): with, mode='rt', encoding='latin=1') as gzh: lines = else: with open(fname, 'r') as f: lines = # isolate header p_srch = re.compile(r"^#(.*)$", re.M) hreg = re.findall(p_srch, lines) header = "".join(hreg) # isolate JSON field srch ='\{\s*(.*)\s*\}', header) if isinstance(srch, type(None)): raise IOError( 'The input file has no valid JSON header. Must be valid JSON bounded by braces "{ }".') js = inx = js.rfind('end JSON') if inx == -1: js = ' '.join(('{', js, '}')) mdatadict = json.loads(js) else: js = ' '.join(('{', js[:inx])) mdatadict = json.loads(js) mdata = SpaceData() for key in mdatadict: if not hasattr(mdatadict[key], 'keys'): # not dict-like, must be global attrs mdata.attrs[key] = mdatadict[key] elif 'START_COLUMN' in mdatadict[key]: # is a variable mdata[key] = SpaceData(attrs=mdatadict[key]) elif 'VALUES' in mdatadict[key]: # is global metadata dum = mdatadict[key].pop('VALUES') mdata[key] = dmarray(dum, attrs=mdatadict[key]) else: # don't know how to deal with this, store as global attrs mdata.attrs[key] = mdatadict[key] if 'verbose' in kwargs: if kwargs['verbose']: mdata.tree(verbose=True, attrs=True) return mdata
[docs]def readJSONheadedASCII(fname, mdata=None, comment='#', convert=False, restrict=None): """read JSON-headed ASCII data files into a SpacePy datamodel Parameters ---------- fname : str or list Filename(s) to read data from .. versionchanged:: 0.5.0 Filename can now be a .gz to indicate the file is gzipped Other Parameters ---------------- mdata : spacepy.datamodel.SpaceData (optional) supply metadata object, otherwise is read from fname (default None) comment: str (optional) comment string in file to be read; lines starting with comment are ignored (default '#') convert: bool or dict-like (optional) If True, uses common names to try conversion from string. If a dict- like then uses the functions specified as the dict values to convert each element of 'key' to a non-string restrict: list of strings (optional) If present, restrict the variables stored to only those on this list Returns ------- mdata: spacepy.datamodel.SpaceData SpaceData with the data and metadata from the file """ import dateutil.parser as dup filelike = False if isinstance(fname, str_classes): fname = [fname] elif hasattr(fname, 'readlines'): fname = [fname] filelike = True if not mdata: mdata = readJSONMetadata(fname[0]) if restrict: delkeys = [kk for kk in mdata.keys() if kk not in restrict] for val in delkeys: del mdata[val] #remove undesired keys mdata_copy = dmcopy(mdata) def innerloop(fh, mdata, mdata_copy): line = fh.readline() line = line.decode('latin1') while (line and line[0] == comment): line = fh.readline() line = line.decode('latin1'), os.SEEK_CUR) # fixes the missing first data bug alldata = fh.readlines() if not alldata: return mdata alldata = [d.decode('latin1') for d in alldata] ncols = len(alldata[0].rstrip().split()) # fixes None in the data from empty lines at the end for row in range(len(alldata)): # reverse order if not alldata[-1].rstrip(): # blank line (or al white space) alldata.pop(-1) else: break nrows = len(alldata) data = numpy.empty((nrows, ncols), dtype=object) for ridx, line in enumerate(alldata): for cidx, el in enumerate(line.rstrip().split()): data[ridx, cidx] = el for key in mdata_copy.keys(): if 'START_COLUMN' in mdata_copy[key].attrs: st = mdata_copy[key].attrs['START_COLUMN'] if 'DIMENSION' in mdata_copy[key].attrs: varDims = numpy.array(mdata_copy[key].attrs['DIMENSION']) if not varDims.shape: varDims = numpy.array([varDims]) singleDim = True if len(varDims) > 1 or varDims[0] > 1: singleDim = False if ('DIMENSION' in mdata_copy[key].attrs) and not singleDim: en = int(mdata_copy[key].attrs['DIMENSION'][0]) + int(st) try: assert mdata[key] == {} mdata[key] = data[:, int(st):int(en)] except (AssertionError, ValueError): mdata[key] = numpy.vstack((mdata[key], data[:, int(st):int(en)])) else: try: assert mdata[key] == {} mdata[key] = data[:, int(st)] except (AssertionError, ValueError): mdata[key] = numpy.hstack((mdata[key], data[:, int(st)])) return mdata for fn in fname: if not filelike: if fn.endswith('.gz'): with as gzh: mdata = innerloop(gzh, mdata, mdata_copy) else: with open(fn, 'rb') as fh: # fixes windows bug with seek() mdata = innerloop(fh, mdata, mdata_copy) else: mdata = innerloop(fh, mdata, mdata_copy) #now add the attributres to the variables keys = list(mdata_copy.keys()) for key in keys: if isinstance(mdata[key], SpaceData): mdata[key] = dmarray(None, attrs=mdata_copy[key].attrs) else: mdata[key] = dmarray(mdata[key], attrs=mdata_copy[key].attrs) if convert: if isinstance(convert, dict): conversions = convert else: conversions = {'DateTime': lambda x: dup.parse(x, ignoretz=True), 'ExtModel': str} for conkey in conversions: try: name = keys.pop(keys.index(conkey)) #remove from keylist except ValueError: warnings.warn('Key {} for conversion not found in file'.format(conkey), UserWarning) continue for i, element in numpy.ndenumerate(mdata[name]): mdata[name][i] = conversions[name](element) for remkey in keys: try: mdata[remkey] = numpy.asanyarray(mdata[remkey], dtype=float) except ValueError: pass #this will skip any unspecified string fields return mdata
[docs]def writeJSONMetadata(fname, insd, depend0=None, order=None, verbose=False, returnString=False): '''Scrape metadata from SpaceData object and make a JSON header Parameters ---------- fname : str Filename to write to (can also use a file-like object) None can be given in conjunction with the returnString keyword to skip writing output insd : spacepy.datamodel.SpaceData SpaceData with associated attributes and variables in dmarrays Other Parameters ---------------- depend0 : str (optional) variable name to use to indicate parameter on which other data depend (e.g. Time) order : list (optional) list of key names in order of start column in output JSON file verbose: bool (optional) verbose output returnString: bool (optional) return JSON header as string instead of returning None Returns ------- None (unless returnString keyword is True) ''' js_out = {} def stripNL(text): out ='\n', '').replace(' ', '') return out #if required, identify depend0 for deciding what's data/metadata if depend0 is None: #search for DEPEND_0 in metadata for key in insd: if not hasattr(insd[key], 'attrs'): insd[key] = dmarray(insd[key]) if 'DEPEND_0' in insd[key].attrs: depend0 = insd[key].attrs['DEPEND_0'] if not isinstance(depend0, str_classes): #assume it's a singleton list depend0 = depend0[0] if not isinstance(depend0, str_classes): depend0 = None #Failed to get a depend0 else: break #we're done here if depend0 is None: #fall back to most common var length tmp, keylist = [], list(insd.keys()) for key in keylist: tmp.append(len(insd[key])) depend0 = keylist[tmp.index(numpy.bincount(tmp).argmax())] #TODO Set using Time, or Epoch, or similar... elif not depend0 in insd: raise KeyError('Invalid key supplied for ordering metadata on write') datalen = len(insd[depend0]) #start with global attrs #TODO: check for datetime objs in attributes if insd.attrs: glattr = _dateToISO(insd.attrs) for key in glattr: js_out[key] = dmcopy(glattr[key]) #TODO Mark these as global somehow (by omission of some metadata?) try: js_out[key] = js_out[key].tolist() except: pass #collect keys and put in order for output #TODO first check for extant START_COLUMN #then check dimensionality so that start column and dims can be added, if not present if hasattr(order, '__iter__'): keylist = order #now make sure that all missing keys are added to end for key in sorted(insd.keys()): if key not in order: keylist.append(key) else: ##TODO do we want to have DEPEND0 first in order by default? keylist = sorted(insd.keys()) idx = 0 for key in keylist: js_out[key] = dmcopy(_dateToISO(insd[key].attrs)) if len(insd[key]) == datalen: #is data if verbose: print('data: {0}'.format(key)) try: js_out[key]['DIMENSION'] = list(insd[key].shape[1:]) if not js_out[key]['DIMENSION']: js_out[key]['DIMENSION'] = [1] js_out[key]['START_COLUMN'] = idx dims = js_out[key]['DIMENSION'] idx += int(dims[0]) if len(dims) > 1: l1 = 'The data cannot be properly represented in JSON-headed ASCII'\ ' as it has too high a rank\n' l2 = 'key = {0} ({1})\n'.format(key, insd[key].shape) l3 = 'Maximum allowed number of dimensions is 2\n' warnings.warn(''.join([l1, l2, l3]), DMWarning) except AttributeError: #AttrErr if just metadata #js_out[key]['DIMENSION'] = insd[key].attrs['DIMENSION'] pass else: #is metadata if verbose: print('metadata: {0}'.format(key)) js_out[key]['VALUES'] = dmcopy(_dateToISO(insd[key])) js_out[key]['DIMENSION'] = [len(js_out[key]['VALUES'])] for kk in js_out[key]: try: js_out[key][kk] = js_out[key][kk].tolist() except: pass json_str = json.dumps(js_out, indent=4, sort_keys=True) reob = re.compile(r'\[.*?\]', re.DOTALL) json_str = re.sub(reob, stripNL, json_str) #put lists back onto one line #add comment field for header json_str = ''.join(['#', json_str]) json_str = '\n#'.join(json_str.split('\n')) json_str = ''.join([json_str, '\n']) if isinstance(fname, str_classes): with open(fname, 'w') as fh: fh.writelines(json_str) elif hasattr(fname, 'writelines'): fname.writelines(json_str) elif (fname is None) and (returnString): return json_str if returnString: return json_str
def _dateToISO(indict): """ covert datetimes to iso strings inside of datamodel attributes """ retdict = dmcopy(indict) if isinstance(indict, dict): for key in indict: if isinstance(indict[key], datetime.datetime): retdict[key] = retdict[key].isoformat() elif hasattr(indict[key], '__iter__'): for idx, el in enumerate(indict[key]): if isinstance(el, datetime.datetime): retdict[key][idx] = el.isoformat() else: if isinstance(indict, datetime.datetime): retdict = retdict.isoformat() elif hasattr(indict, '__iter__'): retdict = numpy.asanyarray(retdict) for idx, el in numpy.ndenumerate(indict): if isinstance(el, datetime.datetime): retdict[idx] = el.isoformat() return retdict
[docs]def toJSONheadedASCII(fname, insd, metadata=None, depend0=None, order=None, **kwargs): '''Write JSON-headed ASCII file of data with metadata from SpaceData object Parameters ---------- fname : str Filename to write to (can also use a file-like object) None can be given in conjunction with the returnString keyword to skip writing output insd : spacepy.datamodel.SpaceData SpaceData with associated attributes and variables in dmarrays Other Parameters ---------------- depend0 : str (optional) variable name to use to indicate parameter on which other data depend (e.g. Time) order : list (optional) list of key names in order of start column in output JSON file metadata: str or file-like (optional) filename with JSON header to use (or file-like with JSON metadata) delimiter: str delimiter to use in ASCII output (default is whitespace), for tab, use '\t' Returns ------- None Examples -------- >>> import spacepy.datamodel as dm >>> data = dm.SpaceData() >>> data.attrs['Global'] = 'A global attribute' >>> data['Var1'] = dm.dmarray([1,2,3,4,5], attrs={'Local1': 'A local attribute'}) >>> data['Var2'] = dm.dmarray([[8,9],[9,1],[3,4],[8,9],[7,8]]) >>> data['MVar'] = dm.dmarray([7.8], attrs={'Note': 'Metadata'}) >>> dm.toJSONheadedASCII('outFile.txt', data, depend0='Var1', order=['Var1']) #Note that not all field names are required, those not given will be listed #alphabetically after those that are specified ''' kwarg_dict = {'delimiter': ' '} for key in kwarg_dict: if key in kwargs: kwarg_dict[key] = kwargs[key] if not metadata: metadata = io.StringIO() writeJSONMetadata(metadata, insd, depend0=depend0, order=order) #rewind StringIO object to start hdr = readJSONMetadata(metadata) datlist = [] for key in hdr: if 'START_COLUMN' in hdr[key].attrs: #add to list of (start_col, keyname) pairs datlist.append((hdr[key].attrs['START_COLUMN'], key, hdr[key].attrs['DIMENSION'][0])) #also use for data length datlen = len(insd[key]) if datlen == 0: raise ValueError('No data present to write: Use writeJSONmetadata') #TODO: Set this to just default to writing the header out and raise a warning datlist.sort() ncols = datlist[-1][0]+datlist[-1][-1] #now open file (file-like) and for each line in len(data) #write the line using start_column, name, dimension data = numpy.zeros([datlen, ncols], dtype=object) for stcol, name, dim in datlist: if dim == 1: data[:, stcol] = _dateToISO(insd[name]) else: data[:, stcol:stcol+dim] = _dateToISO(insd[name]) hdstr = writeJSONMetadata(None, hdr, depend0=depend0, order=order, returnString=True) with open(fname, 'w') as fh: fh.writelines(hdstr) for line in data: prline = kwarg_dict['delimiter'].join([str(el) for el in line]) fh.write(''.join([prline, '\n']))
[docs]def fromRecArray(recarr): '''Takes a numpy recarray and returns each field as a dmarray in a SpaceData container Parameters ---------- recarr : numpy record array object to parse into SpaceData container Returns ------- sd: spacepy.datamodel.SpaceData dict-like containing arrays of named records in recarr Examples -------- >>> import numpy as np >>> import spacepy.datamodel as dm >>> x = np.array([(1.0, 2), (3.0, 4)], dtype=[('x', float), ('y', int)]) >>> print(x, x.dtype) array([(1.0, 2), (3.0, 4)], dtype=[('x', '<f8'), ('y', '<i4')]) >>> sd = dm.fromRecArray(x) >>> sd.tree(verbose=1) + |____x (spacepy.datamodel.dmarray (2,)) |____y (spacepy.datamodel.dmarray (2,)) ''' sd = SpaceData() for key in recarr.dtype.fields.keys(): sd[key] = dmarray(recarr[key]) return sd
[docs]def toRecArray(sdo): '''Takes a SpaceData and creates a numpy recarray Parameters ---------- sdo : SpaceData SpaceData to change to a numpy recarray Returns ------- recarr: numpy record array numpy.recarray object with the same values (attributes are lost) Examples -------- >>> import numpy as np >>> import spacepy.datamodel as dm >>> sd = dm.SpaceData() >>> sd['x'] = dm.dmarray([1.0, 2.0]) >>> sd['y'] = dm.dmarray([2,4]) >>> sd.tree(verbose=1) + |____x (spacepy.datamodel.dmarray (2,)) |____y (spacepy.datamodel.dmarray (2,)) >>> ra = dm.toRecArray(sd) >>> print(ra, ra.dtype) [(2, 1.0) (4, 2.0)] (numpy.record, [('y', '<i8'), ('x', '<f8')]) ''' nametype = numpy.dtype([(k, sdo[k].dtype.str) for k in sdo]) recarr = numpy.rec.fromarrays([sdo[k] for k in sdo], dtype=nametype) return recarr
[docs]def dmcopy(dobj): '''Generic copy utility to return a copy of a (datamodel) object Parameters ---------- dobj : object object to return a copy of Returns ------- copy_obj: object (same type as input) copy of input oibject Examples -------- >>> import spacepy.datamodel as dm >>> dat = dm.dmarray([2,3], attrs={'units': 'T'}) >>> dat1 = dm.dmcopy(dat) >>> dat1.attrs['copy': True] >>> dat is dat1 False >>> dat1.attrs {'copy': True, 'units': 'T'} >>> dat.attrs {'units': 'T'} ''' if isinstance(dobj, (SpaceData, dmarray)): return copy.deepcopy(dobj) if isinstance(dobj, numpy.ndarray): return numpy.copy(dobj) return copy.copy(dobj)
[docs]def createISTPattrs(datatype, ndims=1, vartype=None, units=' ', NRV=False): '''Return set of unpopulated attributes for ISTP compliant variable Parameters ---------- datatype : {'data', 'support_data', 'metadata'} datatype of variable to create metadata for. ndims : int number of dimensions, default=1 vartype : {'float', 'char', 'int', 'epoch', 'tt2000'} The type of the variable, default=float units : str The units of the variable, default=' ' NRV : bool Is the variable NRV (non-record varying), default=False Returns ------- attrs : dict dictionary of attributes for the variable Examples -------- >>> import spacepy.datamodel as dm >>> dm.createISTPattrs('data', ndims=2, vartype='float', units='MeV') {'CATDESC': '', 'DISPLAY_TYPE': 'spectrogram', 'FIELDNAM': '', 'FILLVAL': -1e+31, 'FORMAT': 'F18.6', 'LABLAXIS': '', 'SI_CONVERSION': ' > ', 'UNITS': 'MeV', 'VALIDMIN': '', 'VALIDMAX': '', 'VAR_TYPE': 'data', 'DEPEND_0': 'Epoch', 'DEPEND_1': ''} ''' fillvals = {'float': -1e31, 'char': '', 'int': numpy.array(-2147483648).astype(numpy.int32), 'epoch': -1.0E31, #datetime.datetime(9999,12,31,23,59,59,999)} 'tt2000': numpy.array(-9223372036854775808).astype(numpy.int64)} formats = {'float': 'F18.6', 'char': 'A30', 'int': 'I11', 'epoch': '', 'tt2000': 'I21'} disp = {1: 'time_series', 2: 'spectrogram', 3: 'spectrogram', 4: 'spectrogram'} if vartype not in fillvals: fill = -1e31 form = 'F15.6' else: fill = fillvals[vartype] form = formats[vartype] unit = units if datatype == 'data': attrs = { 'CATDESC': '', 'DISPLAY_TYPE': disp[ndims], 'FIELDNAM': '', 'FILLVAL': fill, 'FORMAT': form, 'LABLAXIS': '', 'SI_CONVERSION': ' > ', 'UNITS': unit, 'VALIDMIN': '', 'VALIDMAX': '', 'VAR_TYPE': 'data' } for dim in range(ndims): attrs['DEPEND_{0}'.format(dim)] = '' attrs['DEPEND_0'] = 'Epoch' elif datatype == 'support_data': attrs = { 'CATDESC': '', 'FIELDNAM': '', 'FORMAT': form, 'UNITS': unit, 'VAR_TYPE': 'support_data' } for dim in range(ndims): attrs['DEPEND_{0}'.format(dim)] = '' if not NRV: attrs['VALIDMIN'] = '' attrs['VALIDMAX'] = '' attrs['FILLVAL'] = fill attrs['DEPEND_0'] = 'Epoch' else: del attrs['DEPEND_0'] elif datatype == 'metadata': attrs = { 'CATDESC': '', 'FIELDNAM': '', 'FORMAT': form, 'UNITS': unit, 'VAR_TYPE': 'metadata' } for dim in range(ndims): attrs['DEPEND_{0}'.format(dim)] = '' if not NRV: attrs['FILLVAL'] = fill attrs['DEPEND_0'] = 'Epoch' else: del attrs['DEPEND_0'] else: raise ValueError("Invalid datatype (data|support_data|metadata)") return attrs
def _getVarLengths(data): """ get the length of all the variables Parameters ---------- data : SpaceData SpaceData object to return the length of the variables Returns ------- data : dict dict of the names and lengths of a SpaceData """ ans = {} for k, v in data.items(): ans[k] = len(v) return ans
[docs]def resample(data, time=None, winsize=0, overlap=0, st_time=None, outtimename='Epoch'): """ resample a SpaceData to a new time interval Parameters ---------- data : SpaceData or dmarray SpaceData with data to resample or dmarray with data to resample, variables can only be 1d or 2d, if time is specified only variables the same length as time are resampled, otherwise only variables with length equal to the longest length are resampled time : array-like dmarray of times the correspond to the data winsize : datetime.timedelta Time frame to average the data over overlap : datetime.timedelta Overlap in the moving average st_time : datetime.datetime Starting time for the resample, if not specified the time of the first data point is used (see spacepy.toolbox.windowMean) Returns ------- ans : SpaceData Resampled data, included keys are in the input keys (with the data caveats above) and Epoch which contains the output time Examples -------- >>> import datetime >>> import spacepy.datamodel as dm >>> a = dm.SpaceData() >>> a.attrs['foo'] = 'bar' >>> a['a'] = dm.dmarray(range(10*2)).reshape(10,2) >>> a['b'] = dm.dmarray(range(10)) + 4 >>> a['c'] = dm.dmarray(range(3)) + 10 >>> times = [datetime.datetime(2010, 1, 1) + datetime.timedelta(hours=i) for i in range(10)] >>> out = dm.resample(a, times, winsize=datetime.timedelta(hours=2), overlap=datetime.timedelta(hours=0)) >>> out.tree(verbose=1, attrs=1) # + # :|____foo (str [3]) # |____Epoch (spacepy.datamodel.dmarray (4,)) # |____a (spacepy.datamodel.dmarray (4, 2)) # :|____DEPEND_0 (str [5]) # # Things to note: # - attributes are preserved # - the output variables have their DEPEND_0 changed to Epoch (or outtimename) # - each dimension of a 2d array is resampled individually """ from . import toolbox # check for SpaceData or dmarray input before going to a bunch of work if not isinstance(data, (SpaceData, dmarray)): raise TypeError('Input must be a SpaceData or dmarray object') if time is None: time = [] # can only resample variables that have the same length as time, # if time is default then use all the vals that are the same # as the longest var lent = len(time) if lent == 0: lent = len(data[max(data, key=lambda k: len(data[k]))]) keys = [k for k in data if len(data[k]) == lent] # what time are we starting at? try: t_int = time.UTC except AttributeError: t_int = dmarray(time) if t_int.any() and ((st_time is None) and isinstance(t_int[0], datetime.datetime)): st_time = t_int[0].replace(hour=0, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0) ans = SpaceData() ans.attrs = data.attrs for k in keys: if len(data[k].shape) > 1: if len(data[k].shape) > 2: raise IndexError("Variables can only be 1d or 2d") for i in range(data[k].shape[1]): d, t = toolbox.windowMean(data[k][:, i], time=t_int, winsize=winsize, overlap=overlap, st_time=st_time) if k not in ans: ans[k] = dmarray(d) else: ans[k] = dmarray.vstack(ans[k], d) ans[k] = ans[k].T else: d, t = toolbox.windowMean(data[k], time=t_int, winsize=winsize, overlap=overlap, st_time=st_time) ans[k] = dmarray(d) try: ans[k].attrs = data[k].attrs except AttributeError: # was not a dmarray pass ans[k].attrs['DEPEND_0'] = outtimename ans[outtimename] = dmarray(t) return ans