*********************** Repository organization *********************** top-level ========= There should be (but currently are) no committed files at the top level besides ``setup.py``, and ``.gitignore`` (not normally visible). build ===== This is used by ``setup.py`` in the build/install process; it is ignored by git. Don't hand-edit anything under here; can be safely deleted. dbprocessing ============ Source tree for the main ``dbprocessing`` module. If it's in this directory, it's meant to be installed. developer ========= Miscellaneous bits for sharing between developers. Included in the source tarball but not in binary distributions. docs ==== Source for :doc:`documentation`. examples ======== Examples of how to set up dbprocessing for a project, including configuration and scripts that are specific to missions. functional_test =============== Full dbprocessing setup for end-to-end functional test (:ref:`functional`). gui === Initial work on a Qt-based GUI; not complete. scripts ======= Scripts meant to be called from the command line that should be installed with the module. They should be added to the ``scripts`` list in ``setup.py`` and documented in :doc:`../scripts` (source file ``scripts.rst``). sphinx ====== Built :doc:`documentation`. unit_tests ========== See :ref:`unit`.