Source code for dbprocessing.reports

#!/usr/bin/env python
Support for making reports from dbprocessing logs.

things included are:
    - number and list of files ingested
    - number and list of files requested for ingestion that failed
    - number and list of other products created
    - list of commands run

TODO include later
    - any errors or anomalies reported (TODO not done)

from __future__ import print_function

import os
import re

import dateutil.parser as dup
import numpy as np

from dbprocessing import DButils

[docs]class logfile(object): """ class to hold a datafile """
[docs] def __init__(self, filename, timerange=None): """ read in the file and collect what we need Parameters ---------- filename : :class:`str` Log file to read timerange : :class:``, optional Start and end time of log timestamps to process, default all. (:class:`~datetime.datetime`) """ if not os.path.isfile(filename): raise(ValueError('filename does not exist')) #setup the instance vars so they always exist self._logData = [] self.error = [] = [] self.debug = [] self.ingested = [] self.movedToError = [] self.commandsRun = [] self.errors = [] """All lines in the log with errors (:class:`list` of :class:`str`)""" self.filename = filename self._logData = open(self.filename, 'r').readlines() self.filerange = self._firstLastDate() if timerange is not None: self.setTimerange(timerange) self.error = self._error() = self._info() self.debug = self._debug() self.ingested = self._ingested() self.movedToError = self._movedToError() self.commandsRun = self._commandsRun() self.errors = self._errors()
[docs] def setTimerange(self, timerange): """Sets the time range for this report Parameters ---------- timerange : :class:``, optional Start and end time of log timestamps to process, default all. (:class:`~datetime.datetime`) """ if len(timerange) != 2: raise(ValueError('timerange must be a list/tuple of 2 datetime objects')) self.timerange = timerange
def _firstLastDate(self): """Get first and last date within the log file Returns ------- :class:`tuple` of :class:`str` YYYYMMDD of first and last date """ first = dup.parse(self._logData[0].split(',')[0]) last = dup.parse(self._logData[-1].split(',')[0]) return first, last def _error(self): """ a list of all the error entries Returns ------- :class:`list` All lines from the log that are for ERROR entries. """ lines = [] for line in self._logData: m = r'\s-\sERROR\s-\s' , line) if m: lines.append(line) return lines def _errors(self): """ Convert all error lines to HTML report fragments Returns ------- :class:`list` HTML report for each error (:class:`errors`). """ lines = [] for line in self.error: lines.append(errors(line)) return lines def _info(self): """ a list of all the INFO entries Returns ------- :class:`list` All lines from the log that are for INFO entries. """ lines = [] for line in self._logData: m = r'\s-\sINFO\s-\s' , line) if m: lines.append(line) return lines def _debug(self): """ a list of all the DEBUG entries Returns ------- :class:`list` All lines from the log that are for DEBUG entries. """ lines = [] for line in self._logData: m = r'\s-\sDEBUG\s-\s' , line) if m: lines.append(line) return lines def _ingested(self): """ return list of files ingested file_id filename product Returns ------- :class:`list` HTML report fragments for all file ingestions reported in the log. (:class:`ingested`) """ lines = [] for line in m = r'\s-\sINFO\s-\sFile\s.*\sentered\sin\sDB.*f\_id=\d*$' , line) if m: lines.append(ingested(line)) return lines def _movedToError(self): """ all the files that were moved to error Returns ------- :class:`list` HTML report fragments for all file moves to error reported in the log. (:class:`movedToError`) """ lines = [] for line in m ='INFO\s-\smoveToError', line) if m: lines.append(movedToError(line)) return lines def _commandsRun(self): """ return a list of the unique commands run Returns ------- :class:`list` HTML report fragments for unique command executions reported in the log. (:class:`commandsRun`) """ lines = [] for line in m = re.match( r'^.*\sINFO\s\-\srunning command\:\s.*$' , line) if m: lines.append(commandsRun(line)) names = [v.filename for v in lines] uniq, ind = np.unique(names, return_index=True) return [lines[v] for v in ind]
[docs]class HTMLbase(object): """Support comparisons based on time stored in this object""" def __eq__(self, other): try: return self.dt == other.dt except TypeError: return self.dt.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') == other.dt def __ne__(self, other): try: return self.dt != other.dt except TypeError: return self.dt.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') != other.dt def __gt__(self, other): try: return self.dt > other.dt except TypeError: return self.dt.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') > other.dt def __ge__(self, other): try: return self.dt >= other.dt except TypeError: return self.dt.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') >= other.dt def __lt__(self, other): try: return self.dt < other.dt except TypeError: return self.dt.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') < other.dt def __le__(self, other): try: return self.dt <= other.dt except TypeError: return self.dt.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') <= other.dt
[docs]class commandsRun(HTMLbase): """Report on commands that have been run by the chain"""
[docs] def __init__(self, inStr): """ pass in the line and parse it grabbing what we need Parameters ---------- inStr : :class:`str` Line from log file """ global dbu self.dt = dup.parse(inStr.split(',')[0]) m = r'^.*\sINFO\s\-\srunning command\:\s(.*)$' , inStr.strip() ) self.filename =[0]
# get the process name # dbu.session.query(dbu.Code).filter_by(filename = os.path.basename(self.filename))
[docs] def htmlheader(self): """ return a string html header Returns ------- :class:`str` HTML table row header """ outStr = '<tr>' for attr in ['filename', ]: outStr += '<th>{0}</th>'.format(attr) outStr += '</tr>\n' return outStr
[docs] def html(self, alt=False): """ return a html string for this Parameters ---------- alt : :class:`bool`, default False Alternate line (used to style every other table row differently). Returns ------- :class:`str` HTML table row for this entry. """ if alt: outStr = '<tr class="alt">' else: outStr = '<tr>' for v in ['filename', ]: if v == 'dt': val = self.dt.isoformat() else: val = self.__getattribute__(v) outStr += '<td>{0}</td>'.format(val) outStr += '</tr>' return outStr
[docs]class ingested(HTMLbase): """Report files that have been ingested in to the chain"""
[docs] def __init__(self, inStr): """ pass in the line and parse it grabbing what we need Parameters ---------- inStr : :class:`str` Line from log file """ global dbu self.dt = dup.parse(inStr.split(',')[0]) m = r'\s-\sINFO\s-\sFile\s(.*)\sentered' , inStr.strip()) self.filename = m = r'f\_id=(\d*)' , inStr) self.file_id = try: tb = dbu.getTraceback('File', self.file_id) self.product_name = tb['product'].product_name self.level = tb['file'].data_level except: self.product_name = 'unknown; file not in db' self.level = None
[docs] def htmlheader(self): """ return a string html header Returns ------- :class:`str` HTML table row header """ outStr = '<tr>' for attr in ['dt', 'file_id', 'filename', 'product_name', 'level']: outStr += '<th>{0}</th>'.format(attr) outStr += '</tr>\n' return outStr
[docs] def html(self, alt=False): """ return a html string for this Parameters ---------- alt : :class:`bool`, default False Alternate line (used to style every other table row differently). Returns ------- :class:`str` HTML table row for this entry. """ if alt: outStr = '<tr class="alt">' else: outStr = '<tr>' for v in ['dt', 'file_id', 'filename', 'product_name', 'level']: if v == 'dt': val = self.dt.isoformat() else: val = self.__getattribute__(v) outStr += '<td>{0}</td>'.format(val) outStr += '</tr>' return outStr
[docs]class movedToError(HTMLbase): """Report files that have moved to the dbprocessing error directory"""
[docs] def __init__(self, inStr): """ pass in the log line and parse it saving what we want Parameters ---------- inStr : :class:`str` Line from log file """ self.dt = dup.parse(inStr.split(',')[0]) self.filename = os.path.basename(inStr.split()[-4]) # this is hopefully always constant
[docs] def htmlheader(self): """ return a string html header Returns ------- :class:`str` HTML table row header """ outStr = '<tr>' for attr in ['dt', 'filename', 'movedTo']: outStr += '<th>{0}</th>'.format(attr) outStr += '</tr>\n' return outStr
[docs] def html(self, alt=False): """ return a html string for this Parameters ---------- alt : :class:`bool`, default False Alternate line (used to style every other table row differently). Returns ------- :class:`str` HTML table row for this entry. """ if alt: outStr = '<tr class="alt">' else: outStr = '<tr>' for v in ['dt', 'filename']: if v == 'dt': val = self.dt.isoformat() else: val = self.__getattribute__(v) outStr += '<td>{0}</td>'.format(val) outStr += '</tr>' return outStr
[docs]class errors(HTMLbase): """Report all ERRORs logged by dbprocessing"""
[docs] def __init__(self, inStr): """ parse the error and collect what we want Parameters ---------- inStr : :class:`str` Line from log file """ self.dt = dup.parse(inStr.split(',')[0]) m = re.findall( r'^.*,\d\d\d\s\-\s(.*)\s\-\sERROR\s\-\s(.*)$' , inStr.strip()) self.codename = m[0][0] self.errormsg = m[0][1]
[docs] def htmlheader(self): """ return a string html header Returns ------- :class:`str` HTML table row header """ outStr = '<tr>' for attr in ['dt', 'Codename', 'Error message']: outStr += '<th>{0}</th>'.format(attr) outStr += '</tr>\n' return outStr
[docs] def html(self, alt=False): """ return a html string for this Parameters ---------- alt : :class:`bool`, default False Alternate line (used to style every other table row differently). Returns ------- :class:`str` HTML table row for this entry. """ if alt: outStr = '<tr class="alt">' else: outStr = '<tr>' for v in ['dt', 'codename', 'errormsg']: if v == 'dt': val = self.dt.isoformat() else: val = self.__getattribute__(v) outStr += '<td>{0}</td>'.format(val) outStr += '</tr>' return outStr