Source code for dbprocessing.dbprocessing

#!/usr/bin/env python
"""High-level implementation of the dbprocessing processing queue."""

from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import print_function

import datetime
import imp
import os
import shutil
import sys
import tempfile
import time
import traceback
from operator import itemgetter

from . import DBfile
from . import DBlogging
from . import DBqueue
from . import DButils
from . import Utils
from . import runMe
from .Utils import strargs_to_args

from sqlalchemy.exc import IntegrityError

[docs]class ProcessQueue(object): """Main code used to process the Queue. Looks in incoming and builds all possible files Warnings -------- As this object holds a reference to :class:`~dbprocessing.DButils.DButils`, that database should be closed before the program terminates. Deleting this object will ordinarily suffice. """
[docs] def __init__(self, mission, dryrun=False, echo=False): """Initializes the process queue Parameters ---------- mission : str Mission database, as in :class:`.DButils`. May also be an existing instance of :class:`.DButils`. dryrun : bool, default False Treat all functionality as "dry run", make no changes. echo : bool, default False Log all SQL statements (as in :class:`~dbprocessing.DButils.DButils`). """ self.dryrun = dryrun self.filename = None """Full path to file currently being processed (:class:`str`)""" if isinstance(mission, DButils.DButils): dbu = mission self.mission = dbu.mission else: self.mission = mission dbu = DButils.DButils(self.mission, echo=echo) self.tempdir = None self.runme_list = [] self.dbu = dbu self.childrenQueue = DBqueue.DBqueue() self.moved = DBqueue.DBqueue() self.depends = DBqueue.DBqueue() self.queue = DBqueue.DBqueue() self.findChildren = DBqueue.DBqueue() DBlogging.dblogger.debug("Entering ProcessQueue")
def __del__(self): """Clean up (remove temporary files and close database)""" self.rm_tempdir() try: del self.dbu except AttributeError: pass
[docs] def set_filename(self, filename): """ Setter for filename, this is cleaner than just random sets Parameters ---------- filename : :class:`str` filename to set to :data:`filename` """ self.filename = filename self.basename = os.path.basename(self.filename)
[docs] def rm_tempdir(self): """ remove the temp directory """ try: if self.tempdir != None: name = self.tempdir shutil.rmtree(self.tempdir) self.tempdir = None DBlogging.dblogger.debug("Temp dir deleted: {0}".format(name)) except AttributeError: pass
[docs] def mk_tempdir(self, suffix='_dbprocessing_{0}'.format(os.getpid())): """ create a secure temp directory """ self.tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(suffix)
[docs] def checkIncoming(self, glb='*'): """ Goes out to incoming and grabs all files there adding them to self.queue Parameters ---------- glb : :class:`str`, optional Glob pattern that files must match. """ DBlogging.dblogger.debug("Entered checkIncoming:") self.queue.extendleft(self.dbu.checkIncoming(glb=glb)) # step through and remove duplicates # if python 2.7 deque has a .count() otherwise have to use # this workaround for i in range(len(self.queue)): try: if list(self.queue).count(self.queue[i]) != 1: self.queue.remove(self.queue[i]) except IndexError: pass # this means it was shortened DBlogging.dblogger.debug("Queue contains (%d): %s" % (len(self.queue), self.queue))
[docs] def moveToError(self, fname): """ Moves a file from incoming to error Parameters ---------- fname : :class:`str` Full path to file to move to error. """ DBlogging.dblogger.debug("Entered moveToError: {0}".format(fname)) path = self.dbu.getErrorPath() # if the file is a link then don;t move it to incoming just delete the link if os.path.islink(fname): os.unlink(fname) # Remove a file (same as remove(path))."moveToError file {0} was a link, so link removed not moved to error".format(fname)) else: try: shutil.move(fname, os.path.join(path, os.path.basename(fname))) except IOError: DBlogging.dblogger.error( "file {0} was not successfully moved to error".format(os.path.join(path, os.path.basename(fname)))) else:"moveToError {0} moved to {1}".format(fname, path))
[docs] def diskfileToDB(self, df): """ given a diskfile go through and do all the steps to add it into the db Parameters ---------- df : :class:`.Diskfile` File to add to database. """ if df is None:"Found no product moving to error, {0}".format(self.basename)) if not self.dryrun: self.moveToError(self.filename) else: print('<dryrun> Found no product moving to error, {0}'.format(self.basename)) return None # create the DBfile dbf = DBfile.DBfile(df, self.dbu) try: if not self.dryrun: f_id = dbf.addFileToDB()"File {0} entered in DB, f_id={1}".format(df.filename, f_id)) else: print('<dryrun> File {0} entered in DB'.format(df.filename)) except (ValueError, DButils.DBError) as errmsg: if not self.dryrun: DBlogging.dblogger.warning("Except adding file to db so" + \ " moving to error: %s" % (errmsg)) self.moveToError(os.path.join(df.path, df.filename)) else: print('<dryrun> Except adding file to db so' + ' moving to error: %s' % (errmsg)) return None # move the file to the its correct home if not self.dryrun: dbf.move() if not self.dryrun: try: self.dbu.session.commit() except IntegrityError as IE: self.session.rollback() raise DButils.DBError(IE) # add to processqueue for later processing self.dbu.ProcessqueuePush(f_id) return f_id else: return None
[docs] def importFromIncoming(self): """ Import a file from incoming into the database """ DBlogging.dblogger.debug("Entering importFromIncoming, {0} to import".format(len(self.queue))) if not self.dryrun: vals = self.queue.popleftiter() else: vals = self.queue T0 = time.time() for ii, val in enumerate(vals, 1): self.set_filename(val) DBlogging.dblogger.debug("popped '{0}' from the queue: {1} left".format(self.basename, len(self.queue))) # see if the file is in the db, if so then don't call the inspectors try: id = self.dbu.getFileID(self.basename) 'File {0}:{1} was already in DB, not inspecting'.format(id, self.basename)) self.moveToError(self.filename) T1 = time.time() - T0 print('{1}:{2} Removed from incoming: {0} - already present {3:.2f}s'.format(self.basename, ii, len(self.queue), T1)) T0 = time.time() continue except DButils.DBNoData:'File {0} was not in DB, inspecting'.format(self.basename)) df = self.figureProduct() if df != []: self.diskfileToDB(df) T1 = time.time() - T0 print('{1}:{2} Removed from incoming: {0} - ingested {3:.2f}s'.format(self.basename, ii, len(self.queue), T1)) T0 = time.time()
[docs] def figureProduct(self, filename=None): """Imports inspectors and figures out which inspectors claim the file Parameters ---------- filename : :class:`str`, optional Full path to file to check, default :data:`filename`. """ if filename is None: filename = self.filename act_insp = self.dbu.getActiveInspectors() claimed = [] for code, desc, arg, product in act_insp: try: inspect = imp.load_source('inspect', code) except IOError as msg: DBlogging.dblogger.error('Inspector: "{0}" not found: {1}'.format(code, msg)) if os.path.isfile(code + ' '):'---> However inspector: "{0}" was found'.format(code + ' ')) print('---> However inspector: "{0}" was found.'.format(code + ' ')) continue if arg is not None: kwargs = strargs_to_args(arg) try: df = inspect.Inspector(filename, self.dbu, product, **kwargs)() except: exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback = sys.exc_info() DBlogging.dblogger.error( "File {0} inspector threw an exception: {1} {2} {3}".format(filename, str(exc_type), exc_value, traceback.print_tb( exc_traceback))) # exc_traceback.tb_lineno)) continue # try the next inspector else: try: df = inspect.Inspector(filename, self.dbu, product, )() except: DBlogging.dblogger.error("File {0} inspector threw an exception".format(filename)) continue # try the next inspector if df is not None: claimed.append(df) DBlogging.dblogger.debug("Match found: {0}: {1}".format(filename, code, )) break # lets call it done after we find one if len(claimed) == 0: # no match"File {0} found no inspector match".format(filename)) return None if len(claimed) > 1: DBlogging.dblogger.error("File {0} matched more than one product, there is a DB error".format(filename)) raise DButils.DBError("File {0} matched more than one product, there is a DB error".format(filename)) return claimed[0] # return the diskfile
def _getRequiredProducts(self, process_id, file_id, utc_file_date, debug=False): ##################################################### ## get all the input products for that process, and if they are optional T0 = time.time() input_product_id = self.dbu.getInputProductID(process_id, True) # this is a list of tuples (id, optional, yesterday, tommorow) if debug: print("21: {0}: self.dbu.getInputProductID: {1}".format(time.time() - T0, input_product_id)) T0 = time.time() DBlogging.dblogger.debug( "Finding input files for file_id:{0} process_id:{1} date:{2}".format(file_id, process_id, utc_file_date)) ## here decide how we build output and do it. timebase = self.dbu.getProcessTimebase(process_id) if debug: print("22: {0}: self.dbu.getProcessTimebase: {1}".format(time.time() - T0, timebase)) T0 = time.time() DBlogging.dblogger.debug("Doing {0} based processing".format(timebase)) if timebase in ['FILE', 'DAILY', 'RUN']: # taking one file to the next file # for file based processing we are going to look to the "process_keywords" and cull the # returned files based on making sure they are all the same # If process_keywords is none it will fall back to current behavior (since they will all be the same) files = [] # get all the possible files based on dates that we might want to put into the process now for iprod_id, opt, y, t in input_product_id: # accept a datetime.datetime or dt = Utils.datetimeToDate(utc_file_date) start = dt - datetime.timedelta(days=y) end = dt + datetime.timedelta(days=t) kwargs = {'startTime': start, 'endTime': end} \ if timebase in ('DAILY',) \ else {'startDate': start, 'endDate': end} tmp_files = self.dbu.getFiles( product=iprod_id, newest_version=True, exists=True, **kwargs) if debug: print("23: {0}: self.dbu.getFiles, {1} {2} {3}".format(time.time() - T0, iprod_id, dt, tmp_files)) T0 = time.time() if not tmp_files and not opt: return None, input_product_id else: files.extend(tmp_files) DBlogging.dblogger.debug("buildChildren files: ".format(str(files))) ############### # BAL 30 March 2017, dropping this clean step as they should all be newest version per above # remove all the files that are not the newest version, they all should be # files = self.dbu.file_id_Clean(files) ############### if timebase == 'FILE': # taking one file to the next file files_out = [] # grab the process_keywords column for the file_id and all the possible other files # they have to match in order for the file to be the same infile_process_keywords = self.dbu.getEntry('File', file_id).process_keywords try: files_process_keywords = [v.process_keywords for v in files] except AttributeError: files_process_keywords = [] # now if the process_keywords in files_process_keywords does not match that in infile_process_keywords # drop it for ii, v in enumerate(files_process_keywords): if v == infile_process_keywords: files_out.append(files[ii]) # and give it the right name files = files_out else: raise NotImplementedError('Not implemented yet: {0} based processing'.format(timebase)) raise ValueError('Bad timebase for product: {0}'.format(process_id)) return files, input_product_id
[docs] def buildChildren(self, file_id, debug=False, skip_run=False, run_procs=None): """ go through and all the runMe's and add to the runme_list variable Parameters ---------- file_id : :class:`int` file ID of the file for which children will be built skip_run : :class:`bool`, default False Skip RUN timebase processes if True run_procs : :class:`str`, optional If provided, comma-separated list of process IDs or process names to run; other processes are ignored. (Default: all possible processes). """ # if processes to run specified, turn into list of IDs # getProcessID accepts either ID or name and returns ID if run_procs is not None: run_procs = [self.dbu.getProcessID(rp) for rp in run_procs.split(',')] T0 = time.time() DBlogging.dblogger.debug("Entered buildChildren: file_id={0}".format(file_id)) if debug: print("Entered buildChildren: file_id={0}".format(file_id)) # if this file is not a newest_version we do not ant to run #print("{1}: Entered buildChildren: file_id={0}".format(file_id, time.time()-T0)) T0 = time.time() if not self.dbu.fileIsNewest(file_id[0]): DBlogging.dblogger.debug("Was not newest version in buildChildren: file_id={0}".format(file_id)) print(" Was not newest version in buildChildren: file_id={0}".format(file_id)) return # do nothing if debug: print(" {1}: was newest moving on in buildChildren: file_id={0}".format(file_id, time.time()-T0)) T0 = time.time() children = self.dbu.getChildrenProcesses(file_id[0]) # returns process if debug: print("11: {1}: done self.dbu.getChildrenProcesses buildChildren: file_id={0} : {2}".format(file_id, time.time()-T0, children)) T0 = time.time() daterange = self.dbu.getFileDates(file_id[0]) # this is the dates that this file spans if debug: print("12: {1}: done self.dbu.getFileDates buildChildren: file_id={0} : {2}".format(file_id, time.time()-T0, daterange)) T0 = time.time() if debug: print("children: {0}".format(children)) for child_process in children: # iterate over all the days between the start and stop date from above (including stop date) for utc_file_date in Utils.expandDates(*daterange): if debug: print(" utc_file_date: {0}".format(utc_file_date)) files, input_product_id = self._getRequiredProducts(child_process, file_id[0], utc_file_date) if debug: print("13: {0}: self._getRequiredProducts {1} {2}".format(time.time()-T0, files, input_product_id)) T0 = time.time() if not files: # figure out the missing products DBlogging.dblogger.debug("For file: {0} date: {1} required files not present {2}" .format(file_id[0], utc_file_date, input_product_id)) continue # go on to the next file # ============================================================================== # do we have the required files to do the build? # ============================================================================== ## if not self._requiredFilesPresent(files, input_product_id, process_id): ## DBlogging.dblogger.debug("For file: {0} date: {1} required files not present".format(file_id[0], utc_file_date)) ## continue # go on to the next file try: input_files = [v.file_id for v in files] except AttributeError: continue DBlogging.dblogger.debug("Input files found, {0}".format(input_files)) if skip_run \ and self.dbu.getProcessTimebase(child_process) == 'RUN': "Process: {} skipping because RUN timebase" .format(self.dbu.getEntry('Process', child_process) .process_name)) continue if run_procs is not None and child_process not in run_procs: "Process: {} skipping because not in run-only list" .format(self.dbu.getEntry('Process', child_process) .process_name)) continue runme = runMe.runMe(self.dbu, utc_file_date, child_process, input_files, self, file_id[1]) #print("{0}: runMe.runMe".format(time.time()-T0)) #T0 = time.time() # only add to runme list if it can be run if runme.ableToRun and (runme not in self.runme_list): self.runme_list.append(runme)"Filename: {0} is not in the DB, can process".format(runme.filename))
[docs] def onStartup(self): """ Processes can be defined as output timebase "STARTUP" which means to run them each time to processing chain is run """ proc = self.dbu.getAllProcesses(timebase='STARTUP') # TODO just going to run there here for now. This should move to runMe for p in proc: # run them all code = self.dbu.getEntry('Code', p.process_id) # print code.codename # need to call a "runner" with these processes ###### ## # not sure how to deal with having to specify a filename and handle that in the DB # things made here will also have to have inspectors raise NotImplementedError('Not yet implemented')
def _reprocessBy(self, startDate=None, endDate=None, level=None, product=None, code=None, instrument=None, incVersion=None): """ Given parameters, add all files to processqueue so that next -p run they will be reprocessed All parameters are optional; if not specified, default is "all". Parameters ---------- startDate : :class:`~datetime.datetime`, optional First date to add to process queue endDate : :class:`~datetime.datetime`, optional Last date to add to process queue (inclusive) level : :class:`float`, optional Only add files of this level. product : :class:`int`, optional :sql:column:`~product.product_id` of files to add code : :class:`int`, optional Only add files created by code with ID of :sql:column:`~code.code_id` instrument : :class:`int`, optional Only add files with instrument :sql:column:`~instrument.instrument_id` incVersion : :class:`int`, optional Force processing and increment this version number, {0}.{1}.{2} """ startDate = Utils.datetimeToDate(startDate) endDate = Utils.datetimeToDate(endDate) f_ids = [val.file_id for val in self.dbu.getFiles(startDate=startDate, endDate=endDate, level=level, product=product, code=code, instrument=instrument, newest_version=True)] return self.dbu.ProcessqueueRawadd(f_ids, incVersion)
[docs] def reprocessByCode(self, id_in, startDate=None, endDate=None, incVersion=None): """Add files made by a code to the queue for reprocessing. Parameters ---------- id_in : :class:`str` or :class:`int` ID or filename of code to reprocess startDate : :class:`~datetime.datetime`, optional First date to reprocess (default all) endDate : :class:`~datetime.datetime`, optional Last date to reprocess (default all) incVersion : :class:`int` {0, 1, 2}, optional Which version number to increment: major (0), minor (1), subminor (2). Forces reprocessing. (default do not force). """ try: code_id = self.dbu.getCodeID(id_in) return self._reprocessBy(code=code_id, startDate=startDate, endDate=endDate, incVersion=incVersion) except DButils.DBNoData: DBlogging.dblogger.error('No code_id {0} found in the DB'.format(id_in))
[docs] def reprocessByProduct(self, id_in, startDate=None, endDate=None, incVersion=None): """Add files of a particular product to the queue for reprocessing. Parameters ---------- id_in : :class:`str` or :class:`int` ID or name of code to reprocess startDate : :class:`~datetime.datetime`, optional First date to reprocess (default all) endDate : :class:`~datetime.datetime`, optional Last date to reprocess (default all) incVersion : :class:`int` {0, 1, 2}, optional Which version number to increment: major (0), minor (1), subminor (2). Forces reprocessing (default do not force). """ try: prod_id = self.dbu.getProductID(id_in) return self._reprocessBy(product=prod_id, startDate=startDate, endDate=endDate, incVersion=incVersion) except DButils.DBNoData: DBlogging.dblogger.error('No product_id {0} found in the DB'.format(id_in))
[docs] def reprocessByDate(self, startDate=None, endDate=None, incVersion=None, level=None): """Add files to the queue for reprocessing, by file date. Parameters ---------- startDate : :class:`~datetime.datetime`, optional First date to reprocess (default all) endDate : :class:`~datetime.datetime`, optional Last date to reprocess (default all) incVersion : :class:`int` {0, 1, 2}, optional Which version number to increment: major (0), minor (1), subminor (2). Forces reprocessing (default do not force). level : :class:`float`, optional Only reprocess files of this level (default all) """ return self._reprocessBy(startDate=startDate, endDate=endDate, incVersion=incVersion, level=level)
[docs] def reprocessByInstrument(self, id_in, level=None, startDate=None, endDate=None, incVersion=None): """Add files for an instrument to the queue for reprocessing Parameters ---------- id_in : :class:`str` or :class:`int` ID or name of instrument to reprocess level : :class:`int`, optional Only reprocess files of this level (default all) startDate : :class:`~datetime.datetime`, optional First date to reprocess (default all) endDate : :class:`~datetime.datetime`, optional Last date to reprocess (default all) incVersion : :class:`int` {0, 1, 2}, optional Which version number to increment: major (0), minor (1), subminor (2). Forces reprocessing (default do not force). """ try: inst_id = self.dbu.getInstrumentID(id_in) return self._reprocessBy(instrument=inst_id, level=level, startDate=startDate, endDate=endDate, incVersion=incVersion) except DButils.DBNoData: DBlogging.dblogger.error('No inst_id {0} found in the DB'.format(id_in))