Source code for dbprocessing.Version

"""Handling of version numbers for codes and files, including comparisons."""

from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function

from functools import total_ordering

[docs]class VersionError(Exception): """Error class for Version Calls out that an invalid version has been specified""" pass
[docs]@total_ordering class Version(object): """ A version class to simplify pushing around version information Handles Boolean operators (>, <, =, !=) and database interface for version is also implemented in another module. The version scheme is X,Y,Z where: * X is the interface version, incremented only when the interface to a file or code changes * Y is the quality version, incremented when a change is made to a file that affects quality * Z is the revision version, incremented when a revision has been done to a code or file, as minor as fixing a typo See Also -------- :ref:`concepts_versions` Notes ----- The interface version starts at 1. Examples -------- >>> import Version >>> v = Version.Version(1,1,1) >>> print(v) 1.1.1 Version objects can perform Boolean operations >>> v2 = Version.Version(1,2,1) >>> print(v2 > v) True Increment the version >>> v.incQuality() >>> print(v) 1.2.1 Same version is equal >>> v == v2 True """
[docs] def __init__(self, interface_version, quality_version, revision_version): """ Sets the class attributes Parameters ---------- interface_version : int The interface version for the object quality_version : int The quality version for the object revision_version : int The revision version for the object """ self.interface = int(interface_version) """The interface version for the object""" self.quality = int(quality_version) """The quality version for the object""" self.revision = int(revision_version) """The revision version for the object""" self._checkVersion()
[docs] @staticmethod def fromString(inval): """ Given a string of the form x.y.z return a Version object Parameters ---------- inval : :class:`str` Version in the form xx.yy.zz Returns ------- :class:`Version` Version instance created from the string """ return Version(*inval.split('.'))
def _checkVersion(self): """ Check a version to make sure it is valid, works on current object """ if self.interface == 0: raise VersionError("interface_version starts at 1") def __repr__(self): return 'Version: ' + self.__str__() def __str__(self): return str(self.interface) + '.' + str(self.quality) + '.' + \ str(self.revision) def __format__(self, *args, **kwargs): """Explicitly format as string""" return format(str(self), *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def incInterface(self): """Increment the interface version and reset the other two""" self.interface += 1 self.quality = 0 self.revision = 0 self._checkVersion()
[docs] def incQuality(self): """Increment the quality version and reset the revision""" self.quality += 1 self.revision = 0 self._checkVersion()
[docs] def incRevision(self): """Increment the revision version""" self.revision += 1 self._checkVersion()
def __eq__(self, other): return ((self.interface, self.quality, self.revision) == \ (other.interface, other.quality, other.revision)) def __ne__(self, other): return not (self == other) def __lt__(self, other): return ((self.interface, self.quality, self.revision) < \ (other.interface, other.quality, other.revision)) def __sub__(self, other): """ Subtract works on each version number Parameters ---------- other : :class:`Version` The other Version object Returns ------- :class:`list` Three-element difference of each version number """ return [self.interface - other.interface, self.quality - other.quality, self.revision - other.revision]