Source code for dbprocessing.Diskfile

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Information regarding a file as stored on disk."""

from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import print_function

import glob
import hashlib
import os

from . import DBlogging

# .. todo look at the logging  of these and fix it, broke the messages printed out, probably because Exception __init__isn't called
[docs]class ReadError(Exception): """ Exception that a file is not readable by the script, probably doesn't exist """ def __init__(self, *params): super(ReadError, self).__init__(*params) DBlogging.dblogger.error("ReadError raised")
[docs]class FilenameError(Exception): """ Exception especially for created filenames showing that they are wrong """ def __init__(self, *params): super(FilenameError, self).__init__(*params) DBlogging.dblogger.error("FilenameError raised")
[docs]class WriteError(Exception): """ Exception that a file is not write able by the script probably doesn't exist or in a ro directory """ def __init__(self, *params): super(WriteError, self).__init__(*params) DBlogging.dblogger.error("WriteError raised")
[docs]class InputError(Exception): """ Exception that input is bad to the DiskFile class """ def __init__(self, *params): super(InputError, self).__init__(*params) DBlogging.dblogger.error("InputError raised")
[docs]class DigestError(Exception): """ Exception that is thrown by calcDigest. Notes ----- Maybe just combine this with ReadError for the current purpose """ def __init__(self, *params): super(DigestError, self).__init__(*params) DBlogging.dblogger.error("DigestError raised")
[docs]class Diskfile(object): """ Diskfile class contains methods for dealing with files on disk All parsing for what mission files belong to is continued in here to add a new mission code must be added here. """
[docs] def __init__(self, infile, dbu): """ setup a Diskfile class takes in a filename and creates a params dict to hold information about the file then tests to see what mission the file is from Parameters ---------- infile : :class:`str` Full path to file to create a Diskfile around dbu : :class:`.DButils` Pass in the current session so that a new connection is not made """ self.infile = infile """Path to the input file. Not validated to be either relative or absolute. (:class:`str`)""" self.checkAccess() self.path = os.path.dirname(self.infile) self.filename = os.path.basename(self.infile) self.params = {} """Parameters of this file, i.e. metadata. (:class:`dict`)""" self.params['filename'] = self.filename self.params['utc_file_date'] = None self.params['utc_start_time'] = None self.params['utc_stop_time'] = None self.params['data_level'] = None self.params['check_date'] = None self.params['verbose_provenance'] = None self.params['quality_comment'] = None self.params['caveats'] = None self.params['file_create_date'] = None self.params['met_start_time'] = None self.params['met_stop_time'] = None self.params['exists_on_disk'] = None self.params['quality_checked'] = None self.params['product_id'] = None self.params['shasum'] = None self.params['version'] = None self.params['process_keywords'] = None self.dbu = dbu self.mission = self.dbu.mission # keeps track if we found a parsematch
def __repr__(self): return "<Diskfile.Diskfile object: {0}>".format(self.infile) def __str__(self): out = "" for key, value in self.params.items(): out += "params['{0}'] = {1}\n".format(key, value) return out
[docs] def checkAccess(self): """ Tests of the input file to be sure the script has the correct access. Takes no inputs; returns no values. Uses :data:`file` and raises exceptions if checks fail. Raises ------ ReadError If file isn't readable. WriteError If file isn't writeable. """ # need both read and write access self.READ_ACCESS = os.access(self.infile, os.R_OK) if not self.READ_ACCESS: DBlogging.dblogger.debug("{0} read access denied!".format(self.infile)) raise ReadError("file is not readable, does it exist? {0}".format(self.infile)) self.WRITE_ACCESS = os.access(self.infile, os.W_OK) | os.path.islink(self.infile) if not self.WRITE_ACCESS: DBlogging.dblogger.debug("{0} write access denied!".format(self.infile)) raise WriteError("file is not writeable, won't be able to move it to proper location: {0}".format(self.infile))
# DBlogging.dblogger.debug("{0} Access Checked out OK".format(self.infile))
[docs]def calcDigest(infile): """Calculate the SHA1 digest from a file. Parameters ---------- infile : :class:`str` Path to the file. Returns ------- hash : :class:`str` Hex digits of the file's SHA1 hash (40 bytes). """ m = hashlib.sha1() try: with open(infile, 'rb') as f: for d in iter(lambda:, b''): m.update(d) except IOError: raise DigestError("File not found: {0}".format(infile)) res = m.hexdigest() DBlogging.dblogger.debug("digest calculated: {0}, file: {1} ".format( res, infile)) return res