Source code for dbprocessing.DButils

"""Direct interfacing to dbprocessing databases.

Provides interface specific to dbprocessing databases (not general SQL
databases) and performs most functionality for retrieving, changing, etc.
of records.

from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import print_function

import collections
except ImportError:  # Python 2 = collections
import datetime
import getpass
import glob
import itertools
import os
import os.path
import posixpath
import socket  # to get the local hostname
import sys
from operator import itemgetter, attrgetter
    import urllib.parse  # python 3
except ImportError:
    import urllib
    urllib.parse = urllib

    str_classes = (str, unicode)
except NameError:
    str_classes = (str,)

import sqlalchemy
import sqlalchemy.engine
import sqlalchemy.schema
import sqlalchemy.sql.expression
from sqlalchemy import Table
from sqlalchemy.orm import mapper
from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker
import sqlalchemy.orm.exc
from sqlalchemy.exc import IntegrityError
from sqlalchemy.exc import InvalidRequestError
from sqlalchemy.exc import ArgumentError
from sqlalchemy.orm.exc import NoResultFound
from sqlalchemy.sql import func
from sqlalchemy import and_

from .Diskfile import calcDigest, DigestError
from . import DBlogging
from . import DBstrings
from . import tables
from . import Version
from . import Utils
from . import __version__

## NOTES, read these if new to this module
# - functions are in transition from returning the thing the name says e.g. getFileID returns a number to
#      instead returning the sqlalchemy object that meets the criteria so getFileID would return a File instance
#      and the user would then have to get the ID by using File.file_id.  This makes for fewer functions and is
#      significantly cleaner in a few spots

[docs]class DBError(Exception): """Error in accessing the database""" pass
[docs]class DBProcessingError(Exception): """Higher-level error (used only for failures in logging)""" pass
[docs]class FilenameParse(Exception): """Not used""" pass
[docs]class DBNoData(Exception): """Expected data not found in the database""" pass
[docs]def postgresql_url(databasename): """Build postgresl database URL Environment variable ``PGUSER`` is required. Will also use ``PGHOST``, ``PGPORT`` (requires ``PGHOST``), ``PGPASSWORD`` to define database server to connect to. Anything unspecified is postgresql default. Parameters ---------- databasename : :class:`str` Name of the database Returns ------- :class:`str` Full postgresql URL, suitable for use in :func:`~sqlalchemy.create_engine` """ # If no host, defaults to Unix domain on localhost. hostport = os.environ.get('PGHOST', '') if 'PGPORT' in os.environ: hostport = '{}:{}'.format(hostport, os.environ['PGPORT']) userpass = os.environ['PGUSER'] if 'PGPASSWORD' in os.environ: userpass = '{}:{}'.format(userpass, urllib.parse.quote_plus( os.environ['PGPASSWORD'])) db_url = 'postgresql://{userpass}@{hostport}/{database}'.format( userpass=userpass, hostport=hostport, database=databasename) return db_url
[docs]class DButils(object): """Utility routines for DBProcessing class All of these may be user called but are meant to be internal routines for DBProcessing .. warning:: It is strongly encouraged to make sure the database is closed before the program terminates, either by calling :meth:`closeDB` or deleting instances of this object (with an explicit :ref:`del <del>` or by allowing it to go out of scope.) If this object still exists at interpreter exit, it will attempt to close the database, but the functionality to do so may have already been torn down. See for example `Python issue 39513 <>`_. """
[docs] def __init__(self, mission='Test', db_var=None, echo=False, engine=None): """ Initialize the DButils class Parameters ---------- mission : :class:`str` Name of the mission. This may be the name of a .sqlite file or the name of a Postgresql database; see :ref:`scripts_specifying_database` for Postgresql support (implemented by :func:`postgresql_url`). echo : :class:`bool`, default False if True, the Engine will log all statements as well as a repr() of their parameter lists to the logger engine : :class:`str`, optional DB engine to connect to (e.g sqlite, postgresql). Defaults to sqlite if mission is an existing file, else postgresql. Other Parameters ---------------- db_var Does nothing """ self.dbIsOpen = False if mission is None: raise DBError("Must input database name to create DButils instance") if engine is None: engine = 'sqlite' if os.path.isfile(os.path.expanduser(mission))\ else 'postgresql' self.mission = mission # Expose the format/regex routines of DBformatter fmtr = DBstrings.DBformatter() self.format = fmtr.format = self.openDB(db_var=db_var, engine=engine, echo=echo) self._createTableObjects() self.MissionDirectory = self.getMissionDirectory() self.CodeDirectory = self.getCodeDirectory() self.InspectorDirectory = self.getInspectorDirectory()
def __del__(self): """ try and clean up a little bit """ self.closeDB() def __repr__(self): """ Print out something useful when one prints the class instance Returns ------- str DBProcessing class instance for mission <mission name> """ return 'DBProcessing class instance for mission ' + self.mission + ', version: ' + __version__ #################################### ###### DB and Tables ############### ####################################
[docs] def openDB(self, engine, db_var=None, verbose=False, echo=False): """Setup python to talk to the database Parameters ---------- engine : :class:`str` DB engine to connect to verbose : :class:`bool`, default False if True, will print out extra debugging echo : :class:`bool`, default False if True, the Engine will log all statements as well as a repr() of their parameter lists to the logger Other Parameters ---------------- db_var Does nothing """ if self.dbIsOpen == True: return if engine == 'sqlite': if not os.path.isfile(os.path.expanduser(self.mission)): raise ValueError("DB file specified doesn't exist") db_url = '{0}:///{1}'.format(engine, os.path.expanduser( self.mission)) self.mission = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(self.mission)) elif engine == 'postgresql': db_url = postgresql_url(self.mission) else: raise DBError('Unknown engine {}'.format(engine)) try: engineIns = sqlalchemy.create_engine(db_url, echo=echo)"Database Connection opened: {0} {1}".format(str(engineIns), self.mission)) except (DBError, ArgumentError): (t, v, tb) = sys.exc_info() raise DBError('Error creating engine: ' + str(v)) try: metadata = sqlalchemy.MetaData(bind=engineIns) # a session is what you use to actually talk to the DB, set one up with the current engine Session = sessionmaker(bind=engineIns) session = Session() self.engine = engineIns self.metadata = metadata self.session = session self.dbIsOpen = True if verbose: print("DB is open: %s" % (engineIns)) return except Exception as msg: raise DBError('Error opening database: %s' % (msg))
def _createTableObjects(self, verbose=False): """ cycle through the database and build classes for each of the tables Parameters ---------- verbose : :class:`bool`, default False if True, will print out extra debugging """ DBlogging.dblogger.debug("Entered _createTableObjects()") ## ask for the table names form the database (does not grab views) inspector = sqlalchemy.inspect(self.engine) table_names = inspector.get_table_names() ## create a dictionary of all the table names that will be used as class names. ## this uses the db table name as the table name and a cap 1st letter as the class ## when interacting using python use the class table_dict = { } for val in table_names: table_dict[val.title()] = val ## dynamically create all the classes (c1) ## dynamically create all the tables in the db (c2) ## dynamically create all the mapping between class and table (c3) ## this just saves a lot of typing and is equivalent to: ## class Missions(object): ## pass ## missions = Table('missions', metadata, autoload=True) ## mapper(Missions, missions) for val in table_dict: if verbose: print(val) if not hasattr(self, val): # then make it myclass = type(str(val), (object,), dict()) tableobj = Table(table_dict[val], self.metadata, autoload=True) mapper(myclass, tableobj) setattr(self, str(val), myclass) if verbose: print("Class %s created" % (val)) if verbose: DBlogging.dblogger.debug("Class %s created" % (val)) ##################################### #### Do processing and input to DB #####################################
[docs] def currentlyProcessing(self): """Checks the db to see if it is currently processing Ensures not doing 2 at the same time Returns ------- :class:`bool` or :class:`int` False or the current process id Examples -------- >>> pnl.currentlyProcessing() """"Checking currently_processing") sq = self.session.query(self.Logging).filter_by(currently_processing=True).all() if len(sq) == 1: DBlogging.dblogger.warning("currently_processing is set. PID: {0}".format(sq[0].pid)) return sq[0].pid elif len(sq) == 0: return False else: DBlogging.dblogger.error("More than one currently_processing flag set, fix the DB") raise DBError("More than one currently_processing flag set, fix the DB")
[docs] def resetProcessingFlag(self, comment): """ Query the db and reset a processing flag Parameters ---------- comment : :class:`str` the comment to enter into the processing log DB Returns ------- :class:`bool` True - Success, False - Failure """ sq2 = self.session.query(self.Logging).filter_by(currently_processing=True).count() if sq2 and comment is None: raise ValueError("Must enter a comment to override DB lock") sq = self.session.query(self.Logging).filter_by(currently_processing=True) for val in sq: val.currently_processing = False val.processing_end = datetime.datetime.utcnow() val.comment = 'Overridden:' + comment + ':' + __version__ DBlogging.dblogger.error("Logging lock overridden: %s" % ('Overridden:' + comment + ':' + __version__)) self.session.add(val) if sq2: self.commitDB()
[docs] def startLogging(self): """ Add an entry to the logging table in the DB, logging """ # this is the logging of the processing, no real use for it yet but maybe we will in the future # helps to know is the process ran and if it succeeded if self.currentlyProcessing(): raise DBError('A Currently Processing flag is still set, cannot process now') # save this class instance so that we can finish the logging later self.__p1 = self.addLogging(True, datetime.datetime.utcnow(), ## for now there is one mission only per DB # self.getMissionID(self.mission), self.session.query(self.Mission.mission_id).first()[0], getpass.getuser(), socket.gethostname(), pid=os.getpid())"Logging started: %d: %s, PID: %s, M_id: %s, user: %s, hostname: %s" % (self.__p1.logging_id, self.__p1.processing_start_time,, self.__p1.mission_id, self.__p1.user, self.__p1.hostname))
[docs] def addLogging(self, currently_processing, processing_start_time, mission_id, user, hostname, pid=None, processing_end_time=None, comment=None): """ Add an entry to the logging table Parameters ---------- currently_processing : :class:`bool` is the db currently processing? processing_start_time : :class:`~datetime.datetime` the time the processing started mission_id : :class:`int` the :sql:column:`~mission.mission_id` the processing is for user : :class:`str` the user doing the processing hostname : :class:`str` the hostname that initiated the processing pid : :class:`int`, optional the process id that did the processing, default null processing_end_time : :class:`~datetime.datetime`, optional the time the processing stopped, default null comment : :class:`str` comment about the processing run Returns ------- Logging instance of the class for the :sql:table:`logging` table. """ l1 = self.Logging() l1.currently_processing = currently_processing l1.processing_start_time = processing_start_time l1.mission_id = mission_id l1.user = user l1.hostname = hostname = pid l1.processing_end_time = processing_end_time l1.comment = comment self.session.add(l1) self.commitDB() return l1 # so we can use the same session to stop the logging
[docs] def stopLogging(self, comment): """ Finish the entry to the processing table in the DB, logging Parameters ---------- comment : :class:`str` a comment to insert into the DB """ try: self.__p1 except: DBlogging.dblogger.warning("Logging was not started, can't stop") raise DBProcessingError("Logging was not started") # clean up the logging, we are done processing and we can release the lock (currently_processing) and # put in the complete time self.__p1.processing_end = datetime.datetime.utcnow() self.__p1.currently_processing = False self.__p1.comment = comment + ':' + __version__ self.session.add(self.__p1) self.commitDB()"Logging stopped: %s comment '%s' " % (self.__p1.processing_end, self.__p1.comment)) del self.__p1
[docs] def checkDiskForFile(self, file_id, fix=False): """ Check if the file existence on disk matches database record Parameters ---------- file_id : :class:`int` :sql:column:`~file.file_id` of the file to check fix : :class:`bool`, default False set to have the DB fixed to match the file system this is **NOT** sure to be safe Returns ------- :class:`bool` True if consistent, False otherwise """ sq = self.getEntry('File', file_id) if sq.exists_on_disk: file_path = self.getFileFullPath(sq.file_id) if not os.path.exists(file_path): if fix: sq.exists_on_disk = False self.session.add(sq) self.commitDB() return self.checkDiskForFile(file_id) # call again to get the True else: return False else: return True else: return True
[docs] def ProcessqueueFlush(self): """remove everything from the process queue This is as optimized as it can be """ length = self.ProcessqueueLen() self.session.query(self.Processqueue).delete() self.commitDB()"Processqueue was cleared") return length
[docs] def ProcessqueueRemove(self, item, commit = True): """ remove a file from the queue by name or number Parameters ---------- item : :class:`int` or :class:`str` :sql:column:`~file.filename` or :sql:column:`~file.file_id` of file to remove from the process queue. commit : :class:`bool`, default True Commit changes to the database when done. """ # if the input is a file name need to handle that if isinstance(item, str_classes) \ or not isinstance(item, item = [item] for ii, v in enumerate(item): item[ii] = self.getFileID(v) sq = self.session.query(self.Processqueue).filter(self.Processqueue.file_id.in_(item)) for v in sq: self.session.delete(v) if sq and commit: self.commitDB()
[docs] def ProcessqueueGetAll(self, version_bump=False): """ Return the entire contents of the process queue Parameters ---------- version_bump : :class:`bool`, default False Include the version bump information Returns ------- :class:`list` All :sql:column:`~file.file_id` in the process queue, optionally the :sql:column:`~processqueue.version_bump` information as well. """ pqdata = self.session.query(self.Processqueue).all() if version_bump: ans = list(zip(map(attrgetter('file_id'), pqdata), map(attrgetter('version_bump'), pqdata))) else: ans = list(map(attrgetter('file_id'), pqdata)) DBlogging.dblogger.debug("Entire Processqueue was read: {0} elements returned".format(len(ans))) return ans
[docs] def ProcessqueuePush(self, fileid, version_bump=None, MAX_ADD=150): """ Push a file onto the process queue (onto the right) Parameters ---------- fileid : :class:`int` or :class:`str` the :sql:column:`~file.file_id` or :sql:column:`~file.filename` to put on the process queue. Returns ------- file_id : :class:`int` :sql:column:`~file.file_id` of the file placed on queue, as grabbed from the db. """ if not hasattr(fileid, '__iter__'): fileid = [fileid] else: # do this in chunks as too many entries breaks things if len(fileid) > MAX_ADD: outval = [] for v in Utils.chunker(fileid, MAX_ADD): outval.extend(self.ProcessqueuePush(v, version_bump=version_bump)) return outval # first filter() takes care of putting in values that are not in the DB. It is silent # second filter() takes care of not reading files that are already in the queue subq = self.session.query(self.Processqueue.file_id).subquery() fileid = (self.session.query(self.File.file_id) .filter(self.File.file_id.in_(fileid)) .filter(~self.File.file_id.in_( fileid = list(map(itemgetter(0), fileid)) # nested tuples to list pq = set(self.ProcessqueueGetAll()) fileid = set(fileid).difference(pq) outval = [] objs = [] for f in fileid: pq1 = self.Processqueue() pq1.file_id = f pq1.version_bump = version_bump objs.append(pq1) outval.append(pq1.file_id) DBlogging.dblogger.debug("File added to process queue {0}:{1}".format(fileid, '---')) if fileid: self.session.add_all(objs) self.commitDB() # pqid = self.session.query(self.Processqueue.file_id).all() return outval
[docs] def ProcessqueueRawadd(self, fileid, version_bump=None, commit=True): """ raw add file ids to the process queue .. warning:: This might break things if an id is added that does not exist; it's meant to be fast and used after getting the ids. IS safe against adding ids that are already in the queue. Parameters ---------- fileid : :class:`int` or :class:`` the :sql:column:`~file.file_id` or sequence of file ids to add Returns ------- num : :class:`int` the number of entries added to the processqueue """ current_q = set(self.ProcessqueueGetAll()) if not hasattr(fileid, '__iter__'): fileid = [fileid] fileid = set(fileid) # drop all the values in the current_q from fileid files_to_add = fileid.difference(current_q) # are there any left? if len(files_to_add) != 0: for f in files_to_add: pq1 = self.Processqueue() pq1.file_id = f pq1.version_bump = version_bump self.session.add(pq1) DBlogging.dblogger.debug("File added to process queue {0}:{1}".format(fileid, '---')) if commit: self.commitDB() # commit once for all the adds return len(files_to_add)
[docs] def ProcessqueueLen(self): """ Return the number of files in the process queue Returns ------- :class:`int` Count of files in the queue """ return self.session.query(self.Processqueue).count()
[docs] def ProcessqueuePop(self, index=0): """ pop a file off the process queue (from the left) Other Parameters ---------------- index : :class:`int` the index in the queue to pop Returns ------- file_id : :class:`int` the :sql:column:`~processqueue.file_id` of the :sql:table:`file` popped from the queue """ val = self.ProcessqueueGet(index=index, instance=True) self.session.delete(val) self.commitDB() return (val.file_id, val.version_bump)
[docs] def ProcessqueueGet(self, index=0, instance=False): """ Get the file at the head of the queue (from the left) Returns ------- file_id : :class:`int` the :sql:column:`~processqueue.file_id` of the :sql:table:`file` popped from the queue """ if index < 0: # enable the python from the end indexing index = self.ProcessqueueLen() + index sq = self.session.query(self.Processqueue).offset(index).first() if instance: ans = sq else: ans = (sq.file_id, sq.version_bump) return ans
[docs] def ProcessqueueClean(self, dryrun=False): """Keep only latest version of each file in the process queue. This is determined by :sql:column:`~file.product_id` and :sql:column:`~file.utc_file_date`. Also sorts queue by level, date Parameters ---------- dryrun : :class:`bool`, default False Do not actually make changes to the queue. """ # BAL 30 March 2017 Trying a different method here that might be cleaner # # TODO this might break with weekly input files # DBlogging.dblogger.debug("Entering ProcessqueueClean(), there are {0} entries".format(self.ProcessqueueLen())) # pqdata = self.ProcessqueueGetAll(version_bump=True) # # file_ids = list(map(itemgetter(0), pqdata)) # version_bumps = list(map(itemgetter(1), pqdata)) # # # speed this up using a sql in_ call not looping over getEntry for each one # # this gets all the file objects for the processqueue file_ids # subq = self.session.query(self.Processqueue.file_id).subquery() # file_entries = self.session.query(self.File).filter(self.File.file_id.in_(subq)).all() # # file_entries2 = self.file_id_Clean(file_entries) # # # ============================================================================== # # # sort keep on dates, then sort keep on level # # ============================================================================== # # this should make them in order for each level # file_entries2 = sorted(file_entries2, key=lambda x: x.utc_file_date, reverse=1) # file_entries2 = sorted(file_entries2, key=lambda x: x.data_level) # # apply same sort/filter to version_bumps # version_bumps2 = (version_bumps[file_entries.index(v)] for v in file_entries2) # # file_entries2 = [val.file_id for val in file_entries2] # mixed_entries = itertools.izip(file_entries2, version_bumps2) # # ## now we have a list of just the newest file_id's # if not dryrun: # self.ProcessqueueFlush() # # self.ProcessqueuePush(ans) # if not any(version_bumps2): # self.ProcessqueuePush(file_entries2) # else: # itertools.starmap(self.ProcessqueuePush, mixed_entries) # # for v in mixed_entries: # # itertools.startmap(self.ProcessqueuePush, v) # else: # print( # '<dryrun> Queue cleaned leaving {0} of {1} entries'.format(len(file_entries2), self.ProcessqueueLen())) # # DBlogging.dblogger.debug( # "Done in ProcessqueueClean(), there are {0} entries left".format(self.ProcessqueueLen())) # # BAL 30 March 2017 new version # # get all the files from the process queue DBlogging.dblogger.debug("Entering ProcessqueueClean(), there are {0} entries".format(self.ProcessqueueLen())) pqdata = self.ProcessqueueGetAll(version_bump=True) # all we need to do is look at each file and see if it is latest version or not, if it is not drop it entries = [] version_bump = False for i, pq in enumerate(pqdata): # print(i, len(pqdata)) if pq[1] is not None: entries.append(pq) # if the version_bump is these it needs to stay in the queue version_bump = True else: if self.fileIsNewest(pq[0]): entries.append(pq) # if the file is newest_version than we keep it if not dryrun: self.ProcessqueueFlush() if not version_bump: self.ProcessqueueRawadd(list(zip(*entries))[0]) else: for f in pqdata: self.Processqueueadd(f) else: print( '<dryrun> Queue cleaned leaving {0} of {1} entries'.format(len(file_entries2), self.ProcessqueueLen())) DBlogging.dblogger.debug( "Done in ProcessqueueClean(), there are {0} entries left".format(self.ProcessqueueLen()))
[docs] def fileIsNewest(self, filename, debug=False): """ quesry the database, is this filename or file_id newest version? Parameters ---------- filename : :class:`int` or :class:`str` filename or file_id Returns ------- :class:`bool` True is file is lastest_version, False is not """ file = self.getEntry('File', filename) product_id = file.product_id if debug: print('product_id', product_id ) date = file.utc_file_date if debug: print('date', date) file_id = file.file_id if debug: print('file_id', file_id, file.filename) latest = self.getFilesByProductDate(product_id, [date]*2, newest_version=True) if len(latest) > 1: raise DBError("More than one latest for a product date") latest_id = latest[0].file_id if debug: print('latest_id', latest_id) return file_id == latest_id
def _purgeFileFromDB(self, filename=None, recursive=False, verbose=False, trust_id=False, commit=True): """ removes a file from the DB Parameters ---------- filename : :class:`str` or :class:`` name of the file to remove (or a list of names) recursive : :class:`bool`, default False remove all files that depend on the given file Other Parameters ---------------- verbose : :class:`bool`, default False if True, will print out extra debugging trust_id : :class:`bool`, default False if True, assumes ``filename`` is a valid file id commit : :class:`bool`, default True Commit changes to the database when done. Examples -------- >>> pnl._purgeFileFromDB('Test-one_R0_evinst-L1_20100401_v0.1.1.cdf') """ # if not an iterable make it a iterable if isinstance(filename, str_classes) \ or not isinstance(filename, filename = [filename] for ii, f in enumerate(filename): if not trust_id: try: f = self.getFileID(f) except DBNoData: pass else: pass # just use the id without a lookup if recursive: ids = self.session.query(self.Filefilelink.resulting_file).filter_by(source_file=f).all() for fid in ids: self._purgeFileFromDB(filename=fid.resulting_file, recursive=True, verbose=verbose) if verbose: print(ii, len(filename), f) # we need to look in each table that could have a reference to this file and delete that try: ## processqueue self.ProcessqueueRemove(f) except DBNoData: pass try: ## filefilelink self.delFilefilelink(f) except DBNoData: pass try: ## filecodelink self.delFilecodelink(f) except DBNoData: pass try: ## file self.session.delete(self.getEntry('File', f)) except DBNoData: pass"File removed from db {0}".format(f)) if commit: self.commitDB()
[docs] def getAllSatellites(self): """ Return dictionaries of satellite, mission objects Returns ------- :class:`dict` dictionaries of satellite, mission objects """ ans = [] sats = self.session.query(self.Satellite).all() ans = [self.getTraceback('Satellite', x.satellite_id) for x in sats] return ans
[docs] def getAllInstruments(self): """ Return dictionaries of instrument traceback dictionaries Returns ------- :class:`dict` dictionaries of instrument traceback dictionaries """ ans = [] insts = self.session.query(self.Instrument).all() ans = [self.getTraceback('Instrument', x.instrument_id) for x in insts] return ans
[docs] def getAllCodes(self, active=True): """ Return a list of all codes Parameters ---------- active : :class:`bool`, default False Only return codes which are marked :sql:column:`~code.active_code` and :sql:column:`~code.newest_version`. Returns ------- :class:`list` All codes """ ans = [] if active: codes = self.session.query(self.Code).filter(and_(self.Code.newest_version, self.Code.active_code)).all() else: codes = self.session.query(self.Code).all() ans = [self.getTraceback('Code', x.code_id) for x in codes] return ans
[docs] def getAllFilenames(self, fullPath=True, startDate=None, endDate=None, level=None, product=None, code=None, instrument=None, exists=None, newest_version=False, limit=None): """ Return all the file names in the database All parameters are optional; if not specified, default is "all". Parameters ---------- fullPath : :class:`bool`, default True Return full path (if False, just filename) startDate : :class:`~datetime.datetime`, optional First date to include, based on :sql:column:`~file.utc_file_date` endDate : :class:`~datetime.datetime`, optional Last date to include (inclusive) level : :class:`float`, optional Only include files of this level. product : :class:`int`, optional :sql:column:`~product.product_id` of files to include code : :class:`int`, optional Only return files created by code with ID of :sql:column:`~code.code_id` instrument : :class:`int`, optional Only return files with instrument :sql:column:`~instrument.instrument_id` exists : :class:`bool`, default False Only return files that exist on disk, based on :sql:column:`~file.exists_on_disk`. newest_version : :class:`bool`, default False Only return files that are the newest version (of their product and date) limit : :class:`int` Limit number of results, default all Returns ------- :class:`list` of :class:`str` Filename of all files matching requirements. """ files = self.getFiles(startDate, endDate, level, product, code, instrument, exists, newest_version, limit) if fullPath: # Get file_id instead, saves time since getFileFullPath gets the ID anyway names = [d.file_id for d in files] # This is probobly slow, but hopfully not slow enough to be an issue return list(map(self.getFileFullPath, names)) else: return [d.filename for d in files]
[docs] def addMission(self, mission_name, rootdir, incoming_dir, codedir=None, inspectordir=None, errordir=None): """ Add a mission to the database Optional directories which are not specified will be inserted into the database as nulls, and the default will be determined at runtime. Parameters ---------- mission_name : :class:`str` the name of the mission rootdir : :class:`str` the root directory of the mission incoming_dir : :class:`str` directory for incoming files codedir : :class:`str`, optional directory containing codes; default, see :meth:`getCodeDirectory` inspectordir : :class:`str`, optional directory containing product inspectors; default, see :meth:`getInspectorDirectory`) errordir : :class:`str`, optional directory to contain error files; default, see :meth:`getErrorPath` """ mission_name = str(mission_name) rootdir = str(rootdir) try: m1 = self.Mission() except AttributeError: raise DBError("Class Mission not found was it created?") m1.mission_name = mission_name m1.rootdir = rootdir.replace('{MISSION}', mission_name) m1.incoming_dir = incoming_dir.replace('{MISSION}', mission_name) m1.codedir = None if codedir is None \ else codedir.replace('{MISSION}', mission_name) m1.inspectordir = None if inspectordir is None\ else inspectordir.replace('{MISSION}', mission_name) if hasattr(m1, 'newest_version'): # Old DBs will not have this, new ones will m1.errordir = None if errordir is None \ else errordir.replace('{MISSION}', mission_name) self.session.add(m1) self.commitDB() return m1.mission_id
[docs] def addSatellite(self, satellite_name, mission_id): """ Add a satellite to the database Parameters ---------- satellite_name : :class:`str` the name of the satellite mission_id : :class:`int` :sql:column:`mission.mission_id` of mission to add to Returns ------- :class:`int` :sql:column:`satellite.satellite_id` of newly-added satellite. """ satellite_name = str(satellite_name) s1 = self.Satellite() s1.mission_id = mission_id s1.satellite_name = satellite_name.replace('{MISSION}', self.getEntry('Mission', mission_id).mission_name) self.session.add(s1) self.commitDB() return s1.satellite_id
[docs] def addProcess(self, process_name, output_product, output_timebase, extra_params=None, trigger=None): """ Add a process to the database Parameters ---------- process_name : :class:`str` the name of the process (:sql:column:`~process.process_name`). output_product : :class:`int` the output product id (:sql:column:`~process.output_product`). output_timebase : :class:`str` Timebase to use for output files, options ``RUN``, ``ORBIT``, ``DAILY``, ``WEEKLY``, ``MONTHLY``, ``YEARLY``, ``FILE`` (:sql:column:`~process.output_timebase`). extra_params : :class:`str`, optional extra parameters to pass to the code (:sql:column:`~process.extra_params`). Other Parameters ---------------- trigger Unused. """ if output_timebase not in ['RUN', 'ORBIT', 'DAILY', 'WEEKLY', 'MONTHLY', 'YEARLY', 'FILE']: raise ValueError("output_timebase invalid choice") p1 = self.Process() p1.output_product = Utils.toNone(output_product) p1.process_name = process_name p1.extra_params = Utils.toNone(extra_params) p1.output_timebase = output_timebase self.session.add(p1) self.commitDB() # self.updateProcessSubs(p1.process_id) return p1.process_id
[docs] def addProduct(self, product_name, instrument_id, relative_path, format, level, product_description): """ Add a product to the database Adds record to :sql:table:`product`. Parameters ---------- product_name : :class:`str` the name of the product instrument_id : :class:`int` the instrument the product is from relative_path : :class:`str` relative path for the product format : :class:`str` the format of the product filenames """ p1 = self.Product() p1.instrument_id = instrument_id p1.product_name = product_name p1.relative_path = relative_path p1.format = format p1.level = level p1.product_description = product_description self.session.add(p1) self.commitDB() return p1.product_id
[docs] def updateProductSubs(self, product_id): """ Update an existing product performing the {} replacements Updates the database, replacing the generic ``{}`` references with the actual values for the product. Parameters ---------- product_id : :class:`int` or :class:`str` :sql:column:`~product.product_id` or :sql:column:`~product.product_name` of product to update """ # need to do {} replacement, have to do it as a modification p1 = self.getEntry('Product', product_id) product_id = p1.product_id product_name = self._nameSubProduct(p1.product_name, product_id) p1.product_name = product_name relative_path = self._nameSubProduct(p1.relative_path, product_id) p1.relative_path = relative_path fmt = self._nameSubProduct(p1.format, product_id) p1.format = fmt self.session.add(p1) self.commitDB()
[docs] def updateInspectorSubs(self, insp_id): """ Update an existing inspector performing the {} replacements Updates the database, replacing the generic ``{}`` references with the actual values for the inspector. Parameters ---------- insp_id : :class:`int` :sql:column:`~inspector.inspector_id` of inspector to update. """ # need to do {} replacement, have to do it as a modification p1 = self.getEntry('Inspector', insp_id) insp_id = p1.inspector_id relative_path = self._nameSubInspector(p1.relative_path, insp_id) p1.relative_path = relative_path self.session.add(p1) self.commitDB()
[docs] def updateProcessSubs(self, proc_id): """ Update an existing product performing the {} replacements Updates the database, replacing the generic ``{}`` references with the actual values for the process. Parameters ---------- proc_id : :class:`int` or :class:`str` :sql:column:`~process.process_id` or :sql:column:`~process.process_name` of process to update """ # need to do {} replacement, have to do it as a modification p1 = self.getEntry('Process', proc_id) proc_id = p1.process_id process_name = self._nameSubProcess(p1.process_name, proc_id) p1.process_name = process_name extra_params = self._nameSubProcess(p1.extra_params, proc_id) p1.extra_params = extra_params self.session.add(p1) self.commitDB()
[docs] def delInspector(self, i): """ Removes an inspector from the db Parameters ---------- i : :class:`int` :sql:column:`inspector.inspector_id` of inspector to delete """ insp = self.getEntry('Inspector', i) self.session.delete(insp) self.commitDB()
[docs] def delProduct(self, pp): """ Removes a product from the db Parameters ---------- pp : :class:`int` or :class:`str` :sql:column:`~product.product_id` or :sql:column:`~product.product_name` of product to remove. """ prod = self.getEntry('Product', pp) self.session.delete(prod) self.commitDB()
[docs] def purgeProcess(self, proc, commit = True): """ Remove process and productprocesslink Removes a :sql:table:`process` record from the database and all :sql:table:`productprocesslink` records for that process. Parameters ---------- proc : :class:`int` :sql:column:`~process.process_id` of process to delete. commit : :class:`bool`, default True Commit changes to the database when done. """ sq=self.session.query(self.Productprocesslink.input_product_id)\ .filter_by(process_id=proc.process_id) prod_ids = [ii for ii, in sq] for prod_id in prod_ids: link = self.getEntry('Productprocesslink',[proc.process_id, prod_id]) self.session.delete(link) self.session.delete(proc) if commit: self.commitDB()
[docs] def addInstrument(self, instrument_name, satellite_id): """ Add a Instrument to the database Creates record in :sql:table:`instrument`. Parameters ---------- instrument_name : :class:`str` The name of the instrument (:sql:column:`~instrument.instrument_name`). satellite_id : :class:`int` :sql:column:`~satellite.satellite_id` of the satellite associated with the instrument. """ i1 = self.Instrument() i1.satellite_id = satellite_id if '{MISSION}' in instrument_name: mission_name = self.getSatelliteMission(satellite_id).mission_name instrument_name = instrument_name.replace('{MISSION}', mission_name) if '{SPACECRAFT}' in instrument_name: satellite_name = self.getEntry('Satellite', satellite_id).satellite_name instrument_name = instrument_name.replace('{SPACECRAFT}', satellite_name) i1.instrument_name = instrument_name self.session.add(i1) self.commitDB() return i1.instrument_id
[docs] def addCode(self, filename, relative_path, code_start_date, code_stop_date, code_description, process_id, version, active_code, date_written, output_interface_version, newest_version, arguments=None, cpu=1, ram=1): """ Add an executable code to the DB Creates a record in :sql:table:`code` table. Parameters ---------- filename : :class:`str` the filename of the code. relative_path : :class:`str` the relative path (relative to mission code directory). code_start_date : :class:`~datetime.datetime` start of validity of the code. code_stop_date : :class:`~datetime.datetime` end of validity of the code. code_description : :class:`str` description of the code (50 char). process_id : :class:`int` :sql:column:`~process.process_id` of the process this code implements. version : :class:`.Version` or :class:`str` Version of the code. active_code : :class:`bool` if the code is active. code_date_written : :class:`~datetime.datetime` date the code was written. output_interface_version : :class:`int` Interface version of files produced by the code. newest_version : :class:`bool` Is the code the newest version. arguments : :class:`str`, optional Additional command line arguments to pass to the code, default none (no extra arguments). cpu : :class:`int`, default 1 Relative CPU usage of code (usually in terms of threads). ram : :class:`float`, default 1 Relative memory usage of code. Returns ------- code_id : :class:`int` :sql:column:`~code.code_id` of newly created record. """ if isinstance(version, str_classes): version = Version.Version.fromString(version) c1 = self.Code() c1.filename = filename c1.relative_path = relative_path c1.code_start_date = Utils.parseDate(code_start_date) c1.code_stop_date = Utils.parseDate(code_stop_date) c1.code_description = code_description c1.process_id = process_id c1.interface_version = version.interface c1.quality_version = version.quality c1.revision_version = version.revision c1.active_code = Utils.toBool(active_code) c1.date_written = Utils.parseDate(date_written) c1.output_interface_version = output_interface_version c1.newest_version = Utils.toBool(newest_version) c1.arguments = Utils.toNone(arguments) c1.ram = ram c1.cpu = cpu self.session.add(c1) self.commitDB() return c1.code_id
[docs] def addInspector(self, filename, relative_path, description, version, active_code, date_written, output_interface_version, newest_version, product, arguments=None): """ Add an inspector to the DB. Creates a record in :sql:table:`inspector` table. Parameters ---------- filename : :class:`str` the filename of the inspector relative_path : :class:`str` the relative path (relative to mission inspector directory). description : :class:`str` description of the inspector (50 char). version : :class:`.Version` or :class:`str` Version of the code. active_code : :class:`bool` if the inspector is active. date_written : :class:`~datetime.datetime` date the inspector was written. output_interface_version : :class:`int` Written to database, but not used. newest_version : :class:`bool` Is the inspector the newest version. product : :class:`int` :sql:column:`~product.product_id` of the product this inspector identifies. arguments : :class:`str`, optional Additional keywords to pass to the :meth:`~.inspector.inspect` method, default none (no extra arguments). Returns ------- inspector_id : :class:`int` :sql:column:`~inspector.inspector_id` of newly created record. """ if isinstance(version, str_classes): version = Version.Version.fromString(version) c1 = self.Inspector() c1.filename = filename c1.relative_path = relative_path # need to do {} replacement description = self._nameSubProduct(description, product) c1.description = description c1.product = self.getProductID(product) c1.interface_version = version.interface c1.quality_version = version.quality c1.revision_version = version.revision c1.active_code = Utils.toBool(active_code) c1.date_written = Utils.parseDate(date_written) c1.output_interface_version = output_interface_version c1.newest_version = Utils.toBool(newest_version) c1.arguments = Utils.toNone(self._nameSubProduct(arguments, product)) self.session.add(c1) self.commitDB() return c1.inspector_id
def _nameSubProduct(self, inStr, product_id): """ In inStr replace the standard {} with the names Parameters ---------- inStr : :class:`str` String on which to do substitutions product_id : :class:`int` :sql:column:`~product.product_id` of product to use in performing substitutions. Returns ------- :class:`str` ``inStr`` with substitutions performed. See Also -------- :ref:`concepts_substitutions` """ if inStr is None: return inStr repl = ['{INSTRUMENT}', '{SPACECRAFT}', '{SATELLITE}', '{MISSION}', '{PRODUCT}', '{LEVEL}', '{ROOTDIR}'] # are there any repalcements to do? If not we are done match = False for r in repl: if r in inStr: match = True if not match: return inStr try: ftb = self.getTraceback('Product', product_id) except DBError: # during the addFromConfig process the full traceback is not yet there ftb = { } # fill in as much as we can know manually if '{PRODUCT}' in inStr: ftb['product'] = self.getEntry('Product', product_id) if '{INSTRUMENT}' in inStr: # need to replace with the instrument name inStr = inStr.replace('{INSTRUMENT}', ftb['instrument'].instrument_name) if '{SATELLITE}' in inStr: # need to replace with the instrument name inStr = inStr.replace('{SATELLITE}', ftb['satellite'].satellite_name) if '{SPACECRAFT}' in inStr: # need to replace with the instrument name inStr = inStr.replace('{SPACECRAFT}', ftb['satellite'].satellite_name) if '{MISSION}' in inStr: # need to replace with the instrument name inStr = inStr.replace('{MISSION}', ftb['mission'].mission_name) if '{PRODUCT}' in inStr: # need to replace with the instrument name inStr = inStr.replace('{PRODUCT}', ftb['product'].product_name) if '{LEVEL}' in inStr: inStr = inStr.replace('{LEVEL}', str(ftb['product'].level)) if '{ROOTDIR}' in inStr: inStr = inStr.replace('{ROOTDIR}', str(ftb['mission'].rootdir)) if any(val in inStr for val in repl): # call yourself again inStr = self._nameSubProduct(inStr, product_id) return inStr def _nameSubInspector(self, inStr, inspector_id): """ In inStr replace the standard {} with the names Parameters ---------- inStr : :class:`str` String on which to do substitutions inspector_id : :class:`int` :sql:column:`~inspector.inspector_id` of inspector to use in performing substitutions. Returns ------- :class:`str` ``inStr`` with substitutions performed. See Also -------- :ref:`concepts_substitutions` """ if inStr is None: return inStr repl = ['{INSTRUMENT}', '{SPACECRAFT}', '{SATELLITE}', '{MISSION}', '{PRODUCT}', '{LEVEL}', '{ROOTDIR}'] insp = self.getEntry('Inspector', inspector_id) ftb = self.getTraceback('Product', insp.product) if '{INSTRUMENT}' in inStr: # need to replace with the instrument name inStr = inStr.replace('{INSTRUMENT}', ftb['instrument'].instrument_name) if '{SATELLITE}' in inStr: # need to replace with the instrument name inStr = inStr.replace('{SATELLITE}', ftb['satellite'].satellite_name) if '{SPACECRAFT}' in inStr: # need to replace with the instrument name inStr = inStr.replace('{SPACECRAFT}', ftb['satellite'].satellite_name) if '{MISSION}' in inStr: # need to replace with the instrument name inStr = inStr.replace('{MISSION}', ftb['mission'].mission_name) if '{PRODUCT}' in inStr: # need to replace with the instrument name inStr = inStr.replace('{PRODUCT}', ftb['product'].product_name) if '{LEVEL}' in inStr: inStr = inStr.replace('{LEVEL}', str(ftb['product'].level)) if '{ROOTDIR}' in inStr: inStr = inStr.replace('{ROOTDIR}', str(ftb['mission'].rootdir)) if any(val in inStr for val in repl): # call yourself again inStr = self._nameSubProduct(inStr, inspector_id) return inStr def _nameSubProcess(self, inStr, process_id): """ In inStr replace the standard {} with the names Parameters ---------- inStr : :class:`str` String on which to do substitutions process_id : :class:`int` :sql:column:`~process.process_id` of process to use in performing substitutions. Returns ------- :class:`str` ``inStr`` with substitutions performed. See Also -------- :ref:`concepts_substitutions` """ p_id = self.getProcessID(process_id) if inStr is None: return inStr repl = ['{INSTRUMENT}', '{SATELLITE}', '{MISSION}', '{PRODUCT}', '{LEVEL}', '{ROOTDIR}'] ftb = self.getTraceback('Process', p_id) if '{INSTRUMENT}' in inStr: # need to replace with the instrument name inStr = inStr.replace('{INSTRUMENT}', ftb['instrument'].instrument_name) if '{SATELLITE}' in inStr: # need to replace with the instrument name inStr = inStr.replace('{SATELLITE}', ftb['satellite'].satellite_name) if '{MISSION}' in inStr: # need to replace with the instrument name inStr = inStr.replace('{MISSION}', ftb['mission'].mission_name) if '{PRODUCT}' in inStr: # need to replace with the instrument name inStr = inStr.replace('{PRODUCT}', ftb['input_product'][0][0].product_name) if '{LEVEL}' in inStr: inStr = inStr.replace('{LEVEL}', str(ftb['input_product'][0][0].level)) if '{ROOTDIR}' in inStr: inStr = inStr.replace('{ROOTDIR}', str(ftb['mission'].rootdir)) if any(val in inStr for val in repl): # call yourself again inStr = self._nameSubProcess(inStr, p_id) return inStr def _nameSubFile(self, inStr, file_id): """ In inStr replace the standard {} with the names Parameters ---------- inStr : :class:`str` String on which to do substitutions file_id : :class:`int` :sql:column:`~file.file_id` of file to use in performing substitutions. Returns ------- :class:`str` ``inStr`` with substitutions performed. See Also -------- :ref:`concepts_substitutions` """ if inStr is None: return inStr ftb = self.getTraceback('File', file_id) if '{INSTRUMENT}' in inStr: # need to replace with the instrument name inStr = inStr.replace('{INSTRUMENT}', ftb['instrument'].instrument_name) if '{SATELLITE}' in inStr: # need to replace with the instrument name inStr = inStr.replace('{SATELLITE}', ftb['satellite'].satellite_name) if '{MISSION}' in inStr: # need to replace with the instrument name inStr = inStr.replace('{MISSION}', ftb['mission'].mission_name) if '{LEVEL}' in inStr: inStr = inStr.replace('{LEVEL}', str(ftb['product'].level)) if '{PRODUCT}' in inStr: # need to replace with the instrument name inStr = inStr.replace('{PRODUCT}', ftb['product'].product_name) if '{ROOTDIR}' in inStr: inStr = inStr.replace('{ROOTDIR}', str(ftb['mission'].rootdir)) return inStr
[docs] def commitDB(self): """ Do the commit to the DB """ try: self.session.commit() except IntegrityError as IE: self.session.rollback() raise DBError(IE)
[docs] def closeDB(self): """ Close the database connection Examples -------- >>> pnl.closeDB() """ if self.dbIsOpen == False: return try: self.session.close() self.engine.dispose() self.dbIsOpen = False"Database connection closed") except DBError: DBlogging.dblogger.error("Database connection could not be closed") raise DBError('could not close DB')
[docs] def addFile(self, filename=None, data_level=None, version=None, file_create_date=None, exists_on_disk=None, utc_file_date=None, utc_start_time=None, utc_stop_time=None, check_date=None, verbose_provenance=None, quality_comment=None, caveats=None, met_start_time=None, met_stop_time=None, product_id=None, shasum=None, process_keywords=None, quality_checked=None): """ Add a datafile to the database. Adds record to :sql:table:`file`. Parameters ---------- filename : :class:`str` Filename to add. data_level : :class:`float` The data level of the file. version : :class:`.Version` The version of the file to create. file_create_date : :class:`~datetime.datetime` Date and time the file was created. exists_on_disk : :class:`bool` Does the file exist on disk. product_id : :class:`int` :sql:column:`~product.product_id` of the product the file belongs to. utc_file_date : :class:`` The UTC date of the file. utc_start_time : :class:`~datetime.datetime` UTC of first timestamp in file. utc_end_time : :class:`~datetime.datetime` UTC of last timestamp in file. check_date : :class:`~datetime.datetime` The date the file was quality checked. verbose_provenance : :class:`str` Verbose provenance of the file. quality_comment : :class:`str` Comment on quality from quality check. caveats : :class:`str` Caveats on use of file. met_start_time : :class:`int` MET of first timestamp in file. met_stop_time : :class:`int` MET of last timestamp in file. Returns ------- :class:`int` :sql:column:`~file.file_id` of the newly inserted file record. Notes ----- All arguments are technically optional, but the insertion to the database may fail if an argument is not provided for a column which requires a non-NULL value. See :sql:table:`file`. """ utc_start_time = Utils.toDatetime(utc_start_time) utc_stop_time = Utils.toDatetime(utc_stop_time) d1 = self.File() d1.filename = filename d1.utc_file_date = utc_file_date d1.utc_start_time = utc_start_time d1.utc_stop_time = utc_stop_time d1.data_level = data_level d1.check_date = check_date d1.verbose_provenance = verbose_provenance d1.quality_comment = quality_comment d1.caveats = caveats d1.interface_version = version.interface d1.quality_version = version.quality d1.revision_version = version.revision d1.file_create_date = file_create_date d1.product_id = product_id d1.met_start_time = met_start_time d1.met_stop_time = met_stop_time d1.exists_on_disk = exists_on_disk d1.shasum = shasum d1.process_keywords = process_keywords d1.quality_checked = quality_checked if hasattr(d1, 'newest_version'): # This field is no longer used, but old databases may still have it. d1.newest_version = False self.session.add(d1) if hasattr(self, 'Unixtime'): # Populate file_id, but still allow rollback of file insert self.session.flush() unx0 = datetime.datetime(1970, 1, 1) r = self.Unixtime() r.file_id = d1.file_id # Round times down so they don't slide into next second # (and potentially next day) # If changed, also change getFiles, addUnixTimeTable, # r.unix_start = None if utc_start_time is None \ else int((utc_start_time - unx0)\ .total_seconds()) r.unix_stop = None if utc_stop_time is None\ else int((utc_stop_time - unx0)\ .total_seconds()) self.session.add(r) self.commitDB() return d1.file_id
[docs] def codeIsActive(self, ec_id, date): """Determine if a code is active and newest version. Parameters ---------- ec_id : :class:`int` or :class:`str` :sql:column:`~code.code_id` or :sql:column:`~code.code_description` of the code to check. date : :class:`` Check if code is valid for files on this date (corresponds to :sql:column:`~file.utc_file_date`). Returns ------- :class:`bool` If code is active, newest version, and ``date`` falls within the code's valid date range. """ # can only be one here (sq) code = self.getEntry('Code', ec_id) if not code.active_code: return False if not code.newest_version: return False try: if code.code_start_date > date: return False if code.code_stop_date < date: return False except TypeError: if code.code_start_date > return False if code.code_stop_date < return False return True
[docs] def getFileFullPath(self, filename): """ Return the full path to a file given the name or id TODO, this is really slow, this query made it a lot faster but I bet it can get better Parameters ---------- filename : :class:`str` or :class:`int` :sql:column:`~file.filename` or :sql:column:`~file.file_id` of file to look up. Returns ------- :class:`str` Full path to the file. """ if isinstance(filename, str_classes): filename = self.getFileID(filename) sq = self.session.query(self.File.filename, self.Product.relative_path).filter( self.File.file_id == filename).join((self.Product, self.File.product_id == self.Product.product_id)).one() path = os.path.join(self.MissionDirectory, *(sq[1].split(posixpath.sep) + [sq[0]])) if '{' in path: file_entry = self.getEntry('File', filename) path = Utils.dirSubs(path, file_entry.filename, file_entry.utc_file_date, file_entry.utc_start_time, self.getFileVersion(file_entry.file_id)) return path
[docs] def getProcessFromInputProduct(self, product): """ Given a product id return all the processes that use that as an input Use :meth:`getProductID` if have a name (or not sure). Parameters ---------- product : :class:`int` :sql:column:`~product.product_id` of product. Returns ------- :class:`list` of :class:`int` :sql:column:`~process.process_id` of all processes which use ``product`` as an input. """ DBlogging.dblogger.debug("Entered getProcessFromInputProduct: {0}".format(product)) sq = self.session.query(self.Productprocesslink.process_id).filter_by(input_product_id=product).all() return list(map(itemgetter(0), sq))
[docs] def getProcessFromOutputProduct(self, outProd): """ Gets process from the db that have the output product Parameters ---------- outProd : :class:`int` :sql:column:`~product.product_id` of product. Returns ------- :class:`int` :sql:column:`~process.process_id` of process which produces ``product`` as an output. Notes ----- Assumes there is only one product that makes a process; this is common but not necessarily enforced. """ DBlogging.dblogger.debug("Entered getProcessFromOutputProduct: {0}".format(outProd)) p_id = self.getProductID(outProd) sq1 = self.session.query(self.Process).filter_by(output_product=p_id).all() # should only have one value if not sq1:'No Process has Product {0} as an output'.format(p_id)) return None return sq1[0].process_id
[docs] def getRunProcess(self): """ Return a list of the processes who's output_timebase is "RUN" Returns ------- :class:`list` Full :sql:table:`process` record for all ``RUN`` timebase processes. """ return self.session.query(self.Process).filter_by(output_timebase='RUN').all()
[docs] def getProcessID(self, proc_name): """ Given a process name return its id Parameters ---------- proc_name : :class:`str` or :class:`int` :sql:column:`~process.process_name` or :sql:column:`~process.process_id`. Returns ------- :class:`int` :sql:column:`~process.process_id`. """ try: proc_id = int(proc_name) proc_name = self.session.query(self.Process).get(proc_id) if proc_name is None: raise NoResultFound('No row was found for id={0}'.format(proc_id)) except ValueError: # it is not a number proc_id = self.session.query(self.Process.process_id).filter_by(process_name=proc_name).one()[0] return proc_id
[docs] def getSatelliteMission(self, sat_name): """ Given a satellite or satellite id return the mission Parameters ---------- sat_name : :class:`int` or :class:`str` :sql:column:`~satellite.satellite_id` or :sql:column:`~satellite.satellite_name`. Returns ------- various Complete record from :sql:table:`mission` table. """ return self.getTraceback('Satellite', sat_name)['mission']
[docs] def getInstrumentID(self, name, satellite_id=None): """ Return the instrument_id for a given instrument. Parameters ---------- name : :class:`str` or :class:`int` :sql:column:`~instrument.instrument_name` or :sql:column:`~instrument.instrument_id`. satellite_id : :class:`int` or :class:`str` Only return results for satellite with this :sql:column:`~satellite.satellite_id` or :sql:column:`~satellite.satellite_name`. Returns ------- :class:`int` :sql:column:`~instrument.instrument_id`. """ try: i_id = int(name) sq = self.session.query(self.Instrument).get(i_id) if sq is None: raise DBNoData("No instrument_id {0} found in the DB".format(i_id)) return sq.instrument_id except ValueError: sq = self.session.query(self.Instrument).filter_by(instrument_name=name).all() if len(sq) == 0: raise DBNoData("No instrument_name {0} found in the DB".format(name)) if len(sq) > 1: if satellite_id is None: raise ValueError('Non unique instrument name and no satellite specified') sat_id = self.getSatelliteID(satellite_id) for v in sq: if v.satellite_id == sat_id: return v.instrument_id # I do not believe this can be reached, BAL 2-12-2016 raise ValueError("No matching instrument, satellite found. {0}:{1}".format(name, satellite_id)) return sq[0].instrument_id
[docs] def getMissions(self): """Return a list of all the missions Returns ------- :class:`list` of :class:`str` Names of all missions in the database. Notes ----- Ordinarily there is only one mission per database. """ sq = self.session.query(self.Mission.mission_name) return list(map(itemgetter(0), sq.all()))
[docs] def renameFile(self, filename, newname): """ Rename a file in the db Parameters ---------- filename : :class:`str` or :class:`int` :sql:column:`~file.filename` or :sql:column:`~file.file_id` of file to rename. newname : :class:`str` New name to write to database. Notes ----- Does not rename the file on disk. Operates on filename only (not entire path). """ f = self.getEntry('File', filename) f.filename = newname self.session.add(f) self.commitDB()
[docs] def getFileID(self, filename): """ Return the fileID for the input filename Parameters ---------- filename : :class:`str` or :class:`int` :sql:column:`~file.filename` or :sql:column:`~file.file_id` of file to look up. Returns ------- :class:`int` :sql:column:`~file.file_id` of input file. """ if isinstance(filename, self.File): return filename.file_id try: f_id = int(filename) sq = self.session.query(self.File).get(f_id) if sq is None: raise DBNoData("No file_id {0} found in the DB".format(filename)) return sq.file_id except TypeError: # came in as list or tuple return list(map(self.getFileID, filename)) except ValueError: sq = self.session.query(self.File).filter_by(filename=filename).first() if sq is not None: return sq.file_id else: # no file_id found raise DBNoData("No filename %s found in the DB" % (filename))
[docs] def getCodeID(self, codename): """ Return the codeID for a code's filename. Parameters ---------- codename : :class:`str` or :class:`int` :sql:column:`~code.filename` or :sql:column:`~code.code_id` of code to look up. Returns ------- :class:`int` :sql:column:`~code.code_id` of given code. """ try: c_id = int(codename) code = self.session.query(self.Code).get(c_id) if code is None: raise DBNoData("No code id {0} found in the DB".format(c_id)) except TypeError: # came in as list or tuple return list(map(self.getCodeID, codename)) except ValueError: sq = self.session.query(self.Code.code_id).filter_by(filename=codename).all() if len(sq) == 0: raise DBNoData("No code name {0} found in the DB".format(codename)) c_id = list(map(itemgetter(0), sq)) return c_id
[docs] def getFileDates(self, file_id): """ Given a file_id or name return the dates it spans Parameters ---------- file_id : :class:`int` or :class:`str` :sql:column:`~file.file_id` or :sql:column:`~file.filename` of file to look up. Returns ------- :class:`list` of :class:`~datetime.datetime` First and last UTC timestamp of file. """ sq = self.getEntry('File', file_id) start_time = stop_time = return [start_time, stop_time]
[docs] def file_id_Clean(self, invals): """ Given a list of file IDs return only newest versions of matching files. Matching is defined as same :sql:column:`~file.product_id` and same :sql:column:`~file.utc_file_date`. Parameters ---------- invals : :class:`list` of :class:`int` or of :class:`str` All :sql:column:`~file.file_id` or :sql:column:`~file.filename` to check. Returns ------- :class:`list` of :class:`int` Those :sql:column:`~file.file_id` from ``invals`` which are the newest version of that file. """ tmp = [] for i in invals: if isinstance(i, str_classes): tmp.append(self.getEntry('File', i)) else: tmp.append(i) invals = tmp newest = set(v for fe in invals for v in self.getFilesByProductDate(fe.product_id, [fe.utc_file_date] * 2, newest_version=True)) return list(newest.intersection(invals))
[docs] def getInputProductID(self, process_id, range=False): """ Return the input products for a particular process. Parameters ---------- process_id : :class:`int` :sql:column:`~process.process_id` of process to look up. range : :class:`bool`, default False Also return number of days in past/future to use as inputs. Returns ------- :class:`list` Result of query: each element has :sql:column:`~productprocesslink.input_product_id` and :sql:column:`~productprocesslink.optional`; if ``range``, then also :sql:column:`~productprocesslink.yesterday` and :sql:column:`~productprocesslink.tomorrow`. """ columns = [self.Productprocesslink.input_product_id, self.Productprocesslink.optional] if range: columns.extend( [self.Productprocesslink.yesterday, self.Productprocesslink.tomorrow] if hasattr(self.Productprocesslink, 'yesterday') else [sqlalchemy.sql.expression.literal(0).label('yesterday'), sqlalchemy.sql.expression.literal(0).label('tomorrow')] ) sq = self.session.query(*columns).filter_by(process_id=process_id).all() return sq
[docs] def getFiles(self, startDate=None, endDate=None, level=None, product=None, code=None, instrument=None, exists=None, newest_version=False, limit=None, startTime=None, endTime=None): """ Query database for file records, with filters. All parameters are optional; if not specified, default is "all". Parameters ---------- startDate : :class:`~datetime.datetime`, optional First date to include, based on :sql:column:`~file.utc_file_date` endDate : :class:`~datetime.datetime`, optional Last date to include (inclusive) level : :class:`float`, optional Only include files of this level. product : :class:`int`, optional :sql:column:`~product.product_id` of files to include code : :class:`int`, optional Only return files created by code with ID of :sql:column:`~code.code_id` instrument : :class:`int`, optional Only return files with instrument :sql:column:`~instrument.instrument_id` exists : :class:`bool`, default False Only return files that exist on disk, based on :sql:column:`~file.exists_on_disk`. newest_version : :class:`bool`, default False Only return files that are the newest version (of their product and date) limit : :class:`int` Limit number of results, default all startTime : :class:`~datetime.datetime`, optional Include files containing timestamps at or after this time, :sql:column:`~file.utc_start_time` endTime : :class:`~datetime.datetime`, optional Include files containing timestamps at or before this time, :sql:column:`~file.utc_stop_time` Returns ------- :class:`list` File records of all files matching requirements. """ # if a datetime.datetime comes in this does not work, make them startDate = Utils.datetimeToDate(startDate) endDate = Utils.datetimeToDate(endDate) unixtime = hasattr(self, 'Unixtime') # Truncate start/end seconds to match the truncation in the db. # Might result in false matches (e.g requested stop time is 1.2 # and non-truncated start time of file is 1.6) but better than # missing a file that does overlap (e.g requested start time is 1.2 # and non-truncated file start is 1.6, truncates to 1.0) # If changed, also change addFile, addUnixTimeTable, if startTime is not None: startTime = Utils.toDatetime(startTime) if unixtime: startTime = int((startTime - datetime.datetime(1970, 1, 1))\ .total_seconds()) if endTime is not None: endTime = Utils.toDatetime(endTime, end=True) if unixtime: endTime = int((endTime - datetime.datetime(1970, 1, 1))\ .total_seconds()) files = self.session.query(self.File) if product is not None: files = files.filter_by(product_id=product) if level is not None: files = files.filter_by(data_level=level) if exists is not None: files = files.filter_by(exists_on_disk=exists) if code is not None: files = files.join(self.Filecodelink, self.File.file_id == self.Filecodelink.resulting_file) \ .filter_by(source_code=code) if instrument is not None: files = files.join(self.Instrumentproductlink, self.File.product_id == self.Instrumentproductlink.product_id) \ .filter_by(instrument_id=instrument) if startDate is not None: if endDate is not None: files = files.filter(self.File.utc_file_date.between( startDate, endDate)) else: # Start date only files = files.filter(self.File.utc_file_date >= startDate) elif endDate is not None: # End date only files = files.filter(self.File.utc_file_date <= endDate) if unixtime and (startTime is not None or endTime is not None): files = files.join(self.Unixtime) if startTime is not None: files = files.filter((self.Unixtime.unix_stop if unixtime else self.File.utc_stop_time) >= startTime) if endTime is not None: files = files.filter((self.Unixtime.unix_start if unixtime else self.File.utc_start_time) <= endTime) if newest_version: files = files.order_by(self.File.interface_version, self.File.quality_version, self.File.revision_version) x = files.limit(limit).all() # Last item wins. out = dict([((i.product_id, i.utc_file_date), i) for i in x]) return list(out.values()) else: return files.limit(limit).all()
[docs] def getFilesByProductDate(self, product_id, daterange, newest_version=False): """ Return the files by product id with utc_file_date in range specified Parameters ---------- product_id : :class:`int` :sql:column:`~product.product_id` of files to include. daterange : :class:`list` of :class:`~datetime.datetime` First and last date to include, based on :sql:column:`~file.utc_file_date`. newest_version : :class:`bool`, default False Only return files that are the newest version (of their product and date). Returns ------- :class:`list` File records of all files matching requirements. """ return self.getFiles(startDate=min(daterange), endDate=max(daterange), product=product_id, newest_version=newest_version)
[docs] def getFilesByProductTime(self, product_id, daterange, newest_version=False): """ Return the files in the db by product id with any data in date range A file with a UTC time range overlapping at all with ``daterange`` is considered a match, so a returned file may also include some times outside of the range. Parameters ---------- product_id : :class:`int` :sql:column:`~product.product_id` of files to include. daterange : :class:`list` of :class:`~datetime.datetime` Range of times to include, based on :sql:column:`~file.utc_start_time` and :sql:column:`~file.utc_stop_time`. newest_version : :class:`bool`, default False Only return files that are the newest version (of their product and date). Returns ------- :class:`list` File records of all files matching requirements. """ return self.getFiles(startTime=min(daterange), endTime=max(daterange), product=product_id, newest_version=newest_version)
[docs] def getFilesByDate(self, daterange, newest_version=False): """ Return files in the db with utc_file_date in the range specified Parameters ---------- daterange : :class:`list` of :class:`~datetime.datetime` First and last date to include, based on :sql:column:`~file.utc_file_date`. newest_version : :class:`bool`, default False Only return files that are the newest version (of their product and date). Returns ------- :class:`list` File records of all files matching requirements. """ return self.getFiles(startDate=min(daterange), endDate=max(daterange), newest_version=newest_version)
[docs] def getFilesByProduct(self, prod_id, newest_version=False): """ Given a product_id or name return all the files associated with it Parameters ---------- prod_id : :class:`int` or :class:`str` :sql:column:`~product.product_id` or :sql:column:`~product.product_name` of files to include. newest_version : :class:`bool`, default False Only return files that are the newest version (of their product and date). Returns ------- :class:`list` File records of all files matching requirements. """ return self.getFiles(product=self.getProductID(prod_id), newest_version=newest_version)
[docs] def getFilesByInstrument(self, inst_id, level=None, newest_version=False, id_only=False): """ Given an instrument_id return all the file instances associated with it Parameters ---------- inst_id : :class:`int` or :class:`str` Only return files with this :sql:column:`~instrument.instrument_id` or :sql:column:`~instrument.instrument_name` level : :class:`float`, optional Only include files of this level, default all. newest_version : :class:`bool`, default False Only return files that are the newest version (of their product and date) id_only : :class:`bool`, default False Only return file IDs, not complete file record. Returns ------- :class:`list` File records of all files matching requirements. """ inst_id = self.getInstrumentID(inst_id) # name or number files = self.getFiles(instrument=inst_id, level=level, newest_version=newest_version) if id_only: files = list(map(attrgetter('file_id'), files)) # this is faster than a list comprehension return files
[docs] def getFilesByCode(self, code_id, newest_version=False, id_only=False): """ Given a code_id (or name) return the files that were created using it Parameters ---------- code_id : :class:`int` or :class:`str` Only return files created by code with this :sql:column:`~code.code_id` or :sql:column:`~code.code_description` newest_version : :class:`bool`, default False Only return files that are the newest version (of their product and date) id_only : :class:`bool`, default False Only return file IDs, not complete file record. Returns ------- :class:`list` File records of all files matching requirements. """ files = self.getFiles(code=code_id, newest_version=newest_version) if id_only: files = list(map(attrgetter('file_id'), files)) # this is faster than a list comprehension return files
[docs] def getAllFileIds(self, fullPath=True, startDate=None, endDate=None, level=None, product=None, code=None, instrument=None, exists=None, newest_version=False, limit=None): """ Return all the file ids in the database All parameters are optional; if not specified, default is "all". Parameters ---------- startDate : :class:`~datetime.datetime`, optional First date to include, based on :sql:column:`~file.utc_file_date` endDate : :class:`~datetime.datetime`, optional Last date to include (inclusive) level : :class:`float`, optional Only include files of this level. product : :class:`int`, optional :sql:column:`~product.product_id` of files to include code : :class:`int`, optional Only return files created by code with ID of :sql:column:`~code.code_id` instrument : :class:`int`, optional Only return files with instrument :sql:column:`~instrument.instrument_id` exists : :class:`bool`, default False Only return files that exist on disk, based on :sql:column:`~file.exists_on_disk`. newest_version : :class:`bool`, default False Only return files that are the newest version (of their product and date) limit : :class:`int` Limit number of results, default all Returns ------- :class:`list` of :class:`int`: File ID of all files matching requirements. Other Parameters ---------------- fullPath : :class:`bool`, default True unused """ files = self.getFiles(startDate=startDate, endDate=endDate, level=level, product=product, code=code, instrument=instrument, exists=exists, newest_version=newest_version, limit=limit) return list(map(attrgetter('file_id'), files)) # this is faster than a list comprehension
[docs] def getActiveInspectors(self): """ Query the db and returns all active inspectors Returns ------- :class:`list` of :class:`tuple` For each active inspector, returns full filename (from :sql:column:`~inspector.relative_path` and :sql:column:`~inspector.filename`), :sql:column:`~inspector.description`, :sql:column:`~inspector.arguments`, and :sql:column:`~inspector.product`. """ activeInspector = collections.namedtuple( 'activeInspector', 'path description arguments product_id') sq = self.session.query(self.Inspector).filter(self.Inspector.active_code == True).all() return [activeInspector( os.path.join( self.InspectorDirectory, *(ans.relative_path.split(posixpath.sep) + [ans.filename])), ans.description, ans.arguments, ans.product) for ans in sq]
[docs] def getChildrenProcesses(self, file_id): """ Given a file, return all the processes that use this as input Parameters ---------- file_id : :class:`int` or :class:`str` :sql:column:`~file.file_id` or :sql:column:`~file.filename` Returns ------- :class:`list` of :class:`int` :sql:column:`~productprocesslink.process_id` for all processes which can use the given file as input. """ DBlogging.dblogger.debug("Entered getChildrenProcesses(): file_id: {0}".format(file_id)) product_id = self.getEntry('File', file_id).product_id # get all the process ids that have this product as an input return self.getProcessFromInputProduct(product_id)
[docs] def getProductID(self, product_name): """ Return the product ID for an input product name Parameters ---------- product_name : :class:`str` the name of the product to get the id of. Also supports a sequence of names, a single product ID (to confirm existence), or a sequence of product IDs. Returns ------- product_id : :class:`int` the product ID for the input product name """ is_sequence, is_name = False, False # Assume input is a product ID try: product_name = int(product_name) except TypeError: # came in as list or tuple is_sequence = True except ValueError: is_name = True if is_sequence: # Call for every input return list(map(self.getProductID, product_name)) if is_name: # Product name, just get ID sq = self.session.query(self.Product).filter_by(product_name=product_name) # if two products have the same name always return the lower id one res = sorted([x.product_id for x in sq]) if res: return res[0] # no file_id found raise DBNoData("No product_name %s found in the DB" % (product_name)) # Numerical product ID, make sure it exists sq = self.session.query(self.Product).get(product_name) if sq is not None: return sq.product_id else: raise DBNoData("No product_id {0} found in the DB".format(product_name))
[docs] def getSatelliteID(self, sat_name): """ Returns the satellite ID for an input satellite name Parameters ---------- sat_name : :class:`str` the :sql:column:`~satellite.satellite_name` to get the id of. Also supports a sequence of names, a single satellite ID (to confirm existence), or a sequence of satellite IDs. Returns ------- satellite_id : :class:`int` the :sql:column:`~satellite.satellite_id` for the input satellite name """ try: sat_id = int(sat_name) sq = self.session.query(self.Satellite).get(sat_id) if sq is None: raise NoResultFound("No satellite id={0} found".format(sat_id)) return sq.satellite_id except TypeError: # came in as list or tuple return list(map(self.getSatelliteID, sat_name)) except ValueError: # it was a name sq = self.session.query(self.Satellite).filter_by(satellite_name=sat_name).one() return sq.satellite_id # there can be only one of each name
[docs] def getCodePath(self, code_id): """ Given a code_id list return the full name (path and all) of the code Parameters ---------- code_id : :class:`int` or :class:`str` :sql:column:`~code.code_id` or :sql:column:`~code.code_description` of code to look up. Returns ------- :class:`str` Full path to code. """ code = self.getEntry('Code', code_id) if not code.active_code: # not an active code return None return os.path.normpath(posixpath.join( self.CodeDirectory, code.relative_path, code.filename))
[docs] def getCodeVersion(self, code_id): """ Given a code_id get the code version Given a code_id list return the full name (path and all) of the code Parameters ---------- code_id : :class:`int` or :class:`str` :sql:column:`~code.code_id` or :sql:column:`~code.code_description` of code to look up. Returns ------- :class:`.Version` Version of the code. """ code = self.getEntry('Code', code_id) return Version.Version(code.interface_version, code.quality_version, code.revision_version)
[docs] def getAllCodesFromProcess(self, proc_id): """ Given a process id return the code ids that performs that process Also returns the valid dates for each code Parameters ---------- proc_id : :class:`int` :sql:column:`~process.process_id` of process to look up. Returns ------- :class:`list` of :class:`tuple` For every active, newest version code that implements the process, :sql:column:`~code.code_id`, :sql:column:`~code.code_start_date`, and :sql:column:`~code.code_stop_date`. """ DBlogging.dblogger.debug("Entered getAllCodesFromProcess: {0}".format(proc_id)) # will have as many values as there are codes for a process sq = (self.session.query(self.Code).filter_by(process_id=proc_id) .filter_by(newest_version=True) .filter_by(active_code=True)) ans = [] for s in sq: ans.append((s.code_id, s.code_start_date, s.code_stop_date)) return ans
[docs] def getCodeFromProcess(self, proc_id, utc_file_date): """ Given a process id return the code id that performs that process on a particular date. Parameters ---------- proc_id : :class:`int` :sql:column:`~process.process_id` of process to look up. utc_file_date : :class:`~datetime.datetime` Date on which the code must be valid. Returns ------- :class:`int` :sql:column:`~code.code_id` for the active, newest version code that implements the process, and is valid on the given date. Returns :data:`None` if there is no match. Raises ------ DBError If there is more than one matching code. """ DBlogging.dblogger.debug("Entered getCodeFromProcess: {0}".format(proc_id)) # will have as many values as there are codes for a process sq = (self.session.query(self.Code.code_id).filter_by(process_id=proc_id) .filter_by(newest_version=True) .filter_by(active_code=True).filter(self.Code.code_start_date <= utc_file_date) .filter(self.Code.code_stop_date >= utc_file_date)) if sq.count() == 0: return None elif sq.count() > 1: raise DBError('More than one code active for a Given day') return sq[0].code_id
[docs] def getMissionDirectory(self): """ Return the root directory for the current mission Returns ------- :class:`str` Root directory for current mission (i.e. :sql:column:`~mission.rootdir`). """ try: return os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser( self.session.query(self.Mission.rootdir).one()[0])) except sqlalchemy.orm.exc.NoResultFound: return None except sqlalchemy.orm.exc.MultipleResultsFound: raise ValueError('No mission id specified and more than one mission present')
[docs] def getCodeDirectory(self): """ Return the code directory for the current mission Returns ------- :class:`str` Code directory for current mission (i.e. :sql:column:`~mission.codedir`, if defined). See Also -------- :meth:`getDirectory` """ return self.getDirectory('codedir', default=self.MissionDirectory)
[docs] def getInspectorDirectory(self): """ Return the inspector directory for the current mission Returns ------- :class:`str` Inspector directory for current mission (i.e. :sql:column:`~mission.inspectordir`, if defined). See Also -------- :meth:`getDirectory` """ return self.getDirectory('inspectordir', default=self.CodeDirectory)
[docs] def checkIncoming(self, glb='*'): """Check the incoming directory for the current mission Parameters ---------- glb : :class:`str`, optional Glob pattern that files must match. Returns ------- :class:`list` of :class:`str` All files in the incoming directory """ path = self.getIncomingPath() DBlogging.dblogger.debug("Looking for files in {0}".format(path)) files = glob.glob(os.path.join(path, glb)) return sorted(files)
[docs] def getIncomingPath(self): """ Return the incoming directory for the current mission Returns ------- :class:`str` Incoming directory for current mission (i.e. :sql:column:`~mission.incoming_dir`). See Also -------- :meth:`getDirectory` """ return self.getDirectory('incoming_dir')
[docs] def getErrorPath(self): """ Return the error directory for the current mission Returns ------- :class:`str` Error directory for current mission (i.e. :sql:column:`~mission.errordir`, if defined). See Also -------- :meth:`getDirectory` """ #print(os.path.join(self.getCodeDirectory(),'errors')) return self.getDirectory('errordir', default=os.path.join(self.CodeDirectory, 'errors'))
[docs] def getDirectory(self, column, default=None): """ Look up directory for the specified column. The mission rootdir may be absolute or relative to current path. Directory requested may be in db as absolute or relative to mission root. Home dir references are expanded. Parameters ---------- column : :class:`str` Name of column in :sql:table:`mission` to look up. default : :class:`str`, optional Default to return if directory not found in mission table, default :data:`None`. """ try: mission = self.session.query(self.Mission).one() except sqlalchemy.orm.exc.NoResultFound: mission = None #this will grab the default based on hasattr except sqlalchemy.orm.exc.MultipleResultsFound: raise ValueError('No mission id specified and more than one mission present') c = getattr(mission, column) if hasattr(mission, column) else default if c is None: return default #If c is absolute, join throws away the rootdir part. return os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.expanduser(mission.rootdir), os.path.expanduser(c)))
[docs] def getMissionID(self, mission_name): """ Given a mission name return its ID Parameters ---------- mission_name : :class:`str` Name of mission, i.e. :sql:column:`~mission.mission_name`. Returns ------- :class:`int` :sql:column:`~mission.mission_id` for the corresponding mission. See Also -------- :ref:`concepts_missions` """ try: m_id = int(mission_name) ms = self.session.query(self.Mission).get(m_id) if ms is None: raise DBNoData('Invalid mission id {0}'.format(m_id)) except (ValueError, TypeError): sq = self.session.query(self.Mission.mission_id).filter_by(mission_name=mission_name).all() if len(sq) == 0: raise DBNoData('Invalid mission name {0}'.format(mission_name)) m_id = sq[0].mission_id return m_id
[docs] def tag_release(self, rel_num): """ Tag all the newest versions of files to a release number (integer) Parameters ---------- rel_num : :class:`int` Tag all "newest version" files as part of this release. See Also -------- :ref:`concepts_releases` """ newest_files = self.getFiles(newest_version=True) for f in newest_files: self.addRelease(f, rel_num, commit=False) self.commitDB() return len(newest_files)
[docs] def addRelease(self, filename, release, commit=False): """ Given a filename or file_id add an entry to the release table Parameters ---------- filename : :class:`int` or :class:`str` :sql:column:`~file.filename` or :sql:column:`~file.file_id` of file to add to a release. release : :class:`int` Release number to add file to. commit : :class:`bool`, default False Commit changes to the database when done. See Also -------- :ref:`concepts_releases` """ f_id = self.getFileID(filename) # if a number rel = self.Release() rel.file_id = f_id rel.release_num = release self.session.add(rel) if commit: # so that if we are doing a lot it is faster self.commitDB()
[docs] def list_release(self, rel_num, fullpath=True): """ Given a release number return all the filenames with the release Parameters ---------- rel_num : :class:`int` Release number to list fullpath : :class:`bool`, default True Include full path to files (not just filenames) Returns ------- :class:`list` of :class:`str` All filenames in the release. """ sq = self.session.query(self.Release.file_id).filter_by(release_num=rel_num).all() sq = list(map(itemgetter(0), sq)) for i, v in enumerate(sq): if fullpath: sq[i] = self.getFileFullPath(v) else: sq[i] = self.getEntry('File', v).filename return sq
[docs] def checkFileSHA(self, file_id): """ Given a file id or name check the db checksum and the file checksum Parameters ---------- file_id : :class:`int` or :class:`str` :sql:column:`~file.filename` or :sql:column:`~file.file_id` of file to check Returns ------- :class:`bool` If the calculated checksum of file on disk matches the checksum in the database. """ db_sha = self.getEntry('File', file_id).shasum disk_sha = calcDigest(self.getFileFullPath(file_id)) return disk_sha == db_sha
[docs] def checkFiles(self, limit=None): """ Check files in the DB, return inconsistent files and why Parameters ---------- limit : :class:`int` Maximum number of files to check, default all Returns ------- :class:`list` of :class:`tuple` All files with problems. Each element is (:sql:column:`~file.filename`, result), where "result" is 1 for a bad checksum and 2 if file not found on disk. """ files = self.getAllFilenames(fullPath=False, limit=limit) ## check of existence and checksum bad_list = [] for f in files: try: if not self.checkFileSHA(f): bad_list.append((f, 1)) except DigestError: bad_list.append((f, 2)) return bad_list
[docs] def getTraceback(self, table, in_id, in_id2=None): """ Master routine for all the getXXXTraceback functions The "traceback" is the set of records across tables that are relevant to one particular record this is some large select statements with joins in them, these are tested and do work Parameters ---------- table : :class:`str` Name of the :doc:`table </developer/tables>` to look up. in_id : :class:`int` ID, usually primary key on the table, for the record to look up. Returns ------- :class:`dict` Keyed by table name, values are records from that table (instances of table types created by :class:`~sqlalchemy.sql.schema.Table`). Other Parameters ---------------- in_id2 Not used. Examples -------- >>> tb = dbu.getTraceback('File', 500) >>> tb.['product'].product_name u'rbspb_int_ect-mageisM35-ns-L05' """ retval = { } if table.capitalize() == 'File': vars = ['file', 'product', 'inspector', 'instrument', 'instrumentproductlink', 'satellite', 'mission'] in_id = self.getFileID(in_id) sq = (self.session.query(self.File, self.Product, self.Inspector, self.Instrument, self.Instrumentproductlink, self.Satellite, self.Mission) .filter_by(file_id=in_id) .join((self.Product, self.File.product_id == self.Product.product_id)) .join((self.Inspector, self.Product.product_id == self.Inspector.product)) .join((self.Instrumentproductlink, self.Product.product_id == self.Instrumentproductlink.product_id)) .join((self.Instrument, self.Instrumentproductlink.instrument_id == self.Instrument.instrument_id)) .join((self.Satellite, self.Instrument.satellite_id == self.Satellite.satellite_id)) .join((self.Mission, self.Satellite.mission_id == self.Mission.mission_id)).all()) if not sq: # did not find a matchm this is a dberror raise DBError("file {0} did not have a traceback, this is a problem, fix it".format(in_id)) if len(sq) > 1: raise DBError("Found multiple tracebacks for file {0}".format(in_id)) for ii, v in enumerate(vars): retval[v] = sq[0][ii] elif table.capitalize() == 'Code': in_id = self.getCodeID(in_id) # symplified version for plots (where there is no output product) vars = ['code', 'process'] sq = (self.session.query(self.Code, self.Process) .filter_by(code_id=in_id) .join((self.Process, self.Code.process_id == self.Process.process_id)).all()) if not sq: # did not find a match this is a dberror raise DBError("code {0} did not have a traceback, this is a problem, fix it".format(in_id)) if sq[0][1].output_timebase != 'RUN': vars = ['code', 'process', 'product', 'instrument', 'instrumentproductlink', 'satellite', 'mission'] sq = (self.session.query(self.Code, self.Process, self.Product, self.Instrument, self.Instrumentproductlink, self.Satellite, self.Mission) .filter_by(code_id=in_id) .join((self.Process, self.Code.process_id == self.Process.process_id)) .join((self.Product, self.Product.product_id == self.Process.output_product)) .join((self.Inspector, self.Product.product_id == self.Inspector.product)) .join((self.Instrumentproductlink, self.Product.product_id == self.Instrumentproductlink.product_id)) .join((self.Instrument, self.Instrumentproductlink.instrument_id == self.Instrument.instrument_id)) .join((self.Satellite, self.Instrument.satellite_id == self.Satellite.satellite_id)) .join((self.Mission, self.Satellite.mission_id == self.Mission.mission_id)).all()) if not sq: # did not find a match this is a dberror raise DBError("code {0} did not have a traceback, this is a problem, fix it".format(in_id)) if len(sq) > 1: raise DBError("Found multiple tracebacks for code {0}".format(in_id)) for ii, v in enumerate(vars): retval[v] = sq[0][ii] elif table.capitalize() == 'Inspector': retval['inspector'] = self.getEntry(table.capitalize(), in_id) tmp = self.getTraceback('Product', retval['inspector'].product) retval = dict(itertools.chain(retval.items(), tmp.items())) elif table.capitalize() == 'Product': vars = ['product', 'inspector', 'instrument', 'instrumentproductlink', 'satellite', 'mission'] in_id = self.getProductID(in_id) sq = (self.session.query(self.Product, self.Inspector, self.Instrument, self.Instrumentproductlink, self.Satellite, self.Mission) .filter_by(product_id=in_id) .join((self.Inspector, self.Product.product_id == self.Inspector.product)) .join((self.Instrumentproductlink, self.Product.product_id == self.Instrumentproductlink.product_id)) .join((self.Instrument, self.Instrumentproductlink.instrument_id == self.Instrument.instrument_id)) .join((self.Satellite, self.Instrument.satellite_id == self.Satellite.satellite_id)) .join((self.Mission, self.Satellite.mission_id == self.Mission.mission_id)).all()) if not sq: # did not find a match this is a dberror raise DBError("product {0} did not have a traceback, this is a problem, fix it".format(in_id)) if len(sq) > 1: raise DBError("Found multiple tracebacks for product {0}".format(in_id)) for ii, v in enumerate(vars): retval[v] = sq[0][ii] elif table.capitalize() == 'Process': vars = ['process', 'product', 'instrument', 'instrumentproductlink', 'satellite', 'mission'] in_id = self.getProcessID(in_id) sq = (self.session.query(self.Process, self.Product, self.Instrument, self.Instrumentproductlink, self.Satellite, self.Mission) .filter_by(process_id=in_id) .join((self.Product, self.Product.product_id == self.Process.output_product)) .join((self.Inspector, self.Product.product_id == self.Inspector.product)) .join((self.Instrumentproductlink, self.Product.product_id == self.Instrumentproductlink.product_id)) .join((self.Instrument, self.Instrumentproductlink.instrument_id == self.Instrument.instrument_id)) .join((self.Satellite, self.Instrument.satellite_id == self.Satellite.satellite_id)) .join((self.Mission, self.Satellite.mission_id == self.Mission.mission_id)).all()) if not sq: # did not find a match this is a dberror raise DBError("process {0} did not have a traceback, this is a problem, fix it".format(in_id)) if len(sq) > 1: raise DBError("Found multiple tracebacks for process {0}".format(in_id)) for ii, v in enumerate(vars): retval[v] = sq[0][ii] ## if 'file' in retval: ## code_id = self.getCodeFromProcess(retval['process'].process_id, retval['file'].utc_file_date) ## else: ## code_id = self.getCodeFromProcess(retval['process'].process_id, code_id = self.getCodeFromProcess(retval['process'].process_id, retval['code'] = self.getEntry('Code', code_id) # input products retval['input_product'] = [] in_prod_id = self.getInputProductID(retval['process'].process_id) for val, opt in in_prod_id: retval['input_product'].append((self.getEntry('Product', val), opt)) retval['productprocesslink'] = [] ppl = self.session.query(self.Productprocesslink).filter_by(process_id=retval['process'].process_id) for val in ppl: retval['productprocesslink'].append(ppl) elif table.capitalize() == 'Instrument': retval['instrument'] = self.getEntry('Instrument', in_id) tmp = self.getTraceback('Satellite', retval['instrument'].satellite_id) retval = dict(itertools.chain(retval.items(), tmp.items())) elif table.capitalize() == 'Satellite': retval['satellite'] = self.getEntry('Satellite', in_id) tmp = self.getTraceback('Mission', retval['satellite'].mission_id) retval = dict(itertools.chain(retval.items(), tmp.items())) elif table.capitalize() == 'Mission': retval['mission'] = self.getEntry('Mission', in_id) else: raise NotImplementedError('The traceback or {0} is not implemented'.format(table)) return retval
###################### # add in some helpers to match what we had # TODO figure ou how to do this!! ###################### # getProductTraceback = functools.partial(getTraceback, 'Product') # getFileTraceback = functools.partial(getTraceback, 'File') # getCodeTraceback = functools.partial(getTraceback, 'Code') # getInspectorTraceback = functools.partial(getTraceback, 'Inspector') # getProcessTraceback = functools.partial(getTraceback, 'Process') # getInstrumentTraceback = functools.partial(getTraceback, 'Instrument') # getSatelliteTraceback = functools.partial(getTraceback, 'Satellite') # getMissionTraceback = functools.partial(getTraceback, 'Mission')
[docs] def getProductsByInstrument(self, inst_id): """ Get all the products for a Given instrument Parameters ---------- inst_id : :class:`int` or :class:`str` :sql:column:`~instrument.instrument_id` or :sql:column:`~instrument.instrument_name` for instrument Returns ------- :class:`list` of :class:`int` :sql:column:`~product.product_id` for every product associated with this instrument. """ inst_id = self.getInstrumentID(inst_id) sq = self.session.query(self.Instrumentproductlink.product_id).filter_by(instrument_id=inst_id).all() if sq: return list(map(itemgetter(0), sq)) else: return None
[docs] def getProductsByLevel(self, level): """ Get all the products for a Given level Parameters ---------- level : :class:`float` Data level to look up Returns ------- :class:`list` of :class:`int` :sql:column:`~product.product_id` for every product with :sql:column:`~product.level` equal to ``level``. """ sq = self.session.query(self.Product.product_id).filter_by(level=level).all() if sq: return list(map(itemgetter(0), sq)) else: return None
[docs] def getAllProcesses(self, timebase='all'): """ Get all processes Parameters ---------- timebase : :class:`str`, optional Limit to products with this :sql:column:`~process.output_timebase` (default: all). Returns ------- :class:`~sqlalchemy.orm.Query` :sql:table:`process` table records """ if timebase == 'all': procs = self.session.query(self.Process).all() else: procs = self.session.query(self.Process).filter_by(output_timebase=timebase.upper()).all() return procs
[docs] def getProcessTimebase(self, process_id): """ Return the timebase for a process Parameters ---------- process_id : :class:`int` or :class:`str` :sql:column:`~process.process_id` or :sql:column:`~process.process_name` of the desired process. Returns ------- :class:`str` :sql:column:`~process.output_timebase` for the process. """ return self.getEntry('Process', process_id).output_timebase
[docs] def getAllProducts(self, id_only=False): """ Return a list of all products as instances Parameters ---------- id_only : :class:`bool`, default False Return only the :sql:column:`~product.product_id`, instead of the entire record. Returns ------- :class:`~sqlalchemy.orm.Query` or :class:`list` of :class:`int` Complete :sql:table:`product` records for all products, or just :sql:column:`~product.product_id` (if ``id_only``). """ prods = self.session.query(self.Product).all() if id_only: prods = list(map(attrgetter('product_id'), prods)) return prods
[docs] def getEntry(self, table, args): """Return entry instance from any table in DB Parameters ---------- table : :class:`str` Name of the table args : :class:`int` or :class:`str` Argument to identify entry. This is first tried as a primary key (integer or sequence of integers); if that fails, then assumed to be a name and used for a lookup via get[table]ID. Returns ------- various types Matching column from the table. If there is no primary key match and the table does not support name lookup, returns ``None``. Raises ------ DBNoData if argument is not found as primary key and name lookup fails (but not if name lookup is not available). """ retval = None if isinstance(args, (int, \ and not isinstance(args, str_classes): # PK: int, non-str sequence retval = self.session.query(getattr(self, table)).get(args) if retval is None: # Not valid PK type, or PK not found # see if it was a name if ('get' + table + 'ID') in dir(self): cmd = 'get' + table + 'ID' pk = getattr(self, cmd)(args) retval = self.session.query(getattr(self, table)).get(pk) # This code will make it consistently raise DBNoData if nothing is found, # but codebase needs to be scrubbed for callers that expect None instead. # else: # raise DBNoData('No entry found for table {}, key {}.' # .format(table, args)) return retval
[docs] def getFileParents(self, file_id, id_only=False): """ Given a file_id (or filename) return the files that went into making it Parameters ---------- file_id : :class:`int` or :class:`str` :sql:column:`~file.file_id` or :sql:column:`~file.filename` of the file of interest. id_only : :class:`bool`, default False Return only the :sql:column:`~file.file_id`, instead of the entire record. Returns ------- :class:`~sqlalchemy.orm.Query` or :class:`list` of :class:`int` Complete :sql:table:`file` records for all input files, or just :sql:column:`~file.file_id` (if ``id_only``). """ file_id = self.getFileID(file_id) f_ids = self.session.query(self.Filefilelink.source_file).filter_by(resulting_file=file_id).all() if not f_ids: return [] f_ids = list(map(itemgetter(0), f_ids)) if id_only: return f_ids return [self.getEntry('File', val) for val in f_ids]
[docs] def getFileVersion(self, fileid): """ Return the version instance for a file Parameters ---------- fileid : :class:`int` or :class:`str` :sql:column:`~file.file_id` or :sql:column:`~file.filename` of the file of interest. Returns ------- :class:`~.Version.Version` Version of the file. """ if not isinstance(fileid, self.File): fileid = self.getEntry('File', fileid) return Version.Version(fileid.interface_version, fileid.quality_version, fileid.revision_version)
[docs] def getChildTree(self, inprod): """ Given an input product return a list of its output product ids Parameters ---------- inprod : :class:`int` :sql:column:`~product.product_id` of the input product. Returns ------- :class:`list` of :class:`int` :sql:column:`~product.product_id` of all products that can be made from ``inprod``. """ out_proc = self.getProcessFromInputProduct(inprod) out_prod = [self.getEntry('Process', op).output_product for op in out_proc] # Skip if no output product ('', null, but allow prodid of 0) return [op for op in out_prod if op or op == 0]
[docs] def getProductParentTree(self): """ go through the db and return a tree of all products and their parents This will allow for a run all the non done files script Returns ------- :class:`list` Each entry has two elements: a :sql:column:`~product.product_id` and another list of :sql:column:`~product.product_id` for all product that can be made from it. See Also -------- :meth:`getChildTree` """ prods = self.getAllProducts() prods = sorted(prods, key=lambda x: x.level) tree = [] # for each of the level 0 products add a base tree then iterate through them with dbu.getProcessFromInputProduct # then get the output for that process for p in prods: tree.append([p.product_id, self.getChildTree(p.product_id)]) return tree
[docs] def updateCodeNewestVersion(self, code_id, is_newest=False): """ Update a code to indicate whether it's the newest version. Assumption is that the newest version of a code should be the only active one, so sets both ``newest_version`` and ``active_code`` fields in the database. Parameters ---------- code_id : :class:`int` or :class:`str` :sql:column:`~code.code_id` or :sql:column:`~code.code_description` for code to update. is_newest : :class:`bool`, default False Set :sql:column:`~code.newest_version` and :sql:column:`~code.active_code` (True), or not newest, and inactive (False). """ DBlogging.dblogger.debug\ ("Entered updateCodeNewestVersion: code_id={0}, is_newest={1}"\ .format(code_id, is_newest)) code = self.getEntry('Code', code_id) code.newest_version = code.active_code = bool(is_newest) self.commitDB()
[docs] def editTable(self, table, my_id, column, my_str=None, after_flag=None, ins_after=None, ins_before=None, replace_str=None, combine=False): """ Apply string editing operations on a single row, column of a table For a specified row and column of a table, update the value according to operations specified by the combination of the kwargs. To replace all instances of a string with another, set ``replace_str`` to the string to replace and ``my_str`` to the new value to replace it with. To append a string to all instance of a string, set ``ins_after`` to the existing string and ``my_str`` to the value to append. To prepend a string to all instance of a string, set ``ins_after`` to the existing string and ``my_str`` to the value to prepend. When operating on the ``arguments`` column of the ``code`` table, and ``after_flag`` is specified, all three of these operations will only apply to the "word" (whitespace-separated) after the "word" in ``after_flag``. See examples. When operating on the ``arguments`` column of the ``code`` table, ``combine`` may be set to ``True`` to combine every word that follows each instance of ``after_flag`` into a comma-separated list after a single instance of ``after_flag``. See examples. One and only one of ``ins_after``, ``ins_before``, ``replace_str`` and ``combine`` can be specified; there is no default operation. If ``ins_after``, ``ins_before``, or ``replace_str`` are specified, ``my_str`` must be. .. note:: Written and tested for code table. Not thoroughly tested for others. Parameters ---------- table : :class:`str` Name of the table to edit. my_id : :class:`int` Record to edit; most commonly the numerical ID (primary key) but also supports string matching on other columns as provided by :meth:`getEntry`. column : :class:`str` name of column to edit my_str : :class:`str`, optional String to add or replace. Required with ``ins_after``, ``ins_before``, ``replace_str``. after_flag : :class:`str`, optional Only replace string in words immediately following this word. Only supported in ``arguments`` column of ``code`` table. Default: replace in all. ins_after : :class:`str`, optional Value to insert ``my_str`` after. Conflicts with ``ins_before``, ``replace_str``, ``combine``. ins_before : :class:`str`, optional Value to insert ``my_str`` before. Conflicts with ``ins_after``, ``replace_str``, ``combine``. replace_str : :class:`str`, optional Value to replace with ``my_str``. Conflicts with ``ins_after``, ``ins_before``, ``combine``. combine : :class:`bool`, default False If true, combine all instances of words after the word in ``after_flag``. Conflicts with ``ins_after``, ``ins_before``, ``replace_str``. Raises ------ ValueError for any invalid combination of arguments. RuntimeError if multiple rows match ``my_id``. Examples -------- All examples assume an open :class:`DButils` instance in ``dbu`` and an existing code of ID 1. These examples use command line flags but the treatment of strings is general. >>> #Replace a string after a flag >>> code = dbu.getEntry('Code', 1) >>> code.arguments = '-i foobar -j foobar -k foobar' >>> dbu.editTable('code', 1, 'arguments', my_str='baz', ... replace_str='bar', after_flag='-j') >>> code.arguments -i foobar -j foobaz -k foobar >>> #Combine multiple instances of a flag into one >>> code = dbu.getEntry('Code', 1) >>> code.arguments = '-i foo -i bar -j baz' >>> dbu.editTable('code', 1, 'arguments', after_flag='-i', ... combine=True) >>> code.arguments -i foo,bar -j baz >>> #Append a string to every instance >>> code = dbu.getEntry('Code', 1) >>> code.relative_path = 'scripts' >>> dbu.editTable('code', 1, 'relative_path', ins_after='scripts', ... my_str='2.0') >>> code.relative_path scripts2.0 """ DBlogging.dblogger.debug("Entered edit_table: my_id={0}".format(my_id)) table = table.title() if not ins_after and not ins_before and not replace_str and not combine: raise ValueError('Nothing to be done.') if not combine and (sum(item is not None for item in [ins_after, ins_before, replace_str]) != 1): raise ValueError('Only use one of ins_after, ' 'ins_before, and replace_str.') if (ins_after or ins_before or replace_str) and not my_str: raise ValueError('Need my_str.') if combine and (sum(item is not None for item in \ [ins_after, ins_before, replace_str]) != 0): raise ValueError('Combine flag cannot be used with' ' ins_after, ins_before, or replace_str.') if combine and my_str: raise ValueError('Do not need my_str with combine.') if after_flag and (column != 'arguments' or table != 'Code'): raise ValueError('Only use after_flag with arguments column' ' in Code table.') if combine and not after_flag: raise ValueError('Must specify after_flag with combine.') try: entry = self.getEntry(table, my_id) except InvalidRequestError: #multiple matches for my_id, usually raise RuntimeError('Multiple rows match {}'.format(my_id)) original = getattr(entry, column) if original is None: #nothing to do return if ins_before: old_str = ins_before new_str = my_str + ins_before elif ins_after: old_str = ins_after new_str = ins_after + my_str else: old_str = replace_str new_str = my_str if after_flag and original: parts = original.split() if combine: if parts.count(after_flag) > 1: indices = [ii for ii in range(len(parts)) if parts[ii] == after_flag] # go backwards so don't mess up order when deleting for ii in range(len(indices) - 1, 0, -1): parts[indices[0] + 1] = parts[indices[0] + 1] + ',' \ + parts[indices[ii] + 1] del parts[indices[ii] + 1] del parts[indices[ii]] elif after_flag in parts: #combine is false for i, x in enumerate(parts[:-1]): if x == after_flag: parts[i + 1] = parts[i + 1].replace(old_str, new_str) setattr(entry, column, ' '.join(parts)) else: #no after_flag provided, or the column is empty in db setattr(entry, column, original.replace(old_str, new_str)) self.commitDB()
[docs] def addUnixTimeTable(self): """Add a table containing a file's Unix start/stop time. Used for migrating databases; doing file searches based on the Unix time is faster than the UTC timestamp. This will also populate the time columns from a file's UTC start/stop time. Raises ------ RuntimeError If the Unix time table already exists """ if hasattr(self, 'Unixtime'): raise RuntimeError('Unixtime table already seems to exist.') unixtime = sqlalchemy.Table( 'unixtime', self.metadata, *tables.definition('unixtime')) self.metadata.create_all(tables=[unixtime]) # Make object for the new table definition (skips existing tables) self._createTableObjects() unx0 = datetime.datetime(1970, 1, 1) for f in self.getFiles(): # Populate the times r = self.Unixtime() r.file_id = f.file_id # If changed, also change addFile, getFiles, r.unix_start = int((f.utc_start_time - unx0)\ .total_seconds()) r.unix_stop = int((f.utc_stop_time - unx0)\ .total_seconds()) self.session.add(r) self.commitDB()
[docs]def create_tables(filename='dbprocessing_default.db', dialect='sqlite'): """ Step through and create the DB structure, relationships and constraints """ if dialect == 'sqlite': url = 'sqlite:///' + filename elif dialect == 'postgresql': url = postgresql_url(filename) else: raise ValueError('Unknown dialect {}'.format(dialect)) metadata = sqlalchemy.schema.MetaData() for name in tables.names: data_table = sqlalchemy.schema.Table( name, metadata, *tables.definition(name)) engine = sqlalchemy.engine.create_engine(url, echo=False) metadata.bind = engine metadata.create_all(checkfirst=True) engine.dispose()