Contributions and Acknowledgements¶
The following individuals have contributed code to dbprocessing
. The
team thanks them for their contribution. (Italic denotes
former developers).
Lorna EllisKen FairchildReiner FriedelMyles JohnsonNathan MasiTony RogersEvin O’SheaElizabeth Vandegriff
Current developers (italics denote project administrators) are:
Brian LarsenSteven MorleyDenis NadeauJonathan NiehofAndrew WalkerMeilin YanXiaoguang Yang
dbprocessing development has been supported in part by:
The Van Allen Probes Radiation Belt Storm Probe, Energetic particle, Composition, and Thermal plasma suite, JHU/APL contract 967399 under NASA prime contract NAS5-01072.
The Parker Solar Probe Integrated Science Investigation of the Sun, JHU/APL contract 136435 under NASA prime contract NNN06AA01C.
NASA grant 80NSSC21K0307, “dbprocessing: Space Science Data Processing Controller in Python”.
Release: 0.1.0 Doc generation date: Feb 10, 2022