# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""SeaPy -- Superposed Epoch in Python.
This module contains superposed epoch class types and a variety of functions
for using on superposed epoch objects.
Each instance must be initialized with (assuming import seapy as se):
>>> obj = se.Sea(data, times, epochs)
To perform a superposed epoch analysis
>>> obj.sea()
To plot
>>> obj.plot()
If multiple SeaPy objects exist, these can be combined into a single object
>>> objdict = seadict([obj1, obj2],['obj1name','obj2name'])
and then used to create a multipanel plot
>>> multisea(objdict)
For two-dimensional superposed epoch analyses, initialize an Sea2d() instance
>>> obj = se.Sea2d(data, times, epochs, y=[4., 12.])
All object methods are the same as for the 1D object. Also, the multisea()
function should accept both 1D and 2D objects, even mixed together. Currently,
the plot() method is recommended for 2D SEA.
--++-- By Steve Morley --++--
Los Alamos National Laboratory
Copyright 2010 Los Alamos National Security, LLC.
import warnings
import numpy as np
import numpy.ma as ma
import numbers
import datetime as dt
import spacepy.toolbox as tb
from spacepy import help
import spacepy.time as spt
import spacepy.datamodel as dm
import spacepy.plot as spplt
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.dates import date2num, num2date
__contact__ = 'Steve Morley, smorley@lanl.gov'
class SeaBase(object):
"""SeaPy Superposed epoch analysis base class
Do not use directly -- subclass it!
def __init__(self, data, times, epochs, **kwargs):
self._kwargs = kwargs
self._times = times
self._epochs = epochs
self.data = np.asarray(data, dtype=float)
if isinstance(times, spt.Ticktock):
self.times = times
td = np.diff(times)
noncontig = (not np.isclose(td, td[0]).all()) if np.issubdtype(td.dtype, np.inexact)\
else (len(np.unique(td)) > 1)
nonmon = ((np.array([t.total_seconds() for t in td])
if isinstance(td[0], dt.timedelta) else td) < 0).any()
if nonmon or noncontig:
warnings.warn('Input time not {}; results are unlikely to be valid.'.format(
('monotonic or contiguous' if nonmon else 'contiguous')
if noncontig else 'monotonic'), stacklevel=2)
if len(epochs) > len(times) / 2:
warnings.warn('Too many epochs; results are unlikely to be valid.',
if isinstance(epochs, spt.Ticktock):
self.epochs = epochs.UTC
self.epochs = epochs
self.verbose = kwargs['verbose']
if type(kwargs['delta']) == dt.timedelta:
t_delt = kwargs['delta'].days + kwargs['delta'].seconds/86400
self.delta = t_delt
self.delta = kwargs['delta']
if type(kwargs['window']) == dt.timedelta:
self.window = kwargs['window'].days + kwargs['window'].seconds/86400
self.window = kwargs['window']
self.window = np.ceil(float(self.window)/float(self.delta))
if kwargs['window'] != self.window:
'Window size changed to {0} (points) to fit resolution ({1})'.format(
self.window, self.delta), stacklevel=2)
self.bound_type = None
def __str__(self):
"""Define String Representation of Sea object"""
strhead = 'Superposed Epoch Object:'
strtail = 'Data array - {0}; #Epochs - {1}'.format(self.data.shape, len(self.epochs))
return ' '.join((strhead, strtail))
__repr__ = __str__
def __len__(self):
"""Calling len(obj) will return the number of epochs."""
return len(self.epochs)
def restoreepochs(self):
"""Replaces epoch times stored in obj.badepochs in the epochs attribute
dum = self.badepochs
except AttributeError:
raise AttributeError('No bad epochs to restore')
self.epochs = np.union1d(self.badepochs,self.epochs)
if self.verbose: print('Bad epochs restored to epochs attribute')
return None
def _timeepoch(self, delt):
#check type of time input and throw error message
el1,ep1 = self.times[0], self.epochs[0]
el1num = isinstance(el1, numbers.Number) or (type(el1)==np.float64)
ep1num = isinstance(ep1, numbers.Number) or (type(ep1)==np.float64)
if isinstance(el1, dt.datetime) and (type(el1) == type(self.epochs[0])):
#both time and epochs are datetime objects
#convert to serial time
if self.verbose:
print('converting to serial time')
dum = date2num(self.epochs)
t_epoch = np.array(dum)
dum = date2num(self.times)
time = np.array(dum)
ser_flag = False
elif el1num and ep1num:
#time is serial, do nothing
if self.verbose:
print('time is serial')
t_epoch = np.array(self.epochs, dtype=float)
time = np.array(self.times, dtype=float)
ser_flag = True
raise ValueError('Time and Epochs must be consistently typed (numeric/datetime)')
lose0 = np.where(t_epoch > time[-1]-(self.window*self.delta))
lose1 = np.where(t_epoch < time[0]+(self.window*self.delta))
if len(lose0)>0 and len(lose1)>0:
linds = np.union1d(lose0[0],lose1[0])
if len(linds)>0:
if self.verbose:
print('sea(): {0} out-of-range epochs moved to badepochs attribute'.format(len(linds)))
if ser_flag:
self.badepochs = t_epoch[linds]
self.badepochs = num2date(t_epoch[linds])
##TODO: replace following two lines with calls to tOverlapHalf
keep0 = np.where(t_epoch <= time[-1]-(self.window*self.delta))
keep1 = np.where(t_epoch >= time[0]+(self.window*self.delta))
kinds = np.intersect1d(keep0[0],keep1[0])
self.epochs = t_epoch[kinds]
t_epoch = t_epoch[kinds]
if len(self.epochs)==0:
raise RuntimeError('No valid epochs for data supplied')
return time, t_epoch
def random(self, n=None):
'''Return a new Sea object, of same dimensionality, with a set of random epochs
if not n:
n = len(self._epochs)
sttime = self._epochs[0]
entime = self._epochs[-1]
dum = sttime + np.pi
cflag = False
except TypeError:
sttime = date2num(sttime)
entime = date2num(entime)
cflag = True
repochs = (entime - sttime) * np.random.random_sample(n) + sttime
if cflag:
repochs = num2date(repochs)
newclass = type(self)
new = newclass(self.data, self._times, sorted(repochs), **self._kwargs)
return new
class Sea(SeaBase):
"""SeaPy Superposed epoch analysis object
Initialize object with data, times, epochs, window (half-width) and delta (optional).
'times' and epochs should be in some useful format
Includes method to perform superposed epoch analysis of input data series
data : array_like
list or array of data
times : array_like
list of datetime objects (or list of serial times). Must be contiguous
(constant cadence) and monotonically increasing.
.. versionchanged:: 0.5.0
Issues a warning for non-contiguous/non-monotonic times.
epochs : array_like
list of datetime objects (or serial times) for zero epochs in SEA.
For a suitable SEA, this should be substantially shorter than
.. versionchanged:: 0.5.0
Issues a warning for too many epochs; arbitrarily defined as
more than half the number of times.
window : datetime.timedelta
size of the half-window for the SEA (can also be given as serial time)
delta : datetime.timedelta
resolution of the input data series, which must be uniform (can also be
given as serial time)
Output can be nicely plotted with :py:meth:`plot`, or for multiple objects
use the :py:func:`multisea` function
def __init__(self, data, times, epochs, window=3., delta=1., verbose=True):
super(Sea, self).__init__(data, times, epochs, \
window=window, delta=delta, verbose=verbose)
def sea(self, **kwargs):
"""Method called to perform superposed epoch analysis on data in object.
Uses object attributes obj.data, obj.times, obj.epochs, obj.delta,
obj.window, all of which must be available on instantiation.
Other Parameters
storedata : boolean
saves matrix of epoch windows as obj.datacube (default = False)
quartiles : list
calculates the quartiles as the upper and lower bounds (and is default);
ci : float
will find the bootstrapped confidence intervals of ci_quan at the ci percent level (default=95)
mad : float
will use +/- the median absolute deviation for the bounds;
ci_quan : string
can be set to 'median' (default) or 'mean'
A basic plot can be raised with :meth:`plot`
#check this hasn't already been done
#TODO: find out why doing two .sea() calls back-to-back fails 2nd time
if hasattr(self, 'semedian') or hasattr(self, 'semean'):
return None
#check defaults
defaults = {'storedata': True, 'quartiles': True, 'ci': False,
'mad': False, 'ci_quan': 'median'}
for default in defaults:
if default not in kwargs:
kwargs[default] = defaults[default]
#ensure all input is np array
delt = float(self.delta)
if isinstance(self.data, np.ndarray):
y = self.data
y = np.asarray(self.data, dtype=float)
if kwargs['ci']:
kwargs['quartiles'], kwargs['mad'] = False, False
if kwargs['mad']:
kwargs['quartiles'], kwargs['ci'] = False, False
time, t_epoch = self._timeepoch(delt)
#build SEA matrix and perform analysis
wind = int(self.window)
m = int(2*wind + 1)
n = len(t_epoch)
y_sea = np.zeros((n,m), dtype=float)
blankslice = np.zeros([m], dtype=float)
for i in range(n):
dif = np.abs(time-t_epoch[i])
j = np.where(dif == np.min(dif))
stpt = j[0][0]-wind
enpt = j[0][0]+wind+1
sea_slice = blankslice.copy()
if stpt < 0: #fix for bad epochs not correctly moved to badepochs attr #TODO: make badepochs robust or do all checking here
sea_slice[0:abs(stpt)] = np.nan
sea_slice[abs(stpt):] = y[0:enpt]
elif enpt >= len(y):
tmpslice = y[stpt:]
sea_slice[:len(tmpslice)] = tmpslice
sea_slice[len(tmpslice):] = np.nan
sea_slice = y[stpt:enpt]
y_sea[i,0:] = sea_slice
#find SEA mean, median and percentiles - exclude NaNs (or badval)
badval = kwargs['badval']
except KeyError:
badval = np.nan
y_sea_m = ma.masked_where(np.isnan(y_sea), y_sea)
y_sea_m = ma.masked_values(y_sea, badval)
self.semean = [np.mean(y_sea_m[:,i].compressed()) for i in range(m)]
self.semedian = [np.median(y_sea_m[:,i].compressed()) for i in range(m)]
self.semean, self.semedian = np.array(self.semean), np.array(self.semedian)
self.bound_low = np.zeros((m,1))
self.bound_high = np.zeros((m,1))
if kwargs['quartiles']:
for i in range(m):
dum = np.sort(y_sea_m[:,i].compressed())
qul = np.percentile(dum, (25,75))
self.bound_low[i], self.bound_high[i] = qul[0], qul[1]
self.bound_type = 'quartiles'
elif kwargs['ci']: #bootstrapped confidence intervals (95%)
funcdict = {'mean': np.mean,
'median': np.median}
if isinstance(kwargs['ci'], bool):
raise ValueError #fall through to default case
ci_level = float(kwargs['ci'])
except ValueError:
ci_level = 95
from spacepy.poppy import boots_ci
if hasattr(kwargs['ci_quan'], "__call__"): #ci_quan is a function
ci_func = kwargs['ci_quan']
ci_func = funcdict[kwargs['ci_quan']]
for i in range(m):
dum = np.sort(y_sea_m[:,i].compressed())
self.bound_low[i], self.bound_high[i] = \
boots_ci(dum, 800, ci_level, ci_func)
self.bound_type = 'ci'
elif kwargs['mad']: #median absolute deviation
for i in range(m):
dum = np.sort(y_sea_m[:,i].compressed())
spread_mad = tb.medAbsDev(dum)
self.bound_low[i] = self.semedian[i]-spread_mad
self.bound_high[i] = self.semedian[i]+spread_mad
self.bound_type = 'mad'
self.x = np.linspace(-1.*self.window*self.delta, self.window*self.delta, \
if kwargs['storedata']:
self.datacube = y_sea_m
if self.verbose:
print('sea(): datacube added as new attribute')
if self.verbose:
print('Superposed epoch analysis complete')
#def sea_norm(self, epoch2, nbins=100, storedata=False, quartiles=True, ci=False, mad=False,
#"""Method for normalized superposed epoch analysis (creates new object)
#Assuming an already instantiated Sea object, xampl
#>>> xampl_norm = xampl.sea_norm(epoch2)
#Note that epoch2 must be a paired set with xampl.epochs
#Uses object attributes obj.data, obj.times, obj.epochs, obj.delta.
#all of which must be available on instantiation.
#Also requires second set of epochs.
#Other Parameters
#nbins (default = 100) - number of bins for normalized SEA
#storedata (default = False) - saves matrix of epoch windows as obj.datacube
#quartiles calculates the quartiles as the upper and lower bounds (and is default);
#ci will find the bootstrapped confidence intervals (and requires ci_quan to be set);
#mad will use +/- the median absolute deviation for the bounds;
#ci_quan can be set to 'median' or 'mean'
#Output is a new SeaPy object with all Sea methods.
#import numpy as np
#import numpy.ma as ma
##ensure all input is np array
#delt = float(self.delta)
#y = np.array(self.data, dtype=float)
#if ci:
#quartiles, mad = False, False
#if mad:
#quartiles, ci = False, False
#time,t_epoch = self._timeepoch(delt)
##build SEA matrix and perform analysis
#wind = self.window
#m = int(2*wind + 1)
#n = len(t_epoch)
#y_sea = np.zeros((n,m), dtype=float)
#for i in range(n):
#t_a, t_b = abs(time-t_epoch1[i]), abs(time-t_epoch2[i])
#j = np.where(t_a == np.min(t_a))
#k = np.where(t_b == np.min(t_b))
#norm_ax = np.linspace(t_epoch1[i], t_epoch2[i], nbins+1)
#norm_event = np.interp(norm_ax, time[j[1]:k[1]], y[j[1]:k[1]]) #piecewise linear
#norm_event[0], norm_event[-1] = y[j[0]], y[k[0]] #Fix endpoints
#y_sea[i,0:] = norm_event
##for i in range(n):
##dif = np.abs(time-t_epoch[i])
##j = np.where(dif == np.min(dif))
##sea_slice = y[j[0][0]-wind:j[0][0]+wind+1]
##y_sea[i,0:] = sea_slice
##Instantiate new SeaPy object
#outobj = Sea(self.data, self.times, self.epochs, self.window, self.delta)
#print 'New Sea object created'
##find SEA mean, median and percentiles - exclude NaNs
#y_sea_m = ma.masked_where(np.isnan(y_sea), y_sea)
#outobj.semean = [np.mean(dum.compressed()) for dum in y_sea_m]
#outobj.semedian = [np.median(dum.compressed()) for dum in y_sea_m]
#outobj.bound_low = np.zeros((m,1))
#outobj.bound_high = np.zeros((m,1))
#if quartiles:
#for i in range(m):
#dum = np.sort(y_sea_m[:,i].compressed())
#qul = np.percentile(dum, (25,75))
#outobj.bound_low[i], outobj.bound_high[i] = qul[0], qul[1]
#elif ci: #bootstrapped confidence intervals (95%)
#from spacepy.poppy import boots_ci
#if ci_quan == 'mean':
#ci_func = lambda x: np.mean(x)
#ci_func = lambda x: np.median(x)
#for i in range(m):
#dum = np.sort(y_sea_m[:,i].compressed())
#outobj.bound_low[i], outobj.bound_high[i] = \
#boots_ci(dum, 800, 95, ci_func)
#elif mad: #median absolute deviation
#from spacepy.toolbox import medabsdev
#for i in range(m):
#dum = np.sort(y_sea_m[:,i].compressed())
#spread_mad = medabsdev(data)
#outobj.bound_low[i] = outobj.semedian[i]-spread_mad
#outobj.bound_high[i] = outobj.semedian[i]+spread_mad
#outobj.x = np.linspace(0, nbins, len(outobj.semedian))
#if storedata:
#outobj.datacube = y_sea_m
#print 'sea_norm(): datacube added to new object as attribute'
#return 'Superposed epoch analysis complete'
def plot(self, xquan = 'Time Since Epoch', yquan='', xunits='',
yunits='', epochline=True, usrlimy=[], show=True, target=None,
loc=111, figsize=None, dpi=None, transparent=True, color='#7F7FFF'):
"""Method called to create basic plot of superposed epoch analysis.
Uses object attributes created by the obj.sea() method.
Other Parameters
xquan : str
(default = 'Time since epoch' ) - x-axis label.
yquan : str
default None - yaxus label
xunits : str
(default = None) - x-axis units.
yunits : str
(default = None) - y-axis units.
epochline : boolean
(default = True) - put vertical line at zero epoch.
usrlimy : list
(default = []) - override automatic y-limits on plot.
transparent : boolean
(default True): make patch for low/high bounds transparent
color : str
Color to use for the patch if not transparent.
(default #7F7FFF, a medium blue)
If both quan and units are supplied, axis label will read
'Quantity Entered By User [Units]'
assert hasattr(self, 'semedian') or hasattr(self, 'semean')
except AssertionError:
raise ValueError('No superposed epoch results to plot')
if len(xunits)<1:
xlstr = '{0}'.format(xquan)
xlstr = '{0} [{1}]'.format(xquan, xunits)
if len(yquan)>=1 and len(yunits)>=1:
ylstr = '{0} [{1}]'.format(yquan, yunits)
elif len(yquan)>=1 and len(yunits)<1:
ylstr = '{0}'.format(yquan)
ylstr = ''
fig, ax0 = spplt.utils.set_target(target, loc=loc, figsize=figsize)
if transparent:
ax0.fill_between(self.x, self.bound_low.ravel(), self.bound_high.ravel(),
edgecolor='none', facecolor=color, interpolate=True, alpha=0.25)
ax0.fill_between(self.x, self.bound_low.ravel(), self.bound_high.ravel(),
edgecolor='none', facecolor=color, interpolate=True)
ax0.plot(self.x, self.semedian, 'k-', lw=2.0)
ax0.plot(self.x, self.semean, 'r--', lw=1.25)
if usrlimy:
if epochline:
ax0.axvline(0, 0, 1, color='k', ls=':')
if show:
return None
return ax0
class Sea2d(SeaBase):
"""SeaPy 2D Superposed epoch analysis object
Initialize object with data (n element vector), times(y*n array),
epochs, window (half-width), delta (optional), and
y (two-element vector with max and min of y;optional)
'times' and epochs should be in some useful format
Includes method to perform superposed epoch analysis of input data series
data : array_like
2-D array of data (0th dimension is quantity y, 1st dimension is time)
times : array_like
list of datetime objects (or list of serial times). Must be contiguous
(constant cadence) and monotonically increasing.
.. versionchanged: 0.5.0
Issues a warning for non-contiguous/non-monotonic times.
epochs : array_like
list of datetime objects (or serial times) for zero epochs in SEA.
For a suitable SEA, this should be substantially shorter than
.. versionchanged: 0.5.0
Issues a warning for too many epochs; arbitrarily defined as
more than half the number of times.
window : datetime.timedelta
size of the half-window for the SEA (can also be given as serial time)
delta : datetime.timedelta
resolution of the input data series, which must be uniform (can also be
given as serial time)
Output can be nicely plotted with :meth:`plot`, or for multiple
objects use the :func:`multisea` function
def __init__(self, data, times, epochs, window=3., delta=1., verbose=False, y=[]):
super(Sea2d, self).__init__(data, times, epochs, window=window, \
delta=delta, verbose=False, y=[])
if y:
self.y = np.linspace(y[0], y[1], data.shape[0]+1)
self.y = np.linspace(0, data.shape[0]-1, data.shape[0]+1)
def sea(self, storedata=False, quartiles=True, ci=False, mad=False,
ci_quan='median', nmask=1, **kwargs):
"""Perform 2D superposed epoch analysis on data in object
Uses object attributes obj.data, obj.times, obj.epochs, obj.delta,
obj.window, all of which must be available on instantiation.
Other Parameters
storedata : boolean
saves matrix of epoch windows as obj.datacube (default = False)
quartiles : list
calculates the inter-quartile range to show the spread
(and is default);
ci : float
will find the bootstrapped confidence interval
(and requires ci_quan to be set)
mad : float
will use the median absolute deviation for the spread;
ci_quan : string
can be set to 'median' or 'mean'
A basic plot can be raised with :meth:`plot`
#ensure all input is np array or correct form
delt = float(self.delta)
y = np.asarray(self.data, dtype=float)
time,t_epoch = self._timeepoch(delt)
if not nmask:
nmask = 0 #set mask to exclude none
#build SEA matrix and perform analysis
wind = int(self.window)
l = y.shape[0]
m = 2*int(wind) + 1
n = len(t_epoch)
y_sea = np.zeros((l,m,n), dtype=float)
for i in range(n):
dif = np.abs(time-t_epoch[i])
j = np.where(dif == np.min(dif))
sea_slice = y[:,j[0][0]-wind:j[0][0]+wind+1]
y_sea[:,:,i] = sea_slice
#find SEA mean, median and percentiles - exclude NaNs
#y_sea_m = ma.masked_where(y_sea < 0., y_sea)
badval = kwargs['badval']
except KeyError:
badval = np.nan
y_sea_m = ma.masked_where(np.isnan(y_sea), y_sea)
y_sea_m = ma.masked_values(y_sea, badval)
#now get SEA quantities
self.semean, self.semedian, self.countmask = np.empty((l,m)), np.empty((l,m)), np.empty((l,m))
for ti in range(int(m)):
for yj in range(l):
self.semean[yj,ti] = np.mean(y_sea_m[yj,ti,:].compressed()) #np.mean(y_sea_m, axis=2)
self.semedian[yj,ti] = np.median(y_sea_m[yj,ti,:].compressed())
self.countmask[yj,ti] = len(y_sea_m[yj,ti,:].compressed())
self.semean = ma.masked_where(self.countmask<nmask, self.semean)#(np.isnan(self.semean), self.semean)
self.semedian = ma.masked_where(self.countmask<nmask, self.semedian)#(np.isnan(self.semedian), self.semedian)
self.perc25 = np.zeros((l,m))
self.perc50 = np.zeros((l,m))
self.perc75 = np.zeros((l,m))
#maybe use median absolute deviation?
#p75 = np.around(75*n/100)
#p25 = np.around(25*n/100)
#sea_sort = y_sea_m.copy()
##self.perc25 = sea_sort[p25,0:]
##self.perc75 = sea_sort[p75,0:]
self.x = np.linspace(-1.*self.window*delt,self.window*delt, \
if storedata:
self.datacube = y_sea_m
print('sea(): datacube added as new attribute')
if self.verbose:
print('Superposed epoch analysis complete')
def plot(self, xquan = 'Time Since Epoch', yquan='', xunits='',
yunits='', zunits='', epochline=True, usrlimy=[],
show=True, zlog=True, figsize=None, dpi=300):
"""Method called to create basic plot of 2D superposed epoch analysis.
Uses object attributes created by :meth:`sea`.
Other Parameters
x(y)quan : str
x(y)-axis label. (default = 'Time since epoch' (None))
x(y/z)units : str
x(y/z)-axis units. (default = None (None))
epochline : boolean
put vertical line at zero epoch. (default = True)
usrlimy : list
override automatic y-limits on plot. (default = [])
show : boolean
shows plot; set to false to output plot object to variable
(default = True)
figsize : tuple
(width, height) in inches
dpi : int
figure resolution in dots per inch (default=300)
If both quan and units are supplied, axis label will read
'Quantity Entered By User [Units]'
dum = self.semedian
except AttributeError:
return 'Error: No superposed epoch results to plot'
from matplotlib.colors import LogNorm
if len(xunits)<1:
xlstr = '%s' % xquan
xlstr = '%s [%s]' % (xquan, xunits)
if len(yquan)>=1 and len(yunits)>=1:
ylstr = '%s [%s]' % (yquan, yunits)
elif len(yquan)>=1 and len(yunits)<1:
ylstr = '%s' % yquan
ylstr = ''
usry = self.y
if usrlimy:
st = (self.y>=usrlimy[0]).nonzero()
st = st[0][0]
en = (self.y<=usrlimy[1]).nonzero()
en = en[0][-1]
pld = self.semedian[st:en+1,:]
usry = self.y[st:en+1]
fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize)
ax0 = fig.add_subplot(111)
if zlog:
cax = ax0.pcolor(self.x, usry, pld, norm=LogNorm(vmin=np.nanmin(pld), vmax=np.nanmax(pld)))
cax = ax0.pcolor(self.x, usry, pld)
if usrlimy:
if epochline:
ax0.axvline(0, 0, 1, color='k', ls=':', lw=1.5)
hc1 = plt.colorbar(cax)
if len(zunits)>=1:
if show:
return None
return ax0
def seadict(objlist, namelist):
"""Function to create dictionary of SeaPy.Sea objects.
- objlist: List of Sea objects.
- namelist: List of variable labels for input objects.
Other Parameters
namelist = List containing names for y-axes.
assert type(objlist) == \
list, 'seadict(): Inputs must be in lists'
except AssertionError as args:
raise ValueError('{0} -- {1}'.format(args.__class__.__name__, args))
nobj, nname = len(objlist), len(namelist)
if nobj!=nname:
raise ValueError('seadict(): Lengths of object list and names list must be equal')
outdict = {}
for i in range(nobj):
outdict[namelist[i]] = objlist[i]
return outdict
def multisea(dictobj, n_cols=1, epochline=True, usrlimx=[], usrlimy=[],
xunits='', show=True, zunits='', zlog=True, figsize=None):
"""Function to create multipanel plot of superposed epoch analyses.
Dictionary of Sea objects (from superposedepoch.seadict()).
Other Parameters
- epochline (default = True) - put vertical line at zero epoch.
- usrlimy (default = []) - override automatic y-limits on plot (same for all plots).
- show (default = True) - shows plot; set to false to output plot object to variable
- x/zunits - Units for labeling x and z axes, if required
- figsize - tuple of (width, height) in inches
- dpi (default=300) - figure resolution in dots per inch
- n_cols - Number of columns: not yet implemented.
Plot of input object median and bounds (ci, mad, quartiles - see sea()).
If keyword 'show' is False, output is a plot object.
import matplotlib.ticker as tik
keys = list(dictobj.keys())
pld, ply, plx, ylab = [], [], [], []
qup, qlo = [], []
keylist = sorted(keys)
for key in keylist:
tmp = dictobj[key].semedian
pld.append(tmp) #pld (PLot Data)
plx.append(dictobj[key].x) #plx (PLot X)
ylab.append(key) #ylab (Y-axis LABel)
if tmp.ndim==2:
ply.append(dictobj[key].y) #ply (Plot Y)
if n_cols > 1:
print('multisea(): Multiple column output not yet implemented')
n_fig = len(dictobj) #force single column output for now
fignum = list(range(1,n_fig+1))
fig = plt.figure()
n_fig = len(dictobj)
fignum = list(range(1,n_fig+1))
fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize)
for i in range(n_fig):
#loop over each subplot
#create subplot panel number
dum = str(n_fig)+'1'+str(fignum[i])
ax = fig.add_subplot(dum)
if pld[i].ndim==2: #if semean/median 2D, do colour-plot
if zlog:
cax = ax0.pcolor(plx[i], ply[i], pld[i], norm=LogNorm(vmin=np.nanmin(pld), vmax=np.nanmax(pld)))
cax = ax.pcolor(plx[i],ply[i],pld[i])
hc1 = plt.colorbar(cax)
if len(zunits)>=1:
else: #else do line plot
ax_b = dictobj[keylist[i]].plot(xquan='', yquan=ylab[i], epochline=epochline, show=False, target=ax, loc=dum)
if i==n_fig-1:
#Add x-label to bottom panel
if xunits:
xlab = 'Time since epoch [' + xunits + ']'
xlab = 'Time since epoch'
if usrlimx:
if usrlimy:
if show:
return None
return fig
def readepochs(fname, iso=False, isofmt="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S"):
"""Read epochs from text file assuming YYYY MM DD hh mm ss format
Filename (include path)
Other Parameters
iso (default = False), read in ISO date format
isofmt (default is YYYY-mm-ddTHH:MM:SS, code is %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S)
epochs (type=list)
if iso==False:
from numpy import loadtxt, zeros
intime = loadtxt(fname)
dum = zeros([intime.shape[0],6])
for i in range(intime.shape[1]):
dum[:,i] = intime[:,i]
for i in range(dum.shape[0]):
dtobj = dt.datetime(int(dum[i,0]), int(dum[i,1]), \
int(dum[i,2]), int(dum[i,3]), int(dum[i,4]), int(dum[i,5]))
fh = open(fname,'r')
intime = fh.readlines()
for d in intime:
d = d.strip()
dtobj = dt.datetime.strptime(d, isofmt)
return epochs
def sea_signif(obj1, obj2, test='KS', show=True, xquan = 'Time Since Epoch',
yquan='', xunits='', yunits='', epochline=True, usrlimy=[]):
"""Test for similarity between distributions at each lag in two 1-D SEAs
obj1 : Sea
First instance for comparison
obj2 : Sea
Second instance for comparison
Other Parameters
(default = 'KS') Test to apply at each lag:
KS is 2-smaple Kolmogorov-Smirnov; U is Mann-Whitney U-test
(default = True)
(default = 'Time since epoch' (None)) - x-axis label.
(default = 'Time since epoch' (None)) - y-axis label.
(default = None (None)) - x-axis units.
(default = None (None)) - y-axis units.
(default = True) - put vertical line at zero epoch.
(default = []) - override automatic y-limits on plot.
>>> obj1 = seapy.Sea(data1, times1, epochs1)
>>> obj2 = seapy.Sea(data2, times2, epochs2)
>>> obj1.sea(storedata=True)
>>> obj2.sea(storedata=True)
>>> seapy.sea_signif(obj1, obj2)
assert isinstance(obj1, Sea)
assert isinstance(obj2, Sea)
raise TypeError("Inputs must both be seapy.Sea() instances of same length")
keylist, S, prob = ['KS','U'], [], []
assert test.upper() in keylist
raise NotImplementedError("Test "+self.dtype+" not implemented, only "+str(keylist))
from scipy.stats import ks_2samp, mannwhitneyu
if test.upper() == 'KS':
for x in range(obj1.datacube.shape[1]):
tD, tprobKS2 = ks_2samp(obj1.datacube[:,x].compressed(),
raise AttributeError('''KS significance testing requires datacube attribute\n
Run sea() with kwarg storedata''')
if test.upper() == 'U':
for x,y in zip(obj1.datacube.transpose(), obj2.datacube.transpose()):
tU, tprobU = mannwhitneyu(x, y)
if len(xunits)<1:
xlstr = '{0}'.format(xquan)
xlstr = '{0} [{1}]'.format(xquan, xunits)
if len(yquan)>=1 and len(yunits)>=1:
ylstr = '{0} [{1}]'.format(yquan, yunits)
elif len(yquan)>=1 and len(yunits)<1:
ylstr = '{0}'.format(yquan)
ylstr = ''
#set up plot panels
fig = plt.figure()
ax0 = fig.add_subplot(211)
pos = ax0.get_position()
ax0.set_position([pos.bounds[0], 0.4, pos.bounds[2], 0.55])
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(212, position=[pos.bounds[0], 0.1, pos.bounds[2], 0.25])
#overlay superposed epochs
ax0.plot(obj1.x, obj1.semedian, lw=1.5)
ax0.plot(obj1.x, obj1.bound_high, color='royalblue', ls='--')
ax0.plot(obj1.x, obj1.bound_low, color='royalblue', ls='--')
ax0.plot(obj2.x, obj2.semedian, color='crimson', lw=1.5)
ax0.plot(obj2.x, obj2.bound_high, color='crimson', ls='--')
ax0.plot(obj2.x, obj2.bound_low, color='crimson', ls='--')
if epochline:
ax0.axvline(0, 0, 1, color='k', ls=':')
#plot prob in lower panel
ax1.plot(obj1.x, prob, color='crimson', ls='-', lw=1.5, drawstyle='steps-mid')
ax1.plot([obj1.x[0], obj1.x[-1]], [0.05, 0.05], color='royalblue', ls=':')
if epochline:
ax1.axvline(0, 0, 1, color='k', ls=':')
ax1.set_ylabel('Prob. of H0')
if show:
return None
return fig
#now make an output object to store the test stats and prob.
#return None