Source code for spacepy.realtime

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
The realtime module fetches realtime data and forecasts from other sites

Authors: Josef Koller

Institution: Los Alamos National Laboratory


Copyright 2012 Los Alamos National Security, LLC.

About realtime

bla bla


badf asdfasdf asdf

    >>> import spacepy.realtime as rt


__contact__ = 'Josef Koller,'

import datetime
import urllib.request as u

import spacepy.datamodel as dm
import dateutil.parser as dup

# -------------------------------------
[docs] def now(): """ Return the current values for the parameters Returns ------- out : datamodel.SpaceData A SpaceData containing the current values of the indices """ raise(NotImplementedError('Not yet implemented (nudge nudge)'))
# -------------------------------------
[docs] def nextForecast(): """ Return only the next value Returns ------- out : datamodel.SpaceData A SpaceData containing the next forcast for the indices """ dd = forecast() data = dm.SpaceData() data.attrs = dd.attrs data['forecast_hours'] = [1,3] data['AE'] = [dd['AE_1hr'][-1], dd['AE_3hr'][-1]] data['Kp'] = [dd['Kp_1hr'][-1], dd['Kp_3hr'][-1]] data['Dst'] = [dd['Dst_1hr'][-1], dd['Dst_3hr'][-1]] data['Calc'] = [dd['Calc_1hr'][-1], dd['Calc_3hr'][-1]] data['Epoch'] = [dd['Epoch_1hr'][-1], dd['Epoch_3hr'][-1]] return data
def _parseRICE(data, hours): """ parse the data read form the Rice website .. warning: This is an internal function do not call directly Parameters ---------- data : list data from the Rice website hours : str the forecast hours, used int h dict keys Returns ------- out : datamodel.SpaceData datemnodel object of the parsed data """ dd = dm.SpaceData() # strip the newlines data = [val.rstrip() for val in data] header = data.pop(0) # grab the header header = header.split()[4:] units = [] for i, val in enumerate(header): if '(' in val: val = val.split('(') units.append(val[-1].split(')')[0]) header[i] = val[0] else: units.append(None) data = dm.dmarray([val.split() for val in data]) times = dm.dmarray([dup.parse('{0}{1:02d}{2:02d}T{3:04d}'.format(val[0], int(val[1]), int(val[2]), int(val[3]))) for val in data[:, 0:4]]) data = dm.dmarray(data[:,4:], dtype=float) for i, (key, unit) in enumerate(zip(header, units)): dd[key+'_' + hours + 'hr'] = dm.dmarray(data[:,i], attrs={'units':unit}) dd['Calc_' + hours + 'hr'] = times dd['Epoch_' + hours + 'hr'] = dd['Calc_' + hours + 'hr'] + datetime.timedelta(hours=int(hours)) return dd
[docs] def forecast(): RICE_URL_1_last = '' RICE_URL_3_last = '' RICE_Boyle_all = '' RICE_1hr_Kp_Dst = '' RICE_3hr_Kp_Dst = '' # grab all the 1 hour data hr1 = u.urlopen(RICE_1hr_Kp_Dst) data = hr1.readlines() hr1.close() dd1 = _parseRICE(data, '1') # grab all the 3 hour data hr3 = u.urlopen(RICE_3hr_Kp_Dst) data = hr3.readlines() hr3.close() dd3 = _parseRICE(data, '3') dd = dm.SpaceData() dd.attrs['URL_1hr'] = RICE_1hr_Kp_Dst dd.attrs['URL_3hr'] = RICE_3hr_Kp_Dst dd.attrs['retrive_time'] = for key1, key3 in zip(dd1, dd3): dd[key1] = dd1[key1] dd[key3] = dd3[key3] return dd