Source code for spacepy.pybats.ram

A module for reading, handling, and plotting RAM-SCB output.

# Global imports
import datetime as dt

import numpy as np

import spacepy.datamodel as dm
import spacepy.time as spt
import spacepy.toolbox as tb
from spacepy.plot import set_target, applySmartTimeTicks
from spacepy.pybats import PbData

#  Start module with a few useful functions:
[docs] def gen_rgrid(nR=20, rmin=1.75, rmax=6.5): ''' Given the number of radial points, *nR*, the min and max of the radial extent, *rmin* and *rmax*, repsectively, create and return the radial grid of RAM-SCB as a vector of points in Earth radii. Note that the first and last cells are ghost cells. ''' r = np.zeros(nR+1) dR = (rmax-rmin)/(nR-1) for i in range(nR+1): r[i] = rmin+i*dR return r
[docs] def gen_tgrid(nT=25): ''' Given the number of local time grid points, *nT*, return, as vectors, the grid points in local time in units of radians and then local time hours that would be used in RAM-SCB. ''' lt = np.zeros(nT) dT = 24.0/(nT-1) phi = np.zeros(nT) dp = np.pi/(nT-1)*2.0 for i in range(nT): lt[i] = dT*i phi[i] = dp*i return phi, lt
[docs] def gen_egrid(nE=36, lb=0.1, ew=3E-2, power=1.27): ''' Given number of points and a lower boundary (*nE* and *lb*), build the RAM-SCB energy grid. Three arrays are returned: ebound(nE+1), the boundary of each bin, ecenter(nE), the center of each bin, and ewidth(nE), the width of each bin. All output units are in keV. Grid parameters can be set with kwargs but default to common RAM values: ======= ========================================= Kwarg Description ======= ========================================= nE Number of grid points. lb Lower boundary of energy grid in keV ew Width of first energy bin. power Power series exponent to determine grid spacing. ======= ========================================= Usage: >>> (ecentr, ebound, ewidth)=gen_egrid(nE=36, lb=0.1, ew=3E-2, power=1.27) ''' ebound = np.zeros(nE+1) ecentr = np.zeros(nE) ewidth = np.zeros(nE) ebound[0] = lb ewidth[0] = ew ecentr[0] = ebound[0] + 0.5*ewidth[0] for i in range(nE-1): ewidth[i+1] = ewidth[i]*power ebound[i+1] = ebound[i] + ewidth[i] ecentr[i+1] = ecentr[i] + 0.5*(ewidth[i+1] + ewidth[i]) ebound[-1] = ebound[-2] + ewidth[-1] return (ecentr, ebound, ewidth)
[docs] def young_comp(kp, f107): ''' Determine plasma sheet composition using the Young et al. empirical relationship based on Kp and F10.7 (first and second arguments, respectively) as given by *Young et al.* [JGR, 1982, Vol. 87 No. A11] Returns fraction of total number density that is Hydrogen, Helium, and Oxygen. Example usage: >>> FracH, FracHe, FracO = young_comp(5, 150.0) ''' ratOH = 4.5E-2 * np.exp(0.17*kp + 0.01*f107) # +/-0.21; Eq. 5, pg. 9088 ratHeH = 0.618182*ratOH*np.exp(-0.24*kp - 0.011*f107) + 0.011*ratOH fracH = 1.0 / (1.0 + ratHeH + ratOH) fracHe = ratHeH * fracH fracO = ratOH * fracH return fracH, fracHe, fracO
[docs] def viz_young_comp(): ''' Create a quick-look plot of % O+ as calculated by Young et al. for various values of Kp and F10.7. No input arguments are taken. ''' import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib.ticker import MultipleLocator kp = np.arange(0, 9.1, 0.1) f7 = np.arange(0, 301, 1.0) fracH = np.zeros((kp.size, f7.size)) fracO = np.zeros((kp.size, f7.size)) fracHe = np.zeros((kp.size, f7.size)) for i, f in enumerate(f7): fracH[:, i], fracHe[:, i], fracO[:, i] = young_comp(kp, f) levs = np.linspace(0, 0.8, 50) fig = plt.figure() ax2 = fig.add_subplot(111) cnt2 = ax2.contourf(f7, kp, fracO, levs) ax2.set_title('Young et al. Fraction O$^{+}$') ax2.set_xlabel('F10.7 Flux') ax2.set_ylabel('Kp Index') cb2 = plt.colorbar(cnt2, ticks=MultipleLocator(0.1)) cb2.set_label('Fraction O$^{+}$') ax2.grid() if plt.isinteractive(): plt.draw() else:
[docs] def viz_egrid(nE=36, lb=0.1, ew=3E-2, power=1.27): ''' Vizualize the RAM-SCB energy grid. All kwargs correspond to those used by :func:`gen_egrid`. ''' import matplotlib.pyplot as plt ecent, ebound, ewidth = gen_egrid(nE, lb, ew, power) y = np.zeros(len(ecent)) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 4)) fig.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.1, right=0.98, left=0.02) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.errorbar(ecent, y, fmt='r', xerr=ewidth/2.0, label='Bin Widths', ecolor='r', elinewidth=3, capsize=30) ax.plot(ecent, y, 'g*', label='Bin Centers') ax.legend() ax.set_title('RAM-SCB Energy Grid - Power=%4.2f' % power) ax.set_xlabel('Energy ($KeV$)') ax.set_yticklabels([]) ax.set_xlim([ebound[0]-20.0, ebound[-1]+20.0]) ax.set_ylim([-1, 1])
[docs] def gen_pgrid(nPa=72): ''' Given number of points, $*nPa*$, build the RAM-SCB pitch angle grid. The return value is a $*nPa*x3$ matrix containing the bin starts, centers, and ends in cosine of pitch angle. ''' pgrid = np.zeros((nPa, 3))
[docs] def read_t89file(filename): ''' Read a T89 input file intended for RAM-SCB. Usage: >>> time, b_dip, b_ext = read_t89file('somefile.t89') ''' infile = open(filename, 'r') raw = infile.readlines() raw.pop(0) # skip header. nRec = len(raw) time = [] bdip = np.zeros((nRec, 3)) bext = np.zeros((nRec, 3)) for i, line in enumerate(raw): parts = line.split() time.append(dt.datetime(int(parts[0]), int(parts[1]), int(parts[2]), int(parts[3]), int(parts[4]), int(parts[5]) ) ) bdip[i, :] = (float(parts[6]), float(parts[7]), float(parts[8])) bext[i, :] = (float(parts[9]), float(parts[10]), float(parts[11])) return time, bdip, bext
[docs] def grid_zeros(axis): ''' Attempt to plot x=0 and y=0 gridlines w/o messing up plot range. This should be called last when creating a plot; after you have the range sorted out. ''' axis.axvline(0, ls='-', color='k') axis.axhline(0, ls='-', color='k')
[docs] def set_orb_ticks(axis): ''' Set major ticks to multiples of 1, minor ticks to 1/4. ''' from matplotlib.ticker import MultipleLocator # Tick Locators: xMticks = MultipleLocator(2.00) xmticks = MultipleLocator(0.5) yMticks = MultipleLocator(2.00) ymticks = MultipleLocator(0.5) axis.xaxis.set_major_locator(xMticks) axis.xaxis.set_minor_locator(xmticks) axis.yaxis.set_major_locator(yMticks) axis.yaxis.set_minor_locator(ymticks) axis.grid(True)
[docs] def add_body(ax, rad=2.0, rotate=0.0, add_night=True, **extra_kwargs): ''' Creates a circle of radius kwarg rad (default 2.0 RE) at the center of axis ax. Then, a planet of radius 1.0 RE is added to the center to represent the Earth. Extra kwargs are passed to the patch generators. Three patches are created by this function: the inner boundary (a light grey Circle patch), the planet (a white Circle patch) and the night side of the planet (a black wedge.) All three are returned to the caller. The kwarge "rotate", which defaults to 0.0, can be set to any angle (in degrees) to rotate the location of local noon/midnight on the planet patches. The default is local noon points towards +X. A rotate value of 90 will cause local noon to point towards +Y. Example >>>ax=pylab.subplot(111) >>>inner, planet, night = rampy.add_body(ax) If you are using a polar axis, try using add_body_polar. ''' from matplotlib.patches import Circle, Wedge inner = Circle((0, 0), rad, fc='lightgrey', ec='k', zorder=1000, **extra_kwargs) planet = Circle((0, 0), 1.0, fc='w', zorder=1001, **extra_kwargs) night = Wedge((0, 0), 1.0, 90+rotate, -90+rotate, fc='k', zorder=1002, **extra_kwargs) ax.add_artist(inner) ax.add_artist(planet) if add_night: ax.add_artist(night) return inner, planet, night
[docs] def add_body_polar(ax, noon=90.0): ''' Add the "Earth" to the center of a polar dial plot located on axis "ax". Kwarg noon specifies the angle counter clockwise from the x-axis, in degrees, that is local noon (e.g. sun facing.) Default is 90 degrees, or in the +Y direction. ''' from matplotlib.patches import Polygon # Number of points: nPts = 101 # Convert "noon" to radians. noon = np.pi*noon/180.0 # First, a circle. x = np.linspace(0., 2.0*np.pi, nPts) # Polar angle. y = np.zeros(nPts) + 1.0 # Polar radius. circ = Polygon(np.array([x, y]).transpose(), fc='w', ec='k', zorder=1001) # Now, nightside. x = np.linspace(noon+np.pi/2.0, noon+3.0*np.pi/2.0, nPts) arc = Polygon(np.array([x, y]).transpose(), fc='k', ec='k', zorder=1002) # Add to plot. ax.add_artist(circ) ax.add_artist(arc)
def _adjust_dialplot(ax, rad, title='Noon', labelsize=15, c='gray'): ''' Ram output is often visualized with equatorial dial plots. This function quickly adjusts those plots to give a uniform, clean look and feel. ''' from matplotlib.ticker import MultipleLocator # Constrain range of plot: ax.set_ylim([0, np.max(rad)]) # Set MLT labels: lt_labels = ['06', title, '18', '00'] xticks = [0, np.pi/2, np.pi, 3*np.pi/2] ax.set_xticks(xticks) ax.set_xticklabels(lt_labels) ax.tick_params('x', labelsize=labelsize) # Set L labels and grid. Turn off label at L=0. ax.yaxis.set_major_locator(MultipleLocator(2)) labels = ax.get_yticklabels() labels[0].set_visible(False) ax.tick_params('y', labelcolor=c, labelsize=labelsize) ax.grid(True, c=c, lw=1, ls=':') # Change background color so labels stand out. ax.set_facecolor('gray') add_body_polar(ax)
[docs] def get_iono_cb(ct_name='bwr'): ''' Several custom colorbars used by RIM and AMIE have become standard when visualizing data from these models. These are 'blue_white_red' and 'white_red', used for data that have positive and negative values and for data that have only positive values, respectively. This function builds and returns these colorbars when called with the initials of the color table name as the only argument. For RAM-SCB usage, the 'bwr' color map is useful for plotting ionospheric potential and will create plots that look similar to those produced by AMIE and RIM. The 'wr' color map is useful when plotting anisotropy. Example - get each colormap: >>>bwr_map = get_iono_cb('bwr') >>>wr_map = get_iono_cb('wr') ''' from matplotlib.colors import LinearSegmentedColormap as lsc if ct_name == 'bwr': table = {'red': [(0, 0, 0), (0.34, 0, 0), (0.5, 1, 1), (1, 1, 1)], 'green': [(0, 0, 0), (0.35, 1, 1), (0.66, 1, 1), (1, 0, 0)], 'blue': [(0, 1, 1), (0.5, 1, 1), (0.66, 0, 0), (0.85, 0, 0), (1, 0.1, 0.1)] } cmap = lsc('blue_white_red', table) elif ct_name == 'wr': table = {'red': [(0, 1, 1), (1, 1, 1)], 'green': [(0, 1, 1), (1, 0, 0)], 'blue': [(0, 1, 1), (1, 0, 0)] } cmap = lsc('white_red', table) return cmap
[docs] class EfieldFile(PbData): ''' Base class for reading electric field input and output ASCII files. Subclasses such as WeqFile are customized to handle specific formats. The default object is configured to handle '''
[docs] def __init__(self, filename, *args, **kwargs): # Init base object. super(EfieldFile, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) # Stash file name and read: self.attrs['file'] = filename
def _parse_head(self, fileobj): ''' The function to parse the header should obtain: 1) The date and time 2) Relevant indices For input, pass the file object. Header lines will be read such that only the value names and data are left to be read. ''' head1 = fileobj.readline() head2 = fileobj.readline() formatms = 'Date=%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S.000' formats = 'Date=%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S' tstr = head1.split()[-1] try: self.attrs['time'] = dt.datetime.strptime(tstr, formatms) except ValueError: self.attrs['time'] = dt.datetime.strptime(tstr, formats) self.attrs['kp'] = float(head2.split()[1]) self.attrs['f107'] = float(head2.split()[-1]) # Original code: works with weimer files: # parts= headlines.split() # self.doy = int(parts[0]) # self.hour= float(parts[1]) # self.time = dt.datetime(year, 1,1,0,0) + \ # dt.timedelta(days=doy-1) + \ # dt.timedelta(hours=hour)
[docs] def read(self): ''' Load and parse the information in the file. ''' # Open file object. Send object to header parser. infile = open(self.attrs['file'], 'r') self._parse_head(infile) # Save last header line: head = infile.readline() # Slurp rest of lines: raw = infile.readlines() # Create containers. Note that we don't know if the file # contains longitude or MLT at this point... self['epot'] = dm.dmfilled(len(raw), attrs={'units': 'keV'}) self['l'] = dm.dmfilled(len(raw), attrs={'units': 'Re'}) mlt = dm.dmfilled(len(raw)) for i, line in enumerate(raw): parts = line.split() self['l'][i] = parts[0] mlt[i] = parts[1] self['epot'][i] = parts[2] # Use header to determine if we have MLT or Phi. # Calculate the one we don't have. if 'mlt' in head.lower(): self['mlt'] = mlt self['phi'] = self['mlt']*np.pi/12.0 else: self['phi'] = mlt self['mlt'] = self['phi']*12/np.pi # Make CPCP self.attrs['cpcp'] = self['epot'].max() - self['epot'].min() infile.close()
[docs] def add_potplot(self, target=None, loc=111, zlim=50, n=31, figsize=(5, 4), add_cbar=True, labcolor='lightgray', title='Noon'): ''' Quickly add a potential plot to MPL object *target*. Parameters ========== target : object The object on which plotting will happen. figsize : tuple A two-item tuple/list giving the dimensions of the figure, in inches. Defaults to (5,4) loc : integer The subplot triple that specifies the location of the axes object. Defaults to 111. zlim : real The upper limit for the color bar range. Defaults to 50. n : int The number of contours. Defaults to 31. labcolor : color A matplotlib-compatable color indicator for the ticks and labels. title : string A string title to set at the top of the plot. Defaults to "Noon". ''' import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib.colors import Normalize from matplotlib.ticker import MultipleLocator fig, ax = set_target(target, figsize=figsize, loc=loc, polar=True) cmap = get_iono_cb('bwr') crange = Normalize(vmin=-1.*zlim, vmax=zlim) levs = np.linspace(-1*zlim, zlim, n) cont = ax.tricontourf(self['phi']-np.pi/2.0, self['l'], np.asarray(self['epot']), levs, norm=crange, cmap=cmap) _adjust_dialplot(ax, self['l'], c=labcolor, title=title) cbar = False if add_cbar: cticks = MultipleLocator(25) cbar = plt.colorbar(cont, ticks=cticks, shrink=0.8, pad=0.08) cbar.set_label('kV') return fig, ax, cont, cbar
[docs] class WeqFile(EfieldFile): ''' Slight variation on the weimer class to read weq_***.in files. ''' def _parse_head(self, headlines): parts = headlines.split() self.UT = float(parts[0])
[docs] class RamSat(PbData): ''' A class to handle and plot RAM-SCB virtual satellite files. Instantiate an object by simply calling: >>>sat=rampy.RamSat('') Simple satellite file info, such as the time vector, file name, and output frequency are found as direct object attributes: >>>sat.time array([2005-08-31 09:29:00, ...,2005-09-02 00:58:00],dtype=object) Data arrays are stored as object keys. For example, obtain satellite coordinates by typing: >>>sat['SM_xyz'] RamSats work, for the most part, like dictionaries. Add a new data entry (an array, constant, etc.) by simply calling: >>>sat['New Thing']=(0,1,2,3,4) Be sure to peruse the docstrings of the many object methods to discover the many plotting functions and other capabilities. '''
[docs] def __init__(self, filename): # Filename: super(RamSat, self).__init__() self.filename = filename self._read()
def _read(self): ''' Load the NCDF file. Should only be called by __init__(). ''' self.f =, mode='r', mmap=False) self.namevars = list(self.f.variables.keys()) # split off the netCDF attributes from the Python attributes for k in dir(self.f): if k[0] == '_' or k in ('dimensions', 'filename', 'fp', 'mode', 'use_mmap', 'variables', 'version_byte'): continue tmp = getattr(self.f, k) if not callable(tmp): self.attrs[k] = tmp for var in self.f.variables: self[var] = dm.dmarray(self.f.variables[var][...]) # Get start time, set default if not found. try: stringtime = self.attrs['start_time'].decode() except KeyError: stringtime = '20000101000000' # parse start time and use it to create time object. self.starttime = dt.datetime.strptime(stringtime, '%Y%m%d%H%M%S') # Convert time in seconds to datetime. secs = self.f.variables['Time'][...] self.time = np.array( [self.starttime + dt.timedelta(seconds=float(s)) for s in secs]) self['Time'] = self.time # Close netcdf file and remove reference self.f.close() del self.f # Some other variables to keep handy: try: self.dt = self['DtWrite'] except KeyError: # Old files do not have DtWrite. self.dt = np.diff(self.time).min()
[docs] def create_omniflux(self, check=True): ''' Integrate the flux(currently as a function of energy and pitch angle) to get omnidirectional flux as a function of energy. New units = (cm-2*s*keV)^-1 Usage: just call this method to integrate all species. Other Parameters ================ check : Boolean If check is True (default) then the presence of existing omni variables will cause this calculation to abort cleanly. If check is False, anything pre-calculated will be overwritten. ''' def get_species_label(keyname, omni=False): uvar = 'omni' if omni else 'Flux' if keyname.startswith(uvar + '_'): return keyname[len(uvar)+1:].replace('+', '').replace('-', '') elif keyname.startswith(uvar): return keyname[len(uvar):].replace('+', '').replace('-', '') omnipresent = [True for kk in self if get_species_label(kk, omni=True) is not None] if check and omnipresent: return None # Create new flux attributes: nTime = self.time.size nPa = self['pa_grid'].size nEner = self['energy_grid'].size omnikeys = [('omni{0}'.format(get_species_label(kk)), kk) for kk in self if get_species_label(kk) is not None] # Create delta mu, where mu = cos(pitch angle) if 'pa_width' not in self: # if "pa_width" absent, calculate... # assume bin width for zeroth bin is same as first, # and that zeroth PA is zero. grdif = np.diff(self['pa_grid']) self['pa_width'] = dm.dmarray(np.r_[grdif[0], grdif]) dMu = 4*np.pi*self['pa_width'] for omkey, fluxkey in omnikeys: self[omkey] = np.zeros((nTime, nEner)) # Integrate. temp =[fluxkey] <= 0, self[fluxkey]) self[omkey] = (temp * np.reshape(dMu, (1, -1, 1))).sum(axis=1) # Mask out bad values. self[omkey] =[omkey] <= 0, self[omkey])
# RamSat Viz Routines # def _orbit_formatter(self, x, pos): ''' A function that, when passed to the FuncFormatter class of Matplotlib tick formatters, produces specialized ticks that give UT, LT, and inclination. ''' from matplotlib.dates import num2date nt = num2date(x, tz=None) nowtime = dt.datetime( # Need "naive" dt object. nt.year, nt.month,, nt.hour, nt.minute, nt.second, tzinfo=None) deltime = (self.time-nowtime) mintime = min(abs(deltime)) try: index = (deltime.tolist()).index(mintime) except ValueError: # Build format string. fmtstring = \ '%02d:%02d UT\n* MLT\n* MLat\nR=*$R_{E}$' % \ (nowtime.hour, nowtime.minute) return(fmtstring) # Get local time from XY coords. x = self['SM_xyz'][index, 0] y = self['SM_xyz'][index, 1] z = self['SM_xyz'][index, 2] R = np.sqrt(y**2 + x**2 + z**2) Mlat = np.rad2deg(np.arcsin(z/R)) fltMLT = tb.rad2mlt(np.arctan2(y, x)) % 24 locHr = np.floor(fltMLT).astype(int) locMn = np.round((fltMLT - locHr)*60).astype(int) # Build format string. fmtstring = \ '%02d:%02d UT\n%02d:%02d MLT\n%5.1f$^{\\circ}$ MLat\nR=%4.2f $R_{E}$'\ % (nowtime.hour, nowtime.minute, locHr, locMn, Mlat, R) return (fmtstring)
[docs] def add_orbit_plot(self, plane='XY', target=None, timelim=False, loc=111, ls='g.', title=False, invertX=True): """ Add a simple, 2D plot of the satellite orbit in a given (SM) plane. Other Parameters ================ plane : string Plane to plot. Options are 'XY', 'XZ', and 'YZ'; defaults 'XY'. target : Figure or Axes If None (default), a new figure is generated from scratch. If a matplotlib Figure object, a new axis is created to fill that figure. If a matplotlib Axes object, the plot is placed into that axis. loc : int Use to specify the subplot placement of the axis (e.g. loc=212, etc.) Used if target is a Figure or None. Default 111 (single plot). invertX : boolean Reverse the SM X axis so "Sun is to the left." Default True. This reverses the SM axis, not the plot axis, so it has no effect if plane is YZ. timelim : tuple A tuple of two :class:`datetime.datetime` objects specifying the time range to be plotted. Defaults to **None** such that the whole time range available is plotted. title : string Sets title for plot axes. ls : string A matplotlib-compatable line format specifier, e.g., 'b-'. Defaults to 'g.', or green dots. """ if not plane.upper() in ('XY', 'XZ', 'YZ'): raise ValueError("{0} is not a valid plot plane.".format(plane)) fig, ax = set_target(target, loc=loc, figsize=(5, 5)) # Variables to map plot plane to correct variables: plane = plane.upper() ijk = {'X': 0, 'Y': 1, 'Z': 2} i = ijk[plane[0]] j = ijk[plane[1]] if not timelim: # Set default time limit if none given. timelim = [self.time[0], self.time[-1]] iMin = 0 iMax = -1 else: # Use timelim to get indices that bound our plots. timediff = abs(self.time - timelim[-1]) iMax = np.nonzero(timediff == timediff.min())[0][0] timediff = abs(self.time - timelim[0]) iMin = np.nonzero(timediff == timediff.min())[0][0] # Add orbit: ax.plot(self['SM_xyz'][iMin:iMax, i], self['SM_xyz'][iMin:iMax, j], ls) # Add body: add_body(ax, add_night=(plane != 'YZ')) # Axis details: ax.axis('equal') if plane.upper() in ('XY', 'XZ') and invertX: xmin, xmax = ax.get_xlim() if xmin < xmax: ax.invert_xaxis() ax.set_xlabel('SM %s' % (plane[0])) ax.set_ylabel('SM %s' % (plane[1])) if title: ax.set_title(title) grid_zeros(ax) set_orb_ticks(ax) return fig, ax
[docs] def add_omniflux_plot(self, nameflux, target=None, zlim=[1E4, 1E9], add_cbar=True, do_orbticks=False, title=False, timelim=False, loc=111, no_xlabels=False): """ Create and place a pcolor-type plot of omnidirectional flux. Omnidirectional fluxes are calculated by the object method "create_omniflux" and are saved into the object with keys such as 'omniO' and 'omniHe', etc. Other Parameters ================ target : Figure or Axes If None (default), a new figure is generated from scratch. If a matplotlib Figure object, a new axis is created to fill that figure. If a matplotlib Axes object, the plot is placed into that axis. loc : int Use to specify the subplot placement of the axis (e.g. loc=212, etc.) Used if target is a Figure or None. Default 111 (single plot). do_orbticks : boolean Activate orbit ticks (default False): add complex but informational tick marks that list the satellite's coordinates along with the time on the x-axis. However, using these will require some "massaging" of the plot to make them properly visible. Be sure to add lots of padding to the bottom of the plot. no_xlabels : boolean (Default False) Completely omit xlabel and xticklabels. Convenient for stacking flux plots on each other. """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib.colors import LogNorm from matplotlib.ticker import (FuncFormatter, LogLocator, LogFormatterMathtext) from matplotlib.dates import date2num fig, ax = set_target(target, loc=loc, figsize=(10, 4)) # Check for omni fluxes, calculate as necessary. if nameflux not in self: self.create_omniflux() if nameflux not in self: raise KeyError('%s is not a valid omnidirectional flux.' % nameflux) # Create a time vector that binds each pixel correctly. time = np.zeros(self.time.size+1) time[0] = date2num(self.time[0]-dt.timedelta(seconds=self.dt/2.0)) time[1:] = date2num(self.time+dt.timedelta(seconds=self.dt/2.0)) # egrid = self['energy_grid'] ecenter, eboundary, ewidth = gen_egrid(nE=self['energy_grid'].size) # print("Need better energy grid setup for pcolormesh.") flx = ax.pcolormesh(time, eboundary, np.asarray(self[nameflux]).transpose(), norm=LogNorm(vmin=zlim[0], vmax=zlim[1])) ax.set_yscale('log') ax.set_ylim([eboundary[0], eboundary[-1]]) if not timelim: timelim = [self.time[0], self.time[-1]] applySmartTimeTicks(ax, timelim, dolabel=True) if no_xlabels: ax.set_xlabel('') ax.set_xticklabels(['']) do_orbticks = False ax.set_ylabel('E ($keV$)') if title: # If title not set, use a default: ax.set_title(title) else: labels = {'omniH': 'H$^{+}$', 'omniHe': 'He$^{+}$', 'omniO': 'O$^{+}$', 'omnie': 'e$^{-}$'} ax.set_title('Omnidirectional %s Flux' % (labels[nameflux])) if do_orbticks: ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(FuncFormatter(self._orbit_formatter)) if add_cbar: cbar = plt.colorbar(flx, pad=0.01, shrink=.85, ticks=LogLocator(), format=LogFormatterMathtext(), ax=ax) cbar.set_label('$cm^{-2}s^{-1}keV^{-1}$') else: cbar = False return fig, ax, flx, cbar
[docs] def plot_omni_quicklook(self, flux_opts=None, eflux_opts=None, hflux_opts=None, oflux_opts=None): """ Create a quick-look plot of omnidirectional fluxes. Other Parameters ================ flux_opts : dict dictionary of keyword arguments to pass to :meth:`add_omniflux_plot` for all flux plots eflux_opts : dict as flux_opts, but for the electron flux plot only hflux_opts : dict as flux_opts, but for the H+ flux plot only oflux_opts : dict as flux_opts, but for the O+ flux plot only Returns ======= out : Figure Has 9 axes instances (axes attribute) 0: XY orbit plot 1: XZ orbit plot 2: YZ orbit plot 3: e- flux 4: H+ flux 5: O+ flux 6: e- flux color bar 7: H+ flux color bar 8: O+ flux color bar """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.gridspec as gridspec fig = plt.figure(figsize=(11, 7)) fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.07, right=0.99, bottom=0.19, top=0.94, wspace=0.4, hspace=0.25) gs = gridspec.GridSpec(3, 3) # Do orbits first. a1 = fig.add_subplot(gs[0, 0]) a2 = fig.add_subplot(gs[1, 0]) a3 = fig.add_subplot(gs[2, 0]) self.add_orbit_plot('XY', target=a1) self.add_orbit_plot('XZ', target=a2) self.add_orbit_plot('YZ', target=a3) # Add fluxes. a1 = fig.add_subplot(gs[0, 1:]) a2 = fig.add_subplot(gs[1, 1:]) a3 = fig.add_subplot(gs[2, 1:]) if eflux_opts is None: eflux_opts = {} if hflux_opts is None: hflux_opts = {} if oflux_opts is None: oflux_opts = {} if flux_opts is None: flux_opts = {} for k in flux_opts: for d in (eflux_opts, hflux_opts, oflux_opts): if k not in d: d[k] = flux_opts[k] self.add_omniflux_plot('omnie', target=a1, no_xlabels=True, **eflux_opts) self.add_omniflux_plot('omniH', target=a2, no_xlabels=True, **hflux_opts) self.add_omniflux_plot('omniO', target=a3, do_orbticks=True, **oflux_opts) return fig
[docs] class PlasmaBoundary(PbData): ''' Opens an ascii-format boundary file written from IM_wrapper.f90:IM_put_from_gm in the coupled SWMF-RAM-SCB model. '''
[docs] def __init__(self, filename, time=None, *args, **kwargs): # Init base object. super(PlasmaBoundary, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) # Set up this instance: self.attrs['file'] = filename
[docs] def read(self, time=None): ''' Read and parse the ascii boundary file. ''' # Read contents, slurp. infile = open(self.attrs['file'], 'r') raw = infile.readlines() infile.close() # First line of header has date and time. if time: self.attrs['time'] = time raw.pop(0) else: parts = raw.pop(0).split() self.attrs['elapsed'] = float(parts[0]) self.attrs['time'] = dt.datetime(int(parts[1]), # year int(parts[2]), # month int(parts[3]), # day int(parts[4]), # hour int(parts[5]), # min int(parts[6])) # sec # Save header info that is useful. raw.pop(0) self.attrs['namevar'] = raw.pop(0).split() self.attrs['npoints'] = len(raw) # Parse remaining data into a dictionary: units = {'l': 'hours', 'R': 'cm-3', 'p': 'eV'} for name in self.attrs['namevar']: self[name] = dm.dmfilled(self.attrs['npoints'], attrs={'units': units[name[0]]}) for i, line in enumerate(raw): vals = line.split() for j, name in enumerate(self.attrs['namevar']): if vals[j] == '*************': vals[j] = 100000.0 self[name][i] = float(vals[j])
[docs] def write(self): ''' Write self to self.filename. ''' # Open file: out = open(self.attrs['file'], 'w') # Write header: out.write('%10.5E %4i %2i %2i %2i %2i %2i\n' % (self.attrs['elapsed'], self.attrs['time'].year, self.attrs['time'].month, self.attrs['time'].day, self.attrs['time'].hour, self.attrs['time'].minute, self.attrs['time'].second) ) out.write(' Units are Hours, cm-3, and eV\n') out.write(' '+' '.join(self.attrs['namevar'])+'\n') # Write data and close. for i in range(self.attrs['npoints']): out.write('%02i %13.6E %13.6E %13.6E %13.6E %13.6E %13.6E\n' % (self[self.attrs['namevar'][0]][i], self[self.attrs['namevar'][1]][i], self[self.attrs['namevar'][2]][i], self[self.attrs['namevar'][3]][i], self[self.attrs['namevar'][4]][i], self[self.attrs['namevar'][5]][i], self[self.attrs['namevar'][6]][i])) out.close()
[docs] class BoundaryGroup(PbData): ''' A class that collects many :class:`PlasmaBoundary` objects together to work as a coherent group. '''
[docs] def __init__(self, path='.', rotate=True, *args, **kwargs): from glob import glob from matplotlib.dates import date2num # Init base object. super(BoundaryGroup, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) # Load files and count them! files = glob(path+'/bound_plasma*.out') nfiles = len(files) if nfiles == 0: raise ValueError('No files found in path=' + indir) # Use info from first file to set up data structures. temp = PlasmaBoundary(files[0]) namevar = temp.attrs['namevar'] self['time'] = dm.dmfilled(nfiles, dtype=object) for name in namevar: self[name] = dm.dmfille((25, nfiles), fillval=0, attrs={'units': temp[name].attrs['units']}) for i, f in enumerate(files): temp = PlasmaBoundary(f) for name in namevar: self[name][:, i] = temp[name] self['time'][i] = (temp.attrs['time']) # Create some new values to plot: self['nAll'] = dm.dmarray(self['RhoH'] + self[namevar[2]] + self['RhoO'], attrs={'units': 'cm-3'}) self['ratO'] = dm.dmarray(100.0*self['RhoO']/self['nAll'], attrs={'units': r'\%'}) if rotate: for val in list(self.keys()): if val == 'time': continue temparray = self[val].copy() temparray[0:12, :] = self[val][13:25, :] temparray[12:25, :] = self[val][0:13, :] self[val][:, :] = temparray[:, :] # Put pressure/temp in keV. for val in list(self.keys()): if (val[0] == 'p') and (self[val].attrs['units'] == 'eV'): self[val] /= 1000.0 self[val].attrs['units'] = 'keV' # Internals for plotting: self._y = np.arange(0, 26) - 0.5 self._lt_labels = ['Dusk', 'Midnight', 'Dawn'] self._yticks = [6.0, 12.0, 18.0] self._dtime = date2num(self['time']) # create decimal time. self._zlims = {'p': [0, 40], 'R': [0, 8], 'r': [0, 60], 'n': [0, 8]}
[docs] def add_ltut(self, var, target=None, loc=111, cmap='inferno', zlim=None, add_cbar=True, clabel=None, xlabel='full', title=None, grid=True, ntick=5): ''' Plot variable *var* as a contour against local time (y-axis) and universal time (x-axis) using the PyBats *target* method of other standard plotting methods. Four items are returned: the Matplotlib Figure, Axes, Mesh, and ColorBar objects used (if add_cbar is set to **False**, the returned ColorBar object is simply set to **False**.) ========== ======================================================= Kwarg Description ========== ======================================================= target Select plot destination. Defaults to new figure/axis. loc The location of any generated subplots. Default is 111. add_cbar Toggles the automatic colorbar. Default is**True**. cmap Selects Matplotlib color table. Defaults to *inferno*. zlim Limits for z-axis. Defaults to best-guess. clabel Sets colorbar label. Defaults to *var* units. xlabel Sets x-axis limits, use 'full', 'ticks', or **None**. title Sets axis title; defaults to **None**. grid Show white dotted grid? Defaults to **True** ntick Number of attempted cbar ticks. Defaults to 5. ========== ======================================================= ''' import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib.ticker import MultipleLocator fig, ax = set_target(target, loc=loc) # Set up z-limits; use variable-specific defaults. if zlim is None: try: zlim = self._zlims[var[0]] except ValueError: print("No default zlimits for ", var) zlim = None # Create plot: mesh = ax.pcolormesh(self._dtime, self._y, self[var], cmap=cmap, vmin=zlim[0], vmax=zlim[-1]) # Use LT ticks and markers on y-axis: ax.set_yticks(self._yticks) ax.set_yticklabels(self._lt_labels) ax.set_ylim([4, 20]) # White ticks, slightly thicker: ax.tick_params(axis='both', which='both', color='w', width=1.2) # Grid marks: if grid: ax.grid(c='w') if title: ax.set_title(title) if xlabel == 'full': # Both ticks and label. applySmartTimeTicks(ax, self['time'], dolabel=True) elif xlabel == 'ticks': # Ticks, but no date label. applySmartTimeTicks(ax, self['time'], dolabel=False) else: # A blank x-axis is often useful. applySmartTimeTicks(ax, self['time'], dolabel=False) ax.set_xticklabels('') # Add cbar as necessary: if add_cbar: lct = MultipleLocator(np.ceil(10*(zlim[1]-zlim[0])/(ntick-1))/10.0) cbar = plt.colorbar(mesh, ax=ax, pad=0.01, shrink=0.85, ticks=lct) cbar.set_label(clabel) else: cbar = None return fig, ax, mesh, cbar
[docs] class PressureFile(PbData): ''' A class for reading and visualizing files. '''
[docs] def __init__(self, filename, *args, **kwargs): from dateutil.parser import parse # Init base object. super(PressureFile, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) # Set up object. self.attrs['file'] = filename # Read and parse file. with open(filename, 'r') as fh: lines = fh.readlines() head_entries = lines[1].strip().split() variables = head_entries[:-1] p_unit = head_entries[-1].replace('[', '').replace(']', '') def name_map(namein): '''convert RAM pressure file pressure variable names to SpacePy names This module uses pressure variable names "per[species]" for perpendicular pressure and "par[species]" for parallel pressure. The species names use the case (e.g., helium is He) and electrons are always given as a lower case "e". In the RAM pressure files the variables are "PPAR_[species]" where the species use title case. Examples -------- >>> name_map('PPAR_E') 'pare' >>> name_map('PPER_He') 'perHe' >>> name_map('PTotal') 'total' ''' # generic as RAM can now use specified list of named species parts = namein.split('_') n_parts = len(parts) # Is a species name present? spec = parts[1] if n_parts == 2 else '' # Is it a pressure? Drop leading P if namein.lower().startswith('p'): varname = parts[0][1:].lower() else: varname = parts[0].lower() # Is it electrons? Make sure the name is lower case if spec and spec.lower() == 'e': spec = 'e' return ''.join([varname, spec]) # Create variables: nRec = len(lines[2:]) varlist = [] varidx = [] for idx, vname in enumerate(variables): if vname.lower() == 'lsh': varlist.append('L') varidx.append(idx) self['L'] = dm.dmfilled(nRec, attrs={'units': 'RE'}) elif vname.lower() == 'mlt': varlist.append('mlt') varidx.append(idx) self['mlt'] = dm.dmfilled(nRec, attrs={'units': 'Hours'}) else: ent_name = name_map(vname) varlist.append(ent_name) varidx.append(idx) self[ent_name] = dm.dmfilled(nRec, attrs={'units': p_unit}) try: self.attrs['time'] = parse(lines[0][5:28], fuzzy=True) except: self.attrs['time'] = 'unknown' # Loop over all variables and grab value from correct column for i, line in enumerate(lines[2:]): # Skip header. parts = line.split() for lidx, vnam in zip(varidx, varlist): self[vnam][i] = parts[lidx] # Theta is an angle used for polar plots. self['theta'] = self['mlt']*np.pi/12.0 - np.pi/2.0 self['theta'].attrs = {'units': 'rad'} # Grid spacing/size: self.attrs['dTheta'] = self['theta'][1]-self['theta'][0] self.attrs['nTheta'] = int(np.round(2.*np.pi/self.attrs['dTheta'])+1) self.attrs['nL'] = len(self['L'])//self.attrs['nTheta'] self.attrs['dL'] = self['L'][self.attrs['nTheta']] - self['L'][0] # Calculate isotropic pressures and anisotropies. # Calculate totals, set labels and metadata self.labels = {} parallels = [key for key in self if key.startswith('par')] for var in parallels: spec = var[3:] # species is everything after the "par"a if spec == 'e': texspec = 'e$^{-}$' else: texspec = spec + '$^{+}$' # for now assume all singly ionized self['tot' + spec] = (2./3.)*self['per'+spec] + (1./3.)*self['par'+spec] self['ani' + spec] = self['per' + spec]/self['par' + spec] - 1.0 self['tot' + spec].attrs = {'units': ''} # Isotropy units self['per' + spec].attrs['label'] = r'$\bot$ Pressure, ' + texspec self['par' + spec].attrs['label'] = r'$\parallel$ Pressure, ' + texspec self['tot' + spec].attrs['label'] = r'Pressure, ' + texspec self['ani' + spec].attrs['label'] = r'Anisotropy, ' + texspec self['total'].attrs['label'] = r'Total Pressure'
[docs] def add_cont_press(self, var='total', n=31, target=None, maxz=1000.0, minz=1.0, loc=111, add_cbar=False, npa=False, labelsize=15, title='auto', cmap='inferno', **kwargs): ''' Create a polar log-axis contour plot of pressure and add it to *target*. For speedier plots, use plot_cont_press, which makes its own axis. Parameters ========== var : string The variable within the object to plot. Defaults to 'total'. Can be set to other species-specific pressure values. n : integer The number of contours. Defaults to 31. maxz : real The color bar maximum. Defaults to 1000.0 minz : real The color bar minimum. Defaults to 1.0. add_cbar : bool Set whether to add a color bar or not. Defaults to **False**. cmap : string Set name of contour color map to use. Defaults to 'inferno'. npa : bool If **True**, plot in units of nanopascal instead of energy density. Defaults to **False**. labelsize : int Sets the font size of the labels. Defaults to 15. title : string Sets the plot title. Defaults to 'auto', using the variable label. target : Figure or Axes If None (default), a new figure is generated from scratch. If a matplotlib Figure object, a new axis is created to fill that figure. If a matplotlib Axes object, the plot is placed into that axis. loc : int Use to specify the subplot placement of the axis (e.g. loc=212, etc.) Used if target is a Figure or None. Default 111 (single plot). Returns ======= fig : matplotlib figure object ax : matplotlib axes object cont : matplotlib contour object cbar : matplotlib colorbar object ''' from matplotlib.colors import LogNorm from matplotlib.pyplot import colorbar from matplotlib.ticker import LogLocator, LogFormatterMathtext fig, ax = set_target(target, loc=loc, polar=True) p = self[var] label = '$KeV/cm^-3$' if title == 'auto': title = self[var].attrs['label'] if npa: p = p*0.16 # Energy Density to Pressure in nPa. label = 'nPa' # Set up color bar & levels. levs = np.power(10, np.linspace(np.log10(minz), np.log10(maxz), n)) minz = 0.01 cont = ax.tricontourf(self['theta'], self['L'], np.asarray(p), levs, norm=LogNorm(), cmap=cmap) _adjust_dialplot(ax, self['L'], title=title, labelsize=labelsize) if add_cbar: cbar = colorbar(cont, pad=0.1, ticks=LogLocator(), ax=ax, format=LogFormatterMathtext(), shrink=0.8) # cbar.set_label(self.labels[var]+' ($KeV/cm^-3)$') cbar.set_label(label) else: cbar = None return fig, ax, cont, cbar
[docs] def add_pcol_press(self, var='total', target=None, maxz=1000.0, minz=1.0, add_cbar=False, loc=111, labelsize=15, title='auto'): ''' Add a pcolor plot of the pressure object to *target*. Parameters ========== var : string The variable within the object to plot. Defaults to 'total'. Can be set to other species-specific pressure values. maxz : real The color bar maximum. Defaults to 1000.0 minz : real The color bar minimum. Defaults to 1.0. add_cbar : bool Set whether to add a color bar or not. Defaults to **False**. labelsize : int Sets the font size of the labels. Defaults to 15. title : string Sets the plot title. Defaults to 'auto', using the variable label. target : Figure or Axes If None (default), a new figure is generated from scratch. If a matplotlib Figure object, a new axis is created to fill that figure. If a matplotlib Axes object, the plot is placed into that axis. loc : int Use to specify the subplot placement of the axis (e.g. loc=212, etc.) Used if target is a Figure or None. Default 111 (single plot). Returns ======= fig : matplotlib figure object ax : matplotlib axes object cont : matplotlib contour object cbar : matplotlib colorbar object ''' from matplotlib.colors import LogNorm from matplotlib.pyplot import colorbar from matplotlib.ticker import LogLocator, LogFormatterMathtext fig, ax = set_target(target, loc=loc, polar=True) # Set title. if title == 'auto': title = self[var].attrs['label'] # Set up grid centered on gridpoints. dT = self.attrs['dTheta'] dL = self.attrs['dL'] T = np.linspace(-1.0*dT/2.0, 2.*np.pi-dT/2.0, self.attrs['nTheta']) T = T-np.pi/2.0 R = np.linspace(self['L'][0]-dL/2.0, self['L'][-1]+dL/2.0, self.attrs['nL']+1) p = np.reshape(self[var], [self.attrs['nL'], self.attrs['nTheta']]) ax.grid(False) # as of mpl 3.5 grid must be turned off before calling pcolormesh pcol = ax.pcolormesh(T, R, p[:, :-1], norm=LogNorm(vmin=minz, vmax=maxz), cmap='inferno') _adjust_dialplot(ax, R, title=title, labelsize=15) if add_cbar: cbar = colorbar(pcol, pad=0.1, ticks=LogLocator(), ax=ax, format=LogFormatterMathtext(), shrink=0.8) # cbar.set_label(self.labels[var] + ' ($keV/cm^{-3}$)') cbar.set_label('$keV/cm^{-3}$') else: cbar = None return fig, ax, pcol, cbar
[docs] class BoundaryFluxFile(object): ''' Read, plot, and edit flux $([filename].swf)$ or $([filename].dat)$ files. $([filename].dat)$ files are output into the Dsbnd directory. '''
[docs] def __init__(self, filename): self.filename = filename if filename[-3:] == 'swf': self.read_swf() else: self.read_dsbnd()
[docs] def read_dsbnd(self): from datetime import datetime from re import search from numpy import zeros, linspace f = open(self.filename, 'r') lines = f.readlines() f.close() parts = lines[0].split() self.rtime = float(parts[-1]) # Try to get run time, species from filename. match = search(r'ds(\w{2})\_d(\d{4})(\d{2})(\d{2})\_t(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})', self.filename) if match: # New filename format! Huzzah! t = match.groups() self.species = t[0].strip('_') self.time = datetime(int(t[1]), int(t[2]), int(t[3]), int(t[4]), int(t[5]), int(t[6])) else: self.time = None self.species = None # Determine size of file and allocate array. self.nE = len(lines) - 1 parts = lines[1].split() self.nLT = len(parts)-1 self.flux = zeros([self.nLT, self.nE]) self.E = zeros(self.nE) # Read and parse lines. for i, line in enumerate(lines[1:]): parts = line.split() self.E[i] = float(parts[0]) for j in range(self.nLT): self.flux[j, i] = float(parts[j+1]) # Set up local time grid. self.LT = linspace(0, 24, self.nLT)
[docs] def read_swf(self): f = open(self.filename, 'r') lines = f.readlines() f.close() # Determine size of file and allocate array. self.nLT = len(lines) - 2 parts = lines[1].split() self.nE = len(parts)-2 self.flux = np.zeros([self.nLT, self.nE]) # Read and parse lines. for i, line in enumerate(lines[1:-1]): parts = line.split() for j in range(self.nE): self.flux[i, j] = float(parts[j+2]) # Set up local time grid. self.LT = np.linspace(0, 24, self.nLT)
[docs] def quickplot(self, zlim=[10, 1e7]): ''' A quick plot of input flux on a fresh axis. ''' import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib.colors import LogNorm from matplotlib.ticker import LogLocator, LogFormatterMathtext fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) egrid = np.array(range(self.nE)) flux = self.flux.transpose() flux[flux < 0.01] = 0.01 flx = ax.pcolor(self.LT, egrid, flux, norm=LogNorm(vmin=zlim[0], vmax=zlim[-1]), cmap=plt.get_cmap('inferno')) cbar = plt.colorbar(flx, pad=0.01, shrink=0.85, ticks=LogLocator(), format=LogFormatterMathtext()) cbar.set_label('$cm^{-2}s^{-1}ster^{-1}keV^{-1}$') ax.set_xlim([0, 24]) ax.set_ylim([0, self.nE-1]) if hasattr(self, 'time'): ax.set_title(self.time.isoformat()) ax.set_xlabel('Local Time Sector') if hasattr(self, 'E'): ax.set_ylabel('Energy (keV)') newlabs = [] for val in ax.get_yticks()[:-1]: newlabs.append('%6.2f' % self.E[int(val)]) ax.set_yticklabels(newlabs) else: ecentr, ebound, ewidth = gen_egrid(self.nE) ax.set_ylabel('Energy (keV)') newlabs = [] for val in ax.get_yticks()[:-1]: newlabs.append('%6.2f' % ecentr[int(val)]) ax.set_yticklabels(newlabs) return fig, ax
[docs] class LogFile(PbData):
[docs] def __init__(self, file, *args, **kwargs): super(LogFile, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.attrs['file'] = file
[docs] def read(self): ''' Load the ascii logfile located at self.filename. This method is automatically called upon instantiation. ''' # Slurp in entire file. infile = open(self.attrs['file'], 'r') raw = infile.readlines() infile.close() # Parse the header. self.attrs['descrip'] = raw.pop(0) namevar = (raw.pop(0)).split() nCols = len(namevar) loc = {} for i, name in enumerate(namevar): loc[name] = i # Check the last line for completeness. # Files read while simulation is running will have incomplete # lines. nPts = len(raw) checkline = raw[-1].split() if len(checkline) != nCols: nPts -= 1 self.attrs['npts'] = nPts # Pop time/date names off of Namevar. for nvr in ['year', 'mo', 'dy', 'hr', 'mn', 'sc', 'msc', 'time']: namevar.pop(namevar.index(nvr)) # Create containers for data: self['runtime'] = dm.dmfilled(nPts, attrs={'units': 's'}) self['time'] = dm.dmfilled(nPts, dtype=object) self['iter'] = dm.dmfilled(nPts) for name in namevar: self[name] = dm.dmfilled(nPts) for i, line in enumerate(raw[:nPts]): vals = line.split() # Set time: self['time'][i] = (dt.datetime(int(vals[loc['year']]), # Year int(vals[loc['mo']]), # Month int(vals[loc['dy']]), # Day int(vals[loc['hr']]), # Hour int(vals[loc['mn']]), # Minute int(vals[loc['sc']]), # Second int(vals[loc['msc']])*1000 # microsec ) ) self['runtime'][i] = float(vals[loc['time']]) # Collect data for j, name in enumerate(namevar): self[name][i] = float(vals[loc[name]])
[docs] def add_dst_quicklook(self, target=None, loc=111, showObs=True, showBiot=True): ''' Create a quick-look plot of Dst. If kyotodst module is installed, compare to observed Dst. Two values are returned: the matplotlib Figure and Axes objects used to generate the plot (in that order.) Parameters ========== target : Figure or Axes If None (default), a new figure is generated from scratch. If a matplotlib Figure object, a new axis is created to fill that figure. If a matplotlib Axes object, the plot is placed into that axis. loc : int Use to specify the subplot placement of the axis (e.g. loc=212, etc.) Used if target is a Figure or None. Default 111 (single plot). showObs : bool Show observed Dst? Defaults to **True** showBiot : bool Show Biot-Savart Dst? Defaults to **True** Returns ======= fig : matplotlib figure object ax : matplotlib axes object ''' fig, ax = set_target(target, loc=loc) ax.plot(self['time'], self['dstRam'], label='RAM Dst (DPS)') if 'dstBiot' in self and showBiot: ax.plot(self['time'], self['dstBiot'], label='RAM Dst (Biot)') ax.hlines(0.0, self['time'][0], self['time'][-1], 'k', ':', label='_nolegend_') try: import as kt except ImportError: return fig, ax if showObs: try: stime = self['time'][0] etime = self['time'][-1] if not hasattr(self, 'obs_dst'): self.obs_dst = kt.fetch('dst', stime, etime) except BaseException as args: print('WARNING! Failed to fetch Kyoto Dst: ', args) else: ax.plot(self.obs_dst['time'], self.obs_dst['dst'], 'k--', label='Obs. Dst') ax.legend(loc='best') else: ax.legend(loc='best') applySmartTimeTicks(ax, self['time'], dolabel=True) ax.set_ylabel('Dst [$nT$]') return fig, ax
[docs] class IonoPotScb(PbData): ''' The 3D equilibrium code produces NetCDF files that contain the ionospheric potential on the polar cap as well as mapped to the equatorial plane. The IonoPotScb object can be used to parse and visualize the data quickly. '''
[docs] def __init__(self, filename, *args, **kwargs): super(IonoPotScb, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.filename = filename self._read()
def _read(self): ''' Load the NetCDF file. Should only be called by __init__ ''' # Load file with with, mode='r', mmap=False) as nfh: # split off the netCDF attributes from the Python attributes for k in dir(nfh): if k[0] == '_' or k in ('dimensions', 'filename', 'fp', 'mode', 'use_mmap', 'variables', 'version_byte'): continue tmp = getattr(nfh, k) if not callable(tmp): self.attrs[k] = tmp self.NameVars = list(nfh.variables.keys()) # self.filedata contains the raw netcdf objects. for var in nfh.variables: self[var] = dm.dmarray(nfh.variables[var][...]) self.filedata = nfh.variables self.time = nfh.variables['time'][...] # Determine units of potential. if self['PhiIono'].max()/1000.0 > 10.0: self.units = 'V' else: self.units = 'kV'
[docs] def calc_pot_drop(self): ''' Calculate the electric potential drop across the inner magnetosphere for the whole time period. This value is analogous to cross polar cap potential drop, but is only valid inside of the RAM-SCB domain. This value is simply the maximum potential minus the minimum potential. The new data entry is stored using key 'ceqp', which stands for the cross equatorial potential. ''' self['ceqp'] = dm.dmfilled(len(self.time), fillval=0) for i in range(len(self.time)): self['ceqp'][i] = self['PhiIono'][i, :, :].max() - \ self['PhiIono'][i, :, :].min() if self.units == 'V': self['ceqp'] = self['ceqp']/1000.0
[docs] def plot_eqPot(self, time, target=None, range=200, n=31, add_cbar=True): ''' Plot the equatorial electric potential in kV to target, where target may be a matplotlib figure or axis or None. If target is a figure, a new subplot is created. If target is None, a new figure AND axis is created. Parameters ========== time : int An array index indicating what epoch to plot. Returns ======= fig : matplotlib figure object ax : matplotlib axes object cont : matplotlib contour object cbar : matplotlib colorbar object Other Parameters ================ n : integer The number of contours. Defaults to 31. range : real The max and min of the contour range. add_cbar : bool Set whether to add a color bar or not. Defaults to **False**. target : Figure or Axes If None (default), a new figure is generated from scratch. If a matplotlib Figure object, a new axis is created to fill that figure. If a matplotlib Axes object, the plot is placed into that axis. loc : int Use to specify the subplot placement of the axis (e.g. loc=212, etc.) Used if target is a Figure or None. Default 111 (single plot). ''' import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib.colors import Normalize from matplotlib.ticker import MultipleLocator fig, ax = set_target(target, loc=111) cmap = get_iono_cb('bwr') crange = Normalize(vmin=-1.*range, vmax=range) levs = np.linspace(-1*range, range, n) factor = 1.0 if self.units == 'V': factor = 1000.0 ax.set_aspect('equal') ax.set_xlabel('Y (R$_{E}$)') ax.set_ylabel('X (R$_{E}$)') cont = ax.contourf(self['yEq'][time, :, :], self['xEq'][time, :, :], np.asarray(self['PhiIono'][time, :, :])/factor, levs, norm=crange, cmap=cmap) add_body(ax, rotate=90.0) cbar = False if add_cbar: cticks = MultipleLocator(50) cbar = plt.colorbar(cont, ticks=cticks, shrink=0.8, pad=0.08) cbar.set_label('kV') return fig, ax, cont, cbar
[docs] class Currents(object): ''' The 3D equilibrium code produces NetCDF files that contain the electric currents throughout the domain. Currents objects parse and visualize this data. For quick parsing of these files, PyNIO is required. ''' def __getitem__(self, key): if key in self.filedata: return self.filedata[key].get_value() elif key in return[key] else: raise KeyError('Key not found in object.') def __setitem__(self, key, value):[key] = value
[docs] def keys(self): ''' List all keys for data objects stored in the IonoPotScb object. ''' return list(self.filedata.keys()) + list(
[docs] def __init__(self, filename): try: from PyNIO import Nio except ImportError: try: import Nio except ImportError: raise ImportError('PyNIO required, not found.') self.filename = filename # Load file as Nio object. f = Nio.open_file(filename, 'r') self.NameVars = list(f.variables.keys()) self.attrs = f.attributes # self.filedata contains the raw NioVariable objects. self.filedata = f.variables self.time = f.variables['time'].get_value() # New values saved as self[key] are stored in, not # self.filedata which cannot be changed. = {} self._netcdf = f
[docs] def close(self): ''' Close the NetCDF file. This will make values stored inside of the file unavailable to the user. ''' self._netcdf.close()
[docs] def plot_jpar(self, ax, time, maxz=0.5): from spacepy.pybats.rim import get_iono_cb from matplotlib.colors import Normalize cmap = get_iono_cb('bwr') crange = Normalize(vmin=-1.*maxz, vmax=maxz) cnt1 = ax.contourf(self['xPole'][time, :, :], self['yPole'][time, :, :], self['jParVas'][time, :, :], norm=crange, cmap=cmap)
[docs] class ParamFile(object): ''' It is sometimes necessary to read and parse a file. ParamFile objects quickly parse the info and store it in a convenient data structure. ''' def __repr__(self): return 'PARAM file at %s with %i commands.' % \ (self.path+self.file, len(self.cmd)) # Make 'er work like a dict. def __getitem__(self, key): return self.cmd[key]
[docs] def keys(self): return list(self.cmd.keys())
def __contains__(self, key): return key in self.cmd
[docs] def __init__(self, infile): ''' Read the file, parse each command. ''' # Grab the full path and save it. if infile.rfind('/') > -1: self.path = infile[0:infile.rfind('/')+1]+'/' else: self.path = './' self.file = infile # Slurp entire file. f = open(infile, 'r') lines = f.readlines() f.close() # Some commands have specialized parse functions. # Those are connected here. self.known_cmds = {'STARTTIME': self._parse_starttime, 'STOP': self._parse_stop} self.cmd = {} self._parse(lines)
# Command specific parsers: def _add_cmd(self, cmd_name, lines): self.cmd[cmd_name] = [] npop = 0 for line in lines: if line.strip() == '' or line[0] == '#': break self.cmd[cmd_name].append(line.strip()) npop += 1 return npop def _parse_stop(self, lines): self.iters = int(lines[0].split()[0]) self.dur = float(lines[1].split()[0]) self.stoptime = self.starttime+dt.timedelta(seconds=self.dur) return 2 def _parse_starttime(self, lines): self.starttime = dt.datetime( int(lines[0].split()[0]), # year int(lines[1].split()[0]), # month int(lines[2].split()[0]), # day int(lines[3].split()[0]), # hour int(lines[4].split()[0]), # minute int(lines[5].split()[0]), # second int(float(lines[6].split()[0])*1E6)) # millisec return 7 # Quick function to pop multiple lines. def _parse(self, lines): # A quick function for multi-popping. def pop(arr, n): for i in range(n): arr.pop(0) return arr # Loop throug all lines! while len(lines) > 0: line = lines.pop(0) if line[0] != '#': continue # Find first/next #COMMAND statement. line = line.strip() # Skip begin/end comps. if line.find('BEGIN_COMP') > -1 or line.find('END_COMP') > -1: continue if line[1:] in self.known_cmds: # If recognized command, process and pop arguments. npop = self.known_cmds[line[1:]](lines) pop(lines, npop) else: npop = self._add_cmd(line[1:], lines) pop(lines, npop)
[docs] class GeoMltFile(object): ''' GeoMltFile is a class to open, read, manipulate and write files that contain LANL geosynchronous multi-satellite averaged, MLT-interpolated fluxes. '''
[docs] def __init__(self, filename=None, scrub=True, compressed=False): # Create empty arrays. self.flux = np.zeros([288, 24, 36]) self.time = np.zeros(288, dtype=object) self.egrid = np.zeros(36) self.nsats = np.zeros((288, 24, 36), dtype=int) self.header = [] self.particle = 'proton' if filename: self.filename = filename
[docs] def read(self, compressed=False): ''' Load contents from *self.filename*. ''' import gzip # Open file myopen = open if not compressed else with myopen(self.filename, 'r') as fh: def read_compressed(filehandle=fh): return filehandle.readline().decode() read_one_line = fh.readline if not compressed else read_compressed # #Parse header information# # Read header for i in range(3): line = read_one_line() self.header.append(line) # Set measurement type: if (self.header[0]).find('electron') > 0: self.particle = 'electron' # Parse energy grid. parts = read_one_line().split() # pop three times parts.pop(0) parts.pop(0) parts.pop(0) self.egrid[:] = parts[-36:] # ## Parse fluxes. ## # Slurp rest of file and close. lines = fh.readlines() # Grab L-grid. lt = [] lt.append(float(lines[0].split()[1])) lt.append(float(lines[1].split()[1])) i = 2 while lt[0] != lt[-1]: lt.append(float(lines[i].split()[1])) i += 1 self.lgrid = np.array(lt[:-1]) nL = self.lgrid.size # Parse file one epoch at a time. for i in range(288): # Get one epoch worth of data. sublines = lines[nL*i:nL*i+nL] # Get time for this epoch. t = sublines[0].split()[0] self.time[i] = dt.datetime(int(t[0:4]), int(t[5:7]), int(t[8:10]), int(t[11:13]), int(t[14:16]), int(t[17:19]), 1000*int(t[20:23])) # Parse rest of lines. for j, l in enumerate(sublines): # Use some string comprehension magic. self.nsats[i, j, :] = [l[32+2*x:32+2*x+2] for x in range(36)] self.flux[i, j, :] = [l[104+18*x:104+18*x+18] for x in range(36)]
[docs] def scrub(self, lastflux=None): ''' GeoMlt files often have bad data througout in the form of negative or zero fluxes. In RAM-SCB, these are replaced with the last good data value. This function "scrubs" the data in the same manner as RAM-SCB. The kwarg *lastflux* may be given as a nLT x nE numpy array of the last good fluxes, e.g. the correct values at the epoch directly preceeding the first epoch of this file. These will be used if the first time entry of the file contains bad values. If not given, bad values at the first time entry will be set to zero. ''' # Handle first line: if lastflux: # Check lastflux. if lastflux.shape != (self.lgrid.size, self.egrid.size): raise ValueError("Shape of lastflux is incorrect.") self.flux[0, self.flux[0, :, :] <= 0.0] = lastflux[self.flux[0, :, :] <= 0.0] else: self.flux[0, self.flux[0, :, :] <= 0.0] = 0.0 for i in range(1, 288): self.flux[i, self.flux[i, :, :] <= 0.0] = \ self.flux[i-1, self.flux[i, :, :] <= 0.0]
def __iadd__(self, other): ''' Append another **GeoMltFile** object to this one using += ''' if type(self) != type(other): raise TypeError( 'object can only be combined with one of same type.') # Grid checks: if any(self.egrid != other.egrid): raise ValueError('both items must have identical energy grids!') if any(self.lgrid != other.lgrid): raise ValueError('both items must have identical MLT grids!') if self.particle != other.particle: raise ValueError('both items must have identical particles!') # Append data together: self.time = np.append(self.time, other.time) self.flux = np.append(self.flux, other.flux, 0) self.nsats = np.append(self.nsats, other.nsats, 0) # Append file names: if type(self.filename) == str: self.filename = [self.filename] self.filename.append(other.filename) return self __add__ = __iadd__ # allow add syntax as well as in-place add
[docs] def timeseries_append(self, other): ''' If *other* is of the same type as self, and both have a 'time' entry, append all arrays within *other* that have the same size as 'time' to the corresponding arrays within self. This is useful for combining time series data of consecutive data. ''' return self.__add__(other)
[docs] def plot_epoch_flux(self, epoch=0, target=None, loc=111, title=None): ''' Plot fluxes (j(E, MLT)) for a single time Parameters ---------- epoch : integer or datetime or spacepy.time.Ticktock If integer, the index corresponding to the time to be plotted. If a supported time type (datetime or Ticktock), the nearest index will be looked up and selected. target : object Target for plotting. If kwarg *target* is **None** (default), a new figure is generated. If *target* is a matplotlib Figure object, a new axis is created to fill that figure at subplot location *loc* (defaults to 111). If target is a matplotlib Axes object, the plot is placed into that axis at subplot location *loc*. loc : integer Designator for axis location. See description of target. title: str or None If not None, specifies the axis title. Returns ------- fig : object A matplotlib figure object on which to plot. ax : object A matplotlib subplot object on which to plot. ''' import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib.colors import LogNorm from matplotlib.ticker import LogLocator, LogFormatterMathtext if isinstance(epoch, int): ep_idx = epoch else: ep_idx = self.get_index_from_time(epoch) fig, ax = set_target(target, loc=loc) egrid = np.array(range(len(self.egrid)+1)) lgrid = np.array(range(len(self.lgrid)+1)) flux = self.flux[ep_idx, :, :].transpose() flux[flux < 0.01] = 0.01 flx = ax.pcolormesh(lgrid, egrid, flux, norm=LogNorm(vmin=0.01, vmax=1e10), cmap=plt.get_cmap('inferno')) cbar = plt.colorbar(flx, pad=0.01, shrink=0.85, ticks=LogLocator(), format=LogFormatterMathtext()) cbar.set_label('$cm^{-2}s^{-1}ster^{-1}keV^{-1}$') ax.set_xlim([0, 24]) ax.set_ylim([0, len(egrid)]) default_title = 'Flux at Boundary - {}\n{}'.format(self.filename, self.time[ep_idx]) use_title = default_title if title is None else title ax.set_title(use_title) ax.set_xlabel('Local Time (hr)') # Use actual energy channels. ax.set_ylabel('Energy (keV)') newlabs = [] for val in ax.get_yticks()[:-1]: newlabs.append('%6.2f' % self.egrid[int(val)]) ax.set_yticklabels(newlabs) return fig, ax
[docs] def get_index_from_time(self, epoch): ''' Given a UTC time (datetime or Ticktock), return nearest index Parameters ---------- epoch : datetime.datetime or spacepy.time.Ticktock Time as a supported type (UTC as datetime.datetime or spacepy.time.Ticktock). The nearest index to this time will be looked up and returned. Returns ------- idx : integer ''' import bisect if isinstance(epoch, spt.Ticktock): utc = epoch.UTC[0] elif isinstance(epoch, dt.datetime): utc = epoch else: raise TypeError('Unsupported type in get_index_from_time: ' + 'Supported types are [datetime.datetime, ' + 'spacepy.time.Ticktock, int]') cidx = bisect.bisect_left(self.time, utc) if cidx == 0: idx = 0 elif cidx == len(self.time): idx = len(self.time)-1 else: deltaleft = np.abs((utc - self.time[cidx-1]).total_seconds()) deltaright = np.abs((utc - self.time[cidx]).total_seconds()) print(cidx, deltaleft, deltaright) idx = cidx-1 if deltaleft <= deltaright else cidx return idx