#!/usr/bin/env python
A class for building QO trees for :class:`~spacepy.pybats.bats.Bats2d`
class QTree(object):
Base class for Quad/Oct tree objects assuming cell-centered grid points
in a rectangular non-regular layout. QTree works for square blocks
only (e.g., blocks who have the same number of points in each dimension).
The ``blocksize`` kwarg sets the size of the blocks.
As BATS-R-US typically uses a block size of 8 (i.e., blocks are 8x8x8
points), the default value of ``blocksize`` is 8.
def __init__(self, grid, blocksize=8):
Build QO Tree for input grid. Grid should be a NxM numpy array where
N is the number of dimensions and M is the number of points.
from numpy import sqrt, where, lexsort, inf
# Set size of each block
self.blocksize = blocksize
(self.d, self.npoints) = grid.shape
if self.d != 2:
raise NotImplementedError("Sorry, QTrees are for 2D grids only.")
self.tree = {}
# Find limits of cell-centered grid.
# Get values and locations of grid max/min
minloc, xmin = grid[0, :].argmin(), grid[0, :].min()
maxloc, xmax = grid[0, :].argmax(), grid[0, :].max()
# Distance from min X value is grid size at that point.
r = sqrt((grid[0, :]-xmin)**2. + (grid[1, :]-grid[1, :][minloc])**2.)
ml = (where(r > 0, r, 10000)).min()
# Actual min is not cell center, but cell boundary.
xmin -= ml/2.
# Repeat for Xmax.
r = sqrt((grid[0, :]-xmax)**2. +
(grid[1, :]-grid[1, :][maxloc])**2.)
ml = (where(r > 0, r, 10000)).min()
xmax += ml/2.
# Repeat for Ymin/max.
minloc, ymin = grid[1, :].argmin(), grid[1, :].min()
maxloc, ymax = grid[1, :].argmax(), grid[1, :].max()
r = sqrt((grid[1, :]-ymin)**2. + (grid[0, :]-grid[0, :][minloc])**2.)
ml = (where(r > 0, r, 10000)).min()
ymin -= ml/2.
r = sqrt((grid[1, :]-ymax)**2. + (grid[0, :]-grid[0, :][maxloc])**2.)
ml = (where(r > 0, r, 10000)).min()
ymax += ml/2.
# Some things all trees should know about themselves.
self.nleafs = 0
self.aspect_ratio = (xmax-xmin)/(ymax-ymin)
self.dx_min = inf # Minimum and maximum spacing
self.dx_max = -1 # over all leafs in tree.
# Use spatial range of grid to seed root of QTree.
self[1] = [xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax]
self.locs = lexsort((grid[0, :], grid[1, :]))
self.nbranch = len(list(self.keys()))
def _spawn_kids(self, grid, i=1):
Internal recursive method for populating tree.
from numpy import sqrt, log2, meshgrid, mod, linspace
# Start by limiting locations to within block limits:
self[i].locs = self.locs[(grid[0, :][self.locs] > self[i].lim[0]) &
(grid[0, :][self.locs] < self[i].lim[1]) &
(grid[1, :][self.locs] > self[i].lim[2]) &
(grid[1, :][self.locs] < self[i].lim[3])]
self[i].npts = self[i].locs.size
# Bats blocks are nPoints by nPoints,
# blocks must have no less than nPts points.
# Stop branching as soon as possible (e.g. combine blocks of like dx).
# Here, npts=self.blocksize**2 * 2^a
# 2^a is the number of complete blocks of size blocksize**2 within the
# current group of points. If 'a' is non-integer, we include blocks
# of different grid spacing.
a = log2(self[i].npts/self.blocksize**2)
# Grab some grid information to be used in evaluating current block:
xnow = grid[0, :][self[i].locs]
xmax, xmin = xnow.max(), xnow.min()
if int(a) == a:
# integer 'a' implies correct number of points to be a "leaf", but
# more investigation required.
# Approximate dx assuming a proper block.
dx = (xmax-xmin) / (sqrt(self[i].npts)-1)
# Count points along x=xmax and x=xmin. These are equal in Leafs.
nxmin = xnow[xnow == xmin].size
nxmax = xnow[xnow == xmax].size
# Is block square? Is it integer multiple of other blocks?
blksize = int(sqrt(self[i].npts))
issquare = (a == 0) or (nxmax == nxmin == blksize)
# Check for uniform grid spacing (only if a "square" block):
isuniform = False
if issquare:
temploc = self[i].locs.reshape((blksize, blksize))
xsquare = grid[0, :][temploc]
ysquare = grid[1, :][temploc]
dxblk = abs(xsquare[1:, :]) - abs(xsquare[:-1, :])
dyblk = abs(ysquare[:, 1:]) - abs(ysquare[:, :-1])
isuniform = dxblk.min() == dxblk.max() \
== dyblk.min() == dyblk.max()
# Define leaf as area of constant dx (using approx above)
# or npts=a*blocksize**2 where "a" is an integer.
if issquare and isuniform:
# An NxN block can be considered a "leaf" or stopping point
# if above criteria are met. Leafs must "know" the
# indices of the x,y points located inside of them as a
# grid and also know the bounding coords of the grid cells.
self[i].isLeaf = True
a = int(sqrt(self[i].npts))
self[i].locs = self[i].locs.reshape((blksize, blksize))
self[i].dx = dx
if dx > self.dx_max:
self.dx_max = dx
if dx < self.dx_min:
self.dx_min = dx
self[i].cells = meshgrid(
linspace(self[i].lim[0], self[i].lim[1], blksize+1),
linspace(self[i].lim[2], self[i].lim[3], blksize+1))
self.nleafs += 1
elif (self[i].npts < self.blocksize**2):
# If we do not reach a true leaf but have few points,
# we likely have hit an interface surface. This is an
# interface region: the space between two blocks of
# different resolution. Points from **both** resoultions
# are included in the output file. Create a leaf that uses the
# smaller of the two and discards the rest.
self[i].isLeaf = True # Interfaces are considered leafs
# The number of points along each dimension should follow
# this relationship at interface blocks:
a = 2*sqrt(self[i].npts/5)
if int(a) != a:
raise ValueError(
"Failure to handle interface " +
"surface! Please report to Spacepy devs.")
a = int(a)
# Calculate dx based on this value:
dx = (xmax-xmin) / (a-1)
# Refine locs so that only multiples of dx are included:
subloc = mod(xnow-grid[0, :][self[i].locs[0]], dx) == 0
self[i].locs = self[i].locs[subloc]
self[i].locs = self[i].locs.reshape((a, a))
self[i].dx = dx
if dx > self.dx_max:
self.dx_max = dx
if dx < self.dx_min:
self.dx_min = dx
self[i].cells = meshgrid(
linspace(self[i].lim[0], self[i].lim[1], blksize+1),
linspace(self[i].lim[2], self[i].lim[3], blksize+1))
self.nleafs += 1
# If above criteria are not met, this block is
# not a constant-resolution zone.
# Subdivide section into four new ones (8 if oct tree)
dx = (self[i].lim[1] - self[i].lim[0])/2.0
x = [self[i].lim[0], self[i].lim[0]+dx,
self[i].lim[0]+dx, self[i].lim[0]]
y = [self[i].lim[2], self[i].lim[2],
self[i].lim[2]+dx, self[i].lim[2]+dx]
for j, k in enumerate(range(self.ld(i), self.rd(i)+1)):
self[k] = [x[j], x[j]+dx, y[j], y[j]+dx]
self._spawn_kids(grid, k)
def find_leaf(self, x, y, i=1):
Recursively search for and return the index of the leaf that
contains the input point x, y.
l = self[i].lim
# if point is in this block...
if (l[0] <= x <= l[1]) and (l[2] <= y <= l[3]):
# ...and it's a leaf, return this block.
if self[i].isLeaf:
return i
# ...and it's a branch, dig deeper.
for j in range(self.ld(i), self.rd(i)+1):
answer = self.find_leaf(x, y, i=j)
if answer:
return answer
return False
def __getitem__(self, key):
return self.tree[key]
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
self.tree[key] = Branch(value)
def __contains__(self, key):
return key in self.tree
def __iter__(self):
return iter(self.tree)
def keys(self):
return list(self.tree.keys())
def mom(self, k):
return (k+2**self.d-2)/2**self.d
def leftdaughter(self, k):
return k*2**self.d - 2**self.d+2
def rightdaughter(self, k):
return k*2**self.d + 1
# convenience:
rd = rightdaughter
ld = leftdaughter
def plot_res(self, ax, do_label=True, do_fill=True, tag_leafs=False,
zlim=False, cmap='jet_r'):
from matplotlib.pyplot import get_cmap
from matplotlib import patheffects
from matplotlib.colors import LogNorm
from matplotlib.cm import ScalarMappable
# Create a color map using either zlim as given or max/min resolution.
vmin, vmax = self.dx_min, self.dx_max
if vmin == vmax:
vmin *= 0.9
vmax *= 1.1
cNorm = LogNorm(vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, clip=True)
cMap = ScalarMappable(cmap=get_cmap(cmap), norm=cNorm)
dx_vals = {}
for key in self.tree:
if self[key].isLeaf:
color = cMap.to_rgba(self[key].dx)
dx_vals[self[key].dx] = 1.0
self[key].plot_res(ax, fc=color, do_fill=do_fill,
if do_label:
ax.annotate('Resolution:', [1.02, 0.99], xycoords='axes fraction',
color='k', size='medium')
for i, key in enumerate(sorted(dx_vals.keys())):
# dx_int = log2(key)
if key < 1:
label = '1/%i' % (key**-1)
label = '%i' % key
ax.annotate(f'{label} $R_{{E}}$', [1.02, 0.87-i*0.1],
xycoords='axes fraction', color=cMap.to_rgba(key),
linewidth=1, foreground='k')])
class Branch(object):
Base class for branches/leafs along a QO tree.
def __init__(self, lim):
lim should be a 4 element list of the
dimensional boundaries of the branch.
self.isLeaf = False
self.lim = lim
def plotbox(self, ax, lc='k', **kwargs):
Plot a box encompassing the branch lim onto
axis 'ax'.
from matplotlib.collections import LineCollection
from numpy import array
l = self.lim
segs = (
array([[l[0], l[2]], [l[1], l[2]]]),
array([[l[0], l[3]], [l[1], l[3]]]),
array([[l[0], l[2]], [l[0], l[3]]]),
array([[l[1], l[2]], [l[1], l[3]]]))
alpha = 1 # max(0, min(.8, -1/40.*l[2]))
coll = LineCollection(segs, colors=lc, alpha=alpha, **kwargs)
# ax.plot(l[0:2], [l[2],l[2]], **kwargs)
# ax.plot(l[0:2], [l[3],l[3]], **kwargs)
# ax.plot([l[0],l[0]], l[2:], **kwargs)
# ax.plot([l[1],l[1]], l[2:], **kwargs)
def plot_res(self, ax, fc='gray', do_fill=True, label=False):
if not self.isLeaf:
from matplotlib.patches import Polygon
from numpy import array
l = self.lim
verts = array([
[l[0], l[2]], [l[1], l[2]],
[l[1], l[3]], [l[0], l[3]]])
alpha = 1 # max(0, min(.8, -1/40.*l[2]))
poly = Polygon(verts, closed=True, ec=None, fc=fc, fill=do_fill,
lw=0.0, alpha=alpha)
if label:
x = l[0]+(l[1]-l[0])/2.0
y = l[2]+(l[3]-l[2])/2.0
ax.text(x, y, label)