Functions for common math problems such as derivatives, etc.
These should typically be called via other interfaces, but are made available
to all users.
import numpy as np
def d_dx(U, dx):
Given a 2D array of U values that is *regularly spaced* and is ordered using
'C' or 'matplotlib' ordering (such that $x$ progresses along the last
index, $y$ along the next-to-last, etc.),
take spatial the derivative with respect to $x$.
A 2D array of dU/dx values are returned. Uses second order
central differences (non-edge values) and second order forward/backward
differences (edge values) to obtain first derivative without ghost cells.
du_dx=np.zeros( (ny,nx) )
# Central differences for central x locations.
du_dx[:,1:-1] = (U[:,2:] - U[:,0:-2]) / (2.*dx)
# Forward differences for minimum x locations.
du_dx[:,0] = (-3.*U[:,0] + 4.*U[:,1] - U[:,2]) / (2.*dx)
# Backward differences for maximum x locations.
du_dx[:,-1] = (3.*U[:,-1] - 4.*U[:,-2] + U[:,-3]) / (2.*dx)
return du_dx
def d_dy(U, dy):
Given a 2D array of U values that is *regularly spaced* and is ordered using
'C' or 'matplotlib' ordering (such that $x$ progresses along the last
index, $y$ along the next-to-last, etc.),
take spatial the derivative with respect to $y$.
A 2D array of dU/dx values are returned. Uses second order
central differences (non-edge values) and second order forward/backward
differences (edge values) to obtain first derivative without ghost cells.
du_dy=np.zeros( (ny,nx) )
# Central differences for central x locations.
du_dy[1:-1,:] = (U[2:,:] - U[0:-2,:]) / (2.*dy)
# Forward differences for minimum x locations.
du_dy[0,:] = (-3.*U[0,:] + 4.*U[1,:] - U[2,:]) / (2.*dy)
# Backward differences for maximum x locations.
du_dy[-1,:] = (3.*U[-1,:] - 4.*U[-2,:] + U[-3,:]) / (2.*dy)
return du_dy
def interp_2d_reg(x, y, xgrid, ygrid, val, dx=None, dy=None):
For a set of points (*x*, *y*) that lie inside of the 2D arrays of x and y
locations, *xgrid*, *ygrid*, interpolate 2D array of values, *val* to
those points using simple bilinear interpolation. This function will
extrapolate outside of *xgrid*, *ygrid*, so use with caution.
# Change from matrices to vectors:
if xgrid.ndim>1:
xgrid = xgrid[0,:]
ygrid = ygrid[:,0]
# Get resolution if not supplied:
if (not dx) or (not dy):
dx = xgrid[1]-xgrid[0]
dy = ygrid[1]-ygrid[0]
ySize, xSize = ygrid.size, xgrid.size
# Normalized coords:
xNorm = (x-xgrid[0])/dx
yNorm = (y-ygrid[0])/dy
# LowerLeft index of four surrounding points.
# Bind points such that four surrounding always within xgrid, ygrid.
# It is this binding that forces extrapolation!
xLL = np.array(np.floor(xNorm), dtype=int)
yLL = np.array(np.floor(yNorm), dtype=int)
xLL[xLL>(xSize-2)] = xSize-2; xLL[xLL<0] = 0
yLL[yLL>(ySize-2)] = ySize-2; yLL[yLL<0] = 0
# Re-normalize to LL values.
# Interpolate.
out = \
(val[yLL , xLL ] * (1.0-xNorm) * (1.0-yNorm) ) + \
(val[yLL , xLL+1] * ( xNorm) * (1.0-yNorm) ) + \
(val[yLL+1, xLL ] * (1.0-xNorm) * ( yNorm) ) + \
(val[yLL+1, xLL+1] * ( xNorm) * ( yNorm) )
return out
def interp_bilin_scalar(x, y, z, xMin=0., yMin=0., dx=1., dy=1.):
Fast, simple bilinear interpolation from 2d regular grid with starting
points *xMin*, *yMin* and normalized spacing *dx*, *dy* of values on grid
(*z*) to new location, *x*, *y*. Used to quickly set up ghost cells for
advanced tracing.
x = (np.asarray(x)-xMin)/dx
y = (np.asarray(y)-yMin)/dy
# Get indices encircling interpolation point:
x0 = np.floor( x )
x1 = x0 + 1
y0 = np.floor( y )
y1 = y0 + 1
# Bind location indices to array limits:
x0 = np.clip(x0, 0, z.shape[1]-2);
x1 = np.clip(x1, 1, z.shape[1]-1);
y0 = np.clip(y0, 0, z.shape[0]-2);
y1 = np.clip(y1, 1, z.shape[0]-1);
Q00 = z[ y0, x0 ]
Q10 = z[ y1, x0 ]
Q01 = z[ y0, x1 ]
Q11 = z[ y1, x1 ]
wa = (x1-x) * (y1-y)
wb = (x1-x) * (y-y0)
wc = (x-x0) * (y1-y)
wd = (x-x0) * (y-y0)
return wa*Q00 + wb*Q10 + wc*Q01 + wd*Q11