# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""PoPPy -- Point Processes in Python.
This module contains point process class types and a variety of functions for
association analysis. The routines given here grew from work presented by
Morley and Freeman (Geophysical Research Letters, 34, L08104, doi:10.1029/
2006GL028891, 2007), which were originally written in IDL. This module is
intended for application to discrete time series of events to assess
statistical association between the series and to calculate confidence limits.
Any mis-application or mis-interpretation by the user is the user's own fault.
>>> import datetime as dt
>>> import spacepy.time as spt
Since association analysis is rather computationally expensive, this example
shows timing.
>>> t0 = dt.datetime.now()
>>> onsets = spt.Ticktock(onset_epochs, 'CDF')
>>> ticksR1 = spt.Ticktock(tr_list, 'CDF')
Each instance must be initialized
>>> lags = [dt.timedelta(minutes=n) for n in range(-400,401,2)]
>>> halfwindow = dt.timedelta(minutes=10)
>>> pp1 = poppy.PPro(onsets.UTC, ticksR1.UTC, lags, halfwindow)
To perform association analysis
>>> pp1.assoc()
Starting association analysis
calculating association for series of length [3494, 1323] at 401 lags
>>> t1 = dt.datetime.now()
>>> print("Elapsed: " + str(t1-t0))
Elapsed: 0:35:46.927138
Note that for calculating associations between long series at a large number of
lags is SLOW!!
To plot
>>> pp1.plot(dpi=80)
Error: No confidence intervals to plot - skipping
To add 95% confidence limits (using 4000 bootstrap samples)
>>> pp1.aa_ci(95, n_boots=4000)
The plot method will then add the 95% confidence intervals as a semi-
transparent patch.
Authors: Steve Morley and Jon Niehof
Institution: Los Alamos National Laboratory
Contact: smorley@lanl.gov, jniehof@lanl.gov
Copyright 2010 Los Alamos National Security, LLC.
import bisect
import ctypes
import sys
import warnings
import datetime as dt
import numpy as np
from spacepy import help
from spacepy import lib
import spacepy.toolbox as tb
import spacepy.datamodel as dm
__contact__ = 'Steve Morley, smorley@lanl.gov'
class PPro(object):
"""PoPPy point process object
Initialize object with series1 and series2. These should be timeseries of
events, given as lists, arrays, or lists of datetime objects.
Includes method to perform association analysis of input series
Output can be nicely plotted with :py:meth:`plot`.
Contains the upper and lower confidence limits for the association
number as a function of lag. The first element is the array of lower
limits; the second, the array of upper limits. Not available until
after calling :meth:`aa_ci`.
Contains the confidence that the association number, as a function
of lag, is above the asymptotic association number. (The confidence
of being below is 100 - ``conf_above``.) Not available until
after calling :meth:`aa_ci`.
#NB: P2 is the "master" timescale, P1 gets shifted by lags
#Add lag to p1 to reach p2's timescale, subtract lag from p2 to reach p1's
ci = None
"""Upper and lower confidence limits for the association number"""
conf_above = None
"""Confidence that the association number is above the asymptotic"""
def __init__(self, process1, process2, lags=None, winhalf=None, verbose=False):
self.process1 = process1
self.process2 = process2
self.lags = lags
self.winhalf = winhalf
self.verbose = verbose
def __str__(self):
"""String Representation of PoPPy object"""
pk = max(self.assoc_total)
except AttributeError:
pk = 'N/A'
asy = self.asympt_assoc
asy = 'N/A'
# TODO this is broken not enough values for the format statement
return """Point Process Object:
Points in process #1 - %d ; Points in process #2 - %d
Peak association number - %s ; Asymptotic association - %s
""" % (len(self.process1), len(self.process2), pk, asy)
__repr__ = __str__
def __len__(self):
"""Calling len(obj) will return the number of points in process 1"""
return len(self.process1)
def swap(self):
"""Swaps process 1 and process 2"""
self.process1, self.process2 = self.process2, self.process1
return None
def assoc(self, u=None, h=None):
"""Perform association analysis on input series
u : list, optional
the time lags to use
h :
association window half-width, same type as process1
#check for existence of lags and winhalf
if u is not None:
self.lags = u
if h is not None:
self.winhalf = h
if self.lags is None or self.winhalf is None:
if self.verbose:
print('assoc error: attributes lags and winhalf must be populated')
if self.verbose:
print('calculating association for series of length %s at %d lags'
% ([len(self.process1), len(self.process2)], len(self.lags)))
import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.dates as mpd
dtype = 'int' + str(ctypes.sizeof(ctypes.c_long) * 8
if lib.have_libspacepy else 64)
##Method 1 - use tb.tOverlap
#create list for association number
self.n_assoc = np.empty((len(self.lags), len(self.process1)),
order='C', dtype=dtype)
p2 = sorted(self.process2)
p1 = sorted(self.process1)
if lib.have_libspacepy == False:
winhalf = self.winhalf
lags = self.lags
starts = [t - self.winhalf for t in p1]
stops = [t + self.winhalf for t in p1]
nss_list = list(range(len(self.process1)))
for ilag in range(len(self.lags)):
last_idx = [bisect.bisect_right(p2, stops[nss] + self.lags[ilag])
for nss in nss_list]
first_idx = [bisect.bisect_left(p2, starts[nss] + self.lags[ilag])
for nss in nss_list]
self.n_assoc[ilag, :] = [last_idx[i] - first_idx[i] for i in nss_list]
def fracday(dd):
'''turn a timedelta into a fractional day'''
#NOTE: If 2.6 compatibility is ever dropped, can use dd.total_seconds()/86400
return dd.days + dd.seconds/86400.0 + dd.microseconds/(86400.0 * 10**6)
#test for datetime input and try to convert to numeric
if isinstance(p1[0], dt.datetime):
p1 = [mpd.date2num(pp) for pp in p1]
if isinstance(p2[0], dt.datetime):
p2 = [mpd.date2num(pp) for pp in p2]
#TODO: convert lags and winhalf from timedelta to fractional days
if isinstance(self.lags[0], dt.timedelta):
lags = [fracday(dd) for dd in self.lags]
lags = self.lags
if isinstance(self.winhalf, dt.timedelta):
winhalf = fracday(self.winhalf)
winhalf = self.winhalf
p2 = (ctypes.c_double * len(p2))(*p2)
p1 = (ctypes.c_double * len(p1))(*p1)
#prctile_rank dies on some versions if this is a ctypes array
lags = np.require(lags, dtype=ctypes.c_double, requirements='C')
n_assoc = self.n_assoc.ctypes.data_as(lib.lptr)
lib.assoc(p2, p1, lags.ctypes.data_as(lib.dptr), n_assoc,
winhalf, len(p2), len(p1), len(self.lags))
left20perc = int(np.round((len(lags)*0.2)))
right20perc = int(np.round((len(lags)*0.8)))
self.assoc_total = np.sum(self.n_assoc, axis=1)
valsL = self.assoc_total[:left20perc]
valsR = self.assoc_total[right20perc:]
self.asympt_assoc = np.mean([np.mean(valsL), np.mean(valsR)])
self.expected = np.empty([len(self.lags)], dtype='float64')
for i in range(len(self.lags)):
start_time = max([p1[0] + lags[i], p2[0]]) - winhalf
stop_time = min([p1[-1] + lags[i], p2[-1]]) + winhalf
if start_time != stop_time:
n1 = bisect.bisect_right(p1, stop_time - lags[i]) - \
bisect.bisect_left(p1, start_time - lags[i])
n2 = bisect.bisect_right(p2, stop_time) - \
bisect.bisect_left(p2, start_time)
self.expected[i] = 2.0 * n1 * n2 * winhalf / \
(stop_time - start_time)
self.expected[i] = 0.0
return None
def assoc_mult(self, windows, inter=95, n_boots=1000, seed=None):
"""Association analysis w/confidence interval on multiple windows
Using the time sequence and lags stored in this object, perform
full association analysis, including bootstrapping of confidence
intervals, for every listed window half-size
windows : sequence
window half-size for each analysis
inter : float, optional
desired confidence interval, default 95
n_boots : int, optional
number of bootstrap iterations, default 1000
seed : int, optional
Random number generator seed. It is STRONGLY
recommended not to specify (i.e. leave None) to permit
This function is likely to take a LOT of time.
out : three numpy array
Three numpy arrays, (windows x lags), containing (in order)
low values of confidence interval, high values of ci,
percentage confidence above the asymptotic association number
n_lags = len(self.lags)
ci_low = np.empty([len(windows), n_lags])
ci_high = np.empty([len(windows), n_lags])
percentiles = np.empty([len(windows), n_lags])
for i in range(len(windows)):
window = windows[i]
self.aa_ci(inter, n_boots, seed)
ci_low[i, :] = self.ci[0]
ci_high[i, :] = self.ci[1]
percentiles[i, :] = self.conf_above
return (ci_low, ci_high, percentiles)
def plot_mult(self, windows, data, min=None, max=None, cbar_label=None,
figsize=None, dpi=80,
xlabel='Lag', ylabel='Window Size'):
"""Plots a 2D function of window size and lag
windows : list
list of window sizes (y axis)
data : list
list of data, dimensioned (windows x lags)
min : float, optional
clip L{data} to this minimum value
max : float, optional
clip L{data} to this maximum value
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
x = np.array(tb.bin_center_to_edges(self.lags))
y = np.array(tb.bin_center_to_edges(windows))
fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize, dpi=dpi)
ax0 = fig.add_subplot(111)
cax = ax0.pcolormesh(x, y, data, vmin=min, vmax=max,
ax0.set_xlim((x[0], x[-1]))
ax0.set_ylim((y[0], y[-1]))
if cbar_label is None:
cbar_label = '{} confident above asymptotic association'.format(
r'\%' if plt.rcParams['text.usetex'] else r'%')
plt.colorbar(cax, fraction=0.05).set_label(cbar_label)
return fig
def plot(self, figsize=None, dpi=80, asympt=True, show=True, norm=True,
xlabel='Time lag', xscale=None, ylabel=None, title=None, transparent=True):
"""Create basic plot of association analysis.
Uses object attributes created by :py:meth:`assoc` and,
optionally, :py:meth:`aa_ci`.
figsize : , optional
passed through to matplotlib.pyplot.figure
dpi : int, optional
passed through to matplotlib.pyplot.figure
asympt : boolean, optional
True to overplot the line of asymptotic association number
show : boolean, optional
Show the plot? (if false, will create without showing)
norm : boolean, optional
Normalize plot to the asymptotic association number
title : string, optional
label/title for the plot
xlabel : string, optional
label to put on the X axis of the resulting plot
xscale : float, optional
scale x-axis by this factor (e.g. 60.0 to convert seconds to minutes)
ylabel : string, optional
label to put on the Y axis of the resulting plot
transparent : boolean, optional
make c.i. patch transparent (default)
dum = self.n_assoc
except AttributeError:
return 'Error: No association analysis results to plot'
import datetime as dt
import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize, dpi=dpi)
ax0 = fig.add_subplot(111)
#fix such that self.lags (a timedelta) are converted to a time
if type(self.lags[0]) == dt.timedelta:
x = [i.seconds/60 + i.days*1440. for i in self.lags]
x = self.lags
if xscale != None:
x = [i / xscale for i in x]
ax0.set_xlim((min(x), max(x)))
ci = self.ci
if norm:
if self.ci is not None:
ci = [[j / self.asympt_assoc for j in self.ci[i]]
for i in [0,1]]
asympt_assoc = 1.0
assoc_total = [assoc / self.asympt_assoc
for assoc in self.assoc_total]
asympt_assoc = self.asympt_assoc
assoc_total = self.assoc_total
if ci is not None:
if transparent:
ax0.fill_between(x, ci[0], ci[1],
edgecolor='none', facecolor='blue', alpha=0.5)
ax0.fill_between(x, ci[0], ci[1],
edgecolor='none', facecolor='#ABABFF')
print('Error: No confidence intervals to plot - skipping')
ax0.plot(x, assoc_total, 'b-', lw=1.0)
if asympt:
ax0.plot([x[0], x[-1]], [asympt_assoc]*2, 'r--', lw=1.0)
if ylabel is None:
if norm:
'Normalized Association Number n(u, h={0}) / n({1}, h={0})'.format(
if plt.rcParams['text.usetex'] else 'u->Inf'))
plt.ylabel('Association Number n(u, h={0})'.format(
if title is not None:
if show:
return None
return fig
def aa_ci(self, inter, n_boots=1000, seed=None):
"""Get bootstrap confidence intervals for association number
Requires input of desired confidence interval, e.g.:
>>> obj.aa_ci(95)
Upper and lower confidence limits are added to :attr:`~PPro.ci`.
After calling, :attr:`~PPro.conf_above` will contain the confidence
(in percent) that
the association number at that lag is *above* the asymptotic
association number. (The confidence of being below is 100 - conf_above)
For minor variations in conf_above to be meaningful, a *large* number
of bootstraps is required. (Rougly, 1000 to be meaningful to the
nearest percent; 10000 to be meaningful to a tenth of a percent.) A
conf_above of 100 usually indicates an insufficient sample size to
resolve, *not* perfect certainty.
Note also that a 95% chance of being above indicates an exclusion
from the *90%* confidence interval!
inter : float
percentage confidence interval to calculate
n_boots : int, optional
number of bootstrap iterations to run
seed : int, optional
seed for the random number generator. If not specified,
Python code will use numpy's RNG and its current seed;
C code will seed from the clock.
If ``seed`` is specified, results may not be reproducible between
systems with different sizes for C long type. Note that 64-bit
Windows uses a 32-bit long and so results will be the same between
64 and 32-bit Windows, but not between 64-bit Windows and other 64-bit
operating systems. If ``seed`` is not specified, results are
not reproducible anyhow.
lags = self.lags
ci_low = np.empty([len(lags)])
ci_high = np.empty([len(lags)])
conf_above = np.empty([len(lags)])
long_size = ctypes.sizeof(ctypes.c_long) * 8
if seed is not None:
# numpy random seeds must always be 32-bit
seed_size = long_size if lib.have_libspacepy else 32
minseed = -2 ** (seed_size - 1)
maxseed = 2 ** (seed_size - 1) - 1
#randint used to be system-size signed integer only.
#so used that and cast to the required unsigned later
#cast does not lose entropy: negative numbers map to high positives.
#For reproducibility, keep doing that even though dtype
#kwarg now available.
lag_seeds = np.random.randint(minseed, maxseed, [len(lags)])
if not lib.have_libspacepy:
lag_seeds = np.require(lag_seeds, np.int32)
newtype = np.dtype('u' + str(lag_seeds.dtype))
lag_seeds = np.require(lag_seeds, dtype=newtype)
if not lib.have_libspacepy:
for i in range(len(lags)):
if seed != None:
ci_low[i], ci_high[i], conf_above[i]= boots_ci(
self.n_assoc[i, :],
n_boots, inter, np.add.reduce,
seed=None, target=self.asympt_assoc)
perc_low = (100.-inter)/2. #set confidence interval
perc_high = inter + perc_low
dtype = 'int' + str(long_size)
assoc_totals = np.empty([len(lags), n_boots],
dtype=dtype, order='C')
if seed is None:
clock_seed = ctypes.c_int(1)
lag_seeds = np.empty([len(lags)], dtype=dtype)
clock_seed = ctypes.c_int(0)
def thread_targ(start, size):
size, len(self.process1), n_boots,
tb.thread_job(len(lags), 0, thread_targ)
for i in range(len(lags)):
assoc_totals[i, :].sort()
ci_low[i], ci_high[i] = np.percentile(
assoc_totals[i, :], (perc_low,perc_high))
conf_above[i] = 100.0 - value_percentile(assoc_totals[i, :],
self.ci = [ci_low, ci_high]
self.conf_above = conf_above
#Functions outside class
def plot_two_ppro(pprodata, pproref, ratio=None, norm=False,
title=None, xscale=None, figsize=None, dpi=80,
ylim=[None, None], log=False, xticks=None, yticks=None):
"""Overplots two PPro objects
pprodata : PPro
first point process to plot (in blue)
pproref : PPro
second process to plot (in red)
ratio : float
multiply L{pprodata} by this ratio before plotting,
useful for comparing processes of different magnitude
norm : boolean
normalize everything to L{pproref}, i.e. the association
number for L{pproref} will always plot as 1.
title : string
title to put on the plot
xscale : float
scale x-axis by this factor (e.g. 60.0 to convert
seconds to minutes)
figsize :
passed through to matplotlib.pyplot.figure
dpi : int
passed through to matplotlib.pyplot.figure
ylim : list
[minimum, maximum] values of y for the axis
log : bollean
True for a log plot
xticks : sequence or float
if provided, a list of tickmarks for the X axis
yticks : sequance or float
if provided, a list of tickmarks for the Y axis
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
if ratio is None:
ratio = float(pproref.asympt_assoc) / pprodata.asympt_assoc
lags = pproref.lags
nlags = len(lags)
assert lags[:] == pprodata.lags[:]
if xscale is not None:
lags = [float(i) / xscale for i in lags]
fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize, dpi=dpi)
plt.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.0, hspace=0.0)
ax0 = fig.add_subplot(111)
ax0.set_xlim((lags[0], lags[-1]))
if norm:
scaleddata = [ratio *
float(pprodata.assoc_total[i]) / pproref.assoc_total[i]
for i in range(nlags)]
scaledhi = [ratio *
float(pprodata.ci[1][i]) / pproref.assoc_total[i]
for i in range(nlags)]
scaledlo = [ratio *
float(pprodata.ci[0][i]) / pproref.assoc_total[i]
for i in range(nlags)]
scaledref = [1.0 for i in range(nlags)]
refhi = [float(pproref.ci[1][i]) / pproref.assoc_total[i]
for i in range(nlags)]
reflo = [float(pproref.ci[0][i]) / pproref.assoc_total[i]
for i in range(nlags)]
scaleddata = [ratio * float(pprodata.assoc_total[i])
for i in range(nlags)]
scaledhi = [ratio * float(pprodata.ci[1][i])
for i in range(nlags)]
scaledlo = [ratio * float(pprodata.ci[0][i])
for i in range(nlags)]
scaledref = pproref.assoc_total
refhi = pproref.ci[1]
reflo = pproref.ci[0]
ax0.fill_between(lags, reflo, refhi,
edgecolor='none', facecolor='#FFABAB', interpolate=True)
ax0.fill_between(lags, scaledlo, scaledhi,
edgecolor='none', facecolor='#ABABFF', interpolate=True)
bottom = np.fromiter((max([scaledlo[i], reflo[i]]) for i in range(nlags)),
np.float64, count=-1)
top = np.fromiter((min([scaledhi[i], refhi[i]]) for i in range(nlags)),
np.float64, count=-1)
ax0.fill_between(lags, bottom, top, where=(bottom <= top),
edgecolor='none', facecolor='#AB81D5',
ax0.plot(lags, scaleddata, lw=1.0)
ax0.plot(lags, scaledref, 'r--', lw=1.0)
ax0.set_ylim(bottom = 0 if ylim[0] is None else ylim[0])
if ylim[1] is not None:
if log:
ax0.set_yscale('log', nonposy='clip')
if xticks:
if yticks:
if title:
def boots_ci(data, n, inter, func, seed=None, target=None, sample_size=None, usepy=False, nretvals=1):
"""Construct bootstrap confidence interval
The bootstrap is a statistical tool that uses multiple samples derived from
the original data (called surrogates) to estimate a parameter of the
population from which the sample was drawn. This assumes that the sample is
randomly drawn and hence is representative of the underlying distribution.
The benefit of the bootstrap is that it is non-parametric and can be
applied in situations where there is reasonable doubt about the
characteristics of the underlying distribution. This routine uses the boot-
strap for its most common application - the estimation of confidence
>>> data, n = numpy.random.lognormal(mean=5.1, sigma=0.3, size=3000), 4000.
>>> myfunc = lambda x: numpy.median(x)
>>> ci_low, ci_high = poppy.boots_ci(data, n, 95, myfunc)
>>> ci_low, numpy.median(data), ci_high
(163.96354196633686, 165.2393331896551, 166.60491435416566) iter. 1
... repeat
(162.50379144492726, 164.15218265100233, 165.42840588032755) iter. 2
For comparison
>>> data = numpy.random.lognormal(mean=5.1, sigma=0.3, size=90000)
>>> numpy.median(data)
Note that the true value of the desired quantity may lie outside the
95% confidence interval one time in 20 realizations. This occurred
for the first iteration here.
For the lognormal distribution, the median is found exactly by taking
the exponential of the "mean" parameter. Thus here, the theoretical
median is 164.022 (6 s.f.) and this is well captured by the above
bootstrap confidence interval.
data : array like
data to bootstrap
n : int
number of surrogate series to select, i.e. number of bootstrap iterations.
inter : numerical
desired percentage confidence interval
func : callable
Function to apply to each surrogate series
sample_size : int
number of samples in the surrogate series, default
length of L{data}. This will change the statistical
properties of the bootstrap and should only be used
for good reason!
seed : int
Optional seed for the random number generator. If not
specified, numpy generator will not be reseeded;
C generator will be seeded from the clock.
target : same as data
a 'target' value. If specified, will also calculate
percentage confidence of being at or above this value.
nretvals : int
number of return values from input function
out : sequence of float
inter percent confidence interval on value derived from
func applied to the population sampled by data.
If target is specified, also the percentage confidence of
being above that value.
perc_low = (100.-inter)/2. #set confidence interval
perc_high = inter + perc_low
n_els = len(data)
if n_els <= 2:
return np.nan, np.nan if target is None else np.nan, np.nan, np.nan
if sample_size is None:
sample_size = n_els
if not lib.have_libspacepy or usepy:
surr_quan = np.empty([n, nretvals] if nretvals > 1 else [n])
if seed is not None:
ran_el = np.random.randint(n_els, size=[n, sample_size])
for i in range(int(n)): #compute n bootstrapped series
surr_ser = np.array([data[rec] for rec in ran_el[i, :]]) #resample w/ replace
surr_quan[i] = func(surr_ser) #get desired quantity from surrogates
if len(surr_quan.shape) == 1:
surr_quan = surr_quan[surr_quan.argsort(axis=0)[:,0]]
n = int(n)
data = (ctypes.c_double * n_els)(*data)
surr_ser = (ctypes.c_double * (n * sample_size))()
if seed is None:
seed = 0
clock_seed = ctypes.c_int(1)
clock_seed= ctypes.c_int(0)
lib.boots(surr_ser, data,
ctypes.c_ulong(n), ctypes.c_ulong(n_els),
ctypes.c_ulong(seed), clock_seed)
gen = [func(surr_ser[i * sample_size:(i + 1) * sample_size])
for i in range(n)]
#Can't sort if more than one return value
surr_quan = sorted(gen) if nretvals == 1 else np.stack(gen)
#get confidence interval
if nretvals>1:
pul = np.empty((2, nretvals))
for nn in range(nretvals):
pul[:,nn] = np.percentile(surr_quan[:,nn], (perc_low,perc_high))
pul = np.percentile(surr_quan, (perc_low,perc_high))
if target is None:
return pul[0], pul[1]
vp = value_percentile(surr_quan, target)
return pul[0], pul[1], 100.0 - vp
def value_percentile(sequence, target):
"""Find the percentile of a particular value in a sequence
sequence : sequence
a sequence of values, sorted in ascending order
target : same type as sequence
a target value
out : float
the percentile of target in sequence
min = bisect.bisect_left(sequence, target) #first value >= x
max = bisect.bisect_right(sequence, target, lo=min) #first value > x
#min:max, in Python syntax, will include all values that are target
count = len(sequence)
if max == 0: #everything is bigger
return 0.0
if min == count: #everything is smaller
return 100.0
#Index 0 is 0th percentile (by definition); count-1 is 100th
#so index n is (n * 100.0) / (count - 1)
#find a 'virtual' index
if min == max: #Not equal to any, between min-1 and min
#interpolate between two points based on value.
idx = min - 1 + float(target - sequence[min - 1]) / \
(sequence[min] - sequence[min - 1])
else: #Equal to one or more values (min...max-1), average them
idx = (min + max - 1) / 2
return idx * 100.0 / (count - 1)
def applyRefractory(process1, period):
'''Apply a refractory period to an input discrete event time sequence
All events in the refractory period are removed from the point process.
process1 : iterable
an iterable of datetimes, or a spacepy.time.Ticktock
period : datetime.timedelta
length of refractory period
keep : iterable
returns pruned set of datetimes with same type as input
NOTE: array subclasses will be lost
import spacepy.time as spt
if isinstance(process1, spt.Ticktock):
#SpacePy Ticktock
p1 = dm.dmcopy(process1.UTC).tolist()
tickt = True
elif isinstance(process1[0], dt.datetime):
#iterable containing datetimes
p1 = dm.dmcopy(process1)
p1 = p1.tolist()
wasArr = True
wasArr = False
tickt = False
raise NotImplementedError('Input process must be a list/array of datetimes, or a spacepy.time.Ticktock')
assert period.seconds
except AssertionError:
raise AttributeError('period must be a datetime.timedelta')
done = len(p1)<2
keep, discard = [], []
while not done:
t1 = p1[0]
t2 = t1 + period
inds = tb.tOverlapHalf([t1, t2], p1[1:])
for idx in inds:
discard.append(p1.pop(idx + 1))
keep.append(p1.pop(0)) # put test element into keep array
done = len(p1) < 2
if tickt:
return spt.Ticktock(keep)
return np.array(keep) if wasArr else keep