"""CTrans: Module for backend coordinate transformations in SpacePy
This module is primarily intended to provide a backend for the standard
:class:`~spacepy.coordinates.Coords` class rather than direct use, and the
interface is subject to change.
The :class:`CTrans` class calculates all of the necessary information
to convert between different coordinate systems *at a single time*. By
using :class:`~spacepy.coordinates.Coords` the handling of multiple
times is built in, and the calling syntax is backwards compatible with
the legacy IRBEM-backed coordinate transforms.
Coordinate systems supported by this module can broadly be described
by two categories. The first category is a broad set of Earth-centered
coordinate systems that are specified by astronomical parameters.
If we consider the International Celestial Reference Frame to be our
starting point, then taking the origin as the center of the Earth
instead of the solar barycenter gives us the Geocentric Celestial
Reference Frame (GCRF). All coordinate systems described here are
right-handed Cartesian systems, except geodetic.
Systems and their relationships:
- ECI2000: Earth-Centered Inertial, J2000 epoch
This system can be considered equivalent to the GCRF, to within 10s
of milliarcseconds. The z-axis is aligned with the mean celestial pole
at the J2000 epoch. The x-axis is aligned with the mean equinox at the
J2000 epoch. The y-axis completes and lies in the plane of the
celestial equator.
- ECIMOD: Earth-Centered Inertial, Mean-of-Date
This system accounts for precession between the J2000 epoch and the
date of interest: The coordinate system is time-dependent. The system
is defined similarly to ECI2000, but uses the mean equinox and mean
equator of the date of interest.
- ECITOD: Earth-Centered Inertial, True-of-Date
This system builds on ECIMOD and accounts for the nutation (the short-
period perturbations on the precession). This system is therefore
considered to use the true equator and true equinox of date.
- TEME: Earth-Centered Inertial, True Equator Mean Equinox
This system is poorly defined in the literature, despite being used in
the SGP4 orbital propagator (note that multiple versions of SGP4 exist,
see e.g. Vallado et al. 2006; AIAA 2006-6753-Rev2). The mean equinox here
is not the same as the mean equinox used in, e.g., ECIMOD, but lies along
the true equator between the origin of the Pseudo Earth Fixed and ECITOD
frames. It is highly recommended that TEME coordinates are converted to a
standard system (e.g., ECI2000) before passing to other users or to
different software.
- GSE: Geocentric Solar Ecliptic
This system is not inertial. It is Earth-centered, with the x-axis
pointing towards the Sun. The y-axis lies in the mean ecliptic plane
of date, pointing in the anti-orbit direction. The z-axis is parallel
to the mean ecliptic pole.
- GEO: Geocentric Geographic
This system is not inertial. It is Earth-Centered and Earth-Fixed (also
called ECEF), so that the coordinates of a point fixed on (or relative
to) the surface of the Earth do not change. The x-axis lies in the
Earth's equatorial plane (zero latitude) and intersects the Prime
Meridian (zero longitude; Greenwich, UK). The z-axis points to True
North (which is roughly aligned with the instantaneous rotation axis).
- GDZ: Geodetic
This system is not inertial and is defined in terms of altitude above
a reference ellipsoid, the geodetic latitude, and geodetic longitude.
Geodetic longitude is identical to GEO longitude. Both the altitude
and latitude depend on the ellipsoid used. While geodetic latitude is
close to geographic latitude, they are not the same. The default here is
to use the WGS84 reference ellipsoid.
The remaining coordinate systems are also reference to Earth's magnetic field.
Different versions of these systems exist, but the most common (and those given
here) use a centered dipole axis.
- GSM: Geocentric Solar Magnetospheric
This system is similar to GSE, but is defined such that the centered dipole
lies in the x-z plane. As in all of these systems, z is positive northward.
The y-axis is thus perpendicular to both the Sun-Earth line and the
centered dipole axis (of date, defined using the first 3 coefficients of the
IGRF/DGRF). GSM is therefore a rotation about the x-axis from the GSE system.
- SM: Solar Magnetic
The z-axis is aligned with the centered dipole axis of date (positive
northward), and the y-axis is perpendicular to both the Sun-Earth line and
the dipole axis. As with GSE and GSM, y is positive in the anti-orbit
direction. The x-axis therefore is not aligned with the Sun-Earth line and
SM is a rotation about the y-axis from the GSM system.
- CDMAG: Geomagnetic
This is a geomagnetic analog of the GEO system. The z-axis is aligned with
the centered dipole axis of date. The y-axis is perpendicular to
to both the dipole axis and True North, i.e., y is the cross product of
the z-axis of the GEO system with the dipole axis. The x-axis completes.
__contact__ = 'Steve Morley, smorley@lanl.gov'
import datetime as dt
import collections
from math import fmod
import numpy as np
import scipy.constants
from spacepy import datamodel as dm
from spacepy import time as spt
from spacepy import igrf
class Ellipsoid(dm.SpaceData):
"""Ellipsoid definition class for geodetic coordinates
Other Parameters
name : str
Name for ellipsoid, stored in attrs of returned Ellipsoid instance.
Default is 'WGS84'
A : float
Semi-major axis (equatorial radius) of ellipsoid in km.
Default is 6378.137km (WGS84_A)
iFlat : float
Inverse flattening of ellipsoid. Default is WGS84 value
of 298.257223563.
out : Ellipsoid
Ellipsoid instance storing all relevant paramters for geodetic conversion
.. versionadded:: 0.3.0
def __init__(self, name='WGS84', A=6378.137, iFlat=298.257223563):
super(Ellipsoid, self).__init__(A=A, iFlat=iFlat, attrs={'name': name})
self['A2'] = self['A']**2 # [km^2]
self['Flat'] = 1/self['iFlat']
self['E2'] = 2*self['Flat'] - self['Flat']**2
self['E4'] = self['E2']*self['E2']
self['1mE2'] = 1 - self['E2']
self['B'] = self['A']*np.sqrt(self['1mE2'])
self['B2'] = self['B']**2 # [km^2]
self['A2mB2'] = self['A2'] - self['B2'] # [km^2]
self['EP2'] = self['A2mB2']/self['B2'] # 2nd eccentricity squared
# World Geodetic System 1984 (WGS84) parameters
WGS84 = Ellipsoid()
magsys = ['GSM', 'SM', 'CDMAG']
class CTrans(dm.SpaceData):
"""Coordinate transformation class for a single instance in time
A general coordinate conversion routine, which takes a numpy array (Nx3)
of Cartesian vectors along with the names of the input and output
coordinate systems and returns an array of the converted coordinates.
ctime : (spacepy.time.Ticktock, datetime, float, string)
Input time stamp. Must have one time only. Accepted input formats
out : CTrans
instance with self.convert, etc.
Other Parameters
ephmodel : str, optional
Select ephemerides model (e.g., for determining Sun direction).
Currently only 'LGMDEFAULT' is supported, for consistency with
LANLGeoMag implementation.
pnmodel : str, optional
Select precession/nutation model set. Options are: 'IAU82' (default),
and 'IAU00'.
eop : bool, optional
Use Earth Orientation Parameters
See Also
.. versionadded:: 0.3.0
def __init__(self, ctime, ephmodel=None, pnmodel=None, eop=False):
super(CTrans, self).__init__()
if ephmodel is not None:
self._raiseErr(NotImplementedError, 'ephmodel')
self.attrs['ephmodel'] = 'LGMDEFAULT'
if pnmodel is not None:
if pnmodel not in ['IAU82', 'IAU00']:
self._raiseErr(NotImplementedError, 'pnmodel')
self.attrs['pnmodel'] = pnmodel
self.attrs['pnmodel'] = 'IAU82'
if isinstance(ctime, spt.Ticktock):
# input time is ticktock
if len(ctime.data) != 1:
# Input time is Ticktock, but has a length > 1
self._raiseErr(ValueError, 'time_in')
elif isinstance(ctime, dt.datetime):
# Input time is datetime
ctime = spt.Ticktock(ctime, dtype='UTC')
if len(ctime) == 1:
ctime = ctime[0]
ctime = spt.Ticktock(ctime) # Guess dtype
self._raiseErr(TypeError, 'time_in')
except TypeError:
self._raiseErr(TypeError, 'time_in')
self.attrs['time'] = ctime
# Make key information immutable, but referenced by name
self._factory = dict()
self._factory['constants'] = collections.namedtuple('Constants',
'twopi, j2000_jd, j1900_jd, ' +
'j1990_jd, daysec, daycentury, ' +
'arcsec, AU, Re',
self._factory['eop'] = collections.namedtuple('EarthOrientationParameters',
'DUT1, xp, yp, ddPsi, ddEps',
self.__status = {'time': False,
'orbital': False,
'transformCore': False,
'transformMag': False,
'timeInProgress': False,
'coreInProgress': False,
'useEOP': eop
def _setconstants(self):
"""Set constants to be used in calculations
Constants set through this method are immutable to ensure
consistency in calculations.
self['constants'] = self._factory['constants'](twopi=scipy.constants.pi*2,
AU=scipy.constants.au/1e3, # 1AU in km
Re=WGS84['A'], # WGS84_A radius in km
def getEOP(self, useEOP=False):
"""Get/set Earth Orientation Parameters
useEOP : bool
If True, use Earth Orientation Parameters. Default False.
Currently Earth Orientation Parameters are all set to zero.
Use is not yet supported.
if not useEOP:
# DUT1 in seconds
# xp, yp in arcseconds
# ddPsi and ddEps in arcseconds
self['EarthOrientationParameters'] = self._factory['eop'](DUT1=0,
# Note: These case still be set manually by directly calling the
# factory method.
self._raiseErr(NotImplementedError, 'eop')
def calcTimes(self, recalc=False, **kwargs):
"""Calculate time in systems required to set up coordinate transforms
Sets Julian Date and Julian centuries in UTC, TAI, UT1, and TT systems.
recalc : bool, optional
If True, recalculate the times for coordinate transformation. Default
is False.
if self.__status['time'] and not recalc:
# Set up various time systems required and variable shortcuts
eop = self['EarthOrientationParameters']
const = self['constants']
ctime = self.attrs['time']
# UT1
self['UTC'] = ctime
self['UTC_JD'] = ctime.JD[0]
self['UTC_JC'] = (self['UTC_JD'] - const.j2000_jd)/const.daycentury
self['TAI_JD'] = spt._days1958(self['UTC'].TAI[0], leaps='continuous') + 2436205.0
if self.__status['useEOP']:
self['UT1'] = spt.Ticktock(ctime.UTC[0] + dt.timedelta(seconds=eop.DUT1), dtype='UTC')
self['UT1_JD'] = self['UT1'].JD[0]
# no EOP, so UT1 = UTC and we can save time recalculating times
self['UT1'] = self['UTC']
self['UT1_JD'] = self['UTC_JD']
self['UT1_JC'] = (self['UT1_JD'] - const.j2000_jd)/const.daycentury
# Terrestrial Time in Julian centuries since J2000
self['TT_JD'] = self['TAI_JD'] + 32.184/const.daysec
self['TT_JC'] = (self['TT_JD'] - const.j2000_jd)/const.daycentury
# Greenwich Mean Sidereal Time
if 'from_gmst' not in kwargs:
self.__status['timeInProgress'] = True
self.__status['timeInProgress'] = False
self.__status['time'] = True
def calcOrbitParams(self, recalc=False):
"""Calculate Earth orbit parameters needed for coordinate transforms
Calculates Earth's orbital parameters required for defining coordinate
system transformations, such as orbital eccentricity, the obliquity of
the ecliptic, anomalies, and precession angles.
recalc : bool, optional
If True, recalculate the orbital parameters for coordinate transformation.
Default is False.
if not (self.__status['time'] or recalc):
if self.__status['orbital'] and not recalc:
# Don't recalculate unless it's asked for
const = self['constants']
# Julian centuries with 1900 reference epoch
self['JulianCenturies'] = (self['TT_JD'] - const.j1900_jd)/const.daycentury
TU = self['JulianCenturies'] # since 1900
# Orbital parameters required for later use
# self['MeanEclipticLongitude'] = np.deg2rad(279.6966778 + 36000.76892*TU
# + 0.0003025*TU2)
# self['EclipticLongitudePerigee'] = np.deg2rad(281.2208444 + 1.719175*TU
# + 0.000452778*TU2)
self['Eccentricity'] = 0.01675104 - 0.0000418*TU - 0.000000126*TU2
TT = self['TT_JC'] # in Julian century (J2000) format
self['ObliquityEcliptic'] = 84381.448 - 46.8150*TT\
- 0.00059*TT2 + 0.001813*TT2*TT
self['ObliquityEcliptic_rad'] = self['ObliquityEcliptic']*const.arcsec
self['ObliquityEcliptic'] = self['ObliquityEcliptic']
# Anomalies
days_since_1990 = self['TT_JD'] - const.j1990_jd
varep90 = np.deg2rad(279.403303)
varpi90 = np.deg2rad(282.768422)
M = fmod((const.twopi/365.242191*days_since_1990), const.twopi)
self['MeanAnomaly'] = fmod((M + varep90 - varpi90), const.twopi)
ecc_anom = self._kepler(self['MeanAnomaly'], self['Eccentricity'])
self['TrueAnomaly'] = 2.0*np.arctan(np.sqrt((1.0+self['Eccentricity'])
/ (1.0-self['Eccentricity']))*np.tan(ecc_anom/2.0))
self['LambdaSun'] = fmod((self['TrueAnomaly'] + varpi90), const.twopi)
self['OmegaMoon'] = fmod((125.04455501 - (5*360 + 134.1361851)*TT
+ 0.0020756*TT2 + 2.139e-6*TT2*TT), 360.0) # degrees
# Precession angles in degrees
self['PrecessionZeta'] = 0.6406161*TT + 0.0000839*TT2 + 5.0e-6*TT2*TT
self['PrecessionZee'] = 0.6406161*TT + 0.0003041*TT2 + 5.1e-6*TT2*TT
self['PrecessionTheta'] = 0.5567530*TT - 0.0001185*TT2 - 1.16e-5*TT2*TT
# Nutation terms
self.__status['orbital'] = True
def _calcNutation(self, nTerms=106):
"""Calculate nutation-related quantities
Calculates nutation parameters, equation of equinoxes,
true obliquity of the ecliptic, and updates object values
# Get dPSi and dEps in arcsec
dPsi, dEps = self._nutation(nTerms=nTerms) # default 106-term nutation series
# Now apply EOP corrections
dPsi += self['EarthOrientationParameters'].ddPsi
dEps += self['EarthOrientationParameters'].ddEps
# Equation of the equinoxes
omegamoon_rad = np.deg2rad(self['OmegaMoon'])
EquatEquin = dPsi*np.cos(self['ObliquityEcliptic_rad']) \
+ 0.00264*np.sin(omegamoon_rad) \
+ 0.000063*np.sin(2.0*omegamoon_rad) # arcsec
self['EquatEquin'] = EquatEquin
# true obliquity of ecliptic
self['ObliquityTrue'] = dEps + self['ObliquityEcliptic'] # arcsec
self['ObliquityTrue_rad'] = self['ObliquityTrue']*scipy.constants.arcsec
self['dPsi'] = dPsi
self['dEps'] = dEps
def _normVec(vec):
"""Normalize input vector"""
tmpmag = np.linalg.norm(vec)
vec /= tmpmag
def _nutation(self, nTerms=106):
"""Calculate nutation terms dPsi and dEps"""
pnmodel = self.attrs['pnmodel'].upper()
if not pnmodel == 'IAU82':
import warnings
warnings.warn('Only the IAU1980 nutation model is currently implemented. '
+ 'This will be used with the selected precession model.',
from . import iau80n
dPsi, dEps = iau80n.nutation(self['TT_JC'], self['constants'], nTerms)
# TODO: look at implementing IAU2000 as well
# See p88 onwards of USNO circular 179, for the coefficients.
# That has 1365 terms, and we'll likely want to have the default number evaluated
# set much lower.
# The equations are p45-48 of the same reference
return dPsi, dEps
def convert(self, vec, sys_in, sys_out, defaults=None):
"""Convert an input vector between two coordinate systems
vec : array-like
Input 3-vector (can be an array of input 3-vectors) to convert.
E.g., for 2D input the array must be like [[x1, y1, z1], [x2, y2, z2]]
sys_in : str
String name for initial coordinate system. For supported systems,
see module level documentation.
sys_out : str
String name for target coordinate system. For supported systems,
see module level documentation.
Other Parameters
defaults : namedtuple or None
Named tuple containing default settings passed from Coordinates module
# must be at least 2D for conversion methods
gvec = np.atleast_2d(vec)
# Needs 3xN vectors for a broadcast dot product
trvec = gvec.T
# Special case geodetic transforms
to_geodetic = False
to_rll = False
if sys_out == 'GDZ':
sys_out = 'GEO'
to_geodetic = True
elif sys_out == 'RLL':
sys_out = 'GEO'
to_rll = True
if sys_in == 'GDZ':
trvec = gdz_to_geo(vec) if defaults is None else gdz_to_geo(vec, geoid=defaults.ellipsoid)
sys_in = 'GEO'
elif sys_in == 'RLL':
trvec = rll_to_geo(vec) if defaults is None else rll_to_geo(vec, geoid=defaults.ellipsoid)
sys_in = 'GEO'
if sys_in != sys_out:
transform = '{0}_{1}'.format(sys_in, sys_out)
if transform not in self['Transform']:
# Construct requested transform via ECIMOD
trans1 = '{0}_{1}'.format(sys_in, 'ECIMOD')
trans2 = '{0}_{1}'.format('ECIMOD', sys_out)
assert trans1 in self['Transform']
assert trans2 in self['Transform']
tmatr = self['Transform'][trans2].dot(self['Transform'][trans1])
self['Transform'][transform] = tmatr
except (KeyError, AssertionError):
# Can't construct the transform requested
self._raiseErr(ValueError, 'transform')
# Required transform stored already, just use it
tmatr = self['Transform'][transform]
converted = tmatr.dot(trvec).T
converted = trvec
# squeeze to fix return of 1D input vectors
# squeeze returns either input array or a view, so this isn't wasteful
converted_squeezed = converted.squeeze()
if to_geodetic:
if defaults is not None:
converted_squeezed = geo_to_gdz(converted_squeezed.T, geoid=defaults.ellipsoid)
converted_squeezed = geo_to_gdz(converted_squeezed.T)
elif to_rll:
if defaults is not None:
converted_squeezed = geo_to_rll(converted_squeezed.T, geoid=defaults.ellipsoid)
converted_squeezed = geo_to_rll(converted_squeezed.T)
return converted_squeezed
def gmst(self):
"""Calculate Greenwich Mean Sidereal Time
The formulation used to calculate GMST is selected using the
status of the 'pnmodel' variable in the CTrans object attributes.
if not (self.__status['time'] or self.__status['timeInProgress']):
pnmodel = self.attrs['pnmodel']
const = self['constants']
# Greenwich Mean Sidereal Time
UT1_P1 = self['UT1_JC']
coeffB = 8640184.812866
coeffC = 0.093104
coeffD = 6.2e-6
if pnmodel.upper() == 'IAU82':
# total fractional part of UT1 Julian day
fts = const.daysec * (self['UT1_JD'] % 1 + const.j2000_jd % 1)
gmst_rad = ((const.twopi/const.daysec) * ((-19089.45159 +
(coeffB + (coeffC + coeffD*UT1_P1) * UT1_P1)
* UT1_P1) + fts)) % const.twopi
self['GMST'] = np.rad2deg(gmst_rad)/15
self['GMST_rad'] = gmst_rad
elif pnmodel.upper() == 'IAU00':
du = self['UT1_JD'] - const.j2000_jd
theta = const.twopi*(0.7790572732640 + 0.00273781191135448*du + du % 1) % const.twopi
t = self['TT_JC']
angle = (0.014506 +
(4612.15739966 +
(1.39667721 +
(- 0.00009344 +
* t) * t) * t) * t)
self['GMST_rad'] = (theta + angle*const.arcsec) % const.twopi
self['GMST'] = np.rad2deg(self['GMST_rad'])/15
raise Exception
def _calcSun(self):
Calculate the Sun vector.
This should only be called from within calcCoreTransforms, after
the ECI2000 <-> ECIMOD transforms have been defined
validEntry = self.__status['time'] and self.__status['orbital']
validEntry = validEntry and (self.__status['coreInProgress']
or self.__status['transformCore'])
if not validEntry:
self._raiseErr(RuntimeError, 'sun')
const = self['constants']
eccen = self['Eccentricity']
cos_epsilon = np.cos(self['ObliquityEcliptic_rad'])
sin_epsilon = np.sin(self['ObliquityEcliptic_rad'])
cos_lambda = np.cos(self['LambdaSun'])
sin_lambda = np.sin(self['LambdaSun'])
if self.attrs['ephmodel'] == 'LGMDEFAULT':
earth_sun_distance = const.AU*((1.0 - eccen * eccen)
/ (1.0 + eccen * np.cos(self['TrueAnomaly']))
/ const.Re)
self['EarthSunDistance_Re'] = earth_sun_distance
# Direction of the Sun in MOD coords
sunVec = np.empty(3)
sunVec[0] = cos_lambda
sunVec[1] = cos_epsilon*sin_lambda
sunVec[2] = sin_epsilon*sin_lambda
self['SunVector_MOD'] = sunVec
# Convert to ECI2000
self['SunVector_J2000'] = self.convert(sunVec, 'ECIMOD', 'ECI2000')
elif self.attrs['ephmodel'] == 'DE421':
raise NotImplementedError
# TODO: get Sun vector from DE421 (read HDF5 of coeffs from LGM github?)
# and use numpy chebyshev module for polynomials from coeffs
# TODO: get Earth-Sun distance as magnitude of Sun vector (put in R_E)
# TODO: normalize Sun vector (this is in ECIJ2000)
def _raiseErr(self, errtype, code):
"""Common error raising method
errtype : Exception
Exception to raise
code : str
Error category. Defines error message.
if code == 'ephmodel':
err = 'No alternate models of ephemerides at this time'
elif code == 'pnmodel':
err = 'No alternate models of precession/nutation at this time'
elif code == 'time_in':
err = 'Input time must be single-valued. Allowed types are datetime.datetime, ' + \
'spacepy.time.Ticktock, or any valid input type for spacepy.time.Ticktock'
elif code == 'eop':
err = 'Earth Oriention Parameters not found'
elif code == 'sun':
err = 'Invalid entry into Sun vector routine. Not intended for direct use.'
elif code == 'transform':
err = 'Requested coordinate transform not defined.'
err = 'Operation not defined'
raise errtype('CTrans: {0}'.format(err))
def _kepler(self, mean_anom, ecc, tol=1e-8, maxiter=100):
Solve Kepler's equation for eccentric anomaly
mean_anom : float
Mean anomaly in radians
ecc : float
Eccentricity of orbit
ecc_anom : float
Eccentric anomaly in radians
ecc_anom = mean_anom + ecc * np.sin(mean_anom)
count = 0
error = 1
while (error > tol) and (count < maxiter):
ecc_anom_old = ecc_anom
ecc_anom = ecc_anom_old + (mean_anom - ecc_anom_old + ecc * np.sin(ecc_anom_old)) \
/ (1 - ecc * np.cos(ecc_anom_old))
count += 1
error = np.abs(ecc_anom - ecc_anom_old)
if count >= maxiter:
import warnings
warnings.warn('Estimation of eccentric anomaly failed to converge',
return ecc_anom
def geo_to_gdz(geovec, units='km', geoid=WGS84):
Convert geocentric geographic (cartesian GEO) to geodetic (spherical GDZ)
Uses Heikkinen's exact solution [#Heikkinen]_, see Zhu et al. [#Zhu]_ for
geovec : array-like
Nx3 array (or array-like) of geocentric geographic [x, y, z] coordinates
out : numpy.ndarray
Nx3 array of geodetic altitude, latitude, and longitude
.. versionadded:: 0.3.0
.. [#Heikkinen] Heikkinen, M., "Geschlossene formeln zur berechnung raumlicher geodatischer
koordinaten aus rechtwinkligen koordinaten", Z. Vermess., vol. 107, pp. 207-211,
.. [#Zhu] J. Zhu, "Conversion of Earth-centered Earth-fixed coordinates to geodetic
coordinates," in IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, vol. 30,
no. 3, pp. 957-961, July 1994, doi: 10.1109/7.303772.
posarr = np.atleast_2d(geovec).T
x_geo = posarr[0, :]
y_geo = posarr[1, :]
z_geo = posarr[2, :]
if units == 'Re':
# Make sure positions are in km
rx = x_geo*geoid['A']
ry = y_geo*geoid['A']
rz = z_geo*geoid['A']
rx = x_geo
ry = y_geo
rz = z_geo
rad2 = rx*rx + ry*ry
rad = np.sqrt(rad2)
z2 = rz*rz
# Heikkinen's method, as written in Zhu et al.
# Each equation not explicitly in Zhu is marked with a trailing comment
F = 54.0*geoid['B2']*z2
G = rad2 + geoid['1mE2']*z2 - geoid['E2']*geoid['A2mB2']
G2 = G*G # Square G for convenience
c = (geoid['E4']*F*rad2)/(G*G*G)
s = np.cbrt(1 + c + np.sqrt(c*c + 2*c))
denom_p = s + 1/s + 1 # Shorthand for term in P's denominator
P = F/(3*denom_p*denom_p*G2)
Q = np.sqrt(1 + 2*geoid['E4']*P)
# The second term in r0 can evaluate as negative...
sqrt_for_r0 = np.abs((0.5*geoid['A2'])*(1 + 1/Q) -
(geoid['1mE2']*P*z2)/(Q*(1 + Q)) -
# Back to Heikinnen's method per Zhu
r0 = -(geoid['E2']*P*rad)/(1 + Q) + np.sqrt(sqrt_for_r0)
brac_u = (rad - geoid['E2']*r0) # Shorthand for term in U and V denominator
U = np.sqrt(brac_u*brac_u + z2)
V = np.sqrt(brac_u*brac_u + geoid['1mE2']*z2)
z0 = (geoid['B2']*rz)/(geoid['A']*V)
# Heikkinen's solution has a singularity at the pole, so let's trap that here
polemask = rad <= 1e-12
lati_gdz = np.empty_like(ry)
if polemask.any():
# Make sure we assign the correct pole
zmask = rz > 0
nhem = np.logical_and(polemask, zmask)
shem = np.logical_and(polemask, ~zmask)
lati_gdz[nhem] = 90
lati_gdz[shem] = -90
lati_gdz[~polemask] = np.rad2deg(np.arctan((rz[~polemask] +
geoid['EP2']*z0[~polemask]) /
# Geodetic latitude (phi in Zhu paper)
alti_gdz = U*(1 - geoid['B2']/(geoid['A']*V)) # Geodetic altitude [km] (h in Zhu paper)
long_gdz = np.rad2deg(np.arctan2(ry, rx)) # Geodetic longitude (same as GEO)
out = np.c_[alti_gdz, lati_gdz, long_gdz]
if units == 'Re':
# Return in Re
out[:, 0] /= geoid['A']
return out.squeeze()
def gdz_to_geo(gdzvec, units='km', geoid=WGS84):
Convert geodetic (GDZ) coordinates to geocentric geographic
gdzvec : array-like
Nx3 array of geodetic altitude, latitude, longitude (in specified units)
out : numpy.ndarray
Nx3 array of geocentric geographic x, y, z coordinates
Other Parameters
units : str
Units for input geodetic altitude. Options are 'km' or 'Re'. Default is 'km'.
Output units will be the same as input units.
geoid : spacepy.ctrans.Ellipsoid
Instance of a reference ellipsoid to use for geodetic conversion.
Default is WGS84.
.. versionadded:: 0.3.0
posarr = np.atleast_2d(gdzvec)
h = posarr[:, 0] if units == 'km' else posarr[:, 0]*geoid['A'] # convert to km
lam = np.deg2rad(posarr[:, 1])
phi = np.deg2rad(posarr[:, 2])
chi = np.sqrt(1 - geoid['E2']*np.sin(lam)*np.sin(lam))
# Convert to GEO [km]
x = (geoid['A']/chi + h)*np.cos(lam)*np.cos(phi)
y = (geoid['A']/chi + h)*np.cos(lam)*np.sin(phi)
z = (geoid['A']*(1 - geoid['E2'])/chi + h)*np.sin(lam)
out = np.c_[x, y, z]
if units == 'km':
return out.squeeze()
# Return in Re
return out.squeeze()/geoid['A']
def geo_to_rll(geovec, units='km', geoid=WGS84):
"""Calculate RLL from geocentric geographic (GEO) coordinates
geovec : array-like
Nx3 array of geographic radius, latitude, longitude (in specified units)
rllvec : numpy.ndarray
Nx3 array of [distance from Earth's center, geodetic latitude, geodetic longitude]
Other Parameters
units : str
Units for input geodetic altitude. Options are 'km' or 'Re'. Default is 'km'.
Output units will be the same as input units.
geoid : spacepy.ctrans.Ellipsoid
Instance of a reference ellipsoid to use for geodetic conversion.
Default is WGS84.
.. versionadded:: 0.3.0
rllvec = np.atleast_2d(geo_to_gdz(geovec, units=units, geoid=geoid))
# Reolace altitude with norm of Cartesian position
rllvec[:, 0] = np.linalg.norm(geovec, axis=-1)
return rllvec.squeeze()
def rll_to_geo(rllvec, units='km', geoid=WGS84):
"""Calculate geocentric geographic (GEO) from RLL coordinates
rllvec : array-like
Nx3 array of geocentric radius, geodetic latitude, geodetic longitude
(in specified units)
geoarr : numpy.ndarray
Nx3 array of [altitude, geodetic latitude, geodetic longitude]
Other Parameters
units : str
Units for input geocentric radii. Options are 'km' or 'Re'. Default is 'km'.
Output units will be the same as input units.
geoid : spacepy.ctrans.Ellipsoid
Instance of a reference ellipsoid to use for geodetic conversion.
Default is WGS84.
.. versionadded:: 0.3.0
posarr = np.atleast_2d(rllvec).astype(float)
surf = np.zeros_like(posarr)
surf[:, 1:] = posarr[:, 1:]
geoid_at_pos = np.atleast_2d(gdz_to_geo(surf, units=units, geoid=geoid))
gdz = posarr.copy()
# remove geoid height from geocentric radius at each location
gdz[:, 0] -= np.linalg.norm(geoid_at_pos, axis=-1)
geoarr = gdz_to_geo(gdz, units=units, geoid=geoid)
return geoarr
def convert_multitime(coords, ticks, sys_in, sys_out, defaults=None, itol=None):
Convert coordinates for N times, where N >= 1
coords : array-like
Coordinates as Nx3 array. Cartesian assumed unless input system is geodetic.
ticks : spacepy.time.Ticktock
Times for each element of coords. Must contain either N times or 1 time.
sys_in : str
Name of input coordinate system.
sys_out : str
Name of output coordinate system.
Other Parameters
defaults : namedtuple or None
Named tuple with parameters from coordinates module
itol : float
Time tolerance, in seconds, for using a unique set of conversions.
Default is 1. Supplying a defaults namedtuple (i.e., if routine is called
by spacepy.cooordinates.Coords.convert) will override this value.
itol = itol if defaults is None else defaults.itol
# Calculate a CTrans for each unique time
ctdict = dict()
ttused = set()
tais = ticks.TAI
for idx, tt in enumerate(tais):
if tt not in ctdict:
# for speed, let's not recalculate transforms
# for times very close to each other (defined
# by the itol kwarg)
if ttused:
usedlist = list(ttused)
closest = np.argmin(np.abs(tt - usedlist))
tdiff = np.abs(tt - usedlist[closest])
tdiff = itol + 1
if tdiff < itol and ctdict:
ctdict[tt] = ctdict[usedlist[closest]]
ctdict[tt] = CTrans(ticks[idx])
if sys_in in magsys or sys_out in magsys:
# Unless speed becomes an issue, let's just loop over each value
# except the spacial case of only 1 unique time
loopover = np.atleast_2d(coords)
if len(ctdict) == 1:
newcoords = ctdict[tais[0]].convert(loopover, sys_in, sys_out, defaults=defaults)
newcoords = np.empty_like(loopover)
for idx, cc in enumerate(loopover):
newcoords[idx] = ctdict[tais[idx]].convert(cc, sys_in, sys_out, defaults=defaults)
return newcoords.squeeze()