#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Module for reading and dealing with AE9AP9 data files.
See https://www.vdl.afrl.af.mil/programs/ae9ap9/ to download the model.
This is not a AE9AP9 runner.
Authors: Brian Larsen, Steve Morley
Institution: Los Alamos National Laboratory
Contact: balarsen@lanl.gov
Copyright 2015 Los Alamos National Security, LLC.
This module provides a convenient class for handling data from
AE9/AP9 (and legacy models provided by the software).
Though the class is derived from SpacePy's SpaceData, the class also provides several methods
targeted at the AE9/AP9 output. Additional functions for working with the data are provided.
import datetime as dt
import gzip
import os
import re
import warnings
from dateutil import relativedelta
import numpy as np
import spacepy.coordinates as spc
import spacepy.datamodel as dm
import spacepy.plot as splot
import spacepy.time as spt
import spacepy.toolbox as tb
__contact__ = 'Brian Larsen, balarsen@lanl.gov'
class Ae9Data(dm.SpaceData):
"""Dictionary-like container for AE9/AP9/SPM data, derived from SpacePy's datamodel
To inspect the variables within this class, use the tree method.
To export the data to a CDF, HDF5 or JSON-headed ASCII file use the relevant "to" method
(toCDF, toHDF5, toJSONheadedASCII).
def setUnits(self, per=None):
"""Set units of energy and flux/fluence
If keyword 'per' is set to None, this method reports the units currently set.
To set energy in MeV and flux/fluence in 'per MeV', set 'per=MeV'. Valid options are
'eV', 'keV', 'Mev' and 'GeV'.
Other Parameters
per : string (optional)
Energy units for both energy and flux/fluence
curr = self['Energy'].attrs['UNITS']
particle_var = self.attrs['varname']
if not per:
print('Energy units: {0}'.format(curr))
print('{0} units: {1}'.format(particle_var, self[particle_var].attrs['UNITS']))
unitlist = ['eV', 'keV', 'MeV', 'GeV']
faclist = [1, 1e3, 1e6, 1e9]
if per not in unitlist:
raise ValueError("Units of {0} are not supported: Valid options are {1}".format(per, unitlist))
if per == curr: return
unitidx_from = unitlist.index(curr)
unitidx_to = unitlist.index(per)
self[particle_var] /= faclist[unitidx_from] # convert to eV
self[particle_var] *= faclist[unitidx_to] # convert to target units
self[particle_var].attrs['UNITS'] = self[particle_var].attrs['UNITS'].replace(curr, per)
self['Energy'] *= faclist[unitidx_from] # convert to eV
self['Energy'] /= faclist[unitidx_to] # convert to target units
self['Energy'].attrs['UNITS'] = self['Energy'].attrs['UNITS'].replace(curr, per)
def getLm(self, alpha=[90], model='T89'):
"""Calculate McIlwain L for the imported AE9/AP9 run and add to object
import spacepy.irbempy as ib
ticks = spt.Ticktock(self['Epoch'])
loci = spc.Coords(self['Coords'], self['Coords'].attrs['COORD_SYS'], 'car')
loci.ticks = ticks
retvals = ib.get_Lm(ticks, loci, alpha, extMag=model)
self['Lm'] = dm.dmarray(retvals['Lm'].squeeze(), attrs={ 'MODEL': model })
def _makeOrbitAxis(self, ser1, ser2, ax_target):
"""Helper function. Not intended for direct use.
cx is the set of coordinates for plotting, ax_target is an axes object"""
l1 = ax_target.plot(ser1, ser2)
if np.abs((ax_target.get_xlim()[1] - ax_target.get_xlim()[0])) < 1:
refpt = np.abs(np.max(ax_target.get_xlim()))
ax_target.set_xlim([-1.25 * refpt, 1.25 * refpt])
c1 = splot.plt.Circle([0, 0], radius=1.0, fc='none', ec='k')
return ax_target
def plotSummary(self, timerange=None, coord_sys=None, fig_target=None, spec=False, orbit_params=(False, True),
"""Generate summary plot of AE9/AP9/SPM data loaded
spec : if True, plot spectrogram instead of flux/fluence lineplot, requires 'ecol' keyword
if timerange:
if isinstance(timerange, spt.Ticktock):
t1 = timerange.UTC[0]
t2 = timerange.UTC[-1]
elif isinstance(timerange[0], dt.datetime):
t1 = timerange[0]
t2 = timerange[-1]
raise TypeError('Incorrect data type provided for timerange')
# now select subset
i_use = tb.tOverlapHalf([t1, t2], self['Epoch'])
t_use = self['Epoch'][i_use]
c_use = self['Coords'][i_use]
f_use = self[self.attrs['varname']][i_use, ...]
t_use = self['Epoch']
c_use = self['Coords']
f_use = self[self.attrs['varname']]
if coord_sys and (coord_sys.upper() != c_use.attrs['COORD_SYS']):
# TODO: We assume cartesian, make flexible so can take spherical
cx = spc.Coords(c_use, c_use.attrs['COORD_SYS'], 'car')
cx.ticks = spt.Ticktock(t_use)
cx = cx.convert(coord_sys.upper(), 'car').data
coord_sys = c_use.attrs['COORD_SYS']
cx = c_use
sys_subs = r'$_{' + coord_sys + r'}$'
if orbit_params[0]:
landscape = orbit_params[1]
locs = [121, 122] if landscape else [211, 212]
locs = [223, 224]
landscape = True
if fig_target:
fig, ax1 = splot.set_target(fig_target, loc=locs[0])
fig, ax1 = splot.set_target(fig_target, figsize=(8, 8), loc=locs[0])
fig, ax2 = splot.set_target(fig, loc=locs[1])
ax1 = self._makeOrbitAxis(cx[:, 0], cx[:, 1], ax1)
ax2 = self._makeOrbitAxis(cx[:, 0], cx[:, 2], ax2)
if landscape: ax1.set_xlabel('X{0} [{1}]'.format(sys_subs, self['Coords'].attrs['UNITS']))
ax2.set_xlabel('X{0} [{1}]'.format(sys_subs, self['Coords'].attrs['UNITS']))
ax1.set_ylabel('Y{0} [{1}]'.format(sys_subs, self['Coords'].attrs['UNITS']))
ax2.set_ylabel('Z{0} [{1}]'.format(sys_subs, self['Coords'].attrs['UNITS']))
ax1xl, ax1yl, ax2xl, ax2yl = ax1.get_xlim(), ax1.get_ylim(), ax2.get_xlim(), ax2.get_ylim()
maxabslim = np.max(np.abs([ax1xl, ax1yl, ax2xl, ax2yl]))
if np.abs((ax1.get_xlim()[1] - ax1.get_xlim()[0])) < 1:
refpt = maxabslim
ax1.set_xlim([-1.25 * refpt, 1.25 * refpt])
refpt = ax2.get_xlim()[0]
ax2.set_xlim([-1.25 * refpt, 1.25 * refpt])
ax1.set_xlim([-maxabslim, maxabslim])
ax1.set_ylim([-maxabslim, maxabslim])
ax2.set_xlim([-maxabslim, maxabslim])
if not orbit_params[0]:
ax3 = splot.plt.subplot2grid((2, 2), (0, 0), colspan=2)
if not spec:
l3 = ax3.semilogy(t_use, f_use)
ylab = '{0} ['.format(self.attrs['varname']) + re.sub(r'(\^[\d|-]*)+', _grp2mathmode,
self[self.attrs['varname']].attrs['UNITS']) + ']'
for ll, nn in zip(l3, self['Energy']):
ll.set_label('{0} {1}'.format(nn, self['Energy'].attrs['UNITS']))
ncol = len(self['Energy']) // 2 if len(self['Energy']) <= 6 else 3
leg = ax3.legend(loc='center', bbox_to_anchor=(0.5, 1), ncol=ncol,
frameon=True, framealpha=0.5)
lims3 = ax3.get_ylim()
newupper = 10 ** (np.log10(lims3[0]) + (np.log10(lims3[1] / lims3[0]) * 1.125))
ax3.set_ylim([lims3[0], newupper])
splot.applySmartTimeTicks(ax3, t_use)
pos3 = ax3.get_position()
ax3.set_position([pos3.x0, pos3.y0, pos3.width, pos3.height * 0.8])
# fig.suptitle('{model_type}\n'.format(**self.attrs) +
# '{0} - {1}'.format(t_use[0].isoformat()[:19], t_use[-1].isoformat()[:19]))
if timerange: raise NotImplementedError('Time range selection not yet implemented for spectrograms')
pos3 = ax3.get_position()
ax3.set_position([pos3.x0, pos3.y0, pos3.width, pos3.height * 0.9])
ecol = kwargs['ecol'] if 'ecol' in kwargs else 0
ax3 = self.plotSpectrogram(target=ax3, ecol=ecol)
pos1 = ax1.get_position()
ax1.set_position([pos3.x0, pos1.y0, pos1.width, pos1.height])
return fig
def plotOrbit(self, timerange=None, coord_sys=None, landscape=True, fig_target=None):
Plot X-Y and X-Z projections of satellite orbit in requested coordinate system
fig = self.plotSummary(timerange=timerange, coord_sys=coord_sys,
fig_target=fig_target, orbit_params=(True, landscape))
return fig
def plotSpectrogram(self, ecol=0, pvars=None, **kwargs):
Plot a spectrogram of the flux along the requested orbit, as a function of Lm and time
Other Parameters
zlim : list
2-element list with upper and lower bounds for color scale
colorbar_label : string
text to appear next to colorbar (default is 'Flux' plus the units)
ylabel : string
text to label y-axis (default is 'Lm' plus the field model name)
title : string
text to appear above spectrogram (default is climatology model name, data type and energy)
pvars : list
list of plotting variable names in order [Epoch-like (X axis), Flux-like (Z axis), Energy (Index var for Flux-like)]
ylim : list
2-element list with upper and lower bounds for y axis
import spacepy.plot as splot
if 'Lm' not in self:
sd = dm.SpaceData()
if pvars is None:
varname = self.attrs['varname']
enname = 'Energy'
epvar = 'Epoch'
epvar = pvars[0]
varname = pvars[1]
enname = pvars[2]
if len(self['Lm']) != len(self[epvar]): #Lm needs interpolating to new timebase
import matplotlib.dates as mpd
tmptimetarg, tmptimesrc = mpd.date2num(self[epvar]), mpd.date2num(self['Epoch'])
sd['Lm'] = dm.dmarray(np.interp(tmptimetarg, tmptimesrc, self['Lm'], left=np.nan, right=np.nan))
sd['Lm'] = self['Lm']
#filter any bad Lm
goodidx = sd['Lm']>1
sd['Lm'] = sd['Lm'][goodidx]
if 'ylim' in kwargs:
Lm_lim = kwargs['ylim']
del kwargs['ylim']
Lm_lim = [2.0,8.0]
#TODO: allow user-definition of bins in time and Lm
sd['Epoch'] = dm.dmcopy(self[epvar])[goodidx] #TODO: assumes 1 pitch angle, generalize
sd['1D_dataset'] = self[varname][goodidx,ecol] #TODO: assumes 1 pitch angle, generalize
except IndexError: #1-D
sd['1D_dataset'] = self[varname][goodidx]
bins = [[],[]]
if 'tbins' not in kwargs:
bins[0] = spt.tickrange(self[epvar][0], self[epvar][-1], 3/24.).UTC
bins[0] = kwargs['tbins']
del kwargs['tbins']
if 'Lbins' not in kwargs:
bins[1] = np.arange(Lm_lim[0], Lm_lim[1], 1./4.)
bins[1] = kwargs['Lbins']
del kwargs['Lbins']
spec = splot.spectrogram(sd, variables=['Epoch', 'Lm', '1D_dataset'], ylim=Lm_lim, bins=bins)
if 'zlim' not in kwargs:
zmax = 10 ** (int(np.log10(max(sd['1D_dataset']))) + 1)
idx = np.logical_and(sd['1D_dataset'] > 0, sd['Lm'] > Lm_lim[0])
idx = np.logical_and(idx, sd['Lm'] <= Lm_lim[1])
zmin = 10 ** int(np.log10(min(sd['1D_dataset'][idx])))
kwargs['zlim'] = [zmin, zmax]
if 'colorbar_label' not in kwargs:
flux_units = self[varname].attrs['UNITS']
kwargs['colorbar_label'] = '{0} ['.format(varname) + re.sub(r'(\^[\d|-]*)+', _grp2mathmode, flux_units) + ']'
if 'ylabel' not in kwargs:
kwargs['ylabel'] = 'L$_M$' + ' ' + '[{0}]'.format(self['Lm'].attrs['MODEL'])
if 'title' not in kwargs:
kwargs['title'] = '{model_type} {varname}: '.format(**self.attrs) + \
'{0:5.2f} {1}'.format(self[enname][ecol], self[enname].attrs['UNITS'])
reset_shrink = splot.mpl.mathtext.SHRINK_FACTOR
splot.mpl.mathtext.SHRINK_FACTOR = 0.85
splot.mpl.mathtext.GROW_FACTOR = 1 / 0.85
ax = spec.plot(cmap='plasma', **kwargs)
splot.mpl.mathtext.SHRINK_FACTOR = reset_shrink
splot.mpl.mathtext.GROW_FACTOR = 1 / reset_shrink
return ax
def readFile(fname, comments='#'):
read a model generated file into a datamodel.SpaceData object
fname : str
filename of the file
Other Parameters
comments : str (optional)
String that is the comments in the data file
out : :mod:`~spacepy.datamodel.SpaceData`
Data contained in the file
>>> from spacepy import ae9ap9
>>> ae9ap9.readFile('ephem_sat.dat').tree(verbose=1)
|____Epoch (spacepy.datamodel.dmarray (121,))
|____Coords (spacepy.datamodel.dmarray (121, 3))
|____MJD (spacepy.datamodel.dmarray (121,))
|____posComp (spacepy.datamodel.dmarray (3,))
if not os.path.isfile(fname):
raise (ValueError("File {0} not found".format(fname)))
# get the header information first
header = parseHeader(fname)
# and read in all the data
data = np.loadtxt(fname, delimiter=header['delimiter'], comments=comments)
# now parse the data
ans = Ae9Data()
# parse the datetime if it is there (it is always first)
if 'datetime' in header['columns'][0]:
if header['time_format'] == 'eDOY': # have to massage the data first
year = data[:, 0].astype(int)
frac = data[:, 1]
time = spt.Ticktock([dt.datetime(y, 1, 1) + relativedelta.relativedelta(days=v)
for y, v in zip(year, frac)], 'UTC')
ans[header['time_format']] = dm.dmarray(data[:, 0:2])
ans[header['time_format']].attrs['VAR_TYPE'] = 'support_data'
ans[header['time_format']].attrs['LABL_PTR_1'] = 'timeComp'
ans['timeComp'] = dm.dmarray(['Year', 'eDOY'])
ans['timeComp'].attrs['VAR_TYPE'] = 'metadata'
del header['columns'][0:2]
data = data[:, 2:]
elif header['time_format'] == 'UTC': # have to massage the data first
tm = data[:, 0:6].astype(int)
time = spt.Ticktock([dt.datetime(*v) for v in tm], 'UTC')
ans[header['time_format']] = dm.dmarray(data[:, 0:6])
ans[header['time_format']].attrs['VAR_TYPE'] = 'support_data'
ans[header['time_format']].attrs['LABL_PTR_1'] = 'timeComp'
ans['timeComp'] = dm.dmarray(['Year', 'Month', 'Day', 'Hour', 'Minute', 'Second'])
ans['timeComp'].attrs['VAR_TYPE'] = 'metadata'
del header['columns'][0:6]
data = data[:, 6:]
time = spt.Ticktock(data[:, 0], header['time_format'])
ans[header['time_format']] = dm.dmarray(data[:, 0])
ans[header['time_format']].attrs['VAR_TYPE'] = 'support_data'
del header['columns'][0]
data = data[:, 1:]
ans['Epoch'] = dm.dmarray(time.UTC)
ans['Epoch'].attrs['VAR_TYPE'] = 'support_data'
# parse the position, it is always next
if 'posx' in header['columns'][0]:
varname = 'Coords'
pos = dm.dmarray(data[:, 0:3])
ans[varname] = pos
ans[varname].attrs['UNITS'] = header['coord_system'][1]
ans[varname].attrs['FIELDNAM'] = varname
ans[varname].attrs['LABLAXIS'] = 'Position'
ans[varname].attrs['DEPEND_0'] = 'Epoch'
ans[varname].attrs['LABL_PTR_1'] = 'posComp'
ans[varname].attrs['VAR_TYPE'] = 'data'
ans[varname].attrs['COORD_SYS'] = header['coord_system'][0]
ans['posComp'] = dm.dmarray(['X', 'Y', 'Z'])
ans['posComp'].attrs['VAR_TYPE'] = 'metadata'
del header['columns'][0:3]
data = data[:, 3:]
# if there are PA they are now
if header['columns'] and ('pitch' in header['columns'][0]):
raise (NotImplementedError("Sorry have not implemented pitch angle resolved files yet"))
## This is an issue and the files have repeadedlines at the same time for each pitch
## angle. They would all need to be read in them combines into a multi-d array
# now parse fluence, flux, or doserate
# do all the rest of the column headers match?
col_arr = np.asarray(header['columns'])
if header['columns'] and (col_arr == col_arr[0]).all():
varname = col_arr[0][0].title()
ans[varname] = dm.dmarray(data)
ans[varname].attrs['UNITS'] = str(col_arr[0][1])
ans[varname].attrs['FIELDNAM'] = varname
ans[varname].attrs['LABLAXIS'] = varname
ans[varname].attrs['VAR_TYPE'] = 'data'
ans[varname].attrs['SCALETYP'] = 'log'
header['varname'] = varname
'Description'] = '{flux_direction} {varname} based on {flux_type} from the {model_type} model'.format(
ans[varname].attrs['DEPEND_0'] = 'Epoch'
if ans[varname].shape[1] == header['energy'][0].shape[0]:
ans[varname].attrs['DEPEND_1'] = 'Energy'
if 'percentile' in header:
ans[varname].attrs['TITLE'] = '{0} percentile'.format(header['percentile'])
# create the energy variable
if 'energy' in header:
ans['Energy'] = dm.dmarray(header['energy'][0])
ans['Energy'].attrs['UNITS'] = header['energy'][1]
ans['Energy'].attrs['FIELDNAM'] = 'Energy'
ans['Energy'].attrs['LABLAXIS'] = 'Energy'
ans['Energy'].attrs['VAR_TYPE'] = 'data'
ans['Energy'].attrs['SCALETYP'] = 'log'
ans['Energy'].attrs['VAR_TYPE'] = 'support_data'
skip_header = ['columns', 'coord_system', 'delimiter', 'energy', 'flux_direction']
for k in header:
if k not in skip_header:
ans.attrs[k] = header[k]
return ans
def _parseInfo(header):
given a header parse and return the common information in all headers
# Time format: Modified Julian Date
# Coordinate system: GEI (Geocentric Equatorial Inertial) Cartesian in Earth radii
# Data Delimiter: comma
# get the time format, it is in all the files
ans = { }
for ind, val in enumerate(header):
if "Time format:" in val:
if "Modified Julian Date" in val:
ans['time_format'] = 'MJD'
elif "Year, day_of_year.frac" in val:
ans['time_format'] = 'eDOY'
elif "Year, Month, Day, Hour, Minute, Seconds" in val:
ans['time_format'] = 'UTC'
raise (NotImplementedError("Sorry can't read that time format yet: {0}".format(val)))
elif "Coordinate system:" in val:
coord_sys = val.split(':')[1].strip().split()[0]
if "in Earth radii" in val:
ans['coord_system'] = (coord_sys, 'Re')
ans['coord_system'] = (coord_sys, '')
elif "Data Delimiter:" in val:
if "comma" in val:
ans['delimiter'] = ','
raise (NotImplementedError("Sorry can't read that delimiter yet"))
elif "Ae9Ap9 Software Version:" in val:
match = re.match(r'^Ae9Ap9 Software Version:.*(\d\.\d\d\.\d\d\d)$', val)
version = match.group(1).strip()
ans['software_version'] = version
elif "Model type:" in val:
match = re.match(r'^Model type:(.*)$', val)
mtype = match.group(1).strip()
ans['model_type'] = mtype
elif "CRRESELE Software Version:" in val:
match = re.match(r'^CRRESELE Software Version:.*(\d\.\d\d\.\d\d\d)$', val)
version = match.group(1).strip()
ans['software_version'] = version
ans['model_type'] = 'CRRESELE/PRO'
elif "Flux type:" in val:
match = re.match(r'^Flux type:(.*)$', val)
ftype = match.group(1).strip()
ans['flux_type'] = ftype
elif "Flux direction:" in val:
if '=' not in val:
match = re.match(r'^Flux direction:(.*)$', val)
fdir = match.group(1).strip()
pa = val.split('=')[1].strip()
fdir = np.asarray(pa.split())
ans['flux_direction'] = fdir
elif "Energy levels" in val:
match = re.match(r'^Energy levels.*\((.*)\):(.*)$', val)
ans['energy'] = (np.asarray(match.group(2).strip().split()).astype(float), match.group(1).strip())
# Get the orbital element propagator, two versions based on AE9 model changes
# new format data file
elif "Propagator" in val: # New format
match = re.search(r'Propagator:\ (.*)$', val)
ans['propagator'] = match.group(1).strip()
elif "generated from specified elements" in val: # In both old and new
match = re.search(r'^generated from specified elements.*:\ (.*)$', val)
if match: # But old has propagator on this line; process and warn
"Support for orbit files from AE9AP9 model <1.5 is deprecated; please update to model 1.5 or later.",
DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
ans['propagator'] = match.group(1).strip()
return ans
def _readHeader(fname):
read only the header from a Ae9Ap9 file
dat = []
if fname.endswith('.gz'):
fp = gzip.open(fname, 'rt')
except ValueError: #Python 2.7 (Windows) compatibility
fp = gzip.open(fname)
fp = open(fname, 'rt')
while True:
tmp = fp.readline()
if tmp[0] not in ('#', 35):
dat = [v[1:].strip() for v in dat]
return dat
def _unique_elements_order(seq):
see http://stackoverflow.com/questions/480214/how-do-you-remove-duplicates-from-a-list-in-python-whilst-preserving-order
seen = set()
seen_add = seen.add
return [x for x in seq if not (x in seen or seen_add(x))]
def combinePercentiles(files, timeframe='all', verbose=True):
combine files at different percentiles into one file with the spectra at different
percentiles for easy plotting and analysis
NOTE: Requires pandas for any timeframe other than 'all'
files : str
Filenames of the percentile files
Other Parameters
timeframe : str
Timeframe to average the input spectra over (either 'all' or a pandas understoop resample() time
verbose : boolean
Print out information while reading the files
out : :mod:`~spacepy.datamodel.SpaceData`
Combined output spectra of the file
if not files:
raise (ValueError("Must input files"))
data = { }
for fname in files:
if verbose: print("Reading: {0}".format(fname))
tmp = readFile(fname)
if 'percentile' not in tmp.attrs:
raise (ValueError("File {0} does not have a percentile key".format(fname)))
data[tmp.attrs['percentile']] = tmp
varnames = ['Flux', 'Fluence', 'Dose', None]
for varname in varnames:
if varname in data[list(data.keys())[0]]:
break # this leaves it where it was found
if varname is None:
raise (ValueError("Did not understand file type could not find one of {0}".format(varnames)))
# now that they are all read in, we collapse them down to different time bases
if timeframe == 'all':
# this is just a full collapse
# find the var to collapse
d_comp = np.asarray([])
ps = sorted(data.keys())[::-1]
for p in ps:
if data[p][varname].attrs['DEPEND_0'] == 'Epoch':
d_comp = np.concatenate((d_comp, data[p][varname].mean(axis=0))) # full time collapse
d_comp = np.concatenate((d_comp, data[p][varname])) # full time collapse
d_comp = d_comp.reshape(len(ps), -1).T
import pandas as pd
except ImportError:
raise (ImportError("panads is required for timeframe other than 'all'"))
raise (NotImplementedError("Timeframes other than 'all' not yet implemented"))
# make a dataframe
# resample to timeframe
# join everything
# meet up at same place for output
# now that we have all the data prep it to a spacedata
ans = dm.SpaceData()
ans[varname] = dm.dmarray(d_comp)
if timeframe == 'all':
ans[varname].attrs['DEPEND_0'] = 'Energy'
ans[varname].attrs['DEPEND_1'] = 'Percentile'
ans[varname].attrs['DISPLAY_TYPE'] = 'time_series'
for k in data[p][varname].attrs:
if 'DEPEND' in k:
ans[varname].attrs[k] = data[p][varname].attrs[k]
ans['Energy'] = data[p]['Energy']
ans['Percentile'] = dm.dmarray(ps)
ans['Percentile'].attrs['FIELDNAM'] = 'Percentile'
ans['Percentile'].attrs['LABLAXIS'] = 'Percentile'
ans['Percentile'].attrs['VALIDMIN'] = 0.0
ans['Percentile'].attrs['VALIDMAX'] = 100.0
ans['Percentile'].attrs['SCALETYP'] = 'support_data'
return ans
def _getData(fnames):
helper routine for dm.toCDF and dm.toHDF5 and dm.toJSONheadedASCII since the data
prep is all the same
if hasattr(fnames, 'strip'): # it is a string
return readFile(fnames)
return combinePercentiles(fnames)
def _grp2mathmode(matchobj):
"""Helper function to latex-ify the units for plotting"""
unitstr = matchobj.group()
unitstr = unitstr[0] + '{' + unitstr[1:]
return '$' + unitstr + '}$'